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After doing research into anorexia, I discovered that some young people on social network sites have named anorexia Ana. Therefore, due to most teenagers now having easy accessibility to social network sites, I felt that using Ana in my main title would be immediately recognisable to the target audience which would capture their attention and make them recognise the cause from their own POV. Due to the stereotype of people with an eating disorder to be very thin, I have ensured that the I in life is in a different colour to ensure that people recognise the target audience due to the stereotypical colour pink to connote girls and realise the cause by the I being a thin letter, to represent a person with anorexia. I felt that the font I have used for this title is assertive and symbolises the seriousness and darkness of the illness. Anorexia is not just a part of an eating disorder but is also a mental illness and I feel that this font represents this inferred meaning. Joanne PerryBranding OptionsANAs Life

Within this title I have chosen to continue with Ana as it not only represents anorexia but could also symbolise a real person. Therefore, people will see the website in the verisimilitude connotation of the word being associated with a person too. Therefore it will make the audience feel as though they are not alone and feel safe and secure on the website. I changed the font to Baskerville Old Face as I felt that the text represented the target audience of teenage girls in a more sisterly manor, therefore using synthetic sisterhood through the use of font, text and colour in this title. Angel shows another representation of the target audience of teenage girls. However it can also represent death and the serious consequences of the illness. I also ensured that the word Angel was in the colour pink in order to show the stereotypical colours which will appeal and look sisterly and sympathetic to the target audience. ANAs Angel

After continued research, I came to find that Mia is a name for bulimia. Therefore by using both Ana and Mia in my title it represents the ideology of how the illness should be represented to others in the POV of people with the illness. The significance of using these names presents the illness in a more verisimilitude way as it represents the illness as real people and therefore apart of a person. I have used Copperplate Gothic Light for this title due to the effectiveness that the serious and dark looking font will have on the audience in order to ensure that the audience looks further into the website and takes it seriously.The black font on Ana and Mia is serious and represents these two words to be the most crucial and important elements in the title which represents what the website is about. The pink on and simply makes the title stand out more and indicates the TA.

Ana and Mia

Anas Angel, I feel will be an effective title in order to identify, the cause and the target audience. Teenage girls with the illness will recognise what the website is about more easily than others due to Ana being an anagram for anorexia. People with the illness who refer it as Ana, clearly know that the illness is taking huge effect on them. Therefore, this website, as the title can relate to the audience, may ensure that the audience feel more comfortable, safe and secure on the site. This means that the title could impact the audience into getting help from the safe as they feel more comfortable. I have changed the font to Copperplate Gothic Light as I felt that it may be more assertive and formal to the audience to ensure that they read further into the site and take the illness more seriously. Angel is continuously in pink in order for the identity of the target audience to be easily recognised. ANA is also bolder than the rest of the title in order to represent the main aspect of the website and give the audience an insight into what the website is about.ANAs Angel

After doing continuous research, ED is what teenagers use as a short anagram for an eating disorder. Therefore I have inverted it into a title to represent what the website consists of. I have also used Life to represent it to be significant. This is due to every persons life being significant and important, therefore people will take the illness seriously and realise how serious the illness can be. I have ensured that the i is in pink to represent the target audience and show the ideology of a thing person who has an eating disorder. ED is in bold in order to show the important aspect of the title and give off an insight into what the website is about.The font I have used is Baskerville Old Face due to the simplicity of the sisterly font in order to show the target audience and also the seriousness of the illness. The font is not as serious as previous fonts used however, I feel that this font may encourage people to feel safe and get help from the site as it is caring and sympathetic.

ED Life
