Page 1: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y


You are welcome Here

We are a new parish, established in August of 2017, comprised of St. James and Immaculate Conception churches. We work together to invite all people to a deeper relationship with Jesus through beautiful liturgies and opportunities to learn and to serve one another.

Page 2: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y

I am writing this after a “refreshing” swim in the water here in Maine. My father used to describe the first swim of the day as “bracing,” as in, bracing oneself against the cold water, the tide, and the waves. It is refreshing to get away and do things that we may not get to do in our regular routines. My vacation routine this past week (and for one more week) is to think about what has happened in the last year. Coming to Salem, I was told to brace myself, but it has been a wonderful experience. As usual, regardless of where I have been, whether in the poorest parts of Peru or Malawi, the Dominican Republic or challenging places here in the US, I have found that there are always good and faith-filled people to know and work with. I sometimes think that it is the most hidden and best part of being a priest ― the fact that you will meet and encounter holiness and goodness in many forms, from beautiful, energetic children to wise and faith-filled adults. The other wonderful experience here is the multicultural feel to the parish. Of course, the Latino community enriches our parish, but we also have parishioners from the Philippines, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and more. This mixture helps us to see that God is calling everywhere to his people to gather around his Son, Jesus, and be drawn into a relationship of love with Him. It took some time to get to know some people and I am still a long way from knowing many, but there is still time. This past year went by really fast and I cannot believe what we have accomplished in just a year. Mostly, I spent a lot of time fixing the infrastructure of the parish and getting to know the place. We also moved our offices, prepared the schools for leasing them out, and have done some major work on heating systems. I think this actually has worked out well, although I have broken one of the cardinal rules of pastoral teaching in that one does not change anything for a year. Most of the things I changed were broken at some level — i.e., pipes, roofs, or windows. We have a long way to go with some of the structure, but we are managing everything and I am grateful for the encouraging comments from people. This year, I hope to continue to do all the repair we can afford, but mostly we need to be about building the community of believers. So brace yourselves, we are going to dive into this next phase of building the parish, and I hope that we will allow ourselves to go wherever God leads us. Peace, Father Murray Building news: We continue the work on the air-conditioning for the hall at St. James. The HVAC company doing the project has roped off the stairs from the parking lot for safety’s sake, but should be done this week, as they move to the Flint Street side to install the units there. The offices have air -conditioning now. Stop by, but bring a sweater, and hat and gloves — the AC works very well. At IC, we are still working on getting the right balance for the sound system, and we’re working on the grounds and back wall of the church.








978-745-9060 M-F 9:30AM-3:00PM


Page 3: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y

Estoy escribiendo esto después de un "refrescante" baño en el agua aquí en Maine. Mi padre solía describir el primer baño del día, “tan vigorizante” como arrimarse contra el agua fría, la marea y las olas. Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina la semana pasada y continuaré por una semana más es pensar en lo que sucedió el año pasado. Cuando venía a Salem, me dijeron que me preparara, pero ha sido una experiencia maravillosa. Como siempre, independientemente de dónde he estado, ya sea en las partes más pobres de Perú o Malawi, en la República Dominicana o en lugares desafiantes aquí, he descubierto que siempre hay personas buenas y llenas de fe para conocer y trabajar. A veces pienso que es la mejor parte y la más oculta de ser sacerdote, el hecho de que conocerás y encontrarás la santidad y la bondad en muchas formas, desde hermosos niños llenos de energía hasta adultos sabios y llenos de fe. La otra experiencia maravillosa aquí es la sensación multicultural en la parroquia. Por supuesto, la comunidad latina enriquece nuestra parroquia, pero también tenemos feligreses de Filipinas, Burkina Faso y Camerún. Toda esta mezcla nos ayuda a ver que Dios está llamando a todas partes a su pueblo para que se reúnan alrededor de su Hijo, Jesús, y se sientan atraídos a una relación de amor con él. Me llevó un tiempo llegar a conocer a algunas personas y aún estoy muy lejos de conocer muchas, pero todavía hay tiempo. El año pasado fue muy rápido y no puedo creer lo que hemos logrado en solo un año. En su mayoría, pasé mucho tiempo arreglando la infraestructura de la parroquia y conociendo el lugar. También cambiamos nuestras oficinas, preparamos las escuelas para alquilarlas y hemos hecho un gran trabajo en sistemas de calefacción. Creo que esto realmente funcionó bien, aunque he roto una de las reglas cardinales de la enseñanza pastoral en el sentido de que no cambia nada por un año. La mayoría de las cosas que cambié estaban rotas en algún nivel, es decir, tuberías, techos o ventanas. Tenemos un largo camino por recorrer con parte de la estructura, pero estamos gestionando todo y estoy agradecido por los comentarios alentadores de las personas. Este año espero continuar haciendo todas las reparaciones que podamos pagar, pero sobre todo tenemos que tratar de construir la comunidad de creyentes. Así que prepárense, vamos a sumergirnos en la siguiente fase de la construcción de la parroquia, y espero que nos permitamos ir a donde Dios nos guíe. Paz, Padre Murray Noticias de construcción: Continuamos el trabajo en el aire acondicionado para la sala de St. James. La compañía HVAC que hace el proyecto acordonó la escalera desde el estacionamiento por motivos de seguridad, pero debería estar arreglada esta semana, cuando se trasladen al lado de Flint Street donde instalarán acondicionadores de aire de ese lado. Las oficinas tienen aire acondicionado ahora. Pase por aquí, pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y guantes. El aire acondicionado funciona muy bien. En IC, aún estamos trabajando para obtener el equilibrio adecuado para el sistema de sonido y para trabajar en los terrenos y la pared posterior de la iglesia.



The readings for the Masses of the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

in Year B can be found

starting at number 980 in the

Journeysongs book.

The prayers for the Mass are found

starting at number 140 (grey



Page 4: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y

MONDAY, AUGUST 6 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel Memorial: Michael Roney 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal ― St. James Conference Room

TUESDAY, AUGUST 7 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 6:30 PM Witness U — at St. James church hall (see pg. 5) 7:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception ― en español WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 6:30 PM Bingo ― St. James lower church hall

THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 7:00 PM Cursos Biblicos — IC chapel

FRIDAY, AUGUST 10 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11 5:00 AM Hispanic Intercessory Prayer Group ― IC chapel 3:00 PM Confessions at Immaculate Conception chapel 4:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception church

SUNDAY, AUGUST 12 7:30 AM Mass at St. James Church 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church 10:00 AM Coffee and Conversation at IC narthex 10:30 AM Mass at St. James Church Memorial: Sr. Fernande Richard 12:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church ― en español. 6:30 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Church PLEASE SEE OUR NOTE ABOUT 4:00 MASS INTENTIONS ON PG. 5

July 28-29, 2017 Offertory: $5,872.50 Online giving $591.42 Mail: $444.00 Total: $6,907.92


Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish relies on the weekly offertory and other donations to serve God and God’s people.

By giving $10 or $20 in our weekly collection, you help make Masses more beautiful, ministries more personal, service to the poor more possible, and opportunities to grow in faith more plentiful. Thank you for your financial and prayerful support.



To request a Mass in honor or in memory of a loved one, please call the parish offices at

978-745-9060, or email [email protected]


ONLINE GIVING If you’ve never given online, now is a great time to start! Giving online helps you manage your budget, give more intentionally, and avoid the need

to remember to bring cash to Mass. It helps your parish by giving a dependable donation income weekly or monthly. It’s easy to sign up today:

Page 5: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y

MQOA E-NEWSLETTER You can be among the first to hear all the news and updates from Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish. It’s so easy! Email us to be added to the mailing list: [email protected]


NOSTRA CULPA ― 4:00 MASS INTENTIONS Due to a clerical error, our 4:00 Masses were deleted from our calendar, and we may have lost some Mass intentions. If you have scheduled a memorial Mass on a Saturday at 4:00 in the future, please call our office to confirm that we still have it scheduled. We apologize for this error. 978-745-9060

MQOA SUMMER SERIES: WITNESS U What’s your story? How does your faith inform your life, and how has coming to know Christ changed things for you? How can you share your faith with others without coming across as preachy or pushy? How can your story attract people to come to know Jesus?

Christine Williams and Steven Antonio invite you to learn how to share your story of faith and life with others, in a four-week series this August. They’ll lead us in prayer and worship, teach a process of reflecting on our own stories, and give strategies for sharing our faith experience with others. You’ll have a chance to hear the stories of others and share yours.

Our food ministry will feed you ― come hungry! August 7, 14, 21, and 28 at 6:30 PM in the lower church hall at St. James. Bring your stories and your friends! For more information: [email protected]

HEALING MASS ― TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 If you are in need of spiritual or physical healing, please join us for a Bilingual Mass followed by Healing Prayer on Tuesday, September 11, at 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception church. After Mass, all are invited to come forward for healing prayer or the sacrament of anointing of the sick. All are welcome.

HAVE YOUR MARRIAGE BLESSED BY A BISHOP Are you or someone close to you married but not with the blessing of the Church? Would you like to be married by a bishop? Bishop Mark O’Connell has organized a group wedding for those in the North Region of the Archdiocese of Boston: Friday, October 19, 2018, at Saint Anthony of Padua Church, 250 Revere Street, Revere beginning at 6:00 PM. The ceremony will be designed for couples not married in the Church, to validate their marriages before Bishop Mark. During the wedding ceremony, each couple will say their vows separately before the bishop and their two witnesses. To sign up, each of the couples should be endorsed by their parish as free to marry and adequately prepared. Please register with the Office of the Regional Bishop - North Region, 978-531-1013. There will be no cost to the couples.

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF MARY Plan ahead to join us on Wednesday, August 15 for Mass in honor of Mary, on the feast of her assumption into heaven. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be held at 9:00 AM at Immaculate Conception Parish and 5:30 PM at Immaculate Conception in English, and at 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception in Spanish.

Page 6: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y


SAVE THE DATE: ALPHA RETURNS IN 2018-2019! Where can you go to ask the Big Questions, like “Is there more to life than

this?” Alpha! Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics

of the Christian faith through conversation and friendship.

Alpha is great for:

• Adults who are curious about Christianity

• People who were raised in a church but have drifted away over the years

• Faithful people who want a safe place to talk about their beliefs, questions and doubts

• Parents of Middle School and High School students, wondering how to keep the faith in

turbulent times

Adults from ages 18-118 are welcome! Come and see what Alpha is all about, and how it

can change your life. Bring two friends!


“...our group had a profoundly positive experience here...the sharing, the questions, the

funny stories and the painful moments too, all make Alpha a wonderful experience of the

Church at its very best!”

No charge. No pressure.


Fall Alpha: “Come and See” night on Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 7:00 PM at St. James church hall Winter Alphas: “Come and See” night on Thursday, January 31 at 7:00 PM at St. James church hall “Come and See” morning on Tuesday, January 29 at 10:00 AM at Immaculate Conception church hall

Page 7: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y



NEW SCHEDULE COORDINATOR Deacon Jesús Peña is taking over the scheduling for all Mass ministries, starting in August. To share your contact info, schedule preferences and requests, email him at [email protected]

JOIN A MINISTRY Our goal is to invite all into ministry as God is calling you. We hope to have enough to have each person serve only once a month. If you’d like to be trained as a Greeter, Altar Server (adults and young people), Lector (reader), Eucharistic Minister or Sacristan, please speak to Fr. Murray

or Margo Morin ― or email us at [email protected]

STEP RIGHT UP If you are trained as a liturgical minister and see that there is a need of help on a Mass where you are not scheduled to serve, please step up to help. Eucharistic Ministers are especially needed at Saturday’s 4:00 Mass.

SATURDAY, August 4 4:00 PM IC Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: James Fouhey Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Carmody Nancy Roney *ministers needed

SUNDAY, August 5 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: *sub needed Eucharistic Ministers: *sub needed

9:00 AM IC Greeters: Victoria Jackson *greeters needed Altar Servers: Julie McCannon Lectors: Lloyd Ternes **Eucharistic Ministers: Jo-Ann Gates David Henry Beverly Horowitz

10:30 AM SJ Greeters: Karen Pelletier *greeters needed **Altar Servers: Azriel Taguiam Ryker Taguiam Lectors: Sr. Yvette Beuregard Eucharistic Ministers: Patrice Bergevin Aida Oquendo-Nieves Leo Higgins David DeVoe Anne DeVoe 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Millie Bergeron

SATURDAY, August 11 4:00 PM IC Greeters: Liz Borkowski Lectors: Marie Goreham Eucharistic Ministers: Jerry Judge Richard Poisson *ministers needed

SUNDAY, Agust 12 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: Sean Leonard Eucharistic Ministers: Leo Higgins * ministers needed

9:00 AM IC Greeters: Carol Collins *greeters needed Lectors: Jerry Collins Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Sirois Joe Szymanski Mark Carmody

10:30 AM SJ Greeters: David DeVoe *greeters needed Altar Servers: Stephen Szpak Renne Venico Lectors: Mary Lou Britton Eucharistic Ministers: Steve Costello Mary Ellen Abodeely Philip Abodeely Diane Lewandowski 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Karen Hayes Altar Servers: Julie McCannon

SATURDAY, August 18 4:00 PM IC Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: Paula Keene Eucharistic Ministers: Joe Carmody Nancy Roney *ministers needed

SUNDAY, August 19 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Joyce Harrington Eucharistic Ministers: Dana Dooley * ministers needed

9:00 AM IC Greeters: Barbara Kostan *greeters needed Altar Servers: Julie McCannon Lectors: Rebecca Goppe Eucharistic Ministers: Philip Moran Darlene Willnow David Arias

10:30 AM SJ Greeters: Karen Pelletier *greeters needed Altar Servers: Lindth Valsote Lour Drick Valsote Lectors: Aida Oquendo-Nieves Eucharistic Ministers: Patrice Bergevin Aida Oquendo-Nieves Leo Higgins David DeVoe Anne DeVoe

6:30 PM IC Lectors: Stacey Walsh

Page 8: breadolife You are welcome Here · Y es refrescante alejarse y hacer cosas que no podemos hacer en nuestras rutinas regulares. Mi rutina ... pero traiga un suéter, un sombrero y

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Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742

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What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]




Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p


Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious desserts and music from the Jazz Trio “String Swing.” Enjoy our lovely outdoor garden area, and tour our beautiful community.

Saturday, June 26 th, 2 – 4 pm

Kindly RSVP by June 23 | 978.369.4728

68 Commonwealth Avenue West Concord, MA 01742

BookletsBookmarksBusiness CardsCalendarsDoor HangersFlyers/BrochuresGreeting CardsMagnetsNewsletters

NotepadsPlastic CardsPostcardsPostersPresentation FoldersStickersTable Tent Cards& much more

Proud Printers of This Bulletin

Save 30% to 50% On Most Printing Costs!If you bring your printing to a chain store

or other printer, money is leaving with those print jobs.

We can help save you money.

What’s Inside

617-779-3777 [email protected]




Through a unique collaboration with The Cambridge Homes, a local assisted living residence and The Gri�n Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting.


N E E N e w E n g l a n d O p e n M a y 2 8 t h t o J u n e 1 s t

J u n e 2 8 t h t o J u l y 1 s t

N e w E n g l a n d J r . C l a y C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p s J u l y 1 0 t h t o J u l y 1 3 t h

N e w E n g l a n d J r . H a r d C o u r t C h a m p i o n s h i p sA u g u s t 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 1 7 t h

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a A c a d e m y D i r e c t o r

C e l e s t e F r e y A c a d e m y M a n a g e r

A l e x H o w a r d H e a d C o a c h

D a v e C o l b yJ u n i o r P r o g r a m D i r e c t o r

D a n i e l Q u i c e n o T e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

C h r i s C l a y t o nT e n n i s P r o f e s s i o n a l

F r a n c i s c o M o n t o y a | f m o n t o y a @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 2 3 2

C e l e s t e F r e y | c f r e y @ m a c t e n n i s . c o m 9 7 8 - 5 2 6 - 8 9 0 0 e x t . 3 5 1


Ramp up Your GameJ u n e 1 4 t h t o A u g u s t 2 7 t hM o n d a y s - F r i d a y s

1 : 3 0 - 5 : 3 0 p m 8 y e a r s a n d u p



[email protected] | 617-779-3777 |

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