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Merry Christmas 2009

From The Brown’s 2009 has been a very busy year for all of us. We’re thankful for our health, great kids, our friends and family. We’re going to start with a new annual tradition, instead of sending out Christmas cards (which, we didn’t get done last year…sorry) we are going to send out an annual year in review email with photos and updates on the kids, us and our doggies. :O) I know many of you follow our lives via FaceBook, but for those of you who don’t…hopefully you’ll enjoy a quick, couple page long update on each of the kids and Marc and I.

Mackenzie turned 13 this year. YIKES!!!! Yes…Marc and I feel old :O( We surprised her with a weekend in San Francisco with her best friends to celebrate her becoming a teenager. She continues to excel academically….she maintains a 4.0 average, is captain of her cheer team, editor of the yearbook, on student council, and holds many tutoring sessions for her peers who need academic assistance. She dreams of going to ASU but still isn’t sure what she wants to do when she grows up (I know, she has plenty of time). Her cheer team holds all first places finishes this year and we hope to take a first at Nationals in Disneyland in February. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

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Alex moved into his first apartment this year. He saved for the deposit, he and Jessica bought all new furniture, and were ready to move in…AND THEN asked his dad and I for permission :O) For those family and friends closest to us, you all know the stress Alex put us through when he was a teenager. There are no words to describe what an amazing young man he’s grown up to be. He manages two restaurants and works hard and is very dedicated to his work. (And Marc asked me to insert that he’s also very dedicated to his gaming) :O) He and Jessica (his high school girlfriend) decided to give it another try this year and we’re happy to report that they both are doing fantastic. We’ve enjoyed getting to know Jessica and think the world of her. We are looking forward to both of them coming out to California for Christmas.

Ashley continues to get more and more beautiful every year. She and Chad have lived together for a little over a year now. Both are doing GREAT!

Her doggie Daisy is probably the greatest love of her life. She’s a very well trained dog and often sneaks into Ashley’s car for rides when Ashley doesn’t know she’s there. :O)

She had a quote she wrote that was put on my brothers quilt that was donated to Tompkins County Suicide Prevention, words we hope everyone tries to live by:

Life is very precious, one day will be your last so live everyday with no regrets, smile, laugh, and love with all of your heart and appreciate every breath you take.

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Marc continues to be super busy with work. I’m certain he’d say that hasn’t been the highlight of his year this year….but hey….it pays the bills. :O) He travels frequently to Arizona to ride with Brandon and the rest of his biking crew….and he misses that about Arizona a great deal. He did purchase a few new toys this year…..two jet ski’s. We spent our entire summer at Camanche Lake with our new friends the Holman’s, Anderson’s and the Wellman’s. We’ve enjoyed getting to know them and are very happy to be part of their circle of friends. Great people! We take the camper out, ski’s out and spend the weekend at the lake…it’s been great fun this past summer.

I’ve been working equally hard at my job. It consumes a great deal of my time but I really enjoy the people I work with and maybe, just maybe some of my clients. I continue to help coach Fallon Cheer and am ever so thankful for the friendships I’ve created. Kristine, Colleen, Kim, Marcello, DJ and Paula…..just to name a few…..there are so many parents who are such fantastic people……I love you all a great deal. Marc and I spend a lot of our home time playing with Charlie and Pepper. Pepper is a very bad girl….but we love her just the same…and Charlie has had a few severe strokes but continues to act like he’s 2 years old when his mind and body allow. :O) I spend most of my free time being a taxi for Mackenzie’s many many activities, events, and friend get-togethers but I wouldn’t change it for the world. :O) I’m happy with my life and couldn’t be more grateful for Marc and my children

From our family to yours……we wish you happiness in 2010.. Live everyday with no regrets, smile, laugh, and love with all of your heart. With love and warmest holiday wishes…, Marc, Christina, Ashley, Alex, Mackenzie, Charlie and very, very bad Pepper! O)