  • 7/27/2019 BPC FactSheet IllegalForeignFishing1


    Why is it a problem?

    Illegal oreign fshing threatens Australias

    natural fsh stocks and the marine

    environment in terms o pollution,

    quarantine risks and over fshing. The

    unauthorised landing o these fshing

    vessels also presents biosecurity, health

    and general security risks to Australia.

    Illegal oreign fshing is a problem

    or Australia given its proximity to a

    number o countries with subsistence

    communities. The high demand or

    products such as shark fn, trochus shell,

    trepang (sea cucumber) and tropical rock

    lobster, some o which are considered

    overfshed species, can make illegal

    oreign fshing a proftable enterprise.

    Who is affected?

    Any incursion into the Australian Fishing

    Zone (AFZ) or the Australian Exclusive

    Economic Zone (AEEZ) undermines

    Australias ability to manage its naturalresources and impacts on the national

    economic benefts derived rom Australias

    oshore environment.

    Illegal oreign fshing has a knock-on

    eect on the marine environment.

    Over-fshing o one species may result in

    ecological imbalance and diminish the

    ood source or another species o fsh.

    Disease and pests introduced through

    illegal oreign fshing can devastate

    Australias natural environment as well

    as Australias aquaculture and agriculture

    industries and aect the income o many

    working within the industry.

    Illegal oreign fshing also impacts on

    the livelihood o remote Australiancommunities who rely on a healthy

    marine environment or their survival.

    This marine environment oten

    holds cultural signifcance or these

    communities, with their way o lie being

    intrinsically linked to the ocean.

    hoW is it detected?

    Border Protection Command conducts

    surveillance missions around Australias

    coast using Customs and Border

    Protection and Royal Australian AirForce maritime patrol aerial assests.

    Extensive aerial surveillance is also

    undertaken through contracted satellite

    services. These missions are on the

    lookout or illegal activity in the AFZ and

    the AEEZ. Vessels can also be detected

    via Customs and Border Protection and

    Royal Australian Navy (RAN) patrol

    boats, ship reports or through public

    inormation reports via the Customs and

    Border Protection Hotline. Sightings o

    fshing vessels will then be reported to the

    Australian Maritime Security Operations

    Centre, located within Border Protection

    Command in Canberra.

    hoW is it managed?

    When an illegal oreign fshing vessel is

    detected, Border Protection Command

    liaises with the Australian Fisheries

    Management Authority (AFMA) to

    coordinate the appropriate response.

    I a response is requested Customs and

    Border Protection or RAN patrol boats

    may be directed to:

    intercept, board and apprehend oreignfshing vessels using armed ofcers

    transport oreign fshers to shore orurther investigation by AFMA

    ILLEGAL FOREIGN FISHINGBorder Protection Command works closely with other government agencies to detect anddeter illegal oreign fshing in Australias maritime areas.

    F A C T S H E E T

  • 7/27/2019 BPC FactSheet IllegalForeignFishing1
