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“Student inTrondheim, Norway?”

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Life in Trøndelag is shaped by closeness to nature, contrasting

light and weather conditions.

Trondheim and Trøndelag, NorwayTrondheim and Trøndelag, Norway




With around 170,000 inhabitants, Trondheim combines all the charm of a small town with the facilities of a city.

It is also a growing high-tech community and a rich cultural centre. Trondheim offers a wide variety of services and

amenities, such as museums and galleries, beautiful parks, theatres, concerts, cafes and restaurants, shopping, sports

and other leisure activities. The city takes pride in the preservation of its long and varied history, and offers an interest-

ing mix of historical and modern buildings. As in most parts of Norway, mountains, forests and fjords are close at hand

and provide excellent opportunities for skiing, biking, hiking, climbing, and just enjoying the outdoor life.

Of Trondheim’s 170 000 inhabitants, around 30 000 are students, and they enjoy a wide variety of social activities.

A vibrant local music scene has something to offer every taste, be it rock, jazz or classical music presented in many

venues ranging from intimate clubs to concert halls.

The city was founded in 997 and was named Nidaros. It became the first capital of Norway and is one of the oldest

cities in Scandinavia. The city gained fame from the life and death of Norway’s patron saint, King Olav, who was buried

in Nidaros in 1030, making it one of the five main European pilgrimage destinations during the late Middle Ages.

Trondheim has been a regional trading and communication centre for more than 1000 years, and has a long tradition

in education and science.

Trøndelag is the geographical area in the central part of Norway, and is divided into the two counties Nord-Trøndelag

and Sør-Trøndelag.

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Strategy HiST


HIST, Sør-Trøndelag University College came into existence in 1994 as a result of a merger of eight

independent colleges in Trondheim, some of which were founded over 100 years ago. Today, HiST

is the second largest university college in Norway, with around 7000 students, and provides a wide

range of bachelor programmes and a number of master programmes, attracting students from all

over Norway. HiST has six faculties located on five campuses in Trondheim. In addition to degree

programmes, HiST offers continuing professional education courses, including distance learning,

which meet the learning needs of professionals wishing to update their knowledge and skills in

engineering, nursing, health and social care, business and administration and teacher education. A

characteristic feature of most of the programmes of study is a practical and career related academic

education, including vocational training and a period of work placement, qualifying for entrance to

a multitude of professions in industry, commerce and public administration and services.

Close links with the regional community as well as a commitment to making a noticeable

contribution to research and higher education nationally as well as internationally are central to the

vision HiST holds. R&D projects are funded by the College itself, by public funding, by national and

European research agencies and by business and industry. The overall aim is to provide teaching

of the highest quality and engagement in high level research and development in a broad range

of disciplines.

HiST is a state university college committed to future oriented professional education, basic

research and research-based teaching.

HiST prioritizes research and development which strengthens work practice and promotes innova-

tion in the private and public sectors. Dissemination of results from R & D activities to the private

and government sectors in the region is of high priority. Activity at HiST is based on academic and

humanistic ideals which focus on quality, equality and collaboration

Facts and figures Annual budget 2010:

• Government grant 620 mill NOK (78 mill €)

• External income 42 mill NOK (5,5 mill €)

• Number of students 2009 7 000

• Student completing degree 2009 1400

• International students 2009 60

• Bachelor programmes 30

• Masters programmes 10

• Number of staff 685

• Academic staff 412

• Other staff 273

• Premises 79 000 m2

Strategy HiST


– a unique student experience

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Faculties and study programmes


Faculty of Health Education and Social WorkThe faculty dates back to 1962, when Sosialskolen (School of Social Work) i Trondheim was

established for the education of social workers, and it was later expanded to educate other

related health- and social work professionals. To day the faculty has a comprehensive specialist

environment, and offers a number of undergraduate and postgraduate studies within the health

and social services. There are also significant activities within research and development at the

faculty. There are around 1200 students and 120 staff at the faculty.

Bachelor Programmes:

• AudiologyProgramme

• SocialEducationandChildWelfareWork

• OccupationalTherapy

• Physiotherapy

• SocialWork

• SocialEducation

Faculty of Informatics and e-LearningThe faculty was established in 2001, when the Department of Information Technology at the Faculty

of Technology became a faculty of its own. It has got around 450 students and 40 staff. In addition

there are around 700 distance learning students studying internet-based Open Learning courses.

Bachelor programmes:

• ComputerEngineeringProgramme(BachelorofEngineering)

• Network Administration Programme

• Information Technology Programme

• 3-year IT-supported Business Administration

Faculty of NursingThe faculty was founded as a Red Cross Nursing School in 1906. To day the faculty offers a bachelor

programme in nursing and post graduate studies in midwifery, mental health care, intensive care

nursing, cancer care nursing, paediatric nursing, nurse anaesthesia, operating room nursing, public

health nursing, ageing and care for the elderly, paramedic and several others. Most of these are also

available as long distance studies.

Faculty of Teacher Education and Sign LanguageThe Faculty goes back to 1959 when Statens lærerskoleklasser i Trondheim was established.

Teacher Education Programme

Teacher Education for Deaf Students

Teacher Education Programme with emphasis on science subjects

Sign Language and Interpreter for the Deaf

Master programmes:

• MSc in Didactics - Mathematics

• MSc in Didactics - Norwegian Language

• MSc in Didactics - Natural Science (in cooperation with NTNU)

• MSc in Didactics - Social Studies (in cooperation with NTNU)

• Special Educational Needs (in cooperation with NTNU)

Faculty of TechnologyThe Faculty of Technology dates back to 1912, when Trondheim tekniske mellomskole (TTM) was

established, and has around 2100 engineering students and 100 staff. In addition to its under-

graduate programmes, the faculty offers several further education courses.

Bachelor programmes:

• Biomedical science

• Civil engineering

• Chemistry engineering

• Electrical engineering

• Logistics engineering

• Food technology

• Materials technology

• Radiography

• Mechanical engineering

Faculties and study programmes

Trondheim – yours to enjoy

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International cooperation


Trondheim Business SchoolTrondheim Business School (TBS) was established in 1967, and is one of the oldest public business

schools in Norway. About 1000 full-time students and about 200 part-time students are attending

the school today. Around 280 new students are admitted to the Bachelor’s programmes and

80 students to the Master’s programmes every year.

Bachelor Programmes:

• Auditing and Accounting

• Business Administration

Master Programmes:

• MSc in Business Administration

• MPA – Public Administration

• MSc in Management of Technology

• Master in Knowledge Management

International cooperation HiST has long recognised the value of international academic collaboration. Our aim is to strength-

en interaction between mobility, cooperation and R&D, as well as to equip our students and staff

with cultural and linguistic skills and understanding.

HiST is actively cooperating with several colleges and universities in student and staff exchanges

and R&D, and is participating in the European cooperation programmes NORDPLUS and Life

Long Learning. Numerous agreements have been signed with institutions in Nordic and other

European countries within the framework of these programmes, as well as bilateral agreements

with universities outside Europe. All students at HiST have the option of taking part of their degree

as exchange students within these programmes.

Students from partner institutions wanting to take part of their studies as exchange students at HiST

must have finished a complete year (60 ECTS credit units) of their studies at their home university.

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Courses taught in English


Placement and project assignments for exchange studentsMost professionally oriented programmes of study frequently admit exchange students doing

project work and various placements, and then give additional academic assistance and super-

vision in English.

Courses taught in EnglishThe language of instruction at HiST is Norwegian, except for courses taught in English offered to

exchange students. The number of such courses is expected to increase in the coming years.

■ Subject area: Norwegian history and cultureIntroduction to Norwegian society

Credits: 6 ECTS

This is a cross-disciplinary course taught in English, focusing on topics in history, culture and

various aspects of Norwegian society. The course also includes two excursions with various social

and outdoor activities.

■ Subject area: Business and administrationBachelor:

Credits: 30/60 ECTS

This is a selection of courses from the bachelor programme, any combination of the 7.5-credit

courses with a total of 30 credits will constitute a full programme for a semester.


Credits: 30 ECTS

This is a selection of courses from the master programmes, any combination of the 7,5 credit

courses with a total of 30 credits will constitute a full semester.

■ Subject area: Computer Information Technology (ICT)Software System Development

Subject area: Computer Information Technology (ICT)

Credits: 6-60 ECTS

13 courses offered as Distance Learning made available at AITeL for the incoming exchange


■ Subject area: Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageEnglish

Credits: 30/60 ECTS

These courses provide a qualification for teaching English in primary and secondary schools in


■ Subject area: Radiography Neuroradiography with advanced MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

Credits: 10 ECTS

This course provides advanced neuroradiography and demonstrates different modalities in use.

6 weeks of clinical placement are included.

Practice in diagnostic department

Credits: 10 ECTS

■ Subject area: Occupational therapyModule A Clinical fieldwork

Credits: 15 ECTS

7-8 weeks

The module emphasises the students` reflection and meeting with users/clients in new cultural

environment in Norwegian health- and social service. Students will practice occupational therapy

in addition to written assignments. The module is in line with the WFOT Minimum Standard for

Education of Occupational Therapists.

Module B clinical Fieldwork

Credits: 20 ECTS

10-13 weeks

The module emphasise the students meeting and collaboration with users/clients and evidence-

based practice/occupational therapy in Norwegian health- and social services. Students will

practice occupational therapy in addition to written assignments. The module is in line with the

WFOT Minimum Standard for Education of Occupational Therapists.

Courses taught in English

Study much – experience more

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Studying at HISTStudying at HIST


Fieldwork project

(duration 2 months):

Occupational Therapy Programme offers a module in project practice. The starting point is a

topical project or question from fieldwork relevant for occupational therapy or human occupa-

tion. The students will work in groups with Norwegian students using English or Norwegian as

working language based on students needs.

Evidence-Based Occupational Therapy

Credits: 6 ECTS

The course focuses on the concept evidence-based occupational therapy enabling students to

recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed

information. The course emphasises search for and critical use of a selection of information

resources (network-based and on request).

■ Subject area: PhysioteraphyBody, movement and culture

Credits: 10 ECTS

This course is offered to ordinary students and international exchange students and consists of

five themes;

1) Sociology and social anthropology,

2) Social, Cultural and Personal Aspects of Movement

3) History of Physiotherapy profession

4) Communication

5) Ethics

The course can be combined with a shorter period of field placement and project assignment.

■ Subject area: General MathematicsMathematical Analysis

Credits: 6 ECTS

Content: Parametric curves and polar coordinates; functions of several variables; multiple inte-

grals; vector analyses; partial differential equations..

■ Subject area: Biomedical scienceLaboratory Medicine

Credits:12 ECTS

The intended outcome of this course is knowledge of biological processes during diseases, and

you are able to analyze functions and processes in the body through body fluids, cells and tissue


Medical Laboratory Technology

Credits: 12 ECTS

You will extend your knowledge and skills on techniques and methods in the laboratory on

hematology and immunohematology-related issues, such as clinical relevance, blood diseases,

blood transfusions, and hemotherapy.

Subject area: Civil engineeringMechanics

Credits: 5 ECTS

Upon completion of this course, you have gained skills in measuring, calculating and computing

forces, tensions, strain and displacements in constructions.

Design of concrete structures I

Credits: 5 ECTS

You will gain knowledge of the composition and characteristics of concrete, have the ability to

perform dimensioning and capacity control of simple concrete structures, and have understand-

ing of construction with concrete.

Design of concrete structures II

Credits: 7,5 ECTS

This course enables you to perform dimensioning and capacity control of most of the commonly

used concrete structures, and you will have solid knowledge of processes involved in construct-

ing with concrete..

The academic year is divided in two semesters; the autumn semester begins in late August with

examinations in November-December, while the spring semester runs from the beginning of

January with examinations in May-June.

There are no fees at Norwegian university colleges for EU/EAA exchange students. Other catego-

ries of students need to document means of support in order to be admitted and get a visa.

HiST offers its students excellent study facilities and learning resources supported by experienced

staff. Each faculty has a library, computer labs, an efficient intranet service and up-to-date student

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Credit TransferCredit Transfer

registration system. Information technology is utilized to facilitate networked communication

between students and teachers. Particular attention has been paid to implementing quality

assurance systems at all levels in the University College. New students are connected to a buddy

in our Buddy Programme, which is organized by the students themselves.

HiST operates the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) whereby credits accumulated by

exchange students can be transferred to their home universities and credited towards their

degrees there.

All exchange students are offered:

• Off-campus housing in student villages around the city. In all residences you’ll find phones,

internet connection, laundry facilities etc.

• Beginners’ course in Norwegian

• Student welfare provided by SiT, the student welfare organisation

• The possibility to join one of the several student and study associations

How to get hereBy air Værnes Airport is located 30 km north of Trondheim. There are regular flights to Værnes

from Gardermoen Airport, Oslo, and also non-stop flights from Copenhagen, Amsterdam, London

and other cities. Holders of student identity cards are entitled to discounted fares on domestic

flights. It is just a 30 minutes bus ride to the city.

By train There is a regular service between Oslo and Trondheim, and the train also stops at

Gardermoen (Oslo) Airport. This trip lasts approximately seven hours. Students are entitled to a

25% discount on domestic departures provided they have a valid student identity card.

Read more about Trondheim city and studying in Norway

Exchange studentsExchange students

Urban culture - close to nature

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CONTACT INFORMATIONSør-Trøndelag University CollegeNO-7004 Trondheim, NorwayE-mail: [email protected].: +47 73 55 90 00Fax: +47 73 55 90









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Where we are

In the future important social challenges will have to be met in more intelligent ways. Sør-Trøndelag University College (HiST) possesses relevant knowledge and compe-tence in most social areas. Our competence covers areas such as technology, informatics, teacher education and interpreting, business administration and management, and health care and social welfare studies. Our students do their practical work training in cooperation with public and private sector employers. Sør-Trøndelag University College is the second largest University College in Norway and offers exciting education and employment opportunities.