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  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher





    YAHWEHs Restored Name version of the Book of Yasher (Jasher)

    Done by YAHWEHs Sord

    !"s not this ritten in the Book of Yasher#!$$Yah%sh%a ben N%n& ''*+

    !Beho,d it is ritten in the Book of Yasher+!-.nd Sam%e,& ''/

  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher



  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher


    CONTENTS With Short Summery Of Each Chapter

    Section 1

    0HA12ER '$$2he 0reation of Adam and Eve+ 2he 3a,,+ Birth of 0ain and Abe,+ Abe, a 4ee5er ofShee5+ 0ain a 2i,,er of the Soi,+ 2he 6%arre, Beteen the Brothers and the Res%,t+ 0ain& the 3irst

    7%rderer& 0%rsed of YAHWEH+0HA12ER .$$Seth is Born+ 1eo5,e be8in to 7%,ti5,y and Be9ome "do,atro%s+ 2hird 1art of the Earth

    Destroyed+ Earth 9%rsed and be9omes 9orr%5t thro%8h the Wi9kedness of 7en+ 0ainan& a Wise andRi8hteo%s 4in8& 3orete,,s the 3,ood+ Eno9h is Born+

    0HA12ER *$$Eno9h Rei8ns over the Earth+ Eno9h Estab,ishes Ri8hteo%sness %5on the Earth& and after

    Rei8nin8 2o H%ndred and 3orty Years is 2rans,ated+0HA12ER :$$2he 1eo5,e of the Earth A8ain Be9ome 0orr%5t+ Noah is Born+

    0HA12ER ;$$Noah and 7eth%se,ah 1rea9h Re5entan9e for

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    0HA12ER ':$$Rikayon@s 9%nnin8 Devi9e to make 7oney of the E8y5tians+

    0HA12ER ';$$$$YAHWEH A55ears to Abram and Estab,ishes the 0ovenant of 0ir9%m9ision& and 9a,,s

    his name Abraham& and Sarai& He 9a,,s Sarah+

    0HA12ER '/$$Abraham Entertains 2hree Heaven,y 7essen8ers& ho eat ith him+ Sarah is 5romised aSon+ 2he 1eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah& and of a,, the 0ities of the 1,ain be9ome very Wi9ked+

    0HA12ER '$$2he Abominations of the 5eo5,e of Sodom and ?omorrah+ 2o Heaven,y 7essen8ers

    sent to Save Cot+ 2he 0ities of the 1,ain and a,, their "nhabitants Destroyed by 3ire+

    0HA12ER .$$Abraham 8oes to the ,and of the 1hi,istines& and a8ain te,,s the 1eo5,e that Sarah is hisSister+ Abime,e9h the 4in8 desires her for a Wife+ An Heaven,y 7essen8er arns him& and 9ommands

    him to ret%rn her to her H%sband+ 2he ho,e ,and aff,i9ted on a99o%nt of the matter+ Sarah Restored to

    Abraham& ho entreats YAHWEH to hea, the 1eo5,e of Abime,e9h+0HA12ER .'$$Yits9ha is Born& 9a%sin8 m%9h ReGoi9in8 amon8 the 3riends of Abraham+ "shmae,

    Attem5ts to ki,, Yits9ha& and on that a99o%nt is sent aay ith his 7other+ "shmae, is b,essed ith

    Ri9hes and 1osterity+0HA12ER ..$$"shmae, ret%rns to his 3ather& ith his Wives and 0hi,dren+ Abraham Ret%rns to 0anaan

    and makes his Home in Beersheba& here he Hos5itab,y Entertains a,, stran8ers and tea9hes them the

    ay of YAHWEH+ Yits9ha and "shmae,@s 9onversation+ 2he

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    0HA12ER .>$$Esa% s,ays Nimrod and 2o of his 7i8hty 7en+ Ret%rns Home eary from the 3i8ht&and se,,s his Birthri8ht for a,%e+

    0HA12ER ./$$

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    to J%d8ment+ "s A9%itted by his J%d8es& b%t for the Sake of the Re5ort a8ainst 1oti5har@s Wife& he is

    9ast into 1rison+0HA12ER :;$$An A99o%nt of the 3ami,ies of Ya9ob@s Sons+

    0HA12ER :=$$Yose5h "nter5rets the Dreams of his 3e,,o$1risoners+

    0HA12ER :>$$Yits9ha B,esses his to Sons and Dies+ His 1ro5erty is Divided+ Esa% takes a,, the5ersona, 1ro5erty and Ya9ob 9hooses the "nheritan9e of the Cand of 0anaan& ith the 0ave of

    7a9h5e,ah for a B%ryin8 1,a9e+

    0HA12ER :/$$1haraoh@s Dreams+ Not Re9eivin8 a Satisfa9tory "nter5retation from the 7a8i9ians& heorders the Wise 7en to be S,ain+ 2he 4in8@s B%t,er makes Yose5h@s ?ifts knon to 1haraoh+ Yose5h isBro%8ht before the 4in8& ho Re,ates his Dreams to him+ Yose5h& by the ?ift of YAHWEH& "nter5rets

    them+ A 8reat 3amine 1redi9ted+

    0HA12ER :$$1haraoh Assemb,es a,, the ?reat 7en of the 4in8dom& and desires to a55oint Yose5h to?overn E8y5t+ 2hey

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    0HA12ER ;;$$YAHWEH 9ommands Ya9ob to 8o don to E8y5t& here He i,, make him a ?reat

    Nation+ Yose5h and a,, E8y5t 8o to meet Ya9ob to do him Honor hen he arrives+ 2he Cand of ?oshenis 8iven to him and his 0hi,dren+

    0HA12ER ;=$$After Seventeen Years@ De,,in8 in E8y5t& Ya9ob dies& after B,essin8 his 0hi,dren and

    9ommandin8 them to 8o in the Way of YAHWEH+ Yose5h and his Brethren and a,, the 7i8hty 7en ofE8y5t 8o %5 to 0anaan to B%ry Ya9ob+ Esa%& 9,aimin8 the Cand of 0anaan as his& i,, not A,,o Yose5h

    to B%ry his 3ather+ After Esa% and many of his 1eo5,e are s,ain& Ya9ob is B%ried by 3or9e+ A,, the 4in8s

    of 0anaan 9ome %5 to do him Honor+0HA12ER ;>$$2he Sons of Esa% make ar ith the Sons of Ya9ob and are smitten+ Some are taken9a5tive to E8y5t+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% en,ist the 1eo5,e of Seir to A99om5any them to E8y5t to De,iver

    their Brethren+ Yose5h and his Brethren and the E8y5tians s,ay Si H%ndred 2ho%sand+ Near,y a,, the

    7i8hty 7en of Seir bein8 S,ain& they make ar ith the 0hi,dren of Esa% to Drive them from theirCand+ Esa% 5revai,s and %tter,y annihi,ates the 0hi,dren of Seir+

    0HA12ER ;/$$1haraoh dies and the ho,e ?overnment of E8y5t devo,ves %5on Yose5h& 1haraoh the

    Yo%n8er bein8 b%t a nomina, R%,er+ 2he 0hi,dren of Esa% a8ain 9ome A8ainst the Yisrae,ites& and area8ain smitten+

    0HA12ER ;$$Ya9ob@s 1osterity in E8y5t+ After 1ro5hesyin8 that YAHWEH o%,d De,iver his

    Brethren from E8y5t& Yose5h dies and is b%ried& and the Yisrae,ites are r%,ed over by the E8y5tians ';0HA12ER =$$Ie5ho& the Son of E,i5haF& the Son of Esa%& ho as taken 0a5tive by Yose5h here he

    B%ried his 3ather& Es9a5es from E8y5t ith a,, his 7en+

    0HA12ERS ='& =.& and =*$$1etty Wars and 9ontentions of the Nations of Afri9a ith Ie5ho+

    0HA12ER =:$$Ie5ho Ceads a ?reat Army of 0hittimites& Edomites& and "shmae,ites a8ainst E8y5t+2hree H%ndred 2ho%sand E8y5tians 5%t to 3,i8ht& b%t $$Aaron is Born+

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    kee5s him in 5rison for 2en Years+ "s fed by Ii55orah& the Da%8hter of Re%e,+ 1haraoh smitten of the

    1,a8%e+ S,ays a 9hi,d of the Yisrae,ites every day+ He dies of the Rot& and his Son& Adikam& Rei8ns in hisStead+

    0HA12ER >>$$Adikam 1haraoh Aff,i9ts Yisrae, more than ever+ 7osheh is Re,eased by Re%e,& and

    7arries his Da%8hter Ii55orah+ 7osheh obtains 5ossession of YAHWEH@s Sti9k+0HA12ER >/$$7osheh has 2o Sons+ 1haraoh ithho,ds Stra from the Yisrae,ites+

    0HA12ER >$$YAHWEH a55ears to 7osheh and 9ommands him to 8o don to E8y5t to De,iver

    Yisrae,+ Aaron meets him+ Yisrae, on hearin8 of his 7ission 8reat,y reGoi9es+ 7osheh and Aaron 8o to1haraoh& ho 9a,,s a,, the 7a8i9ians to meet 7osheh+ 2hey 1erform 7ira9,es as e,, as 7osheh& andth%s De9eive the 4in8+ 1haraoh& not findin8 the Name of YAHWEH on any of the Books of Re9ords&

    says he does not kno ho He is& and i,, not ,et his 1eo5,e 8o+ 7osheh and Aaron tea9h 1haraoh& b%t

    he i,, not hearken& b%t 9a%ses the ,abor of the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, to be in9reased+ 7osheh bein8dis9o%ra8ed is to,d by YAHWEH that ith an o%tstret9hed hand and heavy 1,a8%es& Yisrae, sha,, be


    0HA12ER /$$After 2o Years& 7osheh and Aaron a8ain 8o to 1haraoh& b%t 1haraoh i,, notHearken+ YAHWEH aff,i9ts E8y5t ith a,, manner of 1,a8%es and Aff,i9tions+ 2he 3irst$born of a,, the

    E8y5tians is S,ain+ 1haraoh sends the 0hi,dren of Yisrae, aay& and a,, the E8y5tians rise %5 to %r8e

    their De5art%re& b%t they i,, not 8o in the Ni8ht+0HA12ER /'$$2he De5art%re of the Yisrae,ites from E8y5t ith ?reat Ri9hes and 3,o9ks and Herds+

    After the E8y5tians b%ry their 3irst$born& many of them 8o after the Yisrae,ites to ind%9e them to ret%rn+

    B%t they ref%se to ret%rn& and fi8ht the Nob,es of E8y5t and drive them home+ 1haraoh reso,ves ith the

    E8y5tians to 5%rs%e Yisrae, and 9om5e, them to Ret%rn+ 2he 0hi,dren of Yisrae, are divided$$someantin8 to 8o ba9k+ 7osheh 5rays for de,iveran9e+ YAHWEH te,,s him not to 9ry to him& b%t 5ro9eed+

    2he aters of the Red Sea are Divided+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ass 2hro%8h in Safety& b%t the E8y5tians are

    %tter,y Destroyed+ 2he Yisrae,ites 5ro9eed on their Jo%rney& and are fed ith 7anna+ 2he 0hi,dren ofEsa% fi8ht Yisrae,& b%t the Catter 1revai,+

    0HA12ER /.$$2he 2en 0ommandments are ?iven+ Whi,e 7osheh is in the 7o%nt& Aaron makes a

    ?o,den 0a,f& and Yisrae, Worshi5s it+ 0ivi, War+ YAHWEH has a San9t%ary B%i,t for His Worshi5 inthe Wi,derness+

    Section 8

    0HA12ER /*$$Aaron and his Sons are 1,a9ed in 9har8e of YAHWEH@s Servi9e+ 2he Sa9rifi9es and

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    stand sti,, at Yoh%sh%a@s 0ommand+

    0HA12ER /$$Yoh%sh%a@s Son8 of 1raise+ 2he Wars of Yisrae,+0HA12ER $$2he Edomites are Smitten by 0hittim+ 2he Cand is Divided& and the 5eo5,e have Rest+

    Yoh%sh%a bein8 Advan9ed in Years Ehorts the 5eo5,e to

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    '= And %nto 0ain and his offerin8 YAHWEH did not t%rn& and he did not in9,ine to it& for he had bro%8ht

    from the inferior fr%it of the 8ro%nd before YAHWEH& and 0ain as Gea,o%s a8ainst his brother Abe, ona99o%nt of this& and he so%8ht a 5retet to s,ay him+

    '> And in some time after& 0ain and Abe, his brother& ent one day into the fie,d to do their ork and they

    ere both in the fie,d& 0ain ti,,in8 and 5,o%8hin8 his 8ro%nd& and Abe, feedin8 his f,o9k and the f,o9k5assed that 5art hi9h 0ain had 5,o%8hed in the 8ro%nd& and it sore,y 8rieved 0ain on this a99o%nt+

    '/ And 0ain a55roa9hed his brother Abe, in an8er& and he said %nto him& What is there beteen me and

    yo%& that yo% 9ome to de,, and brin8 yo%r f,o9k to feed in my ,and#' And Abe, ansered his brother 0ain and said %nto him& What is there beteen me and yo%& that yo%sha,, eat the f,esh of my f,o9k and 9,othe thyse,f ith their oo,#

    . And no therefore& 5%t off the oo, of my shee5 ith hi9h yo% hast 9,othed thyse,f& and re9om5ense

    me for their fr%it and f,esh hi9h yo% hast eaten& and hen yo% sha,, have done this& " i,, then 8o fromyo%r ,and as yo% hast said#

    .' And 0ain said to his brother Abe,& S%re,y if " s,ay yo% this day& ho i,, re%ire yo%r b,ood from me#

    .. And Abe, ansered 0ain& sayin8& S%re,y YAHWEH ho has made %s in the earth& he i,, aven8e my9a%se& and he i,, re%ire my b,ood from yo% sho%,dst yo% s,ay me& for YAHWEH is the G%d8e and arbiter

    and it is he ho i,, re%ite man a99ordin8 to his evi,& and the i9ked man a99ordin8 to the i9kedness

    that he may do %5on earth+.* And no& if yo% sho%,dst s,ay me here& s%re,y YAHWEH knos yo%r se9ret vies& and i,, G%d8e yo%

    for the evi, hi9h yo% didst de9,are to do %nto me this day+

    .: And hen 0ain heard the ords hi9h Abe, his brother had s5oken& beho,d the an8er of 0ain as

    kind,ed a8ainst his brother Abe, for de9,arin8 this thin8+.; And 0ain hastened and rose %5& and took the iron 5art of his 5,o%8hin8 instr%ment& ith hi9h he

    s%dden,y smote his brother and he s,e him& and 0ain s5i,t the b,ood of his brother Abe, %5on the earth&

    and the b,ood of Abe, streamed %5on the earth before the f,o9k+.= And after this 0ain re5ented havin8 s,ain his brother& and he as sad,y 8rieved& and he e5t over him

    and it veed him e9eedin8,y+

    .> And 0ain rose %5 and d%8 a ho,e in the fie,d& herein he 5%t his brother@s body& and he t%rned the d%stover it+

    ./ And YAHWEH kne hat 0ain had done to his brother& and YAHWEH a55eared to 0ain and said %nto

    him& Where is Abe, yo%r brother that as ith yo%#

    . And 0ain dissemb,ed& and said& " do not kno& am " my brother@s kee5er# And YAHWEH said %ntohim& What hast yo% done# 2he voi9e of yo%r brother@s b,ood 9ries %nto me from the 8ro%nd here yo% hast

    s,ain him+

    * 3or yo% hast s,ain yo%r brother and hast dissemb,ed before me& and didst ima8ine in yo%r heart that "sa yo% not& nor kne a,, yo%r a9tions+

    *' B%t yo% didst this thin8 and didst s,ay yo%r brother for na%8ht and be9a%se he s5oke ri8ht,y to yo%& and

    no& therefore& 9%rsed be yo% from the 8ro%nd hi9h o5ened its mo%th to re9eive yo%r brother@s b,ood fromyo%r hand& and herein yo% didst b%ry him+

    *. And it sha,, be hen yo% sha,, ti,, it& it sha,, no more 8ive yo% its stren8th as in the be8innin8& for thorns

    and thist,es sha,, the 8ro%nd 5rod%9e& and yo% sha,, be movin8 and anderin8 in the earth %nti, the day ofyo%r death+

    ** And at that time 0ain ent o%t from the 5resen9e of YAHWEH& from the 5,a9e here he as& and he

    ent movin8 and anderin8 in the ,and toard the east of Eden& he and a,, be,on8in8 to him+

    *: And 0ain kne his ife in those days& and she 9on9eived and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Eno9h&sayin8& "n that time YAHWEH be8an to 8ive him rest and %iet in the earth+

    *; And at that time 0ain a,so be8an to b%i,d a 9ity and he b%i,t the 9ity and he 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity

    Eno9h& a99ordin8 to the name of his son for in those days YAHWEH had 8iven him rest %5on the earthand he did not move abo%t and ander as in the be8innin8+

    *= And "rad as born to Eno9h& and "rad be8at 7e9h%yae, and 7e9h%yae, be8at 7eth%sae,+


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    0HA12ER .$$Seth is Born+ 1eo5,e be8in to 7%,ti5,y and Be9ome "do,atro%s+ 2hird 1art of the Earth Destroyed+ Earth 9%rsedand be9omes 9orr%5t thro%8h the Wi9kedness of 7en+ 0ainan& a Wise and Ri8hteo%s 4in8& 3orete,,s the 3,ood+ Eno9h is Born+

    ' And it as in the h%ndred and thirtieth year of the ,ife of Adam %5on the earth& that he a8ain kne Eve

    his ife& and she 9on9eived and bare a son in his ,ikeness and in his ima8e& and she 9a,,ed his name Seth&

    sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH has a55ointed me another seed in the 5,a9e of Abe,& for 0ain has s,ain him+

    . And Seth ,ived one h%ndred and five years& and he be8at a son and Seth 9a,,ed the name of his sonEnosh& sayin8& Be9a%se in that time the sons of men be8an to m%,ti5,y& and to aff,i9t their so%,s and hearts

    by trans8ressin8 and rebe,,in8 a8ainst YAHWEH+

    * And it as in the days of Enosh that the sons of men 9ontin%ed to rebe, and trans8ress a8ainstYAHWEH& to in9rease the an8er of YAHWEH a8ainst the sons of men+

    : And the sons of men ent and they served other 8ods& and they for8ot YAHWEH ho had 9reated them

    in the earth and in those days the sons of men made ima8es of brass and iron& ood and stone& and theyboed don and served them+

    ; And every man made his 8od and they boed don to them& and the sons of men forsook YAHWEH a,,

    the days of Enosh and his 9hi,dren and the an8er of YAHWEH as kind,ed on a99o%nt of their orks andabominations hi9h they did in the earth+

    = And YAHWEH 9a%sed the aters of the river ?ihon to overhe,m them& and he destroyed and

    9ons%med them& and he destroyed the third 5art of the earth& and notithstandin8 this& the sons of men did

    not t%rn from their evi, ays& and their hands ere yet etended to do evi, in the si8ht of YAHWEH+> And in those days there as neither soin8 nor rea5in8 in the earth and there as no food for the sons of

    men and the famine as very 8reat in those days+

    / And the seed hi9h they soed in those days in the 8ro%nd be9ame thorns& thist,es and briers for fromthe days of Adam as this de9,aration 9on9ernin8 the earth& of the 9%rse of YAHWEH& hi9h he 9%rsed the

    earth& on a99o%nt of the sin hi9h Adam sinned before YAHWEH+

    And it as hen men 9ontin%ed to rebe, and trans8ress a8ainst YAHWEH& and to 9orr%5t their ays& thatthe earth a,so be9ame 9orr%5t+

    ' And Enosh ,ived ninety years and he be8at 0ainan

    '' And 0ainan 8re %5 and he as forty years o,d& and he be9ame ise and had kno,ed8e and ski,, in a,,

    isdom& and he rei8ned over a,, the sons of men& and he ,ed the sons of men to isdom and kno,ed8e for0ainan as a very ise man and had %nderstandin8 in a,, isdom& and ith his isdom he r%,ed over

    s5irits and demons

    '. And 0ainan kne by his isdom that YAHWEH o%,d destroy the sons of men for havin8 sinned %5onearth& and that YAHWEH o%,d in the ,atter days brin8 %5on them the aters of the f,ood+

    '* And in those days 0ainan rote %5on tab,ets of stone& hat as to take 5,a9e in time to 9ome& and he

    5%t them in his treas%res+': And 0ainan rei8ned over the ho,e earth& and he t%rned some of the sons of men to the servi9e of


    '; And hen 0ainan as seventy years o,d& he be8at three sons and to da%8hters+'= And these are the names of the 9hi,dren of 0ainan the name of the first born 7ah,a,,e,& the se9ond

    Enan& and the third 7ered& and their sisters ere Adah and Ii,,ah these are the five 9hi,dren of 0ainan thatere born to him+

    '> And Came9h& the son of 7eth%sae,& be9ame re,ated to 0ainan by marria8e& and he took his toda%8hters for his ives& and Adah 9on9eived and bare a son to Came9h& and she 9a,,ed his name Jaba,+

    '/ And she a8ain 9on9eived and bare a son& and 9a,,ed his name J%ba, and Ii,,ah& her sister& as barren in

    those days and had no offs5rin8+' 3or in those days the sons of men be8an to tres5ass a8ainst YAHWEH& and to trans8ress the

    9ommandments hi9h he had 9ommanded to Adam& to be fr%itf%, and m%,ti5,y in the earth+

    . And some of the sons of men 9a%sed their ives to drink a dra%8ht that o%,d render them barren& in


  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher


    order that they mi8ht retain their fi8%res and hereby their bea%tif%, a55earan9e mi8ht not fade+

    .' And hen the sons of men 9a%sed some of their ives to drink& Ii,,ah drank ith them+

    .. And the 9hi,d$bearin8 omen a55eared abominab,e in the si8ht of their h%sbands as idos& hi,e their

    h%sbands ,ived& for to the barren ones on,y they ere atta9hed+

    .* And in the end of days and years& hen Ii,,ah be9ame o,d& YAHWEH o5ened her omb+

    .: And she 9on9eived and bare a son and she 9a,,ed his name 2%ba, 0ain& sayin8& After " had ithered

    aay have " obtained him from the A,mi8hty YAHWEH+

    .; And she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a da%8hter& and she 9a,,ed her name Naamah& for she said& After " hadithered aay have " obtained 5,eas%re and de,i8ht+

    .= And Came9h as o,d and advan9ed in years& and his eyes ere dim that he 9o%,d not see& and 2%ba,

    0ain& his son& as ,eadin8 him and it as one day that Came9h ent into the fie,d and 2%ba, 0ain his son

    as ith him& and hi,e they ere a,kin8 in the fie,d& 0ain the son of Adam advan9ed toards them forCame9h as very o,d and 9o%,d not see m%9h& and 2%ba, 0ain his son as very yo%n8+

    .> And 2%ba, 0ain to,d his father to dra his bo& and ith the arros he smote 0ain& ho as yet far off&

    and he s,e him& for he a55eared to them to be an anima,+./ And the arros entered 0ain@s body a,tho%8h he as distant from them& and he fe,, to the 8ro%nd and


    . And YAHWEH re%ited 0ain@s evi, a99ordin8 to his i9kedness& hi9h he had done to his brother Abe,a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH hi9h he had s5oken+

    * And it 9ame to 5ass hen 0ain had died& that Came9h and 2%ba, ent to see the anima, hi9h they had

    s,ain& and they sa& and beho,d 0ain their 8randfather as fa,,en dead %5on the earth+

    *' And Came9h as very m%9h 8rieved at havin8 done this& and in 9,a55in8 his hands to8ether he str%9khis son and 9a%sed his death+

    *.+ And the ives of Came9h heard hat Came9h had done& and they so%8ht to ki,, him+

    ** And the ives of Came9h hated him from that day& be9a%se he s,e 0ain and 2%ba, 0ain& and the ivesof Came9h se5arated from him& and o%,d not hearken to him in those days+

    *: And Came9h 9ame to his ives& and he 5ressed them to ,isten to him abo%t this matter+

    *; And he said to his ives Adah and Ii,,ah& Hear my voi9e < ives of Came9h& attend to my ords& forno yo% have ima8ined and said that " s,e a man ith my o%nds& and a 9hi,d ith my stri5es for their

    havin8 done no vio,en9e& b%t s%re,y kno that " am o,d and 8rey$headed& and that my eyes are heavy

    thro%8h a8e& and " did this thin8 %nknoin8,y+

    *= And the ives of Came9h ,istened to him in this matter& and they ret%rned to him ith the advi9e of theirfather Adam& b%t they bore no 9hi,dren to him from that time& knoin8 that YAHWEH@s an8er as

    in9reasin8 in those days a8ainst the sons of men& to destroy them ith the aters of the f,ood for their evi,

    doin8s+*> And 7ah,a,,e, the son of 0ainan ,ived sity$five years and he be8at Jared and Jared ,ived sity$to

    years and he be8at Eno9h+


    0HA12ER *$$Eno9h Rei8ns over the Earth+ Eno9h Estab,ishes Ri8hteo%sness %5on the Earth& and after Rei8nin8 2o H%ndred

    and 3orty Years is 2rans,ated+

    ' And Eno9h ,ived sity$five years and he be8at 7eth%se,ah and Eno9h a,ked ith YAHWEH afterhavin8 be8ot 7eth%se,ah& and he served YAHWEH& and des5ised the evi, ays of men+

    . And the so%, of Eno9h as ra55ed %5 in the instr%9tion of YAHWEH& in kno,ed8e and in

    %nderstandin8 and he ise,y retired from the sons of men& and se9reted himse,f from them for many days+* And it as at the e5iration of many years& hi,e he as servin8 YAHWEH& and 5rayin8 before him in

    his ho%se& that an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH 9a,,ed to him from Heaven& and he said& Here am "+

    : And he said& Rise& 8o forth from yo%r ho%se and from the 5,a9e here yo% dost hide thyse,f& and a55earto the sons of men& in order that yo% may tea9h them the ay in hi9h they sho%,d 8o and the ork hi9h


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    they m%st a99om5,ish to enter in the ays of YAHWEH+

    ; And Eno9h rose %5 a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH& and ent forth from his ho%se& from his 5,a9eand from the 9hamber in hi9h he as 9on9ea,ed and he ent to the sons of men and ta%8ht them the ays

    of YAHWEH& and at that time assemb,ed the sons of men and a9%ainted them ith the instr%9tion of

    YAHWEH+= And he ordered it to be 5ro9,aimed in a,, 5,a9es here the sons of men de,t& sayin8& Where is the man

    ho ishes to kno the ays of YAHWEH and 8ood orks# ,et him 9ome to Eno9h+

    > And a,, the sons of men then assemb,ed to him& for a,, ho desired this thin8 ent to Eno9h& and Eno9hrei8ned over the sons of men a99ordin8 to the ord of YAHWEH& and they 9ame and boed to him andthey heard his ord+

    / And the s5irit of YAHWEH as %5on Eno9h& and he ta%8ht a,, his men the isdom of YAHWEH and his

    ays& and the sons of men served YAHWEH a,, the days of Eno9h& and they 9ame to hear his isdom+ And a,, the kin8s of the sons of men& both first and ,ast& to8ether ith their 5rin9es and G%d8es& 9ame to

    Eno9h hen they heard of his isdom& and they boed don to him& and they a,so re%ired of Eno9h to

    rei8n over them& to hi9h he 9onsented+' And they assemb,ed in a,,& one h%ndred and thirty kin8s and 5rin9es& and they made Eno9h kin8 over

    them and they ere a,, %nder his 5oer and 9ommand+

    '' And Eno9h ta%8ht them isdom& kno,ed8e& and the ays of YAHWEH and he made 5ea9e amon8stthem& and 5ea9e as thro%8ho%t the earth d%rin8 the ,ife of Eno9h+

    '. And Eno9h rei8ned over the sons of men to h%ndred and forty$three years& and he did G%sti9e and

    ri8hteo%sness ith a,, his 5eo5,e& and he ,ed them in the ays of YAHWEH+

    '* And these are the 8enerations of Eno9h& 7eth%se,ah& E,isha& and E,ime,e9h& three sons and their sistersere 7e,9a and Nahmah& and 7eth%se,ah ,ived ei8hty$seven years and he be8at Came9h+

    ': And it as in the fifty$sith year of the ,ife of Came9h hen Adam died nine h%ndred and thirty years

    o,d as he at his death& and his to sons& ith Eno9h and 7eth%se,ah his son& b%ried him ith 8reat 5om5&as at the b%ria, of kin8s& in the 9ave hi9h YAHWEH had to,d him+

    '; And in that 5,a9e a,, the sons of men made a 8reat mo%rnin8 and ee5in8 on a99o%nt of Adam it has

    therefore be9ome a 9%stom amon8 the sons of men to this day+'= And Adam died be9a%se he ate of the tree of kno,ed8e he and his 9hi,dren after him& as YAHWEH the

    AC7"?H2Y had s5oken+

    '> And it as in the year of Adam@s death hi9h as the to h%ndred and forty$third year of the rei8n of

    Eno9h& in that time Eno9h reso,ved to se5arate himse,f from the sons of men and to se9ret himse,f as at firstin order to serve YAHWEH+

    '/ And Eno9h did so& b%t did not entire,y se9ret himse,f from them& b%t ke5t aay from the sons of men

    three days and then ent to them for one day+' And d%rin8 the three days that he as in his 9hamber& he 5rayed to& and 5raised YAHWEH his

    AC7"?H2Y& and the day on hi9h he ent and a55eared to his s%bGe9ts he ta%8ht them the ays of

    YAHWEH& and a,, they asked him abo%t YAHWEH he to,d them+. And he did in this manner for many years& and he afterard 9on9ea,ed himse,f for si days& and

    a55eared to his 5eo5,e one day in seven and after that on9e in a month& and then on9e in a year& %nti, a,, the

    kin8s& 5rin9es and sons of men so%8ht for him& and desired a8ain to see the fa9e of Eno9h& and to hear hisord b%t they 9o%,d not& as a,, the sons of men ere 8reat,y afraid of Eno9h& and they feared to a55roa9h

    him on a99o%nt of the ?od,ike ae that as seated %5on his 9o%ntenan9e therefore no man 9o%,d ,ook at

    him& fearin8 he mi8ht be 5%nished and die+

    .' And a,, the kin8s and 5rin9es reso,ved to assemb,e the sons of men& and to 9ome to Eno9h& thinkin8 thatthey mi8ht a,, s5eak to him at the time hen he sho%,d 9ome forth amon8st them& and they did so+

    .. And the day 9ame hen Eno9h ent forth and they a,, assemb,ed and 9ame to him& and Eno9h s5oke to

    them the ords of YAHWEH and he ta%8ht them isdom and kno,ed8e& and they boed don beforehim and they said& 7ay the kin8 ,iveK 7ay the kin8 ,iveK

    .* And in some time after& hen the kin8s and 5rin9es and the sons of men ere s5eakin8 to Eno9h& and


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    Eno9h as tea9hin8 them the ays of YAHWEH& beho,d an heaven,y messen8er of YAHWEH then 9a,,ed

    %nto Eno9h from heaven& and ished to brin8 him %5 to heaven to make him rei8n there over the sons ofYAHWEH& as he had rei8ned over the sons of men %5on earth+

    .: When at that time Eno9h heard this he ent and assemb,ed a,, the inhabitants of the earth& and ta%8ht

    them isdom and kno,ed8e and 8ave them divine instr%9tions& and he said to them& " have been re%iredto as9end into heaven& " therefore do not kno the day of my 8oin8+

    .; And no therefore " i,, tea9h yo% isdom and kno,ed8e and i,, 8ive yo% instr%9tion before " ,eave

    yo%& ho to a9t %5on earth hereby yo% may ,ive and he did so+.= And he ta%8ht them isdom and kno,ed8e& and 8ave them instr%9tion& and he re5roved them& and he5,a9ed before them stat%tes and G%d8ments to do %5on earth& and he made 5ea9e amon8st them& and he

    ta%8ht them ever,astin8 ,ife& and de,t ith them some time tea9hin8 them a,, these thin8s+

    .> And at that time the sons of men ere ith Eno9h& and Eno9h as s5eakin8 to them& and they ,ifted %5their eyes and the ,ikeness of a 8reat horse des9ended from heaven& and the horse 5a9ed in the air

    ./ And they to,d Eno9h hat they had seen& and Eno9h said to them&

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    ,ikeise d%rin8 the ho,e of his ,ife ta%8ht the sons of men isdom& kno,ed8e and the fear of YAHWEH&

    and he did not t%rn from the 8ood ay either to the ri8ht or to the ,eft+: B%t in the ,atter days of 7eth%se,ah& the sons of men t%rned from YAHWEH& they 9orr%5ted the earth&

    they robbed and 5,%ndered ea9h other& and they rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH and they trans8ressed& and they

    9orr%5ted their ays& and o%,d not hearken to the voi9e of 7eth%se,ah& b%t rebe,,ed a8ainst him+; And YAHWEH as e9eedin8,y roth a8ainst them& and YAHWEH 9ontin%ed to destroy the seed in


    days& so that there as neither soin8 nor rea5in8 in the earth+= 3or hen they soed the 8ro%nd in order that they mi8ht obtain food for their s%55ort& beho,d& thorns andthist,es ere 5rod%9ed hi9h they did not so+

    > And sti,, the sons of men did not t%rn from their evi, ays& and their hands ere sti,, etended to do evi,

    in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and they 5rovoked YAHWEH ith their evi, ays& and YAHWEH as veryroth& and re5ented that he had made man+

    / And he tho%8ht to destroy and annihi,ate them and he did so+

    "n those days hen Came9h the son of 7eth%se,ah as one h%ndred and sity years o,d& Seth the son ofAdam died+

    ' And a,, the days that Seth ,ived& ere nine h%ndred and te,ve years& and he died+

    '' And Came9h as one h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d hen he took Ashm%a& the da%8hter of E,ishaa theson of Eno9h his %n9,e& and she 9on9eived+

    '. And at that time the sons of men soed the 8ro%nd& and a ,itt,e food as 5rod%9ed& yet the sons of men

    did not t%rn from their evi, ays& and they tres5assed and rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH+

    '* And the ife of Came9h 9on9eived and bare him a son at that time& at the revo,%tion of the year+': And 7eth%se,ah 9a,,ed his name Noah& sayin8& 2he earth as in his days at rest and free from

    9orr%5tion& and Came9h his father 9a,,ed his name 7ena9hem& sayin8& 2his one sha,, 9omfort %s in o%r

    orks and miserab,e toi, in the earth& hi9h YAHWEH had 9%rsed+'; And the 9hi,d 8re %5 and as eaned& and he ent in the ays of his father 7eth%se,ah& 5erfe9t and

    %5ri8ht ith YAHWEH+

    '= And a,, the sons of men de5arted from the ays of YAHWEH in those days as they m%,ti5,ied %5on thefa9e of the earth ith sons and da%8hters& and they ta%8ht one another their evi, 5ra9ti9es and they

    9ontin%ed sinnin8 a8ainst YAHWEH+

    '> And every man made %nto himse,f a 8od& and they robbed and 5,%ndered every man his nei8hbor as e,,

    as his re,ative& and they 9orr%5ted the earth& and the earth as fi,,ed ith vio,en9e+'/ And their G%d8es and r%,ers ent to the da%8hters of men and took their ives by for9e from their

    h%sbands a99ordin8 to their 9hoi9e& and the sons of men in those days took from the 9att,e of the earth& the

    beasts of the fie,d and the fo,s of the air& and ta%8ht the mit%re of anima,s of one s5e9ies ith the other&in order thereith to 5rovoke YAHWEH and YAHWEH sa the ho,e earth and it as 9orr%5t& for a,,

    f,esh had 9orr%5ted its ays %5on earth& a,, men and a,, anima,s+

    ' And YAHWEH said& " i,, b,ot o%t man that " 9reated from the fa9e of the earth& yea from man to thebirds of the air& to8ether ith 9att,e and beasts that are in the fie,d for " re5ent that " made them+

    . And a,, men ho a,ked in the ays of YAHWEH& died in those days& before YAHWEH bro%8ht the

    evi, %5on man hi9h he had de9,ared& for this as from YAHWEH& that they sho%,d not see the evi, hi9hYAHWEH s5oke of 9on9ernin8 the sons of men+

    .' And Noah fo%nd free %nmerited ,ove and favor in the si8ht of YAHWEH& and YAHWEH 9hose him

    and his 9hi,dren to raise %5 seed from them %5on the fa9e of the ho,e earth+


    0HA12ER ;$$Noah and 7eth%se,ah 1rea9h Re5entan9e for

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    h%ndred and five years o,d at his death+

    . And in the one h%ndred and seventy ninth year of the ,ife of Noah& 0ainan the son of Enosh died& and a,,the days of 0ainan ere nine h%ndred and ten years& and he died+

    * And in the to h%ndred and thirty fo%rth year of the ,ife of Noah& 7ah,a,,e, the son of 0ainan died& and

    the days of 7ah,a,,e, ere ei8ht h%ndred and ninety$five years& and he died+: And Jared the son of 7ah,a,,e, died in those days& in the three h%ndred and thirty$sith year of the ,ife of

    Noah and a,, the days of Jared ere nine h%ndred and sity$to years& and he died+

    ; And a,, ho fo,,oed YAHWEH died in those days& before they sa the evi, hi9h YAHWEH de9,aredto do %5on earth+= And after the ,a5se of many years& in the fo%r h%ndred and ei8htieth year of the ,ife of Noah& hen a,,

    those men& ho fo,,oed YAHWEH had died aay from amon8st the sons of men& and on,y 7eth%se,ah

    as then ,eft& YAHWEH said %nto Noah and 7eth%se,ah& sayin8&> S5eak ye& and 5ro9,aim to the sons of men& sayin8& 2h%s saith YAHWEH& ret%rn from yo%r evi, ays and

    forsake yo%r orks& and YAHWEH i,, re5ent of the evi, that he de9,ared to do to yo%& so that it sha,, not

    9ome to 5ass+/ 3or th%s saith YAHWEH& Beho,d " 8ive yo% a 5eriod of one h%ndred and tenty years if yo% i,, t%rn to

    me and forsake yo%r evi, ays& then i,, " a,so t%rn aay from the evi, hi9h " to,d yo%& and it sha,, not

    eist& saith YAHWEH+ And Noah and 7eth%se,ah s5oke a,, the ords of YAHWEH to the sons of men& day after day& 9onstant,y

    s5eakin8 to them+

    ' B%t the sons of men o%,d not hearken to them& nor in9,ine their ears to their ords& and they ere

    stiffne9ked+'' And YAHWEH 8ranted them a 5eriod of one h%ndred and tenty years& sayin8& "f they i,, ret%rn& then

    i,, YAHWEH re5ent of the evi,& so as not to destroy the earth+

    '. Noah the son of Came9h refrained from takin8 a ife in those days& to be8et 9hi,dren& for he said& S%re,yno YAHWEH i,, destroy the earth& herefore then sha,, " be8et 9hi,dren#

    '* And Noah as a G%st man& he as 5erfe9t in his 8eneration& and YAHWEH 9hose him to raise %5 seed

    from his seed %5on the fa9e of the earth+': And YAHWEH said %nto Noah& 2ake %nto yo% a ife& and be8et 9hi,dren& for " have seen yo% ri8hteo%s

    before me in this 8eneration+

    '; And yo% sha,, raise %5 seed& and yo%r 9hi,dren ith yo%& in the midst of the earth and Noah ent and

    took a ife& and he 9hose Naamah the da%8hter of Eno9h& and she as five h%ndred and ei8hty years o,d+'= And Noah as fo%r h%ndred and ninety$ei8ht years o,d& hen he took Naamah for a ife+

    '> And Naamah 9on9eived and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Ja5heth& sayin8& YAHWEH has en,ar8ed

    me in the earth and she 9on9eived a8ain and bare a son& and he 9a,,ed his name Shem& sayin8& YAHWEHhas made me a remnant& to raise %5 seed in the midst of the earth+

    '/ And Noah as five h%ndred and to years o,d hen Naamah bare Shem& and the boys 8re %5 and

    ent in the ays of YAHWEH& in a,, that 7eth%se,ah and Noah their father ta%8ht them+' And Came9h the father of Noah& died in those days yet veri,y he did not 8o ith a,, his heart in the

    ays of his father& and he died in the h%ndred and ninety$fifth year of the ,ife of Noah+

    . And a,, the days of Came9h ere seven h%ndred and seventy years& and he died+

    .' And a,, the sons of men ho kne YAHWEH& died in that year before YAHWEH bro%8ht evi, %5on

    them for YAHWEH i,,ed them to die& so as not to beho,d the evi, that YAHWEH o%,d brin8 %5on their

    brothers and re,atives& as he had so de9,ared to do+

    .. "n that time& YAHWEH said to Noah and 7eth%se,ah& Stand forth and 5ro9,aim to the sons of men a,,the ords that " s5oke to yo% in those days& 5eradvent%re they may t%rn from their evi, ays& and " i,,

    then re5ent of the evi, and i,, not brin8 it+

    .* And Noah and 7eth%se,ah stood forth& and said in the ears of the sons of men& a,, that YAHWEH hads5oken 9on9ernin8 them+

    .: B%t the sons of men o%,d not hearken& neither o%,d they in9,ine their ears to a,, their de9,arations+


  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher


    .; And it as after this that YAHWEH said to Noah& 2he end of a,, f,esh is 9ome before me& on a99o%nt of

    their evi, deeds& and beho,d " i,, destroy the earth+.= And do yo% take %nto yo% 8o5her ood& and 8o to a 9ertain 5,a9e and make a ,ar8e ark& and 5,a9e it in

    that s5ot+

    .> And th%s sha,, yo% make it three h%ndred 9%bits its ,en8th& fifty 9%bits broad and thirty 9%bits hi8h+

    ./ And yo% sha,, make %nto yo% a door& o5en at its side& and to a 9%bit yo% sha,, finish above& and 9over it

    ithin and itho%t ith 5it9h+

    . And beho,d " i,, brin8 the f,ood of aters %5on the earth& and a,, f,esh be destroyed& from %nder theheavens a,, that is %5on earth sha,, 5erish+* And yo% and yo%r ho%seho,d sha,, 8o and 8ather to 9o%5,e of a,, ,ivin8 thin8s& ma,e and fema,e& and

    sha,, brin8 them to the ark& to raise %5 seed from them %5on earth+

    *' And 8ather %nto yo% a,, food that is eaten by a,, the anima,s& that there may be food for yo% and forthem+

    *. And yo% sha,, 9hoose for yo%r sons three maidens& from the da%8hters of men& and they sha,, be ives

    to yo%r sons+** And Noah rose %5& and he made the ark& in the 5,a9e here YAHWEH had 9ommanded him& and Noah

    did as YAHWEH had ordered him+

    *: "n his five h%ndred and ninety$fifth year Noah 9ommen9ed to make the ark& and he made the ark in fiveyears& as YAHWEH had 9ommanded+

    *; 2hen Noah took the three da%8hters of E,iakim& son of 7eth%se,ah& for ives for his sons& as YAHWEH

    had 9ommanded Noah+

    *= And it as at that time 7eth%se,ah the son of Eno9h died& nine h%ndred and sity years o,d as he& athis death+

    6 THE ARK

    0HA12ER =$$Anima,s& Beasts& and 3o,s 1reserved in the Ark+ Noah and his Sons& and their Wives are Sh%t in+

    When the 3,oods 9ome the 1eo5,e ant to 8et in+ Noah

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    and the rain had not des9ended ti,, seven days after+

    '' And on that day& YAHWEH 9a%sed the ho,e earth to shake& and the s%n darkened& and the fo%ndationsof the or,d ra8ed& and the ho,e earth as moved vio,ent,y& and the ,i8htnin8 f,ashed& and the th%nder

    roared& and a,, the fo%ntains in the earth ere broken %5& s%9h as as not knon to the inhabitants before

    and YAHWEH did this mi8hty a9t& in order to terrify the sons of men& that there mi8ht be no more evi,%5on earth+

    '. And sti,, the sons of men o%,d not ret%rn from their evi, ays& and they in9reased the an8er of

    YAHWEH at that time& and did not even dire9t their hearts to a,, this+'* And at the end of seven days& in the si h%ndredth year of the ,ife of Noah& the aters of the f,ood ere%5on the earth+

    ': And a,, the fo%ntains of the dee5 ere broken %5& and the indos of heaven ere o5ened& and the rain

    as %5on the earth forty days and forty ni8hts+'; And Noah and his ho%seho,d& and a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere ith him& 9ame into the ark on

    a99o%nt of the aters of the f,ood& and YAHWEH sh%t him in+

    '= And a,, the sons of men that ere ,eft %5on the earth& be9ame eha%sted thro%8h evi, on a99o%nt of therain& for the aters ere 9omin8 more vio,ent,y %5on the earth& and the anima,s and beasts ere sti,,

    s%rro%ndin8 the ark+

    '> And the sons of men assemb,ed to8ether& abo%t seven h%ndred tho%sand men and omen& and they9ame %nto Noah to the ark+

    '/ And they 9a,,ed to Noah& sayin8& And the aters 5revai,ed and they 8reat,y in9reased %5on the earth& and they ,ifted %5 the ark and it as

    raised from the earth+./ And the ark f,oated %5on the fa9e of the aters& and it as tossed %5on the aters so that a,, the ,ivin8

    9reat%res ithin ere t%rned abo%t ,ike 5otta8e in a 9a%,dron+

    . And 8reat aniety seiFed a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere in the ark& and the ark as ,ike to be broken+* And a,, the ,ivin8 9reat%res that ere in the ark ere terrified& and the ,ions roared& and the oen ,oed

    and the o,ves ho,ed& and every ,ivin8 9reat%re in the ark s5oke and ,amented in its on ,an8%a8e& so that


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    their voi9es rea9hed to a 8reat distan9e& and Noah and his sons 9ried and e5t in their tro%b,es they ere

    8reat,y afraid that they had rea9hed the 8ates of death+*' And Noah 5rayed %nto YAHWEH& and 9ried %nto him on a99o%nt of this& and he said& < YAHWEH

    he,5 %s& for e have no stren8th to bear this evi, that has en9om5assed %s& for the aves of the aters have

    s%rro%nded %s& mis9hievo%s torrents have terrified %s& the snares of death have 9ome before %s anser %s&< YAHWEH& anser %s& ,i8ht %5 yo%r 9o%ntenan9e toard %s and be 8ra9io%s to %s& redeem %s and de,iver


    *. And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Noah& and YAHWEH remembered him+** And a ind 5assed over the earth& and the aters ere sti,, and the ark rested+*: And the fo%ntains of the dee5 and the indos of heaven ere sto55ed& and the rain from heaven as


    *; And the aters de9reased in those days& and the ark rested %5on the mo%ntains of Ararat+*= And Noah then o5ened the indos of the ark& and Noah sti,, 9a,,ed o%t to YAHWEH at that time and

    he said& < YAHWEH& ho didst form the earth and the heavens and a,, that are therein& brin8 forth o%r

    so%,s from this 9onfinement& and from the 5rison herein yo% hast 5,a9ed %s& for " am m%9h earied ithsi8hin8+

    *> And YAHWEH hearkened to the voi9e of Noah& and said to him& When tho%8h sha,, have 9om5,eted a

    f%,, year yo% sha,, then 8o forth+*/ And at the revo,%tion of the year& hen a f%,, year as 9om5,eted to Noah@s de,,in8 in the ark& the

    aters ere dried from off the earth& and Noah 5%t off the 9overin8 of the ark+

    * At that time& on the tenty$seventh day of the se9ond month& the earth as dry& b%t Noah and his sons&

    and those that ere ith him& did not 8o o%t from the ark %nti, YAHWEH to,d them+: And the day 9ame that YAHWEH to,d them to 8o o%t& and they a,, ent o%t from the ark+

    :' And they ent and ret%rned every one to his ay and to his 5,a9e& and Noah and his sons de,t in the

    ,and that YAHWEH had to,d them& and they served YAHWEH a,, their days& and YAHWEH b,essed Noahand his sons on their 8oin8 o%t from the ark+

    :. And he said to them& Be fr%itf%, and fi,, a,, the earth be9ome stron8 and in9rease ab%ndant,y in the earth

    and m%,ti5,y therein+


    0HA12ER >$$2he ?enerations of Noah+ 2he ?arments of Skin made for Adam Sto,en by Ham and they Des9end to

    Nimrod the 7i8hty H%nter& ho Be9omes the 4in8 of the Who,e Earth+ 2he Birth of Abram+

    ' And these are the names of the sons of Noah Ja5heth& Ham and Shem and 9hi,dren ere born to themafter the f,ood& for they had taken ives before the f,ood+

    . 2hese are the sons of Ja5heth ?omer& 7a8o8& 7adai& Javan& 2%ba,& 7eshe9h& and 2iras& seven sons+

    * And the sons of ?omer ere AskinaF& Re5hath and 2e8armah+: And the sons of 7a8o8 ere E,i9hanaf and C%ba,+

    ; And the 9hi,dren of 7adai ere A9hon& Iee,o& 0haFoni and Cot+

    = And the sons of Javan ere E,isha& 2arshish& 0hittim and D%donim+> And the sons of 2%ba, ere Ari5hi& 4esed and 2aari+

    / And the sons of 7eshe9h ere Dedon& Iaron and Shebashni+ And the sons of 2iras ere Benib& ?era& C%5irion and ?i,ak these are the sons of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to

    their fami,ies& and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%t fo%r h%ndred and sity men+' And these are the sons of Ham 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan& fo%r sons and the sons of 0%sh ere

    Seba& Havi,ah& Sabta& Raama and Sate9ha& and the sons of Raama ere Sheba and Dedan+

    '' And the sons of 7itFraim ere C%d& Anom and 1athros& 0has,oth and 0ha5htor+'. And the sons of 1h%t ere ?eb%,& Hadan& Benah and Adan+

    '* And the sons of 0anaan ere Iidon& Heth& Amori& ?er8ashi& Hivi& Arkee& Seni& Arodi& Iimodi and



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    ': 2hese are the sons of Ham& a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%t

    seven h%ndred and thirty men+'; And these are the sons of Shem E,am& Ash%r& Ar5a9hshad& C%d and Aram& five sons and the sons of

    E,am ere Sh%shan& 7a9h%, and Harmon+

    '= And the sons of Ashar ere 7ir%s and 7oki,& and the sons of Ar5a9hshad ere She,a9h& Anar andAsh9o,+

    '> And the sons of C%d ere 1ethor and BiFayon& and the sons of Aram ere F& 0h%,& ?ather and 7ash+

    '/ 2hese are the sons of Shem& a99ordin8 to their fami,ies and their n%mbers in those days ere abo%tthree h%ndred men+' 2hese are the 8enerations of Shem Shem be8at Ar5a9hshad and Ar5a9hshad be8at She,a9h& and

    She,a9h be8at Eber and to Eber ere born to 9hi,dren& the name of one as 1e,e8& for in his days the sons

    of men ere divided& and in the ,atter days& the earth as divided+. And the name of the se9ond as Yoktan& meanin8 that in his day the ,ives of the sons of men ere

    diminished and ,essened+

    .' 2hese are the sons of Yoktan A,modad& She,af& 0haFarmoveth& Yera9h& Had%rom&

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    and be 8ave them their hire& and he ent ith them to batt,e& and hen he as on the road& Nimrod

    stren8thened the hearts of the 5eo5,e that ent ith him+*= And he said to them& Do not fear& neither be a,armed& for a,, o%r enemies i,, be de,ivered into o%r

    hands& and yo% may do ith them as yo% 5,ease+

    *> And a,, the men that ent ere abo%t five h%ndred& and they fo%8ht a8ainst their enemies& and theydestroyed them& and s%bd%ed them& and Nimrod 5,a9ed standin8 offi9ers over them in their res5e9tive


    */ And he took some of their 9hi,dren as se9%rity& and they ere a,, servants to Nimrod and to his brethren&and Nimrod and a,, the 5eo5,e that ere ith him t%rned homeard+* And hen Nimrod had Goyf%,,y ret%rned from batt,e& after havin8 9on%ered his enemies& a,, his

    brethren& to8ether ith those ho kne him before& assemb,ed to make him kin8 over them& and they

    5,a9ed the re8a, 9ron %5on his head+: And he set over his s%bGe9ts and 5eo5,e& 5rin9es& G%d8es& and r%,ers& as is the 9%stom amon8st kin8s+

    :' And he 5,a9ed 2erah the son of Nahor the 5rin9e of his host& and he di8nified him and e,evated him

    above a,, his 5rin9es+:. And hi,e he as rei8nin8 a99ordin8 to his heart@s desire& after havin8 9on%ered a,, his enemies

    aro%nd& he advised ith his 9o%nse,ors to b%i,d a 9ity for his 5a,a9e& and they did so+

    :* And they fo%nd a ,ar8e va,,ey o55osite to the east& and they b%i,t him a ,ar8e and etensive 9ity& andNimrod 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity that he b%i,t Shinar& for YAHWEH had vehement,y shaken his enemies

    and destroyed them+

    :: And Nimrod de,t in Shinar& and he rei8ned se9%re,y& and he fo%8ht ith his enemies and he s%bd%ed

    them& and he 5ros5ered in a,, his batt,es& and his kin8dom be9ame very 8reat+:; And a,, nations and ton8%es heard of his fame& and they 8athered themse,ves to him& and they boed

    don to the earth& and they bro%8ht him offerin8s& and he be9ame their ,ord and kin8& and they a,, de,t

    ith him in the 9ity at Shinar& and Nimrod rei8ned in the earth over a,, the sons of Noah& and they ere a,,%nder his 5oer and 9o%nse,+

    := And a,, the earth as of one ton8%e and ords of %nion& b%t Nimrod did not 8o in the ays of

    YAHWEH& and he as more i9ked than a,, the men that ere before him& from the days of the f,ood %nti,those days+

    :> And he made 8ods of ood and stone& and he boed don to them& and he rebe,,ed a8ainst YAHWEH&

    and ta%8ht a,, his s%bGe9ts and the 5eo5,e of the earth his i9ked ays and 7ardon his son as more

    i9ked than his father+:/ And every one that heard of the a9ts of 7ardon the son of Nimrod o%,d say& 9on9ernin8 him& 3rom the

    i9ked 8oes forth i9kedness therefore it be9ame a 5roverb in the ho,e earth& sayin8& 3rom the i9ked

    8oes forth i9kedness& and it as 9%rrent in the ords of men from that time to this+: And 2erah the son of Nahor& 5rin9e of Nimrod@s host& as in those days very 8reat in the si8ht of the

    kin8 and his s%bGe9ts& and the kin8 and 5rin9es ,oved him& and they e,evated him very hi8h+

    ; And 2erah took a ife and her name as Amthe,o the da%8hter of 0ornebo and the ife of 2erah9on9eived and bare him a son in those days+

    ;' 2erah as seventy years o,d hen he be8at him& and 2erah 9a,,ed the name of his son that as born to

    him Abram& be9a%se the kin8 had raised him in those days& and di8nified him above a,, his 5rin9es thatere ith him+


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    Section 2

    8NIMROD& ABRAM0HA12ER /$$2he Wise 7en of Nimrod& by their Divination& 3orete,, the Evi, that Abram i,, do to Nimrod@s

    4in8dom& and they seek to ki,, the 0hi,d+ Abram& ith his 7other and N%rse are Hid in a 9ave for 2en Years+

    ' And it as in the ni8ht that Abram as born& that a,, the servants of 2erah& and a,, the ise men ofNimrod& and his 9onG%rors 9ame and ate and drank in the ho%se of 2erah& and they reGoi9ed ith him on that

    ni8ht+. And hen a,, the ise men and 9onG%rors ent o%t from the ho%se of 2erah& they ,ifted %5 their eyes

    toard heaven that ni8ht to ,ook at the stars& and they sa& and beho,d one very ,ar8e star 9ame from the

    east and ran in the heavens& and he sa,,oed %5 the fo%r stars from the fo%r sides of the heavens+* And a,, the ise men of the kin8 and his 9onG%rors ere astonished at the si8ht& and the sa8es %nderstood

    this matter& and they kne its im5ort+

    : And they said to ea9h other& 2his on,y betokens the 9hi,d that has been born to 2erah this ni8ht& ho i,,

    8ro %5 and be fr%itf%,& and m%,ti5,y& and 5ossess a,, the earth& he and his 9hi,dren for ever& and he and hisseed i,, s,ay 8reat kin8s& and inherit their ,ands+

    ; And the ise men and 9onG%rors ent home that ni8ht& and in the mornin8 a,, these ise men and9onG%rors rose %5 ear,y& and assemb,ed in an a55ointed ho%se+= And they s5oke and said to ea9h other& Beho,d the si8ht that e sa ,ast ni8ht is hidden from the kin8& it

    has not been made knon to him+

    > And sho%,d this thin8 8et knon to the kin8 in the ,atter days& he i,, say to %s& Why have yo% 9on9ea,edthis matter from me& and then e sha,, a,, s%ffer death therefore& no ,et %s 8o and te,, the kin8 the si8ht

    hi9h e sa& and the inter5retation thereof& and e sha,, then remain 9,ear+

    / And they did so& and they a,, ent to the kin8 and boed don to him to the 8ro%nd& and they said& 7aythe kin8 ,ive& may the kin8 ,ive+

    We heard that a son as born to 2erah the son of Nahor& the 5rin9e of yo%r host& and e yesterni8ht 9ame

    to his ho%se& and e ate and drank and reGoi9ed ith him that ni8ht+

    ' And hen yo%r servants ent o%t from the ho%se of 2erah& to 8o to o%r res5e9tive homes to abide therefor the ni8ht& e ,ifted %5 o%r eyes to heaven& and e sa a 8reat star 9omin8 from the east& and the same

    star ran ith 8reat s5eed& and sa,,oed %5 fo%r 8reat stars& from the fo%r sides of the heavens+

    '' And yo%r servants ere astonished at the si8ht hi9h e sa& and ere 8reat,y terrified& and e madeo%r G%d8ment %5on the si8ht& and kne by o%r isdom the 5ro5er inter5retation thereof& that this thin8

    a55,ies to the 9hi,d that is born to 2erah& ho i,, 8ro %5 and m%,ti5,y 8reat,y& and be9ome 5oerf%,& and

    ki,, a,, the kin8s of the earth& and inherit a,, their ,ands& he and his seed forever+'. And no o%r ,ord and kin8& beho,d e have tr%,y a9%ainted yo% ith hat e have seen 9on9ernin8

    this 9hi,d+

    '* "f it seems 8ood to the kin8 to 8ive his father va,%e for this 9hi,d& e i,, s,ay him before he sha,, 8ro

    %5 and in9rease in the ,and& and his evi,

    in9rease a8ainst %s& that e and o%r 9hi,dren 5erish thro%8h his evi,+': And the kin8 heard their ords and they seemed 8ood in his si8ht& and he sent and 9a,,ed for 2erah& and

    2erah 9ame before the kin8+'; And the kin8 said to 2erah& " have been to,d that a son as yesterni8ht born to yo%& and after this

    manner as observed in the heavens at his birth+

    '= And no therefore 8ive me the 9hi,d& that e may s,ay him before his evi, s5rin8s %5 a8ainst %s& and "i,, 8ive yo% for his va,%e& yo%r ho%se f%,, of si,ver and 8o,d+

    '> And 2erah ansered the kin8 and said to him 7y ,ord and kin8& " have heard yo%r ords& and yo%r

    servant sha,, do a,, that his kin8 desires+'/ B%t my ,ord and kin8& " i,, te,, yo% hat ha55ened to me yesterni8ht& that " may see hat advi9e the


  • 7/30/2019 Book of Yasher


    kin8 i,, 8ive his servant& and then " i,, anser the kin8 %5on hat he has G%st s5oken and the kin8 said&

    S5eak+' And 2erah said to the kin8& Ayon& son of 7ored& 9ame to me yesterni8ht& sayin8&

    . ?ive %nto me the 8reat and bea%tif%, horse that the kin8 8ave yo%& and " i,, 8ive yo% si,ver and 8o,d&

    and stra and 5rovender for its va,%e and " said to him& Wait ti,, " see the kin8 9on9ernin8 yo%r ords& andbeho,d hatever the kin8 saith& that i,, " do+

    .' And no my ,ord and kin8& beho,d " have made this thin8 knon to yo%& and the advi9e hi9h my kin8

    i,, 8ive %nto his servant& that i,, " fo,,o+.. And the kin8 heard the ords of 2erah& and his an8er as kind,ed and he 9onsidered him in the ,i8ht ofa foo,+

    .* And the kin8 ansered 2erah& and he said to him& Art yo% so si,,y& i8norant& or defi9ient in

    %nderstandin8& to do this thin8& to 8ive yo%r bea%tif%, horse for si,ver and 8o,d or even for stra and5rovender#

    .: Art yo% so short of si,ver and 8o,d& that yo% sho%,dst do this thin8& be9a%se yo% 9anst not obtain stra

    and 5rovender to feed yo%r horse# and hat is si,ver and 8o,d to yo%& or stra and 5rovender& that yo%sho%,dst 8ive aay that fine horse hi9h " 8ave yo%& ,ike hi9h there is none to be had on the ho,e earth#

    .; And the kin8 ,eft off s5eakin8& and 2erah ansered the kin8& sayin8& Cike %nto this has the kin8 s5oken

    to his servant.= " besee9h yo%& my ,ord and kin8& hat is this hi9h yo% didst say %nto me& sayin8& ?ive yo%r son that

    e may s,ay him& and " i,, 8ive yo% si,ver and 8o,d for his va,%e hat sha,, " do ith si,ver and 8o,d after

    the death of my son# ho sha,, inherit me# s%re,y then at my death& the si,ver and 8o,d i,, ret%rn to my

    kin8 ho 8ave it+.> And hen the kin8 heard the ords of 2erah& and the 5arab,e hi9h he bro%8ht 9on9ernin8 the kin8& it

    8rieved him 8reat,y and he as veed at this thin8& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+

    ./ And 2erah sa that the an8er of the kin8 as kind,ed a8ainst him& and he ansered the kin8& sayin8& A,,that " have is in the kin8@s 5oer hatever the kin8 desires to do to his servant& that ,et him do& yea& even

    my son& he is in the kin8@s 5oer& itho%t va,%e in e9han8e& he and his to brothers that are o,der than he+

    . And the kin8 said to 2erah& No& b%t " i,, 5%r9hase yo%r yo%n8er son for a 5ri9e+* And 2erah ansered the kin8& sayin8& " besee9h yo% my ,ord and kin8 to ,et yo%r servant s5eak a ord

    before yo%& and ,et the kin8 hear the ord of his servant& and 2erah said& Cet my kin8 8ive me three days@

    time ti,, " 9onsider this matter ithin myse,f& and 9ons%,t ith my fami,y 9on9ernin8 the ords of my kin8

    and he 5ressed the kin8 8reat,y to a8ree to this+*' And the kin8 hearkened to 2erah& and he did so and he 8ave him three days@ time& and 2erah ent o%t

    from the kin8@s 5resen9e& and he 9ame home to his fami,y and s5oke to them a,, the ords of the kin8 and

    the 5eo5,e ere 8reat,y afraid+*. And it as in the third day that the kin8 sent to 2erah& sayin8& Send me yo%r son for a 5ri9e as " s5oke to

    yo% and sho%,dst yo% not do this& " i,, send and s,ay a,, yo% hast in yo%r ho%se& so that yo% sha,, not even

    have a do8 remainin8+** And 2erah hastened& (as the thin8 as %r8ent from the kin8)& and he took a 9hi,d from one of his

    servants& hi9h his handmaid had born to him that day& and 2erah bro%8ht the 9hi,d to the kin8 and

    re9eived va,%e for him+*: And YAHWEH as ith 2erah in this matter& that Nimrod mi8ht not 9a%se Abram@s death& and the kin8

    took the 9hi,d from 2erah and ith a,, his mi8ht dashed his head to the 8ro%nd& for he tho%8ht it had been

    Abram and this as 9on9ea,ed from him from that day& and it as for8otten by the kin8& as it as the i,,

    of 1roviden9e not to s%ffer Abram@s death+*; And 2erah took Abram his son se9ret,y& to8ether ith his mother and n%rse& and he 9on9ea,ed them in a

    9ave& and he bro%8ht them their 5rovisions month,y+

    *= And YAHWEH as ith Abram in the 9ave and he 8re %5& and Abram as in the 9ave ten years& andthe kin8 and his 5rin9es& soothsayers and sa8es& tho%8ht that the kin8 had ki,,ed Abram+


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    0HA12ER $$When 2en Years

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    are the servants of YAHWEH& and Abram remained in the ho%se of Noah and there kne YAHWEH and

    his ays@ and he served YAHWEH a,, the days of his ,ife& and a,, that 8eneration for8ot YAHWEH& andserved other 8ods of ood and stone& and rebe,,ed a,, their days+

    . And kin8 Nimrod rei8ned se9%re,y& and a,, the earth as %nder his 9ontro,& and a,, the earth as of one

    ton8%e and ords of %nion+.' And a,, the 5rin9es of Nimrod and his 8reat men took 9o%nse, to8ether 1h%t& 7itFraim& 0%sh and

    0anaan ith their fami,ies& and they said to ea9h other& 0ome ,et %s b%i,d o%rse,ves a 9ity and in it a stron8

    toer& and its to5 rea9hin8 heaven& and e i,, make o%rse,ves famed& so that e may rei8n %5on theho,e or,d& in order that the evi, of o%r enemies may 9ease from %s& that e may rei8n mi8hti,y overthem& and that e may not be9ome s9attered over the earth on a99o%nt of their ars+

    .. And they a,, ent before the kin8& and they to,d the kin8 these ords& and the kin8 a8reed ith them in

    this affair& and he did so+.* And a,, the fami,ies assemb,ed 9onsistin8 of abo%t si h%ndred tho%sand men& and they ent to seek an

    etensive 5ie9e of 8ro%nd to b%i,d the 9ity and the toer& and they so%8ht in the ho,e earth and they fo%nd

    none ,ike one va,,ey at the east of the ,and of Shinar& abo%t to days@ a,k& and they Go%rneyed there andthey de,t there+

    .: And they be8an to make bri9ks and b%rn fires to b%i,d the 9ity and the toer that they had ima8ined to

    9om5,ete+.; And the b%i,din8 of the toer as %nto them a trans8ression and a sin& and they be8an to b%i,d it& and

    hi,e they ere b%i,din8 a8ainst YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of heaven& they ima8ined in their hearts to

    ar a8ainst him and to as9end into heaven+

    .= And a,, these 5eo5,e and a,, the fami,ies divided themse,ves in three 5arts the first said We i,, as9endinto heaven and fi8ht a8ainst him the se9ond said& We i,, as9end to heaven and 5,a9e o%r on 8ods there

    and serve them and the third 5art said& We i,, as9end to heaven and smite him ith bos and s5ears and

    YAHWEH kne a,, their orks and a,, their evi, tho%8hts& and he sa the 9ity and the toer hi9h theyere b%i,din8+

    .> And hen they ere b%i,din8 they b%i,t themse,ves a 8reat 9ity and a very hi8h and stron8 toer and

    on a99o%nt of its hei8ht the mortar and bri9ks did not rea9h the b%i,ders in their as9ent to it& %nti, those hoent %5 had 9om5,eted a f%,, year& and after that& they rea9hed to the b%i,ders and 8ave them the mortar and

    the bri9ks th%s as it done dai,y+

    ./ And beho,d these as9ended and others des9ended the ho,e day and if a bri9k sho%,d fa,, from their

    hands and 8et broken& they o%,d a,, ee5 over it& and if a man fe,, and died& none of them o%,d ,ook athim+

    . And YAHWEH kne their tho%8hts& and it 9ame to 5ass hen they ere b%i,din8 they 9ast the arros

    toard the heavens& and a,, the arros fe,, %5on them fi,,ed ith b,ood& and hen they sa them they saidto ea9h other& S%re,y e have s,ain a,, those that are in heaven+

    * 3or this as from YAHWEH in order to 9a%se them to err& and in order to destroy them from off the

    fa9e of the 8ro%nd+*' And they b%i,t the toer and the 9ity& and they did this thin8 dai,y %nti, many days and years ere


    *. And YAHWEH said to the seventy heaven,y messen8ers ho stood foremost before him& to those hoere near to him& sayin8& 0ome ,et %s des9end and 9onf%se their ton8%es& that one man sha,, not %nderstand

    the ,an8%a8e of his nei8hbor& and they did so %nto them+

    ** And from that day fo,,oin8& they for8ot ea9h man his nei8hbor@s ton8%e& and they 9o%,d not %nderstand

    to s5eak in one ton8%e& and hen the b%i,der took from the hands of his nei8hbor ,ime or stone hi9h hedid not order& the b%i,der o%,d 9ast it aay and thro it %5on his nei8hbor& that he o%,d die+

    *: And they did so many days& and they ki,,ed many of them in this manner+

    *; And YAHWEH smote the three divisions that ere there& and he 5%nished them a99ordin8 to theirorks and desi8ns those ho said& We i,, as9end to heaven and serve o%r 8ods& be9ame ,ike a5es and

    e,e5hants and those ho said& We i,, smite the heaven ith arros& YAHWEH ki,,ed them& one man


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    thro%8h the hand of his nei8hbor and the third division of those ho said& We i,, as9end to heaven and

    fi8ht a8ainst him& YAHWEH s9attered them thro%8ho%t the earth+*= And those ho ere ,eft amon8st them& hen they kne and %nderstood the evi, hi9h as 9omin8

    %5on them& they forsook the b%i,din8& and they a,so be9ame s9attered %5on the fa9e of the ho,e earth+

    *> And they 9eased b%i,din8 the 9ity and the toer therefore he 9a,,ed that 5,a9e Babe,& for thereYAHWEH 9onfo%nded the Can8%a8e of the ho,e earth beho,d it as at the east of the ,and of Shinar+

    */ And as to the toer hi9h the sons of men b%i,t& the earth o5ened its mo%th and sa,,oed %5 one third

    5art thereof& and a fire a,so des9ended from heaven and b%rned another third& and the other third is ,eft tothis day& and it is of that 5art hi9h as a,oft& and its 9ir9%mferen9e is three days@ a,k+* And many of the sons of men died in that toer& a 5eo5,e itho%t n%mber+


    0HA12ER '$$2he Des9endants of Noah& S9attered over the ho,e earth& b%i,d themse,ves 0ities+

    ' And 1e,e8 the son of Eber died in those days& in the forty$ei8hth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah&

    and a,, the days of 1e,e8 ere to h%ndred and thirty$nine years+

    . And hen YAHWEH had s9attered the sons of men on a99o%nt of their sin at the toer& beho,d they

    s5read forth into many divisions& and a,, the sons of men ere dis5ersed into the fo%r 9orners of the earth+* And a,, the fami,ies be9ame ea9h a99ordin8 to its ,an8%a8e& its ,and& or its 9ity+

    : And the sons of men b%i,t many 9ities a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& in a,, the 5,a9es here they ent& and

    thro%8ho%t the earth here YAHWEH had s9attered them+; And some of them b%i,t 9ities in 5,a9es from hi9h they ere afterard etir5ated& and they 9a,,ed these

    9ities after their on names& or the names of their 9hi,dren& or after their 5arti9%,ar o99%rren9es+

    = And the sons of Ja5heth the son of Noah ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities in the 5,a9es here they eres9attered& and they 9a,,ed a,, their 9ities after their names& and the sons of Ja5heth ere divided %5on the

    fa9e of the earth into many divisions and ,an8%a8es+

    > And these are the sons of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& ?omer& 7a8o8& 7edai& Javan& 2%ba,

    7eshe9h and 2iras these are the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their 8enerations+/ And the 9hi,dren of ?omer& a99ordin8 to their 9ities& ere the 3ran9%m& ho de,, in the ,and of 3ranFa&

    by the river 3ranFa& by the river Senah+

    And the 9hi,dren of Re5hath are the Bartonim& ho de,, in the ,and of Bartonia by the river Cedah&hi9h em5ties its aters in the 8reat sea ?ihon& that is& o9ean%s+

    ' And the 9hi,dren of 2%8arma are ten fami,ies& and these are their names B%Far& 1arF%na9& Ba,8ar

    E,i9an%m& Ra8bib& 2arki& Bid& Ieb%9&

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    '= And the 9hi,dren of 0hittim are the Romim ho de,, in the va,,ey of 0ano5ia by the river 2ibre%+

    '> And the 9hi,dren of D%donim are those ho de,, in the 9ities of the sea ?ihon& in the ,and of Bordna+'/ 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ja5heth a99ordin8 to their 9ities and ,an8%a8es& hen they ere

    s9attered after the toer& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names and o99%rren9es and these are the

    names of a,, their 9ities a99ordin8 to their fami,ies& hi9h they b%i,t in those days after the toer+' And the 9hi,dren of Ham ere 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan a99ordin8 to their 8eneration and


    . A,, these ent and b%i,t themse,ves 9ities as they fo%nd fit 5,a9es for them& and they 9a,,ed their 9itiesafter the names of their fathers 0%sh& 7itFraim& 1h%t and 0anaan+

    .' And the 9hi,dren of 7itFraim are the C%dim& Anamim& Cehabim& Na5ht%9him& 1athr%sim& 0as,%9him

    and 0a5ht%rim& seven fami,ies+

    .. A,, these de,, by the river Sihor& that is the brook of E8y5t& and they b%i,t themse,ves 9ities and 9a,,edthem after their on names+

    .* And the 9hi,dren of 1athros and 0as,o9h intermarried to8ether& and from them ent forth the 1e,ishtim&

    the AFathim& and the ?erarim& the ?ithim and the Ekronim& in a,, five fami,ies these a,so b%i,t themse,ves9ities& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after the names of their fathers %nto this day+

    .: And the 9hi,dren of 0anaan a,so b%i,t themse,ves 9ities& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names&

    e,even 9ities and others itho%t n%mber+.; And fo%r men from the fami,y of Ham ent to the ,and of the 5,ain these are the names of the fo%r men&

    Sodom& ?omorrah& Admah and Ieboyim+

    .= And these men b%i,t themse,ves fo%r 9ities in the ,and of the 5,ain& and they 9a,,ed the names of their

    9ities after their on names+.> And they and their 9hi,dren and a,, be,on8in8 to them de,t in those 9ities& and they ere fr%itf%, and

    m%,ti5,ied 8reat,y and de,t 5ea9eab,y+

    ./ And Seir the son of H%r& son of Hivi& son of 0anaan& ent and fo%nd a va,,ey o55osite to 7o%nt 1aran&and he b%i,t a 9ity there& and he and his seven sons and his ho%seho,d de,t there& and he 9a,,ed the 9ity

    hi9h he b%i,t Seir& a99ordin8 to his name that is the ,and of Seir %nto this day+

    . 2hese are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& a99ordin8 to their ,an8%a8es and 9ities& hen they eres9attered to their 9o%ntries after the toer+

    * And some of the 9hi,dren of Shem son of Noah& father of a,, the 9hi,dren of Eber& a,so ent and b%i,t

    themse,ves 9ities in the 5,a9es herein they ere s9attered& and they 9a,,ed their 9ities after their names+

    *' And the sons of Shem ere E,am& Ash%r& Ar5a9hshad& C%d and Aram& and they b%i,t themse,ves 9itiesand 9a,,ed the names of a,, their 9ities after their names+

    *. And Ash%r son of Shem and his 9hi,dren and ho%seho,d ent forth at that time& a very ,ar8e body of

    them& and they ent to a distant ,and that they fo%nd& and they met ith a very etensive va,,ey in the ,andthat they ent to& and they b%i,t themse,ves fo%r 9ities& and they 9a,,ed them after their on names and


    ** And these are the names of the 9ities hi9h the 9hi,dren of Ash%r b%i,t& Ninevah& Resen& 0a,a9h andRehobother and the 9hi,dren of Ash%r de,, there %nto this day+

    *: And the 9hi,dren of Aram a,so ent and b%i,t themse,ves a 9ity& and they 9a,,ed the name of the 9ity F

    after their e,dest brother& and they de,, therein that is the ,and of F to this day+*; And in the se9ond year after the toer a man from the ho%se of Ash%r& hose name as Be,a& ent

    from the ,and of Ninevah to soGo%rn ith his ho%seho,d herever he 9o%,d find a 5,a9e and they 9ame %nti,

    o55osite the 9ities of the 5,ain a8ainst Sodom& and they de,t there+

    *= And the man rose %5 and b%i,t there a sma,, 9ity& and 9a,,ed its name Be,a& after his name that is the,and of Ioar %nto this day+

    *> And these are the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Shem a99ordin8 to their ,an8%a8e and 9ities& after they ere

    s9attered %5on the earth after the toer+*/ And every kin8dom& 9ity& and fami,y of the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Noah b%i,t themse,ves many

    9ities after this+


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    * And they estab,ished 8overnments in a,, their 9ities& in order to be re8%,ated by their orders so did a,,

    the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Noah forever+


    0HA12ER ''$$Nimrod@s Wi9ked Rei8n+ 2he "do,atry of 2erah& Abram@s 3ather+ When 3ifty Years o,d& Abram

    ret%rns to his 3ather@s Ho%se and Dis9overs his "do,s+ 7akes a 5retet to destroy them+ After makin8 Savory 7eat for

    the 8ods& Abram takes a Hat9het and destroys them& ,eavin8 the Hat9het in the hands of the ,ar8er one& here it isdis9overed by his 3ather& ho is to,d by Abram that the ?reat YAHWEH had risen %5 in an8er and Destroyed his

    3e,,os+ 2erah in his rath betrays Abram to the 4in8& ho brin8s him %5 before the 2hrone for J%d8ment+ Abram

    Warns his 3ather and the 4in8& before a,, the 1rin9es& of the Evi,s of "do,atry+

    ' And Nimrod son of 0%sh as sti,, in the ,and of Shinar& and he rei8ned over it and de,t there& and he

    b%i,t 9ities in the ,and of Shinar+

    . And these are the names of the fo%r 9ities hi9h he b%i,t& and he 9a,,ed their names after the o99%rren9esthat ha55ened to them in the b%i,din8 of the toer+

    * And he 9a,,ed the first Babe,& sayin8& Be9a%se YAHWEH there 9onfo%nded the ,an8%a8e of the ho,e

    earth and the name of the se9ond he 9a,,ed Ere9h& be9a%se from there YAHWEH dis5ersed them+

    : And the third he 9a,,ed E9hed& sayin8 there as a 8reat batt,e at that 5,a9e and the fo%rth he 9a,,ed0a,nah& be9a%se his 5rin9es and mi8hty men ere 9ons%med there& and they veed YAHWEH& they

    rebe,,ed and trans8ressed a8ainst him+; And hen Nimrod had b%i,t these 9ities in the ,and of Shinar& he 5,a9ed in them the remainder of his5eo5,e& his 5rin9es and his mi8hty men that ere ,eft in his kin8dom+

    = And Nimrod de,t in Babe,& and he there reneed his rei8n over the rest of his s%bGe9ts& and he rei8ned

    se9%re,y& and the s%bGe9ts and 5rin9es of Nimrod 9a,,ed his name Amra5he,& sayin8 that at the toer his5rin9es and men fe,, thro%8h his means+

    > And notithstandin8 this& Nimrod did not ret%rn to YAHWEH& and he 9ontin%ed in i9kedness and

    tea9hin8 i9kedness to the sons of men and 7ardon& his son& as orse than his father& and 9ontin%ed to

    add to the abominations of his father+/ And he 9a%sed the sons of men to sin& therefore it is said& 3rom the i9ked 8oes forth i9kedness+

    At that time there as ar beteen the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& as they ere de,,in8 in the

    9ities hi9h they had b%i,t+' And 0hedor,aomer& kin8 of E,am& ent aay from the fami,ies of the 9hi,dren of Ham& and he fo%8ht

    ith them and he s%bd%ed them& and he ent to the five 9ities of the 5,ain and he fo%8ht a8ainst them and

    he s%bd%ed them& and they ere %nder his 9ontro,+'' And they served him te,ve years& and they 8ave him a year,y ta+

    '. At that time died Nahor& son of Ser%8& in the forty$ninth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah+

    '* And in the fiftieth year of the ,ife of Abram son of 2erah& Abram 9ame forth from the ho%se of Noah&and ent to his father@s ho%se+

    ': And Abram kne YAHWEH& and he ent in his ays and instr%9tions& and YAHWEH his

    AC7"?H2Y as ith him+

    '; And 2erah his father as in those days& sti,, 9a5tain of the host of kin8 Nimrod& and he sti,, fo,,oed

    stran8e 8ods+'= And Abram 9ame to his father@s ho%se and sa te,ve 8ods standin8 there in their tem5,es& and the

    an8er of Abram as kind,ed hen he sa these ima8es in his father@s ho%se+'> And Abram said& As YAHWEH ,ives these ima8es sha,, not remain in my father@s ho%se so sha,,

    YAHWEH ho 9reated me do %nto me if in three days@ time " do not break them a,,+

    '/ And Abram ent from them& and his an8er b%rned ithin him+ And Abram hastened and ent from the9hamber to his father@s o%ter 9o%rt& and he fo%nd his father sittin8 in the 9o%rt& and a,, his servants ith him

    and Abram 9ame and sat before him+

    ' And Abram asked his father& sayin8& 3ather& te,, me here is YAHWEH ho 9reated heaven and earth

    and a,, the sons of men %5on earth& and ho 9reated yo% and me+ And 2erah ansered his son Abram and


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    said& Beho,d those ho 9reated %s are a,, ith %s in the ho%se+

    . And Abram said to his father& 7y adon& she them to me " 5ray yo% and 2erah bro%8ht Abram into the9hamber of the inner 9o%rt& and Abram sa& and beho,d the ho,e room as f%,, of 8ods of ood and

    stone& te,ve 8reat ima8es and others ,ess than they itho%t n%mber+

    .' And 2erah said to his son& Beho,d these are they hi9h made a,, yo% seest %5on earth& and hi9h9reated me and yo%& and a,, mankind+

    .. And 2erah boed don to his 8ods& and he then ent aay from them& and Abram& his son& ent aay

    ith him+.* And hen Abram had 8one from them he ent to his mother and sat before her& and he said to hismother& Beho,d& my father has shon me those ho made heaven and earth& and a,, the sons of men+

    .: No& therefore& hasten and fet9h a kid from the f,o9k& and make of it savory meat& that " may brin8 it to

    my father@s 8ods as an offerin8 for them to eat 5erha5s " may thereby be9ome a99e5tab,e to them+.; And his mother did so& and she fet9hed a kid& and made savory meat thereof&

    and bro%8ht it to Abram& and Abram took the savory meat from his mother and bro%8ht it before his father@s

    8ods& and he dre ni8h to them that they mi8ht eat and 2erah his father& did not kno of it+.= And Abram sa on the day hen he as sittin8 amon8st them& that they had no voi9e& no hearin8& no

    motion& and not one of them 9o%,d stret9h forth his hand to eat+

    .> And Abram mo9ked them& and said& S%re,y the savory meat that " 5re5ared has not 5,eased them& or5erha5s it as too ,itt,e for them& and for that reason they o%,d not eat therefore tomorro " i,, 5re5are

    fresh savory meat& better and more 5,entif%, than this& in order that " may see the res%,t+

    ./ And it as on the net day that Abram dire9ted his mother 9on9ernin8 the savory meat& and his mother

    rose and fet9hed three fine kids from the f,o9k& and she made of them some e9e,,ent savory meat& s%9h asher son as fond of& and she 8ave it to her son Abram and 2erah his father did not kno of it+

    . And Abram took the savory meat from his mother& and bro%8ht it before his father@s 8ods into the

    9hamber and he 9ame ni8h %nto them that they mi8ht eat& and he 5,a9ed it before them& and Abram satbefore them a,, day& thinkin8 5erha5s they mi8ht eat+

    * And Abram vieed them& and beho,d they had neither voi9e nor hearin8& nor did one of them stret9h

    forth his hand to the meat to eat+*' And in the evenin8 of that day in that ho%se Abram as 9,othed ith the s5irit of YAHWEH+

    *. And he 9a,,ed o%t and said& Woe %nto my father and this i9ked 8eneration& hose hearts are a,,

    in9,ined to vanity& ho serve these ido,s of ood and stone hi9h 9an neither eat& sme,,& hear nor s5eak&

    ho have mo%ths itho%t s5ee9h& eyes itho%t si8ht& ears itho%t hearin8& hands itho%t fee,in8& and ,e8shi9h 9annot move ,ike them are those that made them and that tr%st in them+

    ** And hen Abram sa a,, these thin8s his an8er as kind,ed a8ainst his father& and he hastened and took

    a hat9het in his hand& and 9ame %nto the 9hamber of the 8ods& and he broke a,, his father@s 8ods+*: And hen he had done breakin8 the ima8es& he 5,a9ed the hat9het in the hand of the 8reat 8od hi9h

    as there before them& and he ent o%t and 2erah his father 9ame home& for he had heard at the door the

    so%nd of the strikin8 of the hat9het so 2erah 9ame into the ho%se to kno hat this as abo%t+*; And 2erah& havin8 heard the noise of the hat9het in the room of ima8es& ran to the room to the ima8es&

    and he met Abram 8oin8 o%t+

    *= And 2erah entered the room and fo%nd a,, the ido,s fa,,en don and broken& and the hat9het in the handof the ,ar8est& hi9h as not broken& and the savory meat hi9h Abram his son had made as sti,, before


    *> And hen 2erah sa this his an8er as 8reat,y kind,ed& and he hastened and ent from the room to

    Abram+*/ And he fo%nd Abram his son sti,, sittin8 in the ho%se and he said to him& What is this ork yo% hast

    done to my 8ods#

    * And Abram ansered 2erah his father and he said& Not so my adonay& for " bro%8ht savory meat beforethem& and hen " 9ame ni8h to them ith the meat that they mi8ht eat& they a,, at on9e stret9hed forth their

    hands to eat before the 8reat one had 5%t forth his hand to eat+


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    : And the ,ar8e one sa their orks that they did before him& and his an8er as vio,ent,y kind,ed a8ainst

    them& and he ent and took the hat9het that as in the ho%se and 9ame to them and broke them a,,& andbeho,d the hat9het is yet in his hand as yo% seest+

    :' And 2erah@s an8er as kind,ed a8ainst his son Abram& hen he s5oke this and 2erah said to Abram his

    son in his an8er& What is this ta,e that yo% hast to,d# Yo% s5eak ,ies to me+:. "s there in these 8ods s5irit& so%, or 5oer to do a,, yo% hast to,d me# Are they not ood and stone& and

    have " not myse,f made them& and 9anst yo% s5eak s%9h ,ies& sayin8 that the ,ar8e 8od that as ith them

    smote them# "t is yo% that didst 5,a9e the hat9het in his hands& and then say he smote them a,,+:* And Abram ansered his father and said to him& And ho 9anst yo% then serve these ido,s in homthere is no 5oer to do any thin8# 0an those ido,s in hi9h yo% tr%st de,iver yo%# 9an they hear yo%r

    5rayers hen yo% 9a,, %5on them# 9an they de,iver yo% from the hands of yo%r enemies& or i,, they fi8ht

    yo%r batt,es for yo% a8ainst yo%r enemies& that yo% sho%,dst serve ood and stone hi9h 9an neither s5eaknor hear#

    :: And no s%re,y it is not 8ood for yo% nor for the sons of men that are 9onne9ted ith yo%& to do these

    thin8s are yo% so si,,y& so foo,ish or so short of %nderstandin8 that yo% i,, serve ood and stone& and doafter this manner#

    :; And for8et YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y ho made heaven and earth& and ho 9reated yo% in the earth&

    and thereby brin8 a 8reat evi, %5on yo%r so%,s in this matter by servin8 stone and ood#:= Did not o%r fathers in days of o,d sin in this matter& and YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the %niverse

    bro%8ht the aters of the f,ood %5on them and destroyed the ho,e earth#

    :> And ho 9an yo% 9ontin%e to do this and serve 8ods of ood and stone& ho 9annot hear& or s5eak& or

    de,iver yo% from o55ression& thereby brin8in8 don the an8er of YAHWEH of the %niverse %5on yo%#:/ No therefore my father refrain from this& and brin8 not evi, %5on yo%r so%, and the so%,s of yo%r


    : And Abram hastened and s5ran8 from before his father& and took the hat9het from his father@s ,ar8estido,& ith hi9h Abram broke it and ran aay+

    ; And 2erah& seein8 a,, that Abram had done& hastened to 8o from his ho%se& and he ent to the kin8 and

    he 9ame before Nimrod and stood before him& and he boed don to the kin8 and the kin8 said& What dostyo% ant#

    ;' And he said& " besee9h yo% my ,ord& to hear me& No fifty years ba9k a 9hi,d as born to me& and th%s

    has he done to my 8ods and th%s has he s5oken and no therefore& my ,ord and kin8& send for him that he

    may 9ome before yo%& and G%d8e him a99ordin8 to the ,a& that e may be de,ivered from his evi,+;. And the kin8 sent three men of his servants& and they ent and bro%8ht Abram before the kin8+ And

    Nimrod and a,, his 5rin9es and servants ere that day sittin8 before him& and 2erah sat a,so before them+

    ;* And the kin8 said to Abram& What is this that yo% hast done to yo%r father and to his 8ods# And Abramansered the kin8 in the ords that he s5oke to his father& and he said& 2he ,ar8e 8od that as ith them in

    the ho%se did to them hat yo% hast heard+

    ;: And the kin8 said to Abram& Had they 5oer to s5eak and eat and do as yo% hast said# And Abramansered the kin8& sayin8& And if there be no 5oer in them hy dost yo% serve them and 9a%se the sons of

    men to err thro%8h yo%r fo,,ies#

    ;; Dost yo% ima8ine that they 9an de,iver yo% or do anythin8 sma,, or 8reat& that yo% sho%,dst serve them#And hy i,t yo% not sense the AC7"?H2Y of the ho,e %niverse& ho 9reated yo% and in hose 5oer

    it is to ki,, and kee5 a,ive#

    ;= < foo,ish& sim5,e& and i8norant kin8& oe %nto yo% forever+

    ;> " tho%8ht yo% o%,dst tea9h yo%r servants the %5ri8ht ay& b%t yo% hast not done this& b%t hast fi,,ed theho,e earth ith yo%r sins and the sins of yo%r 5eo5,e ho have fo,,oed yo%r ays+

    ;/ Dost yo% not kno& or hast yo% not heard& that this evi, hi9h yo% doest& o%r an9estors sinned therein in

    days of o,d& and the eterna, YAHWEH bro%8ht the aters of the f,ood %5on them and destroyed them a,,&and a,so destroyed the ho,e earth on their a99o%nt# And i,t yo% and yo%r 5eo5,e rise %5 no and do ,ike

    %nto this ork& in order to brin8 don the an8er of YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the %niverse& and to


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    brin8 evi, %5on yo% and the ho,e earth#

    ; No therefore 5%t aay this evi, deed hi9h yo% doest& and serve YAHWEH the AC7"?H2Y of the%niverse& as yo%r so%, is in his hands& and then it i,, be e,, ith yo%+

    = And if yo%r i9ked heart i,, not hearken to my ords to 9a%se yo% to forsake yo%r evi, ays& and to

    serve the eterna, YAHWEH& then i,t yo% die in shame in the ,atter days& yo%& yo%r 5eo5,e and a,, ho are9onne9ted ith yo%& hearin8 yo%r ords or a,kin8 in yo%r evi, ays+

    =' And hen Abram had 9eased s5eakin8 before the kin8 and 5rin9es& Abram ,ifted %5 his eyes to the

    heavens& and he said& YAHWEH sees a,, the i9ked& and he i,, G%d8e them+


    0HA12ER '.$$Abram 5,a9ed in 1rison& and is 9ondemned after ten days to be 9ast into a 3iery 3%rna9e+ His Brother

    Haran bein8 3a,se,y A99%sed is 9ondemned to the same 3ate+ As Haran@s heart as not ri8ht before YAHWEH& he

    5erished& b%t Abram is De,ivered and is bro%8ht forth A,ive+ "s 1resented ith 7any ?ifts+ 2he 4in8 Dreams of

    Abram& and a8ain Seeks his Cife+ Abram f,ees to the Ho%se of Noah+

    ' And hen the kin8 heard the ords of Abram he ordered him to be 5%t into 5rison and Abram as ten

    days in 5rison+

    . And at the end of those days the kin8 ordered that a,, the kin8s& 5rin9es and 8overnors of different5rovin9es and the sa8es sho%,d 9ome before him& and they sat before him& and Abram as sti,, in the ho%se

    of 9onfinement+* And the kin8 said to the 5rin9es and sa8es& Have yo% heard hat Abram& the son of 2erah& has done to hisfather# 2h%s has he done to him& and " ordered him to be bro%8ht before me& and th%s has he s5oken his

    heart did not mis8ive him& neither did he stir in my 5resen9e& and beho,d no he is 9onfined in the 5rison+

    : And therefore de9ide hat G%d8ment is d%e to this man ho revi,ed the kin8 ho s5oke and did a,, thethin8s that yo% heard+

    ; And they a,, ansered the kin8 sayin8& 2he man ho revi,es the kin8 sho%,d be han8ed %5on a tree b%t

    havin8 done a,, the thin8s that he said& and havin8 des5ised o%r 8ods& he m%st therefore be b%rned to death&for this is the ,a in this matter+

    = "f it 5,eases the kin8 to do this& ,et him order his servants to kind,e a fire both ni8ht and day in yo%r bri9k

    f%rna9e& and then e i,, 9ast this man into it+ And the kin8 did so& and he 9ommanded his servants that

    they sho%,d 5re5are a fire for three days and three ni8hts in the kin8@s f%rna9e& that is in 0asdim and thekin8 ordered them to take Abram from 5rison and brin8 him o%t to be b%rned+

    > And a,, the kin8@s servants& 5rin9es& ,ords& 8overnors& and G%d8es& and a,, the inhabitants of the ,and& abo%t

    nine h%ndred tho%sand men& stood o55osite the f%rna9e to see Abram+/ And a,, the omen and ,itt,e ones 9roded %5on the roofs and toers to see hat as doin8 ith Abram&

    and they a,, stood to8ether at a distan9e and there as not a man ,eft that did not 9ome on that day to

    beho,d the s9ene+ And hen Abram as 9ome& the 9onG%rors of the kin8 and the sa8es sa Abram& and they 9ried o%t to the

    kin8& sayin8&

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    '; And the ki
