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BSI Workshop: Reading/English/Math PERCENTAGES IN OTHER DISCIPLINES "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!" Slide 2 BSI Workshop: Mathematics PROBLEM SOLVING INVOLVING PERCENTAGES Slide 3 BSI Workshop: Mathematics WHO ARE THE 99%, 37%, 12%, 0.2%? Slide 4 THE STUDY OF PERCENT STARTS WITH FRACTIONS. BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 5 Divide region A into two identical sections. Slide 6 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Did you make the following division? Slide 7 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Divide region B into three identical sections. Slide 8 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Did you make the following division? Slide 9 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Divide region C into four identical sections. Slide 10 BSI Workshop: Mathematics That wasnt so bad. Slide 11 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Divide region D into seven identical sections. Slide 12 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Was your brain on overdrive? Slide 13 BSI Workshop: Mathematics PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT, BUT SHARE COMMON FEARS. Slide 14 BSI Workshop: Mathematics FOR ME, IT IS SCARY NURSES. Slide 15 FOR MANY STUDENTS, IT IS MATH and more often than not, we just see the RESULTS. BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 16 SYRINGES COME IN DIFFERENT SIZES. LETS ADDRESS BOTH FEARS. Slide 17 BSI Workshop: Mathematics THE BASIC IDEA BEHIND FINDING A FRACTIONAL PART OF A QUANTITY IS : Find of 80. 1) FIRST FIND OF THE QUANTITY. 2) THEN MULTIPLY BY 3. Slide 18 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Find 5/4 of 80. THE CONCEPT REMAINS UNCHANGED EVEN IF THE FRACTION IS IMPROPER : Slide 19 BSI Workshop: Mathematics WHAT IS 92% OF 50? HOW MUCH SALINE SOLUTION IS IN THE SYRINGE? AS DETERMINED BY THE TECHNO-SAVY STUDENT. Percent x Whole = Portion; so 0.92 x 50 = Portion (saline solution) and 0.92 x 50 = 46 ml of saline solution. A SYRINGE CONTAINS 50 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 92% IS SALINE. Slide 20 BSI Workshop: Mathematics MATHEMATICAL SYRINGES IN MATH, ALL SYRINGES ARE PROPORTIONAL. Slide 21 HOW MUCH SALINE SOLUTION IS IN THE SYRINGE? AS DETERMINED BY MATHEMATICAL UNIFORMITY. BSI Workshop: Mathematics The two are proportional. If the unknown, N, represents the amount of saline solution, then 46 ml of saline solution A SYRINGE CONTAINS 50 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 92% IS SALINE. WHAT IS 92% OF 50? Slide 22 SADLY, CHARLIE BROWN UNDERSTANDS PROPORTIONS. BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 23 WHAT IS 92% OF 50? ALL THINGS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. Slide 24 BSI Workshop: Mathematics HOW MUCH SALINE SOLUTION IS IN THE SYRINGE? AS DETERMINED BY THE LOGICAL VISUALISTS. The left side is divided in 100 sections; so divide the right side into 100 sections or 0.50 each, consider 92 sections, totaling 0.50 x 92 equals 46 ml of saline solution. A SYRINGE CONTAINS 50 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 92% IS SALINE. WHAT IS 92% OF 50? Slide 25 BSI Workshop: Mathematics WHAT PERCENT OF THE SYRINGE IS THE SALINE SOLUTION? AS DETERMINED BY THE TECHNO-SAVY STUDENT. Percent x Whole = Portion; so Percent = Portion Whole Percent = 48 60 = 0.80 = 80%. 48 IS WHAT % OF 60? A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 48 ML IS SALINE. Slide 26 48 IS WHAT % OF 60? WHAT % OF THE SYRINGE IS SALINE SOLUTION? BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS DETERMINED BY MATHEMATICAL UNIFORMITY. If N represents the percentage of saline solution, then 80% saline solution A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 48 ML IS SALINE. Slide 27 BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS DETERMINED BY THE LOGICAL VISUALISTS. The right side is divided in 60 sections; so divide the left side into 60 sections of 5/3 each, consider 48 sections, totaling 48 x 5/3 or 80% saline solution. 48 IS WHAT % OF 60? A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF MEDICATION OF WHICH 48 ML IS SALINE. WHAT % OF THE SYRINGE IS SALINE SOLUTION? Slide 28 BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS DETERMINED BY THE TECHNO-SAVY STUDENT. Percent x Whole = Portion; so 0.96 x Whole = 60, and Whole Amount = 60 0.96 = 62.5 ml of medication. A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF SALINE SOLUTION WHICH REPRESENTS 96% OF THE MEDICATION. HOW MUCH TOTAL MEDICATION WAS CONTAINED IN THE SYRINGE? 96% OF WHAT QUANTITY IS 60? Slide 29 BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS DETERMINED BY MATHEMATICAL UNIFORMITY. If N represents the amount of total medication in the syringe, then 62.5 ml of solution. A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF SALINE SOLUTION WHICH REPRESENTS 96% OF THE MEDICATION. HOW MUCH TOTAL MEDICATION WAS CONTAINED IN THE SYRINGE? Slide 30 BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS DETERMINED BY THE LOGICAL VISUALISTS. The left side is divided in 96 sections; so divide the right side into 96 sections of 60/96 = 5/8 each. Now consider 100 such sections 100 x 5/8 or 62.5 ml of medication A SYRINGE CONTAINS 60 ML OF SALINE SOLUTION WHICH REPRESENTS 96% OF THE MEDICATION. 96% OF WHAT QUANTITY IS 60? Slide 31 TECHNO-SAVY STUDENTS ARE SUCCESSFUL IF THEY HAVE NUMBER SENSE. BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 32 NUMBER SENSE IS ALSO A COMMON TRAIT OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO VALUE MATHEMATICAL UNIFORMITY. Slide 33 LOGICAL VISUALISTS HAVE NUMBER SENSE BUT LIVE IN A WORLD FOCUSED ON AUDITORY SEQUENTIAL LEARNERS. BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 34 PERCENTAGES ARE A MATTER OF SCALING AND NOT COMPARING. BSI Workshop: Mathematics A QUANTITY IS 100% OF ITSELF. STILL, WE HAVE TO RECOGNIZE DIFFERENT LEARNING STYLES. Slide 35 ADDRESSING BASIC SKILLS AND DEMANDING ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL THINKING WHILE PROVIDING SUPPORT IS NEEDED. BSI Workshop: Mathematics there is no shortcut for hard work. Entrepreneurs are resourceful, but Slide 36 MATHEMATICAL TIME CHECK ANY REQUESTS? BSI Workshop: Mathematics Slide 37 PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING A BASIC PERCENT PROBLEM BSI Workshop: Mathematics There are 20 workers in the library. 55% of them were males. How many fewer females than males worked in the library? #1 Slide 38 BSI Workshop: Mathematics AS STATED, THE CHOICE OF SHERLOCK HOLMES WAS NOT A COINCIDENCE. WHAT WAS HIS 7% SOLUTION? IT IS NOT MY PLACE TO SPOIL A GOOD READ. MATHEMATICAL REASONING APPLIED TO READING/ENGLISH Slide 39 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Fifteen floral displays were to be created of which 12% of the flowers were red roses. Additional displays were requested. The designer wants to reduce the percentage of roses to only 7% by adding other types of flowers and redistribute the roses. How many additional flowers much be added to reduce the percentage of roses? #2 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN RETAIL FLORISTRY Slide 40 BSI Workshop: Mathematics How much of a 6% solution of an alcohol and water mixture must be added to 20 ml of a 10% alcohol mixture to reduce the percentage of alcohol to 7%? #3 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN CHEMISTRY Slide 41 BSI Workshop: Mathematics PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING IN ART ITS BEEN CALLED THE GOLDEN RATIO OR DIVINE PROPORTION Slide 42 BSI Workshop: Mathematics PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING IN ART IT IS APPROXIMATED BY RECTANGLES WHOSE SIDES ARE FIBONACCI NUMBERS. WHAT WOULD BE AN APPROXIMATE OF THE DIVINE PROPORTION OR GOLDEN RATIO AS A PERCENTAGE? #4 Slide 43 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN BIOLOGY BSI Workshop: Mathematics Mary determined that the population of monarch butterflies at a particular site was 12,000. She estimated that next year there would be a 6% increase. What would be the estimated population of monarch butterflies next year? #5 Slide 44 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS BSI Workshop: Mathematics With a 12% increase in velocity, it is now 68 miles per hour. What was the initial velocity? #6 Slide 45 BSI Workshop: Mathematics A rectangular container, 15 cm long and 10 cm wide, contains water to a depth of 4 cm. When a stone of volume 300 cm 3 is put in, the water level rises. What was the percent increase in height? (First find the height of the new water level by assuming that the stone is completely under water.) #7 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN SCIENCE, ENGINEERING, AND MATH Slide 46 BSI Workshop: Mathematics A shopkeeper had 4 handbags which were of the same cost price. He sold 3 of them at 40% more than the cost price. He sold the fourth handbag at cost price. He received a total of $260 altogether. Find the cost price of each handbag. #8 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN BUSINESS Slide 47 BSI Workshop: Mathematics Sally is given $5 more allowance than Megan each week. They each spend $12 per week and save the rest. When Sally has saved $60, Megan saved $20. What percent of Sallys allowance did she spend each week? First find out Sallys allowance. #9 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN ECONOMICS Slide 48 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #10 Ali had $130 and his brother had $45. When their mother gave each of them an equal amount of money, Ali had twice as much as his brother. What percent of Alis total was her moms contribution? (First find out the amount of contribution made by her mother.) BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE Slide 49 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #11 Read and underline each key word. Draw the illustration of the relationship of the given information, then set out a plan to solve the problem. BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Fred could not divide the amount of money in his pocket equally among his 4 kids. His wife gave him an additional $3 after which each of his 4 kids received $8. What percent was his wife contribution? Slide 50 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #12 To plan for next months expenses, a restaurateur estimated that he would need a 5% increase from this month cost. Foods cost this month was $12,800 while the beverage costs was 30% of the food costs. What is the estimated cost for both food and beverage next month? BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN HOSPITALITY MANAGAGEMENT Slide 51 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #13 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN CHILD DEVELOPMENT According to NIMI, what was the percentage of children affected by autism in 2006? Slide 52 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #14 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN ACCOUNTING The Excel spreadsheet did not balance!!! Well, it did, but I am not balanced; that is, it did not match my total of $306.74. What was my percent error? Expense A $ 43.20 Expense B $ 25.72 Expense C $ 142.13 Expense D $ 215.50 Expense E $ 11.65 Total $ 438.20 Slide 53 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #15 BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE Add up the percentages on the right side of the can. If the total is NOT 100%, explain why ? Slide 54 BSI Workshop: Mathematics #16 I walked up a mountain to ask my guru, Whats the meaning of life? I had to trek 4 days in snow and rain, dealing with shivering nights and poor terrain. When I got to the top, he was there with the answer. To get the answer, please solve this problem. BASIC PROBLEM SOLVING W/MATHEMATICAL REASONING PERCENT PROBLEMS IN PHILOSOPHY I started up the mountain at an elevation of 65 feet and reach my teacher sitting at 10, 432 feet above sea level. If on my last day before reaching the top, I climbed 1244 feet, approximately what percent of the elevation was done on the last day? Slide 55 MATHEMATICAL REASONING CONTINUES BUT, BYE FOR NOW, Presented by Karl Ting, Department of Mathematics March 15, 2013 Slide 56 Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce Peter Cushing and Nigel Stock Jeremy Brett and Edward Hardwicke Christopher Lee and Patrick MacNee Christopher Plummer and James Mason Nicol Williamson and Robert Duvall Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come! Who are we? Slide 57 We first see the famous phrase in the Canon in "The Adventure of the Abbey Grange" when Holmes tells Watson: "Come, Watson, come! The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!" The word "game" has two meanings. One is "quarry" or "spoils," and it would be the main meaning in Shakespeare's and Holmes' words. However, the other meaning of "game" is, "a diversion, pastime, or amusement; or a form of mental or physical competitive play, governed by specific rules and testing the skill, endurance, or luck of the participants."