

9:00 a.m. – February 24, 2012 McMaster Room, 308

Bowen-Thompson Student Union Bowling Green Campus


1. Approval of December 2, 2011 Meeting Minutes

2. Approval of Personnel Changes since the December 2, 2011 meeting

a. Full-time faculty b. Administrative staff

3. Approval of Honorary Degree: Maestra Marin Alsop

4. Approval of Honorary Degree: Dr. Bernice Sandler

5. Approval of Distinguished Research Professor: Dr. Timothy Fuerst

6. Approval of Degree Name Change: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

7. Establishment of Classification System for BGSU Classified Staff

8. Approval of 2012 Blue Water Satellite Licensing Agreement


1. Update Academic Affairs – Dr. Rodney Rogers

a. Undergraduate Educational Renewal Update - Dr. Sue Houston

b. Enrollment Management Update / Retention Initiative - Albert Colom

c. Graduate Programs / Research Update - Dr. Mike Ogawa

2. Update Student Affairs – Jill Carr


February 24, 2012 McMaster Room, 308

Bowen-Thompson Student Union Bowling Green Campus


1. Approval of December 1, 2011 meeting minutes

2. Approval of Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection Upgrade Projects

3. Approval of Residence Hall Master Plan – Phase III McDonald Residence Hall Renovation

4. Approval to Renew Participation in the Local Administration Competency Certification Program for Capital Facilities Projects

5. Approval of BGSU Dining Services – Renovation of Falcon’s Nest Dining Area

6. Approval of Six-Year Capital Plan for Fiscal Years 2013 - 2018

7. Approval of FY 2013 Residence Hall Room Rates

8. Approval of FY 2013 Academic Special Course Fee Revisions

9. Approval of Authorization to Renew Mutual Aid Agreements


1. FY 2013 Meal Plan Rates

2. University Investment Schedule through December 31, 2011

3. Capital Projects Status Report through December 31, 2011

4. Update: Replacement Greek Housing - Information to be provided

5. E&G Revenue/Expenditure Report through December 31, 2011

6. Financial Metrics

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012

Background Information for Resolution 2012

Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection Upgrade Projects General Information Following the completion of the Residence Life and Dining Hall Master Plan (Summer 2009), Residence Life began working with Finance and Administration on specific projects to address changes to the residence halls that will enhance student safety, improve building access, improve internet access, and upgrade the overall student living experience. The total project scope will include emergency and egress lighting upgrades, security cameras installations at all egress doors, door access controls, emergency telephones, new addressable fire detection devices in each student room, interior lighting modifications, and wireless internet capabilities. The wireless internet installation will help address the issues associated with the slow, hard wired internet connections that currently exist in approximately 30 percent of the student rooms. Kreischer is expected to remain in service as a Tier 1 hall for a minimum of ten more years. Residence Life will recoup this investment by improving the financial operation of this building (e.g., improved revenue by decreasing vacancies, decreased expenses by improved operating efficiencies). The size and complexity of the project are too significant to accomplish over a single summer. Therefore, work will be performed during the summers of 2012 and 2013. The initial project estimate is listed below:

Construction Costs:

Smoke Detector / FA System $ 590,455

Wireless Upgrades 553,542

Security Cameras 268,909

Emergency & Egress Lighting Upgrades 136,364

Interior Lighting Upgrades 72,883

Emergency Telephones 34,136

Construction Total $ 1,656,289

Engineering Fees/Reimbursable Costs $ 217,153

Construction Contingency 141,448

Non-Construction Total $ 358,601

Total Project Cost $ 2,014,890 Funding Source: Series 2010 Bond funds Alternatives and Consequences If the project is not approved, student safety will not be enhanced to the level that is desired by Residence Life, and the network connections will continue to be a problem to students in rooms with deficient network cabling. This work is also important to improve the overall student living experience. Specific Recommendation and Justification It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to proceed with the Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection Upgrade Projects as presented. Timetable and Action Required Approval by the Board of Trustees is requested at its meeting on February 24, 2012.

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012 Resolution 2012

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS/FACILITIES COMMITTEE Approval of Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection Upgrade Projects

MOTION: _____________ moved and ____________ seconded that:

WHEREAS, Series 2010 Bond proceeds in the amount of $2,014,890 have been

identified for the upgrades and renovations to Kreischer Quadrangle as

part of the overall Residence Life and Dining Services Master Plan, and

Bowling Green Campus Master Plan; and

WHEREAS, the renovation includes emergency and egress lighting upgrades, door

access controls and security cameras, fire detection devices; and

WHEREAS, the project also includes wired and wireless internet upgrades; and

WHEREAS, the design, bidding, and construction will follow all applicable state laws

and regulations;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bowling Green State University

Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the Vice President for Finance and

Administration to proceed with the Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection

Upgrade Projects as described above.


Action Date of Action For the Board of Trustees



BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012

Background Information for Resolution 2012

Residence Hall Master Plan—Phase III McDonald Residence Hall Renovation General Information The 2009 Residence Life and Dining Hall Master Plan recommended renovations and upgrades to BGSU’s existing residence halls. Since that time the University has proceeded with many of these and continues to move forward with cost-effective capital plans that seek to maintain a quality living environment for students at affordable prices. A significant component of the Residence Life and Dining Hall Master Plan included a detailed analysis of existing residence halls determining which halls were candidates for upgrades or renovations extending their useful life. McDonald Hall was identified as the best Tier 1 level hall to retain due in part to its popularity as a freshman hall, its ideal location, and its proximity to The Oaks and the Bowen-Thompson Student Union. The renovations proposed here are expected to extend McDonald’s useful life for an additional ten to fifteen years. Net present value of the project was positive under a variety of occupancy and useful life scenarios, with break even at a ten year life with 92% occupancy. Since the adoption of the plan, McDonald Residence Hall has undergone the first two phases of a significant transformation that is designed to maintain the facility as an attractive, low price point (i.e., Tier 1) offering that can continue to serve student needs and conform to the overall Bowling Green Campus Master Plan. In 2010, Phase I involved the truncation of the west leg of the building to provide the location of The Oaks dining center. In 2011, Phase II of the McDonald Residence Hall work was completed with the demolition of approximately 200 feet of the east wing of the facility. Phase III of the project will complete the transformation of the residence hall. Its scope will involve several significant changes. The main entrance to McDonald Residence Hall will be relocated from the south side of McDonald north wing to the east side of McDonald east wing. This will create a more prominent and attractive entrance and will prepare North College Street for further infrastructure and civic space development as designated in the Campus Master Plan. This project also encompasses building-wide IT upgrades along with electrical, and fire alarm upgrades; select bathroom enlargements and cosmetic improvements; increases in the number of student rooms on the west wing;



and interior design improvements in lounges. This project will also complete the replacement of the windows and the west elevators that was begun under Phase II.

Phase III will be undertaken in three steps. Step 1 will begin in March 2012 with the modernization of the east elevators to include new controllers, electronics, doors and operators, code upgrades to the elevator control rooms, passenger controls and cabs. Only one elevator will be taken out of service at any one time in order to minimize inconvenience. There will continue to be three operable elevators for the building during the renovation, with the two new elevators in the west. Anticipated completion date is August 2012. Step 2 is scheduled from May 2012 to August 2012. This will be an aggressive schedule with a significant scope of work on the north and west wings. Two lounges on the first floor in the west wing will be converted to 22 new student rooms. Two of these rooms will be ADA accessible single occupancy, with the balance being double occupancy. Additionally, six rooms that had been taken off line after the demolition of the west wing in 2010 will be reactivated. This will provide for a total of 28 new or reactivated rooms on the first floor of the west wing. After demolition of the east and west wings, occupancy was reduced from approximately 1,200 occupants to 736. The new rooms will increase the bed count to 762. The first floor west wing will also see a computer room converted to a hall director apartment. The other remaining computer room, currently in the east wing, will be moved to the west end of the north wing and will become the only computer room in McDonald. All five restrooms in the west wing will be modernized, including one new ADA accessible unisex single occupancy restroom on each floor. The north and east bathrooms will get finish updates. Step 2 will also include improvements to the electrical system for the entire building. Currently three student rooms share one 20 amp circuit, which frequently causes the breakers to trip. The building will receive new CAT 6 cable and new coaxial for HDTV. All of McDonald will also be upgraded to receive wireless internet. The fire alarm system was improved during the previous projects, and this project will continue to replace the fire alarm system in both the west and the north wings with an addressable system and all new devices. Step 2 will include improvements to the exterior envelope of the building. The north entrance will be closed, with the stairs and elevator being demolished. In place of the stairs, there will be a terrace at the first floor level overlooking the interior courtyard and a new hardscape patio in the northeast corner of the courtyard (which will be constructed as part of Step 3). The first floor north lounge’s windows and walls also will be replaced



with a floor-to-ceiling glass storefront system that will open up the area to the interior courtyard. These improvements will greatly enhance the interior of the first floor east end of the north wing. The west wing’s entrance will also be closed, with the stairs removed, and the space converted to a lounge for the new rooms on first floor west. Step 3 is scheduled to begin in July 2012 and be complete by August 2013. The renovation of the east wing will change the character of the building by acknowledging the new center of gravity that will move from the north wing to the east. The new North College Street entrance will be a two story volume in the ground and first floors of the east wing. Prominent stairs and a ramp for ADA accessibility will lead from the street level to the first floor with another set of stairs leading down to a terraced courtyard entrance and gathering space before stepping down again to a ground level student lounge area. Exterior elements along the façade are intended to reinforce the main entrance, making it more visible from the north and south along North College Street. The intent also is to create a feature that could be carried over to the Annex, establishing an architectural and visual link, but not necessarily a physical one. There will be a visual connection between the courtyard and North College. The main desk for McDonald will be re-located to the area along with administrative offices. There will also be a community kitchen installed near the entrance. Step 3 will also see the completion of the student rooms in the east wing, which were gutted as part of the east wing’s demolition during summer 2011. The entire project will be completed by August 2013. The project estimate is listed below:

Construction Costs:

Step 1: Elevators Step 1 Total $400,000

Step 2: North & East Wings

Electrical Upgrades $1,269,000 West Bathrooms 1,099,000 Cat 6, Coax & Electronics 717,000 Renovate Existing Rooms 642,400 Lounge Improvements 360,400 New Student Rooms 345,000 Miscellaneous 298,571 North & East Baths 200,000 Fire Alarms 192,700 New Computer Room 100,000 Window Replacement 72,800

Step 2 Total $5,296,871



Step 3: East Wing

Entrance, Courtyard Landscaping, Kitchen $1,405,000 Room Improvements, Miscellaneous 336,663

Step 3 Total $1,741,663

Non-Construction Costs $1,117,466 Construction Contingency 744,000 Non-Construction/Construction Contingency Total $1,861,466

Total Project Cost $9,300,000

Funding Sources: Series 2010 Bond Funds Alternatives and Consequences If the project is not approved, McDonald Hall will not provide an acceptable low price point housing offering for students. It will not provide an acceptable student experience; it will lack amenities; and continue to have substandard electrical service, internet connectivity, and cable service. Specific Recommendation and Justification It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to proceed with the Residence Hall Master Plan—Phase III McDonald Residence Hall Renovation as described above. Timetable and Action Required Approval by the Board of Trustees is requested at its February 24, 2012 meeting.

Campus Context – Site - Interconnections!


•! East side of residence hall is a major student thoroughfare – prime location for new entry •! Closure of North College Street will create a more pedestrian friendly environment


Campus Context – Entry Sequence!


First Floor – Example Scenario!






Floors 2 – 4 !West Wing Bathrooms

Room Upgrades: •! New paint and carpeting •! New moveable furniture •! Upgraded electrical •! New IT and cable •! New windows – energy efficient

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012 Resolution 2012

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS/FACILITIES COMMITTEE Approval of Residence Halls Master Plan – Phase III McDonald Residence Hall Renovations MOTION: _____________ moved and ____________ seconded that:

WHEREAS, the Series 2010 Bond issue provided funds in the amount of

$9,300,000 for the upgrades and renovations to McDonald Hall as part of

the overall Residence Life and Dining Services Master Plan, and Bowling

Green Campus Master Plan; and

WHEREAS, the first two phases of renovation have been performed and provide the

necessary background work to enable Phase III to proceed; and

WHEREAS, Phase III will dramatically transform McDonald Hall by addressing

electrical, IT/wireless, fire system, elevator and windows; it will provide

significantly improved restrooms, lounge space, computer room and kitchen; it

will also include a redesigned entrance and courtyard; and

WHEREAS, the design, bidding, and construction will follow all applicable state laws

and regulations;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bowling Green State University

Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the Vice President for Finance and

Administration to proceed with this project as described above.


Action Date of Action For the Board of Trustees



BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012

Background Information for Resolution 2012-

BGSU Dining Services – Renovation of Falcon’s Nest Dining Area

General Information In 2009, after a competitive selection process, BGSU selected Chartwells as its food service operator and manager in order to improve the quality of dining services for students, faculty and staff. The relationship was formalized in a Food Service Management Agreement. During the first year of the agreement, BGSU and Chartwells worked together to renovate or refresh several of the existing dining venues on campus, including the Kreischer Sundial, Founders dining area, select aspects of the Falcon’s Nest in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union, and several carryout locations (now known as Outtakes). Beginning in the spring of 2010, BGSU and Chartwells worked together to develop two new dining centers: The Oaks and Carillon Place replacing McDonald Dining and Commons Dining, respectively. The new dining halls became operational in August of 2011 and provided a significantly improved dining experience, meal plan selection, and increased service platforms. Meal plans have been redesigned significantly to improve food service offerings and provide more cost-effective or health-conscious dining options for students, faculty and staff. As intended, food plan sales, including discretionary food plans, and cash sales have all improved significantly. Operational performance has also improved. The management agreement with Chartwells contemplated additional capital investments by both the University and Chartwells over time predicated on achieving certain performance measures. One of the most significant investments on the University’s part included a more complete renovation and upgrade of the Falcon’s Nest. The planned capital investment is intended to grow sales by improving throughput and operating efficiencies. The renovation will also enable new branded food concepts and offerings to be added in accordance with students, faculty and staff preferences. The timing of the planned capital investment coincides with the conclusion of the University’s ten-year contract with Wendy’s. The proposed project seeks to substantially improve the food service experience in the Bowen-Thompson Student Union, one of the busiest dining venues on campus. The major components of the project are summarized below and graphically depicted on the attachments. • An expansion and renovation of the main food preparation and selection area, allowing for

greater traffic flow in the food court while introducing new brands. The combination of



new high-street brands and improved throughput will provide a spacious “market-style” food court. The expansion of the food court and improved entry will also allow for speedier service and check-out. Final franchise brand selection will be determined through a campus-wide survey to be conducted during the spring semester.

• A re-creation and re-branding of the Black Swamp Pub to showcase a new feature-bar counter, along with new lighting, flooring, ceiling, millwork and other interior finishes. The venue would become a bistro-style restaurant for a more up-scale dining experience that would replace The Greenery (located on the second floor of the building) during the day, while continuing to provide a more casual “pub” atmosphere for evening/late night student activity. It would serve both a campus-based and off-campus clientele.

• Renovation and re-alignment of “back-of-house” operations including delivery, storage, kitchen areas, and dish-washing to significantly improve operational efficiencies and support broader service offerings.

• Enabling projects that include a re-design and re-location of the existing computer lab and lounge.

A simple payback of 5.8 years has been estimated for this project based on a conservative increase in annual sales of $340,000 (replacing Wendy’s with BGSU/Chartwells franchise and increased customers and throughput in Falcon’s Nest) and a conservative decrease in operating expenses of $350,000 by closing or significantly reducing two poor-performing, pre-existing food service locations. The intention is to complete the entire project for fall of 2012 semester, however, there may be some work which may require additional time stretching into fall 2012 semester. The project estimate is summarized below:

Construction costs: General contractor $2,078,000 Equipment $ 652,000 Millwork $ 430,800 Furniture $ 72,200 Signage/menus $ 57,000 Sub-total construction $3,290,000

Professional Services/Contingency: Professional fees $ 401,000

Contingency $ 309,000 Sub-total: $ 710,000

Total project cost: $4,000,000

Source of funds: BGSU Dining Services Renewal and Replacement Reserves



Alternatives and Consequences If the project is not approved, the full potential of the Falcon’s Nest will not be realized, financial growth of dining services will be constrained, a full repertoire of brands and offerings will be limited, and the ability of BGSU and Chartwells to meet customer demands and preferences will be lessened. Specific Recommendation and Justification It is recommended that the Board of Trustees authorize the Vice President for Finance and Administration to proceed with the projects as described above. Timetable and Action Required Approval by the Board of Trustees is requested at its February 24, 2012 meeting.

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012 Resolution 2012

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS/FACILITIES COMMITTEE Approval of BGSU Dining Services – Renovation of Falcon’s Nest Dining Area

MOTION: _____________ moved and ____________ seconded that:

WHEREAS, funds in the amount of $4,000,000 have been provided by Dining

Services Renewal and Replacement Reserves for the upgrades and

renovations to the Falcon’s Nest Dining Area; and

WHEREAS, the proposed renovation will significantly improve throughput and operating

efficiencies in the Falcon’s Nest; and

WHEREAS, the partnership with Chartwells has resulted in significantly improved sales

and operating efficiencies well ahead of the years in which it was projected; and

WHEREAS, the University is re-investing in capital dining facilities to ensure the

perpetual physical and fiscal health of the Dining Services operations; and

WHEREAS, the design, bidding, and construction will follow all applicable state laws

and regulations;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bowling Green State University

Board of Trustees hereby authorizes the Vice President for Finance and

Administration to proceed with this project as described above.


Action Date of Action For the Board of Trustees

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012

Background Information for Resolution 2012

Increase in Fiscal Year 2013 Residence Hall Room Rates General Information As an auxiliary, the Department of Residence Life bears financial responsibility for ensuring sufficient funds are generated via the room rates charged to provide solvency to its current operations as well as to provide sufficient funds for on-going investment in its physical facilities for future students to enjoy. The proposed rate increases for the University’s existing housing must take into account several important factors:

1) The current economic and financial challenges that BGSU students and their families are facing;

2) The vital need to re-invest in both new and existing housing facilities; 3) The need to ensure that the prices of existing BGSU housing options are appropriate and

competitive given the external market as well as the new rooms opening fall, 2011; 4) Recognition of the necessity of stringently managing operating expenses; 5) The importance of aligning room type and amenities with room price; 6) A recognition that room rates represent one component of a student’s total cost to attend

BGSU. The University has again attempted to exercise restraint in increasing room rates for FY 2013 by utilizing differentiated room rate increases for different categories of room types and amenities. The rate increases proposed for Centennial Hall and Falcon Heights Hall are consistent with the annual increase proposed within the project’s proforma financials. BGSU has historically excluded Technology and Laundry fees from room rates reflecting a lower rate when compared to Ohio peers. With Centennial and Falcon Heights coming on-line, those fees have been embedded within the total room rate. We are proposing a similar treatment for all other BGSU Residence Hall room rates, effective for FY 2013. This change eliminates unexpected fees for Residence Hall students and parents. Schedule 1 was developed by staff and leadership of Residence Life to provide students and families a tool to easily compare room types, amenities and rates. The schedule breaks buildings down into tiers:

1) Tier 1/Basic – includes Harshman, Kohl, Kreischer, and McDonald 2) Tier 2/Moderate – includes current Greek units and Conklin North 3) Tier 3/Deluxe – includes Offenhauer and Founders 4) Tier 4/Premium – includes Centennial and Falcon Heights

Proposed tiering, amenities and pricing were also compared to external market competition in the Bowling Green area. While occupancy rates in local housing units have improved since FY 2009 and 2010, monthly rental rates remain depressed. Schedule 2 contains room types, prior year room rates, proposed FY 2013 room rates, and a comparison of the dollar and percentage changes. Overall a room rate increase of 2.04 percent is requested (excluding the Technology and Laundry fees) or 6.92 percent average increase including the Technology and Laundry fees. Schedule 3 provides the University’s total cost of attendance for FY 2012 (prior year) compared to other public institutions in Ohio. This schedule serves as a base comparison and shows the University in position five when comparing the total cost of attendance. Schedule 4 provides the University’s projected total cost of attendance for FY 2013 if 1) all universities increased tuition and general fees at the maximum permitted by the FY 2011-2012 state biennial budget bill of 3.5 percent, and 2) all other universities increased room and board rates by an average of 3 percent, and 3) BGSU increased room rates as proposed in Schedule 2. Note that BGSU’s relative position does not change. Alternatives and Consequences Student-funded residence hall fees are an integral component of the Department of Residence Life budget and allow the University to provide students with a living-learning experience that has been deemed essential to the overall development of undergraduates. In addition, these fees provide the resources necessary to ensure a quality, safe living environment - not only for today’s student - but also for investment in the facilities necessary for tomorrow’s student as well. With the modest increases requested, the University will be able to meet mission-critical functions as well as continue on-going efforts to address changing students’ needs. Specific Recommendation and Justification It is recommended that the rate increases as listed on Schedule 2 be approved effective for the fall semester of FY2013. Timetable and Action Required Approval by the Board of Trustees is requested at its meeting on February 24, 2012.


Proposed Rates By Tier - FY 2013

Rev 1/20/2012 Schedule 1

Cable Laundry Comp Lofts & Secure Comm. 24-Hr Room Kitchen Wireless In-Suite In-SuiteTV in Bldg Lab Bunks Access Lounge Desk Svc A/C Mic/Frg Sink Facilities Internet Living Rm Bath

Tier 1/BasicHarshman ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " ! # " "

Kohl ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " ! ! " "

Kreischer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " ! # " "

McDonald ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " ! # " "

Tier 2/ModerateGreek Units ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " " ! # " "

Conklin N. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " " ! " "

Tier 3/DeluxeOffenhauer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " " ! ! " "

Founders ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! !

Tier 4/PremiumCentenniel ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! " !

Falcon Heights ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " ! ! ! ! !

! ProvidedLEGEND # Provided in some

" Not available


In Unit

Revised 2/9/12 Schedule 2

TOTAL TOTAL $ TOTAL %FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 Proposed $ Proposed % Tech + Proposed Change from Change from

Room Type Room Rate Room Rate Room Rate Increase Increase Laundry Fee Room Rates FY 2012 FY 2012RATE INCREASES:

Tier 1 Standard Double Room $2,215 $2,280 $2,335 $40 1.71% $145 $2,520 $185 7.92%

Tier 1 Standard Single Room $2,950 $3,050 $2,840 $45 1.58% $145 $3,030 $190 6.69%

Tier 1 Super Single Room n/a n/a $3,000 $50 1.67% $145 $3,195 $195 6.50%

Tier 2 Conklin N/Greek Units Double Room $2,315 $2,370 $2,500 $40 1.60% $145 $2,685 $185 7.40%

Tier 2 Conklin N/Greek Units Single Room $3,050 $3,130 $3,000 $50 1.67% $145 $3,195 $195 6.50%

Tier 2 Conklin N/Greek Units Super Single Room n/a n/a $3,165 $55 1.74% $145 $3,365 $200 6.32%

Tier 3 Double Room $2,600 $2,600 $2,665 $45 1.69% $145 $2,855 $190 7.13%

Tier 3 Single Room $3,200 $3,050 $3,125 $75 2.40% $145 $3,345 $220 7.04%

Tier 3 Super Single Room $3,700 $3,400 $3,300 $70 2.12% $145 $3,515 $215 6.52%

Tier 4 Double Room n/a n/a $2,800 $75 2.68% $145 $3,020 $220 7.86%

Tier 4 Single Room n/a n/a $3,300 $90 2.73% $145 $3,535 $235 7.12%

Tier 4 Super Single Room n/a n/a $3,485 $90 2.58% $145 $3,720 $235 6.74%

Tier 1: Harshman, Kohl, Kreischer, McDonald FY 2013 Average Room Rate Increase: 6.94%

Tier 2: Conklin North, Greek Units Avg. Room Rate Increase w/out Tech & Laundry 2.04% Proposed Standard Double Increase: 7.92%

Tier 3: Offenhauer, Founders

Tier 4: Centennial, Falcon Heights


Proposed Semester Room Rates - FY 2013


Rev 1/20/2012 Schedule 3

No. Four-Year Public Colleges Tuition General FeesTotal

Tuition & Fees Room & BoardFY 2012

Total Cost

1 Central State University $3,430 $2,242 $5,672 $8,484 $14,1562 Shawnee State University $5,718 $1,044 $6,762 $8,012 $14,7743 Youngstown State University $6,006 $1,444 $7,450 $7,900 $15,3504 Wright State University $7,008 $1,062 $8,070 $8,511 $16,5815 BGSU $8,614 $1,430 $10,044 $7,694 $17,7386 Kent State University $7,832 $1,514 $9,346 $8,830 $18,1767 University of Toledo $7,598 $1,328 $8,926 $9,922 $18,8488 Ohio State University $8,856 $879 $9,735 $9,378 $19,1139 University of Akron $8,004 $1,542 $9,546 $9,586 $19,132

10 Cleveland State University $7,554 $1,448 $9,002 $10,398 $19,40011 Ohio University $8,613 $1,323 $9,936 $9,753 $19,68912 University of Cincinnati $8,805 $1,614 $10,419 $9,780 $20,19913 Miami University $10,880 $2,200 $13,080 $10,640 $23,720

Note: BGSU's total cost of attendance is less expensive than all 4-corner schools.BGSU's total tuition and fees is the third most expensive, behind Miami Univeristy and University of Cincinnati.

Sorted by FY 2012 Total Cost

ORIGINALBase Cost of Higher Education-Sorted by FY 2012 TOTAL COST





No. Four-Year Public Colleges Total CostTuition

(3.5% Incr)General Fee (3.5% Incr)

Total Tuition & Fees

Room & Board (3% Incr)

Proposed Total Cost

Dollar Increase % Increase

1 Central State University $14,156 $3,550 $2,320 $5,871 $8,739 $14,609 $453 3.2%2 Shawnee State University $14,774 $5,918 $1,081 $6,999 $8,252 $15,251 $477 3.2%3 Youngstown State University $15,350 $6,216 $1,495 $7,711 $8,137 $15,848 $498 3.2%4 Wright State University $16,581 $7,253 $1,099 $8,352 $8,766 $17,119 $538 3.2%5 BGSU** $17,738 $8,915 $1,480 $10,396 $8,064 $18,460 $722 4.1%6 Kent State University $18,176 $8,106 $1,567 $9,673 $9,095 $18,768 $592 3.3%7 University of Toledo $18,848 $7,864 $1,374 $9,238 $10,220 $19,458 $610 3.2%8 Ohio State University $19,113 $9,166 $910 $10,076 $9,659 $19,735 $622 3.3%9 University of Akron $19,132 $8,284 $1,596 $9,880 $9,874 $19,754 $622 3.2%

10 Cleveland State University $19,400 $7,818 $1,499 $9,317 $10,710 $20,027 $627 3.2%11 Ohio University $19,689 $8,914 $1,369 $10,284 $10,046 $20,329 $640 3.3%12 University of Cincinnati $20,199 $9,113 $1,670 $10,784 $10,073 $20,857 $658 3.3%13 Miami University $23,720 $11,261 $2,277 $13,538 $10,959 $24,497 $777 3.3%

Assumptions:BGSU Tuition and Fees increasing by 3.5%BGSU Room & Board - based on FY 2013 proposed rates & laundry and tech fee are included

** BGSU Assumptions

FY2012 FY2013 Annual Annual Inc. %

Represents FY2013 Proposed Rates: Room Revenue based on 7.92% increase $4,670 $5,040 $370 7.9% UDS based on 0.00% increase $3,024 $3,024 $0 0.0%

$7,694 $8,064 $370 4.8%Sorted by FY2013 Total Cost

FY 2013 Proposed TOTAL COST

FY 2012 FY 2013

BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Board of Trustees February 24, 2012 Resolution 2012

FINANCIAL AFFAIRS/FACILITIES COMMITTEE Approval of Increase in Fiscal Year 2013 Residence Hall Room Rates MOTION: _____________ moved and ____________ seconded that:

WHEREAS, boards of trustees at public colleges and universities in Ohio are responsible

for establishing the fees to be charged for room rates and related ancillary


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Bowling Green State University

Board of Trustees hereby approves an average room rate increase of 2.04 percent

excluding Technology and Laundry fees or 6.94 percent including Technology

and Laundry fees with specific room-type rate increases as shown on Schedule 2

to be effective for the fall semester of fiscal year 2013.


Action Date of Action For the Board of Trustees


February 24, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. Bowen-Thompson Student Union, McMaster Room, 308

Bowling Green Campus



Committee Report

1. Approval of Personnel Changes since December 2, 2011 meeting

a. Full-time faculty

b. Administrative staff

2. Approval of Honorary Degree: Maestra Marin Alsop

3. Approval of Honorary Degree: Dr. Bernice Sandler

4. Approval of Distinguished Research Professor: Dr. Timothy Fuerst

5. Approval of Degree Name Change: Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology

6. Establishment of a Classification System for BGSU Classified Staff

7. Approval of 2012 Blue Water Satellite Licensing Agreement


Committee Report

1. Approval of Kreischer Electrical, Data, and Fire Protection Upgrade Projects

2. Approval of Residence Hall Master Plan – Phase III McDonald Residence Hall


3. Approval to Renew Participation in the Local Administration Competency Certification

Program for Capital Facilities Projects

4. Approval of BGSU Dining Services – Renovation of Falcon’s Nest Dining Area

5. Approval of Six-Year Capital Plan for Fiscal Years 2013 - 2018

6. Approval of FY 2013 Residence Hall Room Rates

7. Approval of FY 2013 Academic Special Course Fee Revisions

8. Approval of Authorization to Renew Mutual Aid Agreements





1. Firelands College Board Representative – Kathie Mueller

2. Administrative Staff Council Representative – Jason Dunn

3. Classified Staff Council Representative – Karen Schwab

4. Faculty Representative – John Folkins

5. Graduate Student Representative – David Sleasman

6. Undergraduate Student Representative – Emily Ancinec ANNOUNCEMENTS



