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Brent Williams 2740 W Tharpe St. Tallahassee, FL 32303

(904)-238-8678 [email protected]


Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL

Bachelor of Science Chemical Engineering May 2015

Dean’s List Summer 2011, Spring 2012


Matlab- Experienced in creating and using functions to solve mathematical problems.

Microsoft Office Excel- Proficient in graphing, displaying, and analyzing data, including least squares analysis.

Laboratory- Capable of designing experiments, writing procedures and safety protocol, and analyzing data to

determine performance of laboratory equipment.

Aspen- Proficient in modeling and optimizing chemical processes, including heat exchanger networks,

separations processes, and reactions.


Unit Operations Laboratory, Project Member, Tallahassee, FL August - December 2014

- Operated and designed experiments using gas chromatography, distillation columns, extraction

columns, absorbers, and reactors to determine factors affecting performance of the equipment.

- Analyzed performance of both a Reactor and absorption column, utilizing statistical analysis, and

performed a novel experiment by operating the absorption column as a stripper.

Senior Design, Project Member, Tallahassee, FL January - May 2015

- Designed a methane reforming reactor in Aspen as part of a methanol synthesis plant.

- Implemented heat exchanger networks in Aspen to improve the plants efficiency.

Leadership and Management

Tallahassee Sustainability Group, Treasurer, Tallahassee, FL October 2012 - May 2014

- Opened Bank Account as a Social Club recognized by the IRS.

- Managed purchases and reimbursements for projects building and maintaining garden beds in

community gardens.

Seminole Organic Garden at Florida State University Garden Manager, Tallahassee, FL July 2013 - May 2015

- Organized construction of garden beds and storage shed.

- Coordinated and manage workgroups, teaching students how to grow food organically.

- Complied with FSU regulations and report on progress of goals to Project Manager.

Magnolia Chapter of Florida Native Plant Society Board Member, Tallahassee, FL July 2014 - May 2015

- Organized volunteer workdays at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, removing invasive plants

- Worked to improve the connection between Florida State University and the organization.


Basic Wilfdland Firefighter Training S-130, S-190, L180, Appalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve, Bristol

Incident Command/Management Systems IS-100, IS-700, FEMA