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Anantharam(v), Bhongir(M), Nalgonda(Dist)-508116



This is to certify that the technical report entitled “BRAIN GATE” that is being submitted

by CH.SIRISHA (08E71A0549) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of

the degree Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering to the

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University is a record of bonafide work carried out by

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Head of the Department Co-ordinator





Page 2: Brain Gate

Anantharam(v), Bhongir(M), Nalgonda(Dist)



Student Name : CH.SIRISHA

Hall Ticket No : 08E71A0549

Course : B.Tech{CSE}

Seminar Topic : BRAIN GATE

Date : -03-2012

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Seminar/Project Head Of the Department Co-ordinator CSE&IT

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Brain Gate is a brain implant system developed by the bio-tech company Cyberkinetics in 2008 in conjunction with the Department of Neuroscience at Brown University. The Brain gate technology and related Cyberkinetic’s assets are now owned by privately held Brain gate, LLC.[1] The device was designed to help those who have lost control of their limbs, or other bodily functions, such as patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or spinal cord injury. The computer chip, which is implanted into the brain, monitors brain activity in the patient and converts the intention of the user into computer commands. Currently the chip uses 96 hair-thin electrodes that sense the electro-magnetic signature of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain, for example, the area that controls arm movement. The activity is translated into electrically charged signals and is then sent and decoded using a program, which can move a robotic arm, a computer cursor, or even a wheelchair. According to the Cyberkinetics' website, three patients have been implanted with the Brain Gate system. The company has confirmed that their first patient, Matt Nagle, had a spinal cord injury, whilst another has advanced ALS. In addition to real-time analysis of neuron patterns to relay movement, the Brain gate array is also capable of recording electrical data for later analysis. A potential use of this feature would be for a neurologist to study seizure patterns in a patient with epilepsy. In 2009, a monkey code named JI1021 used a device very similar to Brain Gate to control a robotic arm.[2]

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Brain Gate™ (the company) is a privately-held firm focused on the advancement of the ground-breaking Brain Gate™ Neural Interface Technology and Intellectual Property.  Brain Gate™ Co. owns the intellectual property of the Brain Gate™ system.   The company purchased certain intellectual property, technology, and knowhow from Cyberkinetics in April 2009 and is partnering with leading academic institutions, corporations, and various non-profit and government organizations interested in the advancement of movement through thought. The Brain Gate™ Neural Interface System is an investigational medical device that is being developed to improve the quality of life for physically disabled people by allowing them to quickly and reliably control a wide range of devices by thought, including computers environmental controls, robotics and medical devices. In the future, the Brain Gate System may enable those with severe motor disabilities to use their own arms and hands again. Cyberkinetics is also developing products to allow for robotic control, such as a thought-controlled wheelchair. Next generation products may be able to provide an individual with the ability to control devices that allow 2005 breathing, bladder and bowel movements.

How does Brain Gate™ work?

Brain Gate™ Company’s current and planned intellectual property (the technology) is based on technology that can sense, transmit, analyze and apply the language Of neurons. Brain Gate™ consists of a sensor that is implanted on the motor cortex of the brain and a device that analyzes brain signals. The sensor consists of a silicon array about the size of a baby aspirin that contains approximately one hundred electrodes, each thinner than a human hair. The principle of operation behind the Brain Gate™ System is that with intact brain function, brain signals are generated even though they are not sent to the arms, hands and legs. The signals are interpreted and translated into cursor movements, offering the user an alternate "Brain Gate™ pathway" to control a computer with thought, just as individuals who have the ability to move their hands use a mouse. 

About the Brain Gate device

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The Brain Gate Neural Interface Device is a proprietary brain-computer interface that consists of an internal neural signal sensor and external processors that convert neural

Signals into an output signal under the users own control. The sensor consists of a tiny chip smaller than a baby aspirin, with one hundred electrode sensors each thinner than a hair that detect brain cell electrical activity. The Brain Gate technology platform was designed to take advantage of the fact that many patients with motor impairment have an intact brain that can produce movement commands This may allow the Brain Gate system to create an output signal directly from the brain, by passing the route through the nerves to the muscles that cannot be used in paralyzed people. The chip is implanted on the surface of the brain in the motor cortex area that controls movement. In the pilot version of the device, a cable connects the sensor to an external signal processor in a cart that contains computers. The computers translate brain activity and create the communication output using custom decoding software. Importantly, the entire Brain Gate system was specifically designed for clinical use in humans and thus, its manufacture, assembly and testing are intended to meet human safety requirements. Five quadriplegics patients in all are enrolled in the pilot study, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

How does the brain control motor function?

Investigational device comprised of internal and external sensors. The internal sensors detect the brain signal activity and external sensors digitises the signal to feed into the computer. The brain is "hardwired" with connections, which are made by billions of neurons that make electricity whenever they are stimulated. The electrical patterns are called brain waves. Neurons act like the wires and gates in a computer, gathering and transmitting electrochemical signals over distances as far as several feet. The brainen code information not by relying on single neurons, but by spreading it across large populations of neurons, and by rapidly adapting to new circumstances. Motor neurons carry signals from the central nervous system to the muscles, skin and glands of the body, while sensory neurons carry signals from those outer parts of the body to the central nervous system. Receptors sense things like chemicals, light, and sound and encode this information into electrochemical signals transmitted by the sensory neurons. And interneuron tie everything together by connecting the various neurons within the brain and spinal cord. The part of the brain that controls motor skills is located at the ear of the frontal lobe.

How does this communication happen? Muscles in the body's limbs contain embedded sensors called muscle spindles that measure the length and speed of the muscles as they stretch and contract as you move. Other sensors in the skin respond to stretching and pressure. Even if paralysis or disease damages the part of the brain that processes movement, the brain still makes neural signals. They're just not being sent to the arms, hands and legs.

A technique called neurofeedback uses connecting sensors on the scalp to translate brain waves into information a person can learn from. The sensors register different frequencies of the signals produced in the brain. These changes in brain wave patterns indicate whether someone is concentrating or suppressing his impulses, or whether he is relaxed or tense.

Chip Plugs Human Brain into Computer

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The Brain Gate System consists of a 4x4 millimeter sensor, about the size of a baby aspirin, with 100 tiny electrodes, each thinner than a human hair. The sensor is implanted on the surface of the area of the brain responsible for voluntary movement, the motor cortex. The electrodes penetrate about 1 mm into the surface of the brain where they pick up electrical signals -- known as neural spiking, the language of the brain -- from nearby neurons and transmit them through thin gold wires to a titanium pedestal that protrudes about an inch above the patient's scalp. An external cable connects the pedestal to computers, signal processors and monitors.

Converting digitized intentions into meaningful action, however, is not simple. Active neurons fire between 20 and 200 times a second and they work in teams.

Although scientists have long been able to eavesdrop on individual nerve cells, before 1996 no one had developed a reliable system for directly collecting precise data from large groups of brain cells. That year, Donohue and his post-doctoral student Nicholas Hatsopoulos modified an existing sensor and used it for the first time to record signals from multiple brain cells in monkeys.

At the time, Donohue assigned Hatsopoulos -- now an assistant professor of organismal biology and anatomy at the University of Chicago -- the task of creating algorithms to translate the chatter between neurons in the motor cortex into a language the computer could understand and use to control other devices. Hatsopoulos and other students in the Donoghue lab were slowly able to match neuronal signal patterns with specific arm movements. In 2002, he, Donohue and colleagues at Brown showed that monkeys could learn to control the cursor without moving a muscle.

Meanwhile, in order to move into human trials, Donohue, Hatsopoulos, Gerhard Friehs and Mijail Serruya, all then at Brown, formed Cyberkinetics, which was incorporated in 2001. In 2002, they merged with Bionics, makers of the sensor, raised $5 million, and applied to the FDA for approval to conduct a pilot clinical trial. The trial began in 2004. So far, four patients have enrolled.

For each trial patient, training sessions begin soon after the sensor is inserted. The volunteer is asked to

imagine moving one hand as if he were controlling the computer mouse. The researchers study the data and build filters to convert patterns of neural spikes into two- dimensional commands.

"Training patients to move things with their minds is different with each patient," said Maryam Saleh, who worked with the first two patients as a Cyberkinetics technician and is now a doctoral student in Hatsopoulos's Chicago lab.

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The current BrainGate System is still in its infancy and is far from perfect. It is bulky and cumbersome. The quality of the signal can vary from patient to patient and from day to day. A great deal of work remains to be done to extend the longevity and reliability of the sensor. Patient two never developed as much control as Nagle, and even Nagle's level of control, the authors note, "is considerably less than that of an able-bodied person using a manually controlled computer cursor."

Despite remarkable progress, "this isn't being done for the patient's benefit," said University of Chicago neurosurgeon Richard Penn, who implanted the sensor in the second patient. "It's being done for mankind's benefit."

"Most people involved in this study think of themselves as pioneers," said Saleh. "They see the prospects for future applications. That's why they do it."

Nevertheless, Penn added, "this is the strangest, most interesting surgery I've ever done. Not the technical stuff, but the data that we get from the neurons firing in different patterns when you're thinking in different ways. And seeing it is only the beginning."

The system is constantly being improved. Next steps include faster and more precise algorithms to help the computer keep pace with the neuronal inputs, and a more portable wireless system. The researchers are also looking at new applications, such as enabling the brain-computer combo to control a wheelchair or other gadgets that will restore some control and freedom to patients with severe paralysis.


This is how it was discovered that every part of the body has a particular region of the primary motor cortex that controls its movement. The area 6 of the motor cortex decides which set of muscle is to be contracted. The area 4 activates those muscles through motor neurons by calling various other part of brain (such as cerebellum). In 1870 Hitzig and Fritsch stimulated various parts of dog’s motor cortex. They observed that depending on what part of the cortex they stimulated , a different part of body contracted .Moreover, they found that when they destroyed the same area of the cortex the corresponding area of body became paralyzed.

How information is transmitted through nerve fibre ?

Every thing the brain does from adding a row of numbers to directing the arm to swat a fly creates a potential difference in the brain.

The information is transmitted from the cell to the motor cortex by means of action potential only.

Let’s see how this potential difference is created .but before that let us know the constitution of cells.

The plasma membrane

Inside the cells plasma membrane is present .

The outer part of which is dipped in ecf(extracellular cellular fluid) & the inner part is dipped in icf(intra cellular fluid) .

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There are actually three stages of the plasma membrane:

Polarisation (or resting state)



Resting state of plasma membrane

In a resting state na+ ions predominate in extracellular fluid (ecf)and k+ ions predominate in intra cellular fluid (icf) intra cellular fluid contains –ve ions. as a whole there is a +ve charge in the outer part of the membrane and –ve charge in the inner part of the membrane.


Huge number of na+ ions have entered inside , so a net +ve charge is created in the innerpart of the membrane.

Starting Of Repolarisation

When the action potential cannot generate sufficient voltage to stimulate the next area of the membrane depolarisation stops and repolarisation starts.

Because of the increase in na+ ion concetration in the inner part of the membrane ,the membrane becomes less permeable to the na+ ions whereas the permeability of the membrane to k+ ions increases.

Hence more k+ ions are pumped into the membrane and some na+ ions leave the membrane. This is called “repolarisation”. I.e. The

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Original state of the polarisation is reached









How can patients communicate through thought?

The human brain is a super computer with the ability to instantaneously process vast amounts of information. BrainGate™ Company’s technology allows for an extensive amount of electrical activity data to be transmitted from neurons in the brain to computers for analysis. In the current BrainGate™

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System, a bundle consisting of one hundred gold wires connects to a pedestal which extends through the scalp. The pedestal is connected by an external cable to a set of computers in which the data can be stored for off-line analysis or analyzed in real-time. Signal processing software algorithms analyze the electrical activity of neurons and translate it into control signals for use in various computer-based applications.

The following table includes a sample of our current patent portfolio.  In addition to these patents, BrainGate™ Co. owns various trademarks including Bionics®, Neuroport® and Cerebus®.  For more information on licensing our intellectual property, please contact us.



Multi-device patient ambulation system    Various embodiments of an ambulation and movement assist system are disclosed. For example, an ambulation system for a patient may comprise an exoskeleton device attached to the patient, an FES device at least partially implanted in the patient, and a biological interface apparatus. The biological interface apparatus comprises a sensor having a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals, a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor, process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal, and transmit the processed signal to a controlled device. At least one of the exoskeleton device and the FES device is the controlled device of the biological interface apparatus.



Biological interface system with thresholded configuration    A system and method for a biological interface system that processes multicellular signals of a patient and controls one or more devices is disclosed. The system includes a sensor that detects the multicellular signals and a processing unit for producing the control signal based on the multicellular signals. The system further includes an automated configuration routine that is used to set or modify the value of one or more system configuration parameters.

US20060189901A1Biological interface system with surrogate controlled device    Various embodiments of a biological interface system

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and related methods are disclosed. The system may include a sensor comprising a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient, and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal. The processing unit may be configured to transmit the processed signal to a controlled device. The system further includes a first controlled device configured to receive the processed signal, and a second controlled device configured to receive the processed signal. The first controlled device may provide feedback to the patient to improve control of the second controlled device.



Biological interface system with automated configuration    A system and method for a biological interface system that processes multicellular signals of a patient and controls one or more devices is disclosed. The system includes a sensor that detects the multicellular signals and a processing unit for producing the control signal based on the multicellular signals. The system further includes an automated configuration routine that is used to set or modify the value of one or more system configuration parameters.



Joint movement apparatus    Systems, methods and devices for restoring or enhancing one or more motor functions of a patient are disclosed. The system comprises a biological interface apparatus and a joint movement device such as an exoskeleton device or FES device. The biological interface apparatus includes a sensor that detects the multicellular signals and a processing unit for producing a control signal based on the multicellular signals. Data from the joint movement device is transmitted to the processing unit for determining a value of a configuration parameter of the system. Also disclosed is a joint movement device including a flexible structure for applying force to one or more patient joints, and controlled cables that produce the forces required.

US20060173259A1Biological interface system    A system and method for an improved biological interface system that processes multicellular signals of a patient and controls one or more devices is disclosed. The

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system includes a sensor that detects the multicellular signals and a processing unit for producing the control signal based on the multicellular signals. The system may include improved communication, self-diagnostics, and surgical insertion tools.



Limb and digit movement system    Systems, methods and devices for restoring or enhancing one or more motor functions of a patient are disclosed. The system comprises a biological interface apparatus and a joint movement device such as an exoskeleton device or FES device. The biological interface apparatus includes a sensor that detects the multicellular signals and a processing unit for producing a control signal based on the multicellular signals. Data from the joint movement device is transmitted to the processing unit for determining a value of a configuration parameter of the system. Also disclosed is a joint movement device including a flexible structure for applying force to one or more patient joints, and controlled cables that produce the forces required.



Patient training routine for biological interface system    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and related methods are disclosed. The system may comprise a sensor comprising a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal. The processing unit may be configured to transmit the processed signal to a controlled device that is configured to receive the processed signal. The system is configured to perform an integrated patient training routine to generate one or more system configuration parameters that are used by the processing unit to produce the processed signal.

US20060167371A1Biological interface system with patient training apparatus    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and related methods are disclosed. The system may include a sensor having a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or

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more living cells of a patient, and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal. The processing unit may be configured to transmit the processed signal to a controlled device that is configured to receive the processed signal. The system may also include a patient training apparatus configured to receive a patient training signal that causes the patient training apparatus to controllably move one or more joints of the patient. The system may be configured to perform an integrated patient training routine to produce the patient training signal, to store a set of multicellular signal data detected during a movement of the one or more joints, and to correlate the set of multicellular signal data to a second set of data related to the movement of the one or more joints.



Neurally controlled patient ambulation system    Various embodiments of an ambulation system and a movement assist system are disclosed. For example, an ambulation system for a patient may comprise a biological interface apparatus and an ambulation assist apparatus. The biological interface apparatus may comprise a sensor having a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals, a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor, process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal, and transmit the processed signal to a controlled device. The ambulation assist apparatus may comprise a rigid structure configured to provide support between a portion of the patient's body and a surface. Data may be transferred from the ambulation assist apparatus to the biological interface apparatus.

US20060058627A1Biological interface systems with wireless connection and related methods    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and their related methods are disclosed. A biological interface system may include a sensor including a plurality of electrodes configured to detect multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor, to process the multicellular signals to produce processed signals, and to transmit the processed signals. The system may also include a controlled device configured to receive the processed signals from the processing unit. The processing unit may include a processing unit first portion

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(p2/27)and a processing unit second portion, where the processing unit first portion is implanted under the scalp on the skull of the patient, and the processing unit second portion is placed above the scalp of the patient at a location proximal to the processing unit first portion.



Biological interface systems with controlled device selector and related methods    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and their related methods are disclosed. A biological interface system may include a sensor including a plurality of electrodes configured to detect multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and to process the multicellular signals to produce processed signals. The system may also include a plurality of controlled devices each configured to receive the processed signals. The plurality of controlled devices include at least a first controlled device and a second controlled device. The system may include a selector module usable by an operator and being configured to select which of the first and second controlled devices is to be controlled by the processed signals.



Transcutaneous implant    Devices, systems and methods are disclosed for a neural access device that includes an implant which transcutaneously exits the skin of a patient and provides transport of signals between a sensor implanted in a patient and an external device. The transcutaneous implant has integrated features to provide reduced risk of injury due to mechanical forces as well as electrostatic discharge energy applied to the external portion of the device. Transcutaneous devices which provide wireless communication between a sensor and an external device are also disclosed.

US20050273890A1Neural interface system and method for neural control of multiple devices    A system and method for a neural interface system with a unique identification code includes a sensor including a plurality of electrodes to detect multicellular signals, an processing unit to process the signals from the sensor into a suitable control signal for a controllable device such as a computer or prosthetic limb. The unique identification

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code is embedded in one or more discrete components of the system. Internal and external system checks for compatibility and methods of ensuring safe and effective performance of a system with detachable components are also disclosed.



Neural interface system with embedded id    A system and method for a neural interface system with a unique identification code includes a sensor including a plurality of electrodes to detect multicellular signals, an processing unit to process the signals from the sensor into a suitable control signal for a controllable device such as a computer or prosthetic limb. The unique identification code is embedded in one or more discrete components of the system. Internal and external system checks for compatibility and methods of ensuring safe and effective performance of a system with detachable components are also disclosed.



Neurological event monitoring and therapy systems and related methods    Systems and methods for detecting, monitoring, and/or treating neurological events based on, for example, electrical signals generated from the patient's body are disclosed. Various embodiments of the invention include a system for predicting occurrence of a neurological event in a patient's body. The system may include an implant configured to be placed in the body and detect signals indicative of an activity that precedes the neurological event, and a processing unit configured to process the detected signals so as to predict the neurological event prior to the occurrence.

US20050143589A1Calibration systems and methods for neural interface devices    A system and method for a neural interface system with integral calibration elements may include a sensor including a plurality of electrodes to detect multicellular

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signals, an interface to process the signals from the sensor into a suitable control signal for a controllable device, such as a computer or prosthetic limb, and an integrated calibration routine to efficiently create calibration output parameters used to generate the control signal. A graphical user interface may be used to make various portions of the calibration and signal processing configuration more efficient and effective.



Agent delivery systems and related methods under control of biological electrical signals    Systems and methods are disclosed for detecting neural, biological, or other electrical signals generated within a patient's body and processing those signals to generate a control signal that may control the delivery of a biologic, therapeutic, or other agent, such as a drug. Embodiments include a system having a sensor implanted in a patient's brain to detect neural signals used to control delivery of a drug to the patient. The system may also control an internal and/or external device, such as a prosthetic limb, and control delivery of a drug to increase the performance of the system and/or the controlled device.

US20040249302A1Methods and systems for processing of brain signals    System and methods consistent with the present invention decode brain signals. The system includes a receiver for receiving an input signal representing multiple individual neuron signals, and a frequency filter for separating the multiple neuron signals from the received input neural signal. A rectifier full wave rectifies the filtered neural signal and an integrator integrates the rectified neural signal to obtain an envelope of the rectified neural signal. As a result of this processing, sample values of the neural signal envelope represent neurological activity.

US20040015211A1Optically-connected implants and related systems and methods of use    According to embodiments of the invention, one or more implants in a body may be connected with optical fibers for transmitting data and/or power to or from the implants. Aspects of the invention related to various

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embodiments of the actual implant as well as to various embodiments for connecting optical fibers to the implants.



Optically-connected implants and related systems and methods of use    According to embodiments of the invention, one or more implants in a body may be connected with optical fibers for transmitting data and/or power to or from the implants. Aspects of the invention related to various embodiments of the actual implant as well as to various embodiments for connecting optical fibers to the implants.



Electrode arrays and related methods    Various embodiments of an electrode array system and related methods are disclosed. The system may include a probe assembly having a plurality of probes configured to penetrate tissue of a patient and a guide assembly having a plurality of guiding channels. Each of the guiding channels may be configured to guide one or more of the plurality of probes to a desired tissue site. Some embodiments of an electrode array may include a housing and a plurality of probes extending from the housing. At least one of the plurality of probes may be individually deployable from the housing.

US20070032738A1Adaptive patient training routine for biological interface system    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and related methods are disclosed. The system may comprise a sensor comprising a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient and a processing unit

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configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal. The processing unit may be configured to transmit the processed signal to a controlled device that is configured to receive the processed signal. The system is configured to perform an integrated patient training routine to generate one or more system configuration parameters that are used by the processing unit to produce the processed signal.



Patient training routine for biological interface system    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and related methods are disclosed. The system may comprise a sensor comprising a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient and a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal. The processing unit may be configured to transmit the processed signal to a controlled device that is configured to receive the processed signal. The system is configured to perform an integrated patient training routine to provide a time varying stimulus to the patient and to generate one or more system configuration parameters used by the processing unit to produce the processed signal.



Biological interface system with gated control signal    Various embodiments of a biological interface system and related methods are disclosed. The biological interface system may comprise a sensor comprising a plurality of electrodes for detecting multicellular signals emanating from one or more living cells of a patient, a processing unit configured to receive the multicellular signals from the sensor and process the multicellular signals to produce a processed signal, and a signal gate configured to receive the processed signal from the processing unit and an alternative signal generated by the system, the signal gate being configured to transmit a control signal to a controlled device based on either the processed signal or the alternative signal. A monitoring unit may receive system data and process the system data to produce a system status signal. The system status signal may be used to determine which of the processed signal and the alternative signal is to be used as the control

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BrainGate™ Co. has a strong and diverse intellectual property portfolio, including exclusive rights to key patents surrounding neural interfaces and their use to control computers, prosthesis, and other devices. BrainGate™ Co. also has rights to intellectual property from related research projects conducted at leading Universities, including Brown, Emory, Columbia and MIT. 

In addition to its unique patent portfolio, BrainGate™ Co. is also focused on the analysis and interpretation of neural recordings through software and neural network innovation.  In the future, this capability could allow for the recording of electrical data for future analysis, a massive advantage for medical practitioners to study patient’s everyday patterns to determine medical treatment. For example, a potential use of this feature would be for a neurologist to study seizure patterns in a patient with epilepsy.

BrainGate™ Co. has a strong and diverse intellectual property portfolio, including exclusive rights to key patents surrounding neural interfaces and their use to control computers, prosthesis, and other devices. BrainGate™ Co. also has rights to intellectual property from related research projects conducted at leading Universities, including Brown, Emory, Columbia and MIT. 

In addition to its unique patent portfolio, BrainGate™ Co. is also focused on the analysis and interpretation of neural recordings through software and neural network innovation.  In the future, this capability could allow for the recording of electrical data for future analysis, a massive advantage for medical practitioners to

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study patient’s everyday patterns to determine medical treatment. For example, a potential use of this feature would be for a neurologist to study seizure patterns in a patient with epilepsy.