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How to use

A guide as simple as it can ever be.

Step by step guide book• Follow the following steps to use an interesting

software as easy as _______.

Step 1• Open Google chrome/ internet explorer/ Mozilla

Firefox or any search engine on installed on your system.

Step 2• Type on the url

Step 3• Click “start brainstorming” button

Step 4• Now click on “start here” button to start your


Step 5• In “start here” box type your topic

Step 6• To give details about your topic create “child

bubble” by clicking on

Step 7• Which then will pop out like this

Step 8• Click on the child bubble to write about your topic.

Step 9• Now to create more child bubbles first click the

first child bubble and then click “tab” button on the keyboard

Step 10• To remove any extra child bubble just move your

mouse onto that specific bubble a “box” will appear and press the red cross ( )

Step 11• To adjust the bubbles according to your choice just

hold the bubble with the mouse and drag it anywhere.

Step 12• To move the page freely and the whole flip chart

press the mouse button on the white part of the screen a “hand” will appear and you can it around.

Step 13• You can also adjust the size by clicking the or

on the zoom bar.

Thank you• Thank you for viewing and appreciating my work • Do leave your comments and enlighten me with

your thoughts.