Download pdf - Brochure Fluxus Rafinery

  • Sump measurement (long/short resid)


    Overflash measurement______

    Heavy gasoil (HGO)______

    Heavy vacuum gasoil (HVGO)______

    Cracker feeders (thermal, catalytic, hydro)


    Heat transfer oil______

    A Leap in Refinery Measuring Technology ______

    Non-Intrusive Flow Measurement up to 400CUsing the WaveInjectorReliable. Cost-Effective. Safe.

    Measure from outsidewhats flowing inside.


    380 C

    47 C


  • The multitude of processes in a refineryform a complex system of material andenergy flows. From incoming crude tooutgoing products, everything is flowing and for safe and efficient operation,these flows need to be measured.

    Harsh process conditions can makeheavy demands on flowmeters, however, especially at temperaturesbetween 200C and 400C.

    Drawbacks of conventionaltechnologies______

    Traditionally, orifice flowmeters, Coriolis flowmeters and vortex flow-meters are used to measure refineryflows. Especially in demanding environ-ments, these well-know conventionalflowmeter types have equally well-knownshortcomings:

    Intrusive sensors create pressure loss,reducing process efficiency.

    Intrusive flow measurement technolo-gies require frequent servicing. Sen-sors in contact with hot and often dirtyhydrocarbons have high failure rates,and pressure taps for orifice platestend to clog. These high-maintenancemeasuring technologies reduce plantavailability.

    In demanding refinery service, highmaintenance costs critically undermineprofitability, especially when the costsof reduced plant availability are takeninto account.

    FLEXIMs WaveInjector is simply a better way to measure flow in refineries.This robust non-contact measuring technology is ideal for demanding environments, as proven by its manyrefinery installations worldwide.


    When the Going Gets Hot,, we Have the Best Solution: _____




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  • WaveInjector


    State-of-the-Art Ultrasonic Technology for FlowMeasurement in Refineries.

    Non-intrusive flow measurement givesyou a competitive edge in process control, process management, and environmental protection.

    FLEXIMs WaveInjector has been specially engineered for high-tempe-rature applications. Using patentedtechnology, the WaveInjector thermallyseparates the ultrasonic transducerfrom the hot pipe, allowing operation at process temperatures up to 400C.

    Simple to install, reliable performance______

    The ultrasonic transducers are simplyclamped to the outer surface of the pipe, using coupling plates for acousticcontact. There is no need to open thepipework, no drilling, and no break inproduction.

    Once installed, the transducers do notsuffer wear and tear from the processfluid, and they create no pressure drop.The ATEX-certified transducers andtransmitters are safe and reliable inpotentially explosive atmospheres.

    FLEXIM offers a wide range of ultrasonictransducers and transmitters to matchany flow measurement application. Theexceptionally high dynamic range ofultrasonic technology (0.01 to 25 m/s)out-performs most other flowmetertypes, bringing big advantages when you need to measure widely-varying flowrates accurately.

    Unique measuring technology______

    FLEXIM is the only producer of high-temperature non-intrusive clamp-onflowmeter technology worldwide. TheWaveInjector is used all over the world,by some of the biggest names in the process industries. The reason is clear:from crude oil to coal tar distillates,WaveInjector remains accurate and reliable under the toughest conditions.

    Reliable measuring technology, field-proven underthe toughest conditions in refinery applicationsworldwide

  • 4Advantages of Clamp-On MeasurementUsing the Patented WaveInjector

    At a Glance:_____

    Trouble-free operation at high temperatures

    No clogging, even with dirty or fouling fluids

    No pressure loss

    Install and maintain without interrupting the process

    No extra risk of leaks

    No pressure ports

    Fits all standard pipe sizes from DN 40 upwards

    Certified for hazardous areas

    Accurate and reproducible, even at very low flows

    Wide dynamic range

    Independent of medium conductivity and pressure

    Works with flow in either direction

  • 5The Benefits to You

    Higher levels of operator and plant safety

    Improved plant availability

    Better environmental compliance

    Easier plant start-ups and upgrades

    Higher profits thanks to tighter process control

    Lower start-up, operating and maintenance costs

    Lower inventory costs for flowmeters and spare parts

    High application flexibility

  • 6On Site: Reliable Flow Measurement with FLEXIMs WaveInjector


    Field-Proven Worldwide.

    In a Dutch refinery, a special heat transfer oil is used to supply processheat for the distillation columns. The oil is heated up to 300C and conveyedthrough a system of thermally insulatedpipes to the columns.

    Effective operation of this installationrequires reliable flow measurement ofthe oil. Before non-intrusive ultrasonicflow measurement technology was introduced, the flow was determined by means of differential pressure measurement. Operations had to bestopped once a year in order to carry out the inspection and maintenance of the system. The medium is a car-cinogenic substance. Therefore all maintenance work required special preparation and precautions.

    Non-intrusive flow measurement withclamp-on transducers and WaveInjector

    is a convenient and elegant solution tothis measuring challenge. Since thetransducers do not come in contact with the medium, there is no mechanicalor chemical wear and tear. The metercan be also installed without opening the pipe, thus avoiding all risks of potentially dangerous leaks. Ultrasonicflow measurement thus offers the extraadvantages that it is environmentally safe and improves plant safety and efficiency.

    ... for the Flow Measurement of HeatTransfer Oil at HighTemperatures

    Concrete Benefits___

    Reliable non-intrusive flow measurement___

    Reliable process control___

    Easy retrofitting without opening thepipe and without process interruption___

    No risk of toxic leak___

    No wear and tear no process stoppage for inspection and maintenance___

    Higher plant availability___

    Protection of health and environment

  • In a Canadian oil sand surface mine, the recovered oil is refined directly on thesite. One of the many processing steps isthe thermal cracking. Optimally feedingthe upgraded bitumen into the thermalcracker requires accurate monitoringand regulation of product input, whichcan be accomplished only by reliable flowmeasurement. Some flow meters arealso used for detection of line cloggingthreat. Clogged lines can easily cause a shutdown of the entire facility, leadingto enormous downtime costs. In the pastsuch measurements were done with

    differential pressure methods or vortex shedding meters. Like all inlinemeasuring instruments, these were subject to wear and tear and demandeddaily maintenance.

    Non-intrusive flow measurement proved to be a significantly better solution. A test measurement, using the WaveInjector together with a port-able transmitter on a 6" pipe carrying hot VAC tower residue demonstrated the superiority of ultrasonic technology.

    Fortuitously for the customer, this testmeasurement revealed a control valvefailure.

    The refinery now uses the flow valuesdelivered by the WaveInjector for a reliable mass balancing in the upgraderprocess.

    In a typical complex refinery operation,VAC tower residue or other high viscosityliquid streams are fed into cokers and/or visbreakers for further processing.The flow of these hot liquids (> 200C) is traditionally measured with differentialpressure devices (orifice or wedges) orvortex meters.

    Under the very severe process condi-tions, impulse line clogging and vortexshedders breakdown are frequent. Highmaintenance costs or even process shut down are the consequences.

    In a North American refinery, a differen-tial pressure measurement was replacedwithout any process interruption with thenon-intrusive WaveInjector, eliminatingdaily maintenance tasks. Furthermore,the wide dynamic range of the FLUXUSturned out to be of additional advantage.Previously 4 orifice plates were necessa-ry to cover the entire measuring range.Now a single instrument does the job.

    Concrete Benefits___

    Reliable, non-intrusive measurement___

    Easy upgrading without intrusion into the pipesystem and without process interruption___

    No risk of clogging of impulse piping (unlike the former measuring system)___

    No production interruption for installation ormaintenance work___

    Reliable, maintenance free flow measurement___

    Wide dynamic measurement range


    Concrete Benefits___

    Reliable non-intrusive measurement___

    Easy installation under problematic conditions___

    Straight forward installation with no need to open the pipe and no downtime___

    No corrosion and wear caused by themedium, thus long operating life

    ... for the Measurement of Highly Viscous Coker and Visbreaker Feed

    ... for Clamp-On Measurement of Bitumen at an Oil Sand Facility

  • 8The overflash volume in atmosphericdistillation is an important indicator for effective and well balanced operationof the distillation column. A precise measurement of this quantity poses aspecial challenge. Driven only by gravity,the medium moves at very low flow velocities of around 0.15 m/s, with amaximum flow rate of 10 t/h. Therefore,in order to reach a reasonable accuracy,the previously installed orifice plates hadvery small diameters. This resulted in ahigh pressure loss which could almostnot be overcome by the hydrostatic conditions. Another challenge for themeasuring system was the high me-dium temperature of around 380C.

    After successful testing, a flow measuring system using FLEXIM'sWaveInjector was installed at the measuring point, which is located in an ATEX 1 explosion hazard zone. Theinstallation was completed without anymodification to the existing system.

    The higher accuracy of the overflashmeasurement now allows a drasticimprovement in process efficiency. The investment costs were quickly paid for by the higher yield.

    Concrete Benefits ___

    Reliable, non-intrusive measurement___

    Measurement without any pressurelosses___

    Reliable measurement even at very low flow velocities___

    Retrofitting and maintenance withoutinterrupting plant operations___

    Process optimization___

    Easy upgrading without intrusion into the pipe system___

    Highly improved accuracy in comparison to conventional orifice meters

    ... for Overflash Mass Flow Measurement at 380C

    On Site: Reliable Flow Measurement with FLEXIMs WaveInjector


    Field-Proven Worldwide.

  • 9In one of the most complex refineries in Europe, replacement for an unreliableflow measurement system was sought.The measuring point is located at theheavy gas oil outlet of the vacuum distillation tower, in an ATEX zone 1rated area. The gasoil flowing there has a temperature of approximately300C.

    In this case too, clamp-on flow measure-ment with a WaveInjector was the bestsuited measuring technology. Due to thehigh dynamic range of the meter, evensmall flows can be measured. Since the transducers are clamped onto thepipe, the meter is not subject to wearand tear.

    Concrete Benefits___

    Easy upgrading without pipe work andwithout process stoppage___

    Reliable non-intrusive flow measurement___

    No influence on the process no pressure drop___

    Reliable measurement even at very lowflow velocities ___

    Retrofitting & maintenance without affecting the plant ___

    Process optimization___

    Greater accuracy than conventional orifice meters

    Today, rising economic pressure is forcing major refineries to steadily increase the throughput of their facili-ties. Reliable flow measurement is crucial to the optimization of productionprocesses. Refined bitumen, which isproduced by means of vacuum distilla-tion at temperatures around 370C,poses a special challenge to flow measurement technology because of its high temperature and high viscosity.

    Intrusive flow meters face problemsinherent to their technologies: cloggingof impulse piping, deposit formation, etc.These problems result in frequent shut-downs, high maintenance costs and reduced throughput.

    FLEXIM's answer to these problems is the non-intrusive WaveInjector ideally suited for high temperatures upto 400C. There are no movable partswhich could be subject to wear and tear.There are no limitations to medium pressure. Its installation will not requireany down time. Accurate, drift-free

    measurement is possible, even withlarge nominal pipe sizes. The robustmeasuring system is not harmed by either by hot steam purging or by shortterm overheating.

    Concrete Benefits___

    Reliable, non-intrusive, maintenance-free flow measurement___

    No risk of clogging of impulse piping(unlike conventional measuring systems)___

    No deposit formation, no parts subject towear and tear___

    No production interruption for installa-tion or maintenance work___

    Simple, speedy installation, no pipe work

    ... for the Measurement of Heavy Gasoil ina Vacuum Destillation Tower

    ... for Clamp-On Measurement of Bitumen at 370C

  • 10

    In one of the worlds largest coal tar refineries, the delivered raw material is distilled to obtain technical oils andaromatics, which serve as valuable basicmaterials for the dye and pharmaceuticalindustries.

    Adverse process conditions and mediacharacteristics make flow measurementof pitches a difficult task. Due to the highsolid content of the pitch, orifice platesquickly lose their sharpness, and thustheir measuring accuracy. Furthermore,pressure impulse lines are quickly clogged by deposit formation. Due tothermal stress, Coriolis or Vortex flowmeters fail prematurely.

    Flow measurement based on ultrasonicclamp-on procedure using the patentedWaveInjector is a superior solution to this problem. Based on convincingexperience in tar distillation, wettedmeasuring systems in the entire plantare being replaced gradually by the non-intrusive FLUXUS ultrasonic measuring systems.

    Concrete Benefits___

    Reliable and low-maintenance flow measurement___

    No mechanical wear due to the abrasive pitch___

    Reliable high temperature measurementwith the WaveInjector, not affected bytemperature shocks___

    High measurement accuracy___

    Excellent measuring dynamics___

    No reduction of pipe size, no moving parts, no pressure loss___

    No leakage risk of the highly combustible and environmentally dangerous medium___

    Simple installation and start-up of thenon-intrusive measuring system withoutwork on pipes and down-time___

    Certified transducers and transmitters for operation in hazardous areas

    ... for Flow Measurement of Hot Pitch During the Distillation of Coal Tar

    On Site: Reliable Flow Measurement with FLEXIMs WaveInjector


    Field-Proven Worldwide.

  • 11

    The Special Measuring TechnologyDepartment of one of the leading producers of petrochemical productsfaces daily the most various challenges: control of permanently installed

    measuring systems, temporary replacement of defective

    devices, flow measurement at places where

    no stationary measuring system isinstalled, for diagnostic purposes or for process optimization.

    In all these cases, the experts reach for their FLEXIM measuring case: thenon-intrusive acoustic measuring technology offers maximum flexibility.The ultrasonic transducers are simplyclamped onto the pipe, they are quicklyinstalled, without cutting into pipe andwithout process interruption. For themany different applications, the depart-ment uses a WaveInjector together withtransducers selected for the respectivemeasuring task. The handy transmitter,easily fixed even at measuring pointswith difficult access, automatically recognizes the connected transducers.

    ... for the Flow Measurement of Different Media, such as Tar, Machine Oils, GlycolMixes, Carbonate Lye, Cracker Ethylene, CoolingWater, Hot Water, etc.

    Concrete Benefits___

    Accurate non-intrusive flow measurement___

    Quick installation and start-up of themeasuring equipment on the filled pipeline, without process interruption.___

    No risk of leakage___

    No wear due to the chemically aggressive media___

    High measuring accuracy, even underunfavorable measuring conditions___

    Wide dynamic range assures precisemeasurements for low as well as highflow rates___

    One single measuring system for a multitude of different applications___

    Robust measuring system: solidly madetransmitters, ultrasonic transducers andconnection cables for use in humid andrough environments___

    More than 14 hours of battery-powered measurement, display of battery status___

    Complete measuring system in a practical, sturdy transport case

  • FLEXIMs WaveInjector_____


    Non-intrusive flow measurement at extreme temperatures______

    Ultrasonic flow measurement at hightemperatures was until now a trouble-some business: The gels or pads usedfor acoustic coupling between the transducers and the pipe have a limitedtemperature tolerance. Furthermore,high temperatures accelerate the agingof the ultrasonic transducers piezo elements and thus limit their useful operating life.

    FLEXIMs newly patented WaveInjector

    overcomes these limitations.

    The patented transducer mounting fixture realizes a long-term stableclamp-on ultrasonic flow measurementwith standard temperature transducersat temperatures as high as 400C. Itoffers all the well known advantages of the clamp-on ultrasonic technology: a non-intrusive measurement with awide dynamic range and a high flexibility.

    The WaveInjector is available in varioussizes, each of which covers a wide nominal pipe diameter range. For bigpipes, special mounting chains ensure a firm attachment to the pipe, thus assuring high pressure on the couplingpoint.

    Since the WaveInjector is a purelymechanical device, it can be used inexplosion hazard areas without any further certifications.

    WaveInjector and ultrasonic transducers are installed without interrupting the process

  • 13

    The WaveInjector

    The WaveInjector is composed of the WaveInjector

    coupling plate (1), the transducers clamping fixtures

    (2), a pipe mounting clamp (3), together with an

    acoustic coupling foil. The metallic coupling plate

    between the transducer (4) and the pipe provides

    nearly loss-free ultrasonic coupling. At the same

    time, its cooling effect maintains a high temperature

    gradient between the surface of the pipe and the

    coupling surface of the transducer. This guarantees

    that the maximum permissible transducer tempera-

    ture is never exceeded.

    The robust pipe mounting assembly (3) ensures a

    high surface pressure between the coupling plates

    and the pipe wall. Special metallic foils guarantee an

    optimal long term stable acoustic coupling.

    Temperature profile of the WaveInjector

  • 14

    The Future has Begun._____


    WaveInjector The WaveInjector is a special transducer mounting fixturewhich makes it possible to use standard ultrasonic flow transducers at extreme temperatures.


    Temperature range: -160 C to 400 C (-250 F to 750 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Diameter range: 40 mm to 1000 mm (1.6 in to 39 in)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Material: Stainless steel____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Hazardous area Since the WaveInjector is a purely mechanical device, classification: it can be used without any further certification in explosion

    hazard areas.


    The transducers: All FLEXIM transducers are calibrated as a pair at the works.The calibration can be traced back to national and internation-al standards. The calibration data and the transducer parame-ters are permanently stored in the transducers themselves.An extended calibration can be carried out on demand.


    Operating temperature, standard transducers: -40 C to 130 C (-40 F to 266 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Operating temperature, hightemperature transducers: -30 C to 200 C (-22 F to 392 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Operating temperature with WaveInjector: up to 400 C (750 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Degree of protection: IP65, IP67 or IP68 depending on type (EN60529); NEMA 4X____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Material: Stainless steel or PEEK with stainless steel protective cap____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Hazardous areaclassification: FM Class I Div II and ATEX zone 1 & 2 types available


  • 1515

    The matched FLUXUS flowmeters:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    FLUXUS F601 The portable meter ____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Operating temperature: -10 C to 60 C (14 F to 140 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Flow channels: 2____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Degree of protection: Transmitter: IP65 gem. EN60529; NEMA 4XTransport case: IP67 gem. EN60529; NEMA 4X


    FLUXUS ADM 7407/7907 The multi-function meters____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Operating temperature: -10 C to 60 C (14 F to 140 F)____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Flow channels: 1 or 2____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Degree of protection ADM 7407: IP65; NEMA 4Xacc to EN60529: ADM 7907: IP20; NEMA 1____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Hazardous area classification: ADM 7407: ATEX zone 2 or FM Class I Div II optional


    FLUXUS ADM 8027/8127 The explosion-proof experts____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Operating temperature: ADM 8027: -20 C to 60 C (14 F to 140 F)ADM 8127: -20 C to 50 C (14 F to 122 F)


    Flow channels: 1 or 2____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Degree of protection: IP66 acc. to EN60529____________________________________________________________________________________________

    Hazardous areaclassification: ATEX zones 1 or 2


  • FLEXIM_____

    A short portrait

    For nearly 20 years now, FLEXIM hasbeen an active leader in many areas ofprocess instrumentation in both nationaland international markets. In addition tonon-intrusive flow measurement, FLEXIMspecializes in innovative online processanalysis using ultrasonic technology andrefractometry.

    Year after year, FLEXIM continues its substantial investment in research anddevelopment in order to maintain andfurther improve its position as an industryleader. In addition, FLEXIM maintains aclose contact to its customers. Innovativeand reliable products meeting exactly theneeds of the customer are the result.

    Competent and professional associates in our sales offices and regional head-quarters in Europe, North America, Asia and all over the world ensure theworldwide distribution of FLEXIMs proventechnology and guarantee you qualifiedservice.


    Berlin, GermanyTel.: +49 30 93 66 76-60Fax: +49 30 93 66 [email protected]

    FLEXIM AMERICASCorporation

    Headquarters250-V Executive DriveEdgewood, NY 11717Tel.: (631) 492-2300Fax: (631) 492-2117Toll free: 1-888-852-7473(North America only)[email protected]

    FLEXIM InstrumentsAsia Pte Ltd

    SingaporePhone: +65 67 94-53 25Fax: +65 68 62-28 [email protected]

    Shanghai, ChinaTel.: +86 (21) 649 575 [email protected] BU







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