
Bloomsburg UniversityOF PENNSYLVANIA

2014 Ca l e nda r

The ivy-covered walls of Carver Hall, original building of

the Bloomsburg Literary Institute, June 25, 1930.


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

TO KEEP BLOOMSBURG UNIVERSITY an institution of choice for the students who study here each year, we are constantly planning for the future, enhancing academics, upgrading facilities and studying projected employment needs. The observance of Bloomsburg’s 175th anniversary encourages us to pause, look back at our many accomplishments, both collectively and individually, and celebrate who we were, who we are and who we will be.

The world was a very different place when our predecessor, the Literary Acade-my, was established in 1839 “to teach the elements of a classical education.” Howev-er, that year in Lexington, Mass., an experimental normal school opened as the first state-funded institution specifically established for teacher education. Starting with just three students, the school in Massachusetts served as a forerunner of what our academy would become when it was purchased by the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-vania in 1916 and renamed the Bloomsburg State Normal School.

In the following calendar pages, Bloomsburg University’s rich history as normal school, state teachers college, state college and university is illustrated through archival photographs and notations on significant dates. This is who we were, who we are and the foundation of who we will become as we continue to meet students’ educational needs in the Colleges of Business, Education, Liberal Arts and Science and Technology.

I am proud of my place in Bloomsburg University’s history as the 18th president. I am even prouder of the successes of the nearly 85,000 alumni who graduated from our institution over the years and of the potential of our more than 10,000 current students. Thank you for celebrating Bloomsburg’s 175th anniversary with us. Sincerely,

DAVID SOLTZ President, Bloomsburg University


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A view of the campus with the Waller Hall dormitory in the background and the south

porch of Carver Hall to the left, early 1928. The steps in the center were a gift of the

Class of 1912, with eagles on the top pedestals and lions on the lower ones.

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1960 - Name change to Bloomsburg State College

1975 - Beginning of demolition work on Waller Hall

1894 - Opening of school’s first gymnasium

1938 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for new campus gymnasium

1993 - Rededication Ceremony for Kehr Union

1994 - Opening of Multicultural Center in Kehr Union

1962 - Approval to confer Master of Education Degree in Speech Correction

1906 - Contract awarded for construction of Science Hall

1930 - First wrestling match in school history

1969 - Announcement of Harvey A. Andruss retirement after 30 years as president

Carver Hall, 1936

President Harvey Andruss and Dean of Instruction John Hoch remove the letters spelling “teachers” from Bloomsburg State College, January 8, 1960

The Bloomsburg University Gospel Choir, formally

re-established in 1990 under the direction of Amy Freeman.

The choir remains a vital part of campus’ musical life.


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1963 - First official women’s basketball game in school history

1932 - Lecture by Lieutenant Commander and Arctic explorer Richard E. Byrd

1894 - First issue of B.S.N.S. Quarterly, later The Alumni Quarterly

1954 - Lighting of Bloomsburg Beacon on Carver Hall, dedicated to students killed in World War II

1930 - Approval for the Commercial Department

1931 - Establishment of Kappa Delta Pi, National Honor Education Fraternity, Gamma Beta chapter

1869 - Recognition of Bloomsburg Literary Institute as a state normal school

1995 - Opening of Student Recreation Center

1904 - Fire damage to employees’ dormitory, later named North Hall

February 4, 1904 - Dormitory fire February 19, 1954 - Lighting of Bloomsburg Beacon

The 1931 men’s junior varsity basketball team

The winners of the Bloomsburg State Normal School 1912 Women’s Interclass

Basketball Championship. The trophy in front was presented to the winning

team each year from 1911 to 1923.


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1981 - First PSAC Tournament Championship for men’s basketball team

1923 - Publication of first campus newspaper, Hill Top News and Views

1992 - First PSAC Tournament Championship for women’s basketball team

1976 - Approval given for Master of Business Administration

1947 - Installation of Foucault Pendulum in Science Hall stairwell

1961 - Final High School Basketball Tournament

1968 - Future President Gerald R. Ford speaker at mock Republican Convention

1999 - Opening of QUEST climbing wall on upper campus

1907 - Opening for Science Hall, now Old Science

1872 - Appointment of Rev. John Hewitt as principal

1866 - Henry Carver meets with town citizens on opening a school in Bloomsburg

1988 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Montgomery Place Apartments

1988 - Announcement of Magee Mansion donation

1983 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for McCormick Human Services Center

2000 - Campus meeting to remember victims of TKE fraternity house fire

1987 - Third consecutive national title for wrestler Ricky Bonomo

1947 - Students watch the pendulum swinging in the Science Hall stairwell

1985 - Ricky Bonomo being congratulated by his brother Rocky after winning his first wrestling title

The construction of the tower on Carver Hall, initially

referred to as Institute Hall, summer 1900. The tower

replaced the original 1867 cupola, had a flag pole on

top of the dome and a clock which was installed in

December 1900.

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1867 - Beginning of two-day Dedication Ceremony for Institute (Carver) Hall

1876 - Dedication of new dormitory building, Waller Hall

1866 - Bloomsburg Literary Institute reopened by Henry Carver

1965 - First formal student protest in school history in Centennial Gym

1890 - Appointment of Judson P. Welsh as principal

1927 - Appointment of Dr. Francis B. Haas as principal

1908 - Land purchased along Spruce Street, future site of Ben Franklin Hall

1970 - Dedication Ceremony for Scranton Commons

1976 - Approval given for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing

2012 - Rededication Ceremony for Sutliff Hall

1995 - Site Dedication for new Harvey A. Andruss Library

1950 - Accreditation by Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools

2012 - Field at Redman Stadium named in honor of football coach Danny Hale

1990 - Rededication Ceremony for Science Hall

1995 - Inauguration Ceremony for President Jessica S. Kozloff

2006 - Rededication Ceremony for Navy Hall

1957 - Opening of College Commons, now University Store

1978 - Final day of first Spring Jamboree, later Renaissance Jamboree

2003 - Rededication Ceremony for World War I War Hero Memorial Pinery

1969 - Dedication Ceremony for Hartline Science Center and Elwell Hall

1983 - Publication of first issue of Carver magazine

1970 - Inauguration Ceremony for President Robert J. Nossen

1969 - Student protest against an increase in the cost of tuition

April 15, 1970 - Scranton Commons dedication, with, left to right, William Lank, Robert Nossen and William Scranton

Henry Carver, 1870

The May Queen and her attendants at the May Day ceremony,

May 31, 1917. For this ceremony the queen took on the persona

of the priestess Diana while chariot races were held on the tennis

courts below her, located on the current site of Kehr Union.

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2001 - Dedication Ceremony for remodeled Student Services Center and Scranton Commons

1959 - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for Sutliff Hall and New North Hall (Northumberland)

2005 - Dedication of Bloomsburg Regional Technology Center in former Tustin Mansion

1969 - First graduation ceremony at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds

1957 - First graduation ceremony in Centennial Gymnasium1963 - First appearance of the College Mace at a graduation ceremony1963 - Arthur Hontz awarded first master’s degree

1942 - David M. Young first African-American male graduate

2010 - Final victory for Jan Hutchinson as a head coach at Bloomsburg University — her 1,807th

1919 - Dedication Ceremony for War Hero Memorial Pinery

1981 - Start of Elderhostel program

1971 - Approval to confer first Master of Science Degree in Biology

1970 - Bloomsburg Foundation established

1964 - Final Ivy Day Ceremony held1948 - First Distinguished Service awards presented by Alumni Association

1962 - Approval of Bachelor of Arts degree programs

1973 - First graduation ceremony in Nelson Field House

1942 - Dedication Ceremony for Centennial Gymnasium

1916 - Bloomsburg State Normal School purchased by Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

1927 - Name change to Bloomsburg State Teachers College

2001 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for Curtis R. English Great Room in Fenstemaker Alumni House

1963 - Final May Day Ceremony on campus

1890 - First official baseball game in school history

1973 - Dedication Ceremony for Waller Administration Building, Kehr College Union and Nelson Field House

1982 - Induction of first Athletic Hall of Fame class

1962 - Start of First Spring Arts Festival

1910 - First May Day Ceremony on campus

May 5, 1971 - Students at a May Day protest rally

May 30, 1919 - War Hero Memorial Pinery Dedication Ceremony

Faculty members and students marching up Second Street to the commencement ceremony

in Centennial Gymnasium, May 1961. Spring graduation ceremonies were held in Carver Hall

auditorium from the first in 1870 until 1956. Increasing class sizes then moved the ceremony

to Centennial in 1957, Haas Auditorium in 1968 and the following year the grandstand at the

Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. All commencements were held there until 2005, with the exception

of 1973 in Nelson Fieldhouse. The ceremony came back to campus in 2006 at Redman Stadium

and finally in 2008 to its new home, the Academic Quad.

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1874 - Establishment of Calliepian Literary Society

1926 - Authorization conferred to award Bachelor of Science degrees in Elementary and Junior High Education

1920 - Dedication Ceremony for Tiffany stained glass windows in Waller Hall

2000 - Trustees name softball field after Jan Hutchinson

1927 - Arthur C. Jenkins awarded first B.S. degree in education

1866 - Trustees purchase three acres of land, future site of Institute (Carver) Hall

1871 - Organization of Bloomsburg State Normal School Alumni Association

1915 - Helen M. Parks first African-American female graduate

1919 - First summer school session begins

1929 - Establishment of Alumni Room in Waller Hall

1868 - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for first dormitory

1906 - First Ivy Day ceremony is held 1923 - Appointment of G.C.L. Reimer as principal

1941 - Death at age 95 of Dr. David J. Waller Jr., 1867 graduate and longtime principal

1900 - Trustees approve adding a tower to Institute (Carver) Hall

1870 - First graduation ceremony of Bloomsburg State Normal School

1873 - Appointment of T.L. Griswold as principal

1986 - Naming Ceremony for Boyd F. Buckingham Campus Maintenance Center

1918 - The Class of 1921 on the steps in front of Waller Hall

1957 - The Waller Hall Long Porch along Second Street

Alumni Day, 1928

Members of the Class of 1887 around a fountain located

to the south of Institute Hall. The fountain was in-

stalled in 1882, a gift of that year’s class, and remained

until the mid-1920s.

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1983 - Name change to Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

1920 - Appointment of Dr. Charles E. Fisher as principal

1877 - Appointment of Dr. David J. Waller Jr. for his first term as principal

1993 - Appointment of Dr. Curtis R. English as president

1903 - Trustees approve purchase of Buckalew Place for $6,000

1927 - Carver Hall tower damaged when flag pole hit by lightning

1889 - Trustees purchase two plots of land, future site of Elwell Hall

1985 - Appointment of Dr. Harry Ausprich as president

1927 - Institute Hall renamed Carver Hall in honor of Henry Carver

1899 - Trustees approve installation of fire alarm box on campus

1943 - First Navy V-12 cadets arrive on campus

July 1, 1943 - Navy V-12 cadets march to campus across the East Bloomsburg Bridge

1931 - The President’s residence, Buckalew Place

An aerial view of the upper campus looking to the south, October

25, 1972. In the foreground can be seen the old club house for

the golf course of the Bloomsburg Country Club, located on the

current site of Danny Hale Field.


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1916 - Name change to Bloomsburg State Normal School

1963 - First summer graduation ceremony

1985 - Honorary doctorate awarded to Edward M. Barton, Class of 1907

1993 - Street on campus named for Bloomsburg alumnus Chuck Daly

2004 - Debut of new husky mascot Roongo

2005 - Dedication Ceremony for new West Wing of Hartline Science Center

1985 - Announcement of Fred G. Smith Golden Rule Trust Fund Scholarships

1906 - Dr. David Waller Jr. accepts Trustee offer to return to Bloomsburg as principal

2004 - Opening of new Monty’s on upper campus

1973 - Swearing-in of Dr. James H. McCormick as president

1898 - Trustees approve construction of boiler house on Penn Street

1968 - Approval to confer Master of Education degree in Reading

1967 - Approval to confer Bachelor of Science. degree in Business

1909 - Price of meal tickets for faculty established at 15 cents

1965 - Graduates outside Centennial Gymnasium after commencement

1979 - The original husky mascot costume

Lawn behind Sutliff Hall, 1960s

Bloomsburg State College freshmen registering for classes,

1962. Part of freshmen customs was to wear a “dink” and a

sign with name and hometown. By 1970 the customs were

no longer a part of college life.

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1986 - Start of University Scholars Program

1994 - University website,, online for first time

2011 - Campus closed for 10 days due to historic flooding in Bloomsburg

1998 - Dedication Ceremony for new Harvey A. Andruss Library

1985 - Ceremonial opening of pedestrian walkway over Lightstreet Road

2010 - Official fall enrollment figure at 10,000 for first time

1994 - First booth at Bloomsburg Fair Education Building

1962 - First upper campus land acquired when state purchased former Bloomsburg Country Club

1974 - Dedication Ceremony for Robert B. Redman Stadium

2013 - Construction begins on BU Foundation building in downtown Bloomsburg

1927 - Publication of first issue of the pilot student handbook

1983 - Bloomsburg University Dedication Convocation

1875 - Original campus dormitory burns down

1995 - Publication of first issue of Bloomsburg: The University Magazine

2001 - Dedication Ceremony for Centennial Hall

Institute Hall, 1880

1966 - A Bloomsburg State College student, at right, getting help moving into his Waller Hall dorm room.

The Husky on a Homecoming float, October 12, 1963. The

traditional Homecoming Parade has been held the day of

the game since 1961.

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1989 - Dedication Ceremony for the Percival R. Roberts Memorial Sculpture Garden

1993 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for Student Recreation Center

1967 - Dedication Ceremony held for first Harvey A. Andruss Library and Haas Center

1963 - Installation of Xi Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity

1984 - Dedication Ceremony for husky statue on Carver Hall lawn

1995 - Lt. Gov Mark Schweiker ’75 announces release of state funds for construction of new library

1875 - Cornerstone Laying Ceremony for new dormitory building (Waller Hall)

2008 - Inauguration ceremony for President David L. Soltz

1945 - Formal closing of Navy V-12 Program

1976 - Dedication Ceremony for Lycoming Hall

1989 - Dedication Ceremony for campus Veterans Memorial

1984 - Dedication Ceremony for McCormick Human Services Center

1969 - Vietnam Teach-In on campus 2009 - Dedication Ceremony for Jessica S. Kozloff Apartments

1964 - Dedication Ceremony for East and West Hall dormitories (Montour and Schuylkill)

1967 - H. Keffer Hartline ’20 named Nobel Prize co-winner in physiology and medicine

1871 - Resignation of Henry Carver as principal

1979 - Costumed husky mascot makes first appearance

2007 - Dedication Ceremony for Academic Quadrangle

1996 - Dedication Ceremony for Five Friends Memorial Plaza

1931 - First appearance of Maroon & Gold Marching Band at a football game

1993 - Dedication Ceremony for Kenneth S. Gross Auditorium in Carver Hall

1989 - Dedication Ceremony for Montgomery Place Apartments

1892 - First football game in school history

1962 - First official women’s field hockey game in school history

1933 - Designation of the husky as college mascot

1905 - Trustees approve construction of Science Hall

1985 - Students around the Husky statue, designed by artist Richard Bonham

Football versus West Chester,


Children from the Ben Franklin Training School, May 11, 1938. The elementary school

on campus began in 1869 and closed in 1967. It was located in Ben Franklin from 1930

and the playground seen here, one of several over the years, was located on the current

site of Northumberland Hall.


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1980 - Dedication of “Two Elongated Forms” sculpture outside of Kehr Union

1999 - Danny Hale sets school record with 51st victory as head football coach

1985 - Dedication Ceremony for Marco and Louise Mitrani Hall

1928 - First Homecoming Day on campus

1985 - Football team to national playoffs for first time

1875 - Trustees pay for construction of Hemlock Hall (present site of Schuylkill Hall)

1981 - First national championship by women’s field hockey team

2010 - Rededication Ceremony for Hartline Science Center

1895 - Establishment of student government

1942 - Establishment of Navy V-5 Flight Instruction School

1964 - Groundbreaking Ceremony for first library building on campus

1930 - Dedication Ceremony for training school building (Ben Franklin)

1973 - Campus designated Bloomsburg voting district number 2, third ward

1981 - The “Two Elongated Forms” sculpture outside of Kehr Union

1938 - Training School children in the Waller Hall library

1981 - The national champion women’s field hockey team on a Bloomsburg fire truck

The dining room in Waller Hall decorated for

the holidays, December 1946. The dining room

opened with the building in 1876, was remodeled

in the 1920s and used until the College Commons

opened in 1957. The space later held first the

library and then the campus bookstore.

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2000 - Football team completed 29-point fourth quarter rally to defeat UC-Davis, advancing to national title game

1900 - Seth Thomas clock run for first time in Institute (Carver) Hall tower

1983 - First University Medallion awarded to Marco and Louise Mitrani

2004 - Association to Advance Collegiate Scholars of Business accreditation awarded to College of Business

1871 - Appointment of Charles G. Barkley as principal, following Henry Carver1983 - First Honorary Doctorate degree

awarded to Howard Fenstemaker, Class of 1912

1995 - First Poinsettia Pops Concert 1980 - Establishment of John J. Serff Sr. Memorial Scholarship

1997 - Irvin Sigler wins Harlon Hill Award as best football player in Division II

1984 - Accreditation of nursing program by National League for Nursing

1894 - First official basketball game in school history

1996 - Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu at commencement in Nelson Fieldhouse

Carver Hall Lit for the holidays, 1930

A member of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

Noted professional photographer Axel Brahnsen took this photo

of Theta Gamma sorority that was the photo contest winner in

the Obiter yearbook in 1969. The sorority became Sigma Sigma

Sigma in 1971 and in October 2013 sorority alumnae gathered to

recreate the striking photograph (inset).
