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Forum Horizon Chine

Your benefits


Chinese Students of ParisTech


Former Participating Companies

FHC 2016 Review

FHC 2017 Review

FHC 2018 Outlook



















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Forum Horizon Chine

China Horizon Forum was founded by the Association amicale Franco-Chinoise de

ParisTech (AFCP) in China in 2008. The forum aims to build up a mutual platform

promoting the exchange of tripartite information and human resources for industrial

parks, enterprises and exceptional talents between China and France. Up to date, it

has been successfully held 10 sessions.

Based on our successful experiences, we have carefully planned various activities

with content-rich themes, which enable the forum to:

Provide a sound and dynamic platform for information exchange

Showcase the corporate image and promote organizational culture

Stand in a better position to explore the talents from respective areas of expertise

in line with the needs of enterprise development, and seek the excellent qualities

of Chinese student elite: smart, hardworking, humility, rigorous, etc.

Provide services for exceptional Chinese students or graduates with a simulation

of interviews and improve their personal resume; and assist Chinese student

looking for internship / work opportunities in France or China.

Over the past decade, we have become one of the largest platforms for multinational

recruitment in France. Since 2008, more than 40 well-known Chinese and French

enterprises over 3,500 outstanding French engineers school or business school

students participated in our forum. With the increasing influence of the forum

continues to expand, we have received more than 400 CVs from the 10th "China

Horizon" forum in 2017.

During the ten years period, the forum met with high-quality partners, served a large

number of Sino-French elites, and harvested a wide range of publicity. We will be

committed to attract more participants and companies and we have more confidence

to successfully hold the 11th China Horizon recruitment forum in 2018.

We sincerely look forward to your participation in this wonderful forum at Télécom

ParisTech, on 1th March 2018.


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Your benefits

Spread your enterprise’s vision in France, in China and among the top

engineering schools, trade and University

Get attentions from the French and Chinese media

Coordinate or organize conferences and round table meetings based on your


Through the conference, present various interests of your company

At the round table meetings, gain a good knowledge about the market situation,

talk about your views on interesting topics, meet new business founders and

exchange ideas with them

Build partner ship with other companies during the cocktail

Exchange ideas with ParisTech and find out how to cooperate better

Grant your feedback to AFCP in order to improve the next forum

Entrust us to prepare and organize your own recruitment session


Discuss with participants face to face

Collect CVs of prospective participants

Interview directly the talents whose profiles meet your requirements

Explore all good characters of Chinese students: smart, focused, analytical,

modest, etc.

Present to them your strategy in France and in China, distribute your spirits and

attract more perspective graduates

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The complementary nature of the areas of excellence of the ParisTech Grandes

Écoles provides students, researchers, and all partners with an outstanding pool

which allows for a unique transdisciplinarity. At ParisTech, there is close

interaction internationally in both teaching and research through the many

partnership agreements.

ParisTech, an Institute of Science

and Technology, is an international

university in the field of higher

education and research.


Arts et Métiers


Chimie ParisTech

Ecole des Ponts


Ecole Polytechnique

ENSAE ParisTech

ENSTA ParisTech

ESPCI ParisTech

HEC Paris

MINES ParisTech

Télécom ParisTech

Institut d'Optique

Graduate School


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E xc h a n g es b e t we e n P a r i s Tec h a n d U n i ve r s i t i es i n

C h i n a

In 2000, ParisTech launched the program“50 engineers”, known as the "9

+ 9 program” in China. Each year, nearly one hundred Chinese students

are admitted into ParisTech via this program. These outstanding students

from prestigious universities get access to dual training diplomats,

masters and doctoral programs in the schools network.

Chinese Students of ParisTech

W h o a r e c o n c e r n e d o f t h e a c t i v i t y

Chinese students in France

Graduates of well-known Chinese universities, most of whom comes

from engineering schools or business schools

The elites

Experienced workers who would like to return to China to develop

their businesses

French who have cooperation with China

Expected number of participants:300


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The Franco-Chinese Friendship Association of ParisTech (AFCP)

aims to strengthen the Franco-Chinese relationship by improving the

academic, professional and cultural exchanges between the two countries.

Our association is open to all students and graduates of the Grandes

Écoles of ParisTech, especially to those who are interested in careers in



Service s

Everyday life

Help the Chinese

students apply to one

of the programs

proposed by the

schools of ParisTech.

Facilitate the

reception of the

Chinese or French

students on their

arrival in France or



Introduce AFCP and

ParisTech to the

French and Chinese

companies through

the events organized

by AFCP, including

the FHC, the Salon

AFCP, the Moon

Festival ( Gala de la

Lune ), the IT

Professional Club, etc.


Help the Chinese

students of ParisTech

find a internship or a

job, help them in their


approaches .

Provide an

opportunity of

exchange between

French companies

and Chinese partners.


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Former Participating Companies


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The 9th Forum Horizon Chine was held on 26th May 2016 in ESPCI

ParisTech. A total of 111 students were enrolled in the forum. 37% of

participates mainly intended to find internships opportunities. 48% of the

participants looked for their first job, and 15% already had work

experience in France and sought for new job opportunities.

This year, Forum Horizon Chine was co-hosted with the "New Europe",

the "New Europe" has a significant influence on the students in France.

Participating companies include ACECE, Bureau Véritas, ASTEK,

Schneider Electric, Valéo, Keolis, the Apple Store, Plastic-resistant

(Plastic Omnium), etc. Among them, Keioisi, ASTEK and Plastic

Omnium participated in Forum Horizon Chine for the first time.

Participants can communicate with the companies. The forum

provided the participants with a active platform for their activities.

Both job seekers and companies have benefited greatly from this



FHC 2016 Review









Participants’ professional experience Publicity channels

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The 10th China Horizon Forum was hosted on 9 March 2017 at the

MINES ParisTech in Paris. With ten years of successful experience of

AFCP, this forum has been a great success with the strong support by

ParisTech Group and Chinese embassy in France. The number of

participants in the forum has reached a historically high record and its

influence amongst Chinese students studying abroad in France has

been significantly increased.

The number of students registered in this forum through official

channels reached 370, out of these, about 300 students arrived at the

forum site for participation.

There were 13 well-known companies such as TOTAL China, CSCEC

Algeria, Suez, Solvay, Valeo, etc., participated in this forum. Among

these companies, nine of them settled their booths at the site. In the

10th year of the China Horizon Forum, we have harvested high-quality

partners, a large number of Sino-French elites, efficient hosting team,

and a wide range of publicity. We are passionately about the dynamic

vitality of the forum and firmly believe that this forum will be better and

better in the future.

FHC 2017 Review


Education Distribution Education Level Employment Motivation

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To better understand the needs of participating students in the forum,

we conducted a questionnaire on Chinese students in France.

Through the analysis of the questionnaire one can see that Chinese

students have a great need of guide to find stage and work. FHC can

provide an effective platform for students and companies to exchange


Of these respondents, 57.9% of respondents require 6 months of

training, 21.1% of respondents must find internship or working hours

lasting more than one year. It should be noted that 100% of

respondents stated that they will participate in this recruitment forum

and hope that, as part of this event, better understand the company,

find the internship or preferred work.


FHC 2018 Outlook

More than half of respondents want to engage in finance and

consulting, 15.6% of people are willing to work in the area of electronic

information. In addition, students who wish to engage in the food,

chemical and energy environment of the students, each represent


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FHC 2018 Outlook

63.2% of respondents are willing to participate in research and

development, followed by strong demand for the market and finance

(36.8% and 31.6% respectively), candidates for logistics and the

design were 21.1% and 15.8%.

In a survey of respondents' personal job search we found that

respondents were more concerned with personal career

development and had a strong demand for social relationships than

working conditions of the company. More than 90% of respondents

believe they are looking for internships in France, lack of

appropriate information channels, Forum Horizon China can

provide them. At the same time, FHC also provided effective

support to the participating companies, more than 90% of

respondents said that after the end of French school, they will

return to work.

For the 11th China Horizon Forum in 2018, we are dedicated to

improve our services for two parties, companies and students, and

we are planning to organize more activities to reinforce the

communication and exchange between these two parties. We are

confident that both job seekers and companies will benefit from our


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FHC 2018 Outlook


Contact us

Ms Xue BAI & Mr Qizhang ZHU

[email protected]

Deadl ine for registrat ion

31st Jan 2018

Join us on the 1th March 2018,

at Télécom ParisTech!
