  • BRUNO MIRANDA A r c h i t e c t p o r t f o l i o

  • B R U N O M I R A N D A

    The following document attemps to summarize my architecture, interior design and photography works.





    Autodesk Applications:Autocad 2014, Revit 2014

    Adobe Applications:Photoshop, I l lustrator, Indesign,Premier, After Effects

    Other Applications: Archicad, Sketchup, Web Acappela

  • Manager WaterProofing


  • In order to get to the infinite and making sure that the place we inhabit must be the reflection of the way of living as a personal , cultural, social , historical and existential brand , became essential to create a space mobile brings the human being the possibility of motion , exerting a conveyance of his whole identity. In this context, this condition is brand architecture , so that each individual can adapt the space to their needs and explore different ways of living .The personalization of space as a reapplication of the function / identity of the place , giving the feeling of an inopportune time , drawing up a panel as a primary element , which allows a multiplicity of solutions through its approach , where each can adjust to their needs . Its characteristics such as mobility , sustainability , use of low-polluting materials and renewable energy.

    The visual concept was elected to Wine as a modular structure. This election was made based on the diversity of applications to be imposed , as well as the ability to change the order of forms and structures .Known concept , I start work on the project concrete. Works with four blocks of four or more units . Each block of 150sqm is made based on the particular social area for this: wall entry , kitchen w / pantry, living room, toilet , two bedrooms .

    The side elevations of the building are composed of blind windows , ie , not all windows have transparent visibility to the outside . The flap that functions as a cover and frame is covered with photovoltaic panels at the same time lets in light to the interior . The shipping will be done by truck .The material used for the exterior the interior is acrylic , steel plate , metal frame and plasterboard .


    Corte C-C`

  • Functionality was the most relevant concept be-cause the building has the intention to serve the public. The historical surroundings of where this equipment is born has strong reference points as the church of the &OHULFVWKH5HFWRU\/LRQV6TXDUH6W6WDWLRQ%HQHGLFWAvenue of the Allies .... This equipment has the versatility , theater room FRQIHUHQFH URRP DQG SURMHFWLRQ OP URRP WKHauditorium was studied to being broken up and work si-multaneously.The body of the theater develops in two organic volumes that were born two meeting points in the highest part of WKHSORWDQGRZLQJDWWKHERWWRPWKXVRZLQJIRUPVThroughout the theater part of a main foyer which has two entrances and the main public faces for the Clergy . The foyer is characterized by a wide space of FRPPXQLRQZLWKKLJKFHLOLQJVER[RIFHFORDNURRP, lounge, toilets, catering area , lobbies and entrance to this audience with 907 people being obese and 15 to 10 zone Disabled and further provided with a mini foyer that connects to the balcony , the public still has access to an auditorium with 288 seats . This equipment has 312 public parking spaces for disabled and 8 and 11 private.)RUVHPLSULYDWHRIFHVKDYHZDLWLQJURRPVDQGFDVWLQJmeetings . The private access is characterized by runners around the auditorium , these are for actors , cooks , cle-aning staff , laundry , technical water / light / sound ma-nagers and the like.I had great care to provide good visibility and hearing to the public.



    A r m a z en s d o C a stel o

  • Planning an area of 6 hectares located in Vila Nova de Gaia and located southeast of the center of it. The desired ideology is to create a dynamic in essence space. The predominant type is T2 , this attitude will meet in the city , because individuals are young and this city and a town called dormitory town . The trade is always associated with plazas and walkways . The three hierarchically distributed and con-nected squares are polarizing local centers thus crea-ting distinct seating , walk, talk. The main square was designed with a kiosk / caf, a reading area . The squa-res are connected by three strong runners that spread over the entire land . Throughout the land there is a distributor which is a pedestrian path predominant pathway . The connection that come from the city park has a public , simple and mapping all terrain cha-racter. Later we have an important dation which is connecting the squares with the future of the school and parish south side , where I intend to elucidate the discovery. The entire exterior arrangement consists of green and not as more usual square of concrete plazas because appeal to nature, and aspects such as improving the environment . The square is still animated by a glass of water as well as the access ramps to win the obstacles of the morphology of the local system . Tried thus achieve two main objectives : functional , primarily with the aim to effectively serve users by providing comfort (trade , green areas ) , and the aesthetic , a visually pleasing space , looking for the qualification of green and water as recovery of the square and dwellings.


  • Piso 00.00 m

    Piso 13.15 m

    Piso 26.35 m

    Piso 39.55 m

    Piso 3.511.33 m

    Piso -1-2.15 m

    Piso 0.51.75 m

    Piso 1.54.95 m

    Piso 2.58.15 m

    Piso 412.73 m

    Piso -0.75-0.75 m



