
PowerPoint Presentation

BUDDHISMDesmond BoyleJeffrey Chin

FounderSiddhartha Gautama (Gautama Buddha) was the founder of Buddhism and was born in present day Nepal. Siddhartha was born in a royal Hindu family and would have had several roles as a Prince in his community. He eventually moved to India to have a more meaningful role in peoples personal lives.

Historical Context of foundingAfter forty-nine days of meditation Gautama Buddha was awakened, otherwise known as reaching enlightenment. After reaching enlightenment, under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya India, he promised to spread the knowledge he just learned about how to end suffering.

SymbolsThe eight-spoked wheel symbolizes the Buddhas turning of the Wheel of Truth or Law. There are eight spokes to reference the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism, which is the path Buddhists believe can end suffering in their lives. This path involves becoming more wise, righteous, and thoughtful in life.

SymbolsThe Bodhi Tree symbolizes the reaching of enlightenment, because under this tree Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment for the first time. Reaching enlightenment is one of the greatest single achievements a Buddhist can reach.

symbolsThe throne refers to Siddhartha Gautamas royal ancestry. The throne also presents the idea that enlightenment is the pinnacle of the spirtual world. The lion is a symbol for power, integrity, and strength in the Buddhism religion.

Deity's nameBuddhists, for the most part, argue strongly against the principle of an all powerful deity. Siddhartha Gautama was the founder of Buddhism and is considered the leader of the Buddhists, but he was never considered to be omnipotent.

Location of originBuddhism was founded in the subcontinent of India. The specific region of the first teachings of Buddhism was in a village in Northern India called Sarnath.

Major locations todayBuddhism is popular in several nations all throughout southern Asia. Buddhism is most commonly practiced in India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, North and South Korea, China, and Japan.

Number of followersThere are around 376,000,000 Buddhist followers world-wide today. This is the most amount of followers Buddhism has ever had.

Why religion spreadThe religion started in India after Siddhartha Gautama reached enlightenment, but quickly was replaced in India by Hinduism. Gautama never stopped preaching the principles and many helped spread Buddhism. Chinese citizens who had endured a very strict and militant central government identified with the Buddhist message of self reliance and no central power.

Holy Book/Important TextsBuddhists simply did not write down their sacred principles like many other religions. Buddhists were taught the Noble Eightfold Path and the Noble Four Truths which were used to help reach enlightenment and end suffering.

Place of worshipBuddhists worship and meditate in a temple known as a Vihara. A Vihara is a huge square temple with roofs that slope down and outward from the building.

Roles of men and womenBuddhists did not discuss gender equality very much but based off of their other principles women were probably not treated poorly. The only way to reach Nirvana, which was the main goal of all Buddhists, was to be righteous in your actions, so there was no room to abuse women.

Holy SitesLumbiniWhere Siddhartha (Gautama Buddha) was bornLocated in present-day NepalBodhgayaWhere the Buddha achieved enlightenmentLocated in present-day Bihar, IndiaSarnathWhere the Buddha met his five disciples and delivered his first sermonLocated in present-day Uttar Pradesh, IndiaKushinagarWhere the Buddha died after 45 years of travels and sermonsLocated in present-day Uttar Pradesh, India

Holy Sites

HolidaysThe Buddhist New YearCelebrated at different times of year based oncountrys calendar or if country is primarily Theravadin or MahayanVesakCelebrates the birth, enlightenment , and deathof the BuddhaCelebrated in May (or in June on leap years)Magha Puja DayCelebrates a day of the Buddhas teachings when1,250 of his disciples gathered to pay respect to himUposathaCelebrated on days with new moons, full moons, and quarter moonsCelebrated only by Theravadin Buddhists

The Buddhist New Year

HolidaysAbhidhamma DayCelebrates the day when the Buddha went to Heaven to teach his mother, AbhidhammaLoy KrathongCelebrated in Thailand when rivers and canalsare full of waterPeople place flowers, candles, and incense inthe water to expel misfortuneThe Ploughing FestivalCelebrates the Buddhas first moment of enlightenmentAslha Puja DayCelebrated on the eighth month of the lunar calendarCelebrates the first day of the Buddhas teaching

HolidaysThe Festival of the ToothCelebrates the Buddhas sacred tooth,which is held in a casket in a temple inSri LankaUlambanaCelebrates ancestors and the deadAvalokitesvaras BirthdayCelebrates Avalokitesvaras birth, who was a symbol of compassionBodhi DayCelebrates the enlightenment of Siddhartha Gautama


Major Beliefs: Creation StoryMajor beliefs are influenced by HinduismEternal life cycle of reincarnationHowever, beginning of life does not concern the BuddhaThe Buddha says that the matter does not affect the fundamentals of religionThere still remains birth, old age, death, sorrow, lamentation, misery, grief, and despair.

MalunkyaputtaThe Buddha

Major Beliefs: End Times StoryDeath leads to rebirth into a new lifeAll events in life is a consequence of actionsdone in the past life (Karma)Cycle of Rebirth is escaped only byachieving NirvanaNirvana: unborn, unoriginated, uncreated,unformed achieved by ultimate purity oflife

Siddha-Shila where liberated souls reside(Hinduism, representative of Buddhist Nirvana)

Major Beliefs: Commands & LawsThe Four Noble TruthsAll life is marked by sufferingSuffering is caused by desireand attachmentSuffering can be stoppedThe way to end suffering is tofollow the Noble Eightfold Path

Major Beliefs: Commands & LawsThe Noble Eightfold PathRight knowledgeRight intentionRight speechRight actionRight livelihoodRight effortRight mindfulnessRight concentration

Major Beliefs: Purpose of LifeTo End SufferingFollow the Noble Eightfold PathThis Path leads to better Karmaand a life purityA pure and enlightened soul canultimately achieve Nirvana

Influence on art and architectureBuddhists had many symbols to represent their different beliefs. These symbols inspired a great deal of religious art that is still cherished to this day. The slanted roofs of the Viharas would become a common fixture in Asian building design.
