Page 1: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.


Fred Holahan and Chris Kellerco-founders, Edge2Web Inc.

January 2018

[email protected]

Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps –Without Coding

Page 2: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Before we get started …

▪ Slides will be available after the talk

▪ Recorded webinar will also be available

▪ Type your questions in Webex console –we’ll answer some questions in live webinar and all on Edge2Web website



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Page 3: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Webinar presenters

Edge2Web co-founders

▪ Three prior start-ups/exits: LexiBridge, GemLogic, Active Endpoints

▪ Deep DNA in data and application integration

▪ U.S. patent for flow-based app development tools (Keller)


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Fred HolahanCEO

Chris KellerVP Product Development

Page 4: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Goals of this webinar

▪ Briefly review what’s driving digital industrial transformation

▪ Discuss the need for visual app builder tools in the IIoT technology stack (i.e., integrated with Predix)

▪ Provide an overview of Predix “essentials”

▪ Make it real – view a demo of Edge2Web Director running on top of the Predix industrial cloud


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Page 5: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Industrial IoT Landscape

▪ Digital industrial transformation is now a strategic imperative

▪ Industrial clouds like GE Digital’s Predix provide

ꟷ Data modeling, acquisition and storage

ꟷ Real time and exploratory analytics











2015 2020 2025

Connected Industrial Devices(Billions of Units)

Source: IHS

▪ Users also need visual tools to

ꟷ Quickly deploy a wide range of monitoring dashboards

ꟷ Build custom apps that provide rich context and actionability

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Page 6: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Why industrial companies are going digital


Global provider of high performance printing and insertion equipment combines GE Digital’s Predix industrial cloud with advanced analytics to remotely monitor and troubleshoot problems –improving customer service and product performance.

Assets▪ Condition-based maintenance▪ Reduce downtime▪ Fleet management


▪ Optimize OEE▪ Improve production yields▪ Reduce energy consumption▪ Streamline plant operations▪ Streamline logistics and distribution

Services▪ Equipment manufacturers▪ Remote service centers▪ Mobile field service

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High Level IIoT Technology Footprint


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GE Digital’s Predix

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Operationalizing analytics (simple example)


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This is where the rubber meets the road:

1. Analytics reveal something important2. You need to take action3. The needed action can take many forms

▪ Human intervention (bring a system down for maintenance)▪ Systems notification (schedule high-priority service call)▪ Business notification (update product inventory forecast)

Page 9: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

IIoT Technology Stack


SaaS applicationsProvide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

AnalyticsOperates on digital models using advanced data science to expose key insights – patterns, trends, anomalies

Industrial cloudStores subset of OT data in digital models to support advanced analytics

IT data centerManages on-premise industrial applications (COTS) and data that support business operations (ERP, APM)

OT data centerManages all assets, systems, and production processes that drive core industrial operations

Visual app buildersProvide tools for building IIoT apps that operationalize analytic insights and drive targeted outcomes

Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Page 10: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Predix general observations

▪ Built on Pivotal’s Cloud Foundry framework – solid, extensible, portable (theoretically)

▪ Fast, flexible support for core IIoT services

▪ “Swiss army knife” platform – developers need to know what they’re doing to assemble and use Predix services

– Java centric for data processing and service integration

– HTML/Web stack centric for front-end apps


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Page 11: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Predix Service Essentials


UAA Security, authentication and authorization

Asset Digital model of physical sites, systems, assets

Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Timeseries High-throughput storage and retrieval of time-oriented data

Analytics Scheduling and orchestration framework forexecuting multi-step analytics pipelines

Page 12: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Predix Asset

▪ Implemented as JSON structured graph datastore

▪ Can model a wide variety of physical assets and relationships

▪ JSON/GEL (graph expression language) query semantics

▪ Timeseries data tags can be embedded in asset models

▪ Apps can walk URI paths to navigate complex relationships (e.g., asset hierarchies)


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

uri: /tags/rt-33-31-3,

name: reactorTemp,

description: Reactor Temperature,

tagType: sensor,

sourceKey: 20E701.Temp,

unit: DegC,

Page 13: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Predix Timeseries


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

▪ Aggregations (percent, avg, sum, count)

▪ Filter by attributes, quality, value

▪ Supports Limit and Order By operators

▪ Supports Last value operation

▪ Retrieval via Get and Post

▪ Supports data interpolation

▪ Implemented as columnar datastore on Apache Cassandra

▪ High performance data ingestion and query engine

▪ Supports a wide variety of filtering, aggregation, and manipulation operators

▪ Does not allow easy purge of unneededhistories (user must drop/re-add service, deleting entire history – ugh!)

Page 14: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Info you need to connect to a Predix service:

▪ Host name

▪ Scheme

▪ UAA Url

▪ Client ID

▪ Client Secret

▪ Predix Zone

Connecting to Predix


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Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Predix Asset Services (via defined connection)

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Edge2Web/Predix Demo In Pictures


Operational and analytic dashboards

Content-rich, data and process driven apps

Simulated SCADA back-end



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Edge2Web on GE Digital Predix DemoThe usual caveats apply:1. Demos often fall over – this one may too2. E2W software is under development and

may appear unpolished in some places (we’re working on that!)

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Page 18: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Call for POCs

▪ Use Edge2Web for your POCs

ꟷ Connect to live back-end (Predix) or upload static data (Excel)ꟷ Quickly show your users what’s possibleꟷ Bring E2W apps to production or use as wireframes

▪ Sign up for a free E2W account on our website

▪ We are happy to assist you in creating showcase applications –contact us to discuss your POC project goals and timelines


Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

Page 19: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)


▪ Predix is a leading industrial cloud platform

▪ Predix analytics are most valuable when operationalized, guiding users to take actions

▪ Building interactive web apps on Predix is hard and requires full-stack developer expertise

▪ Edge2Web Director dramatically lowers the bar for delivering a wide variety of Predix-based applications


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Page 20: Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps Without Coding · IIoT Technology Stack 9 SaaS applications Provide cloud alternative for COTS applications and related services (CRM, HR, collaboration)

Build Custom Predix POCs and Apps –Without Coding

Q&A Session

January 2018

Copyright 2018 Edge2Web, Inc.

[email protected]
