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8/6/2019 BOOK for Campaign 1/20




8/6/2019 BOOK for Campaign 2/20

8/6/2019 BOOK for Campaign 3/20

Exective Summary...........................................................................1

Background......................................................................................2Situation Analysis............................................................................3


Goals and Objectives....................................................................5

Target Audiences............................................................................6Strategies and Tactics.....................................................................7


Time Line.........................................................................................9

Event Budget.................................................................................10

News Release...............................................................................11

Fact Sheet......................................................................................12



Summary Evaulation....................................................................16

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One in every three people in the United States will develop cancer during their lietime.Thanks to cancer specialists that are now diagnosing types o cancer at earlier stages andimprovements in treatments, the cancer survival rate is up to 66 percent. Relay For Lie is

the largest non-proit undraising event in the world and donates all its proceeds to theAmerican Cancer Society.

In July o 2008, Rexburg, a small town in Eastern Idaho consisting o 27,000

people, will host a Relay For Lie event or the irst time. Due to the lack o awarenessin the community and the short amount o time to prepare and publicize the event, therelay subcommittee has ound diiculty in establishing participation o the event. Rexburg

has the unique opportunity o hosting their irst Relay For Lie. The success o this eventcan either make or break the chances o hosting the event in uture years. By helpingpublicize Rexburg’s irst-ever Relay For Lie, many beneits will ollow.

First, by increasing awareness and support o the event, it's our goal to create

unity among the people in the area and ensure the success o the relay. This wouldincrease the number o teams participating in the relay. This would also increaseparticipation in the community and increase the events undraising proceeds.

Second, by Rexburg hosting the event, it will increase the number o events

nation-wide. Having a successul irst year increases the chances o hosting the relay inuture years. Through the growth in relay events around the U.S., more people will join inthe common goal o raising money to ight cancer.

Finally, by helping promote Relay For Lie, the subcommittee o Rexburg will

meet its goal o raising $40,000 or the American Cancer Society. By promoting the relaythrough publicity events and advertising, more teams will be recrui ted, and ultimately,

more people will join the ight.We ask you to join in the ight against cancer and help Rexburg, ID in its success

o its irst year. By taking th is simple action, you can help Relay For Lie increase support

among the community, have success or years to come, and meet our goal in raisingmoney to ight cancer. The power o 27,000 people joined together behind the samecause can save lives.

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Relay For Lie is a time to remember and celebrate those who have ought cancer and are

currently ighting cancer. Relay For Lie began in 1985 in response to the need to raise moneyto ight cancer. Gordy Klatt, a doctor rom Tacoma, Wash., decided to relay to raise money orthe American Cancer Society. Dr. Klatt raised $27,000 in his irst year alone.

Relay For Lie is now the largest non-proit undraising event in the world and is heldall over the United States and in 19 dierent countries outside the U.S. For the irst time

ever, Rexburg, ID, will host a Relay For Lie event in July o 2008. Rexburg, ID is located inEastern Idaho and has a population o 27,000. It is also home to Brigham Young University.This is a great opportunity to get the town and local university involved in participating and

sponsoring teams in the event.The relay brings hope to individuals battling the disease. The event begins with a

survivorship lap, where survivors, those currently ighting cancer, and their caretakers walk 

the irst lap. This symbolizes honor and support or them. There is also a luminaria ceremony

to remember those have lost their ight against cancer. Relays are overnight events that canlast up to 24 hours. In doing so, this symbolizes how cancer never sleeps and or that one

night, neither will the volunteers and participants in Relay For Lie.Sponsors and teams und Relay For Lie. Each team is asked to have 10 to 15

participants, each member raising $100-$150. Each team is asked to undraise around

$1,000-$1,500. Relay For Lie has other promotions to encourage participation in the eventsuch as its annual kick-o and “Paint the Town Purple .” The annua l kick-o is an opportunityor the community to learn more about the event and gather or ood, games, and

entertainment. The other promotional event, “Paint the Town Purple” is where the communitygets involved in promoting the relay through wearing purple and using purple decorations

in their store ronts and homes. These promotions get the community involved and createpublicity or the main event, the relay.

Rexburg, ID, or the irst time, will host Relay For Lie at Madison High School in July

o 2008. Not only is this a great opportunity to celebrate and remember those who haveought cancer, but it is a time when the community can join together and work toward thecommon goal o improving someone else’s lie.

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Event Status

A Relay For Lie event will be held in Rexburg, ID or the irst time in July o this year.Rexburg, ID, is home to around 27,000 people, including the local universi ty, whichconsists o 13,000 students. Rexburg is a college town which will help the participation

in the relay. Local businesses can contribute by sponsoring teams and donating timeand resources to the event. However, the planning or the relay started late causingdiiculty in recruiting a minimum o 35 teams. The American Cancer Society provides

brochures, pamphlets, posters, and banners or the event, making it easier to advertise.In addition, the subcommittee is advertising through news releases , lyers, and emails toBYU-Idaho students and the community.


Relay or lie is unded by sponsors and teams. Each team is asked to have 10 to 15

participants, each member raising $100-$150. Each team is asked to undraise around$1,000-$1,500. In-kind sponsorship is also recognized. Each corporate donation and in-

kind sponsorship is displayed on the back o the events t-shirt. In a small town, it mightcreate diiculty when looking or sponsors. Many businesses do not have the money togive a large donation or any donation at all. This could pose a problem in recruiting 35

teams. Team participants will have to undraise through other means.


Two o the main promotions or Relay For Lie is the annual kick-o and “Paint theTown Purple.” Rexburg, ID, is hosting its kick-o several weeks beore the relay. “Paintthe Town Purple” will also take place two weeks later. Publicity events such as these wi ll

increase participation and awareness o the relay in July. Advertising is regularly usedto promote the event in communities. Rexburg’s Relay For Lie subcommittee is usingradio ads , new releases, and lyers to advertise or the event. In addition , The American

Cancer Society has provided advertising tools such as pamphlets and brochures topublicize the event.

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Local newspapers including the BYU-Idaho Scroll are willing to advertise the event.Relay For Lie is a well-known event around the country.Rexburg, Idaho is a amily-oriented community.

Rexburg is home o BYU-Idaho and has many students that are active in the community.There are many local businesses that have sponsored similar activities in the past.


Relay For Lie has never been held in Rexburg, Idaho beore.The planning or the event in Rexburg, Idaho was started later than other relays.

Curew hours or BYU-Idaho students will inhibit them rom staying out all night or therelay.Lack o awareness or the event has created diiculty in recruiting teams.


Rexburg is home to BYU-Idaho which consists o around 13,000 students.There are local news outlets such as The Standard and The Scroll that would advertise theevent.

Rexburg, Idaho has never held the event beore. There is lots o room or growth.There are surrounding communities such as Rigby and St. Anthony that have gotten involvedwith past events in Rexburg.


The population o Rexburg decreases during the summer when the event will take place.

Other community activities may interere with the event.Lack o time in planning the event may aect the outcome and participation o the event.Lack o advertising may interere with recruiting teams and participation o event.

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Attain support and increased awareness o event among community through•

involving key public oicials and local businesses.To celebrate and remember the lives o those who have had cancer.•

Promote community unity through involvement in events leading up to the relay.•


Recruit minimum o 35 teams and additional participants to help support Relay For•


Minimize costs o advertising by 20 percent through corporate and in-kind•

sponsorship.Raise $40,000 during the relay to give to the American Cancer Society.•

Increase undraising income through sponsorships and publicity events.•

Help in the increase o nation-wide communities hosting Relay For Lie events in• uture years by 3.5 percent.

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Primary: Local businesses & Organizations

By targeting local businesses and organizations, we will be able to increase the amount o sponsors needed or teams. By primarily targeting local businesses and organizations, ourgoal o recruiting a minimum o 35 teams will be achievable. Local businesses would also help

promote this event by putting up posters and banners in their storeronts.

Secondary: Students

The reasons or targeting BYU-I students include: increased awareness o events amongstudents and aculty on campus, promoting word-o-mouth advertising, and ensuring successor years to come. BYU-I students have a big impact on the Rexburg community and would

keep the legacy o the Relay For Lie event going or years to come.

Tertiary: Rexburg Community

The reasons or targeting the Rexburg community are to get the support and involvemento those living in Rexburg, ID. By targeting people li ving in Rexburg, ID, we would increaseawareness o the event, participation in teams, and be closer to achieving our goal o $40,000.

The Rexburg community would also unite together and be a huge contribution to the eventand helping the ight against cancer.


By targeting these audiences in the Rexburg community, we will be able

to make a huge impact on the event and help Relay or Lie continuein Rexburg, ID, or years to come. With the help o students, local

businesses , and the community, we can help improve others lives whohave been aected by cancer.

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Local Businesses & Organizations

Distribute lyers, pamphlets, and banners or businesses to have in storeronts.Involve local businesses by asking or participation in “Paint the Town Purple .”

Send emails to local businesses to sponsor teams.

StudentsPromote date o relay by asking or participation in “Paint the Town Purple .”Distribute lyers on campus and post newsletters on bulletin boards in school buildings.Send emails to students about the dates o events and ask or participation in relay.

Promote Relay For Lie on campus by hosting a mock relay on campus several weeksbeore the event. One runner will jog around campus wearing a Relay For Lie t-shirtand promoting the upcoming relay.

Rexburg Community

Promote date o relay through eective publicity stunts such as “Paint the Town Purple .”

Publish newsletters and press releases beore and ater event to create awareness andsupport among community.

Distribute lyers throughout community.Put banners on the light posts along Main St. advertising Relay For Lie.Have kick-o barbeque two weeks prior to relay to promote the upcoming event.

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 June 3-6th: Pre-campaign research (telephone survey)•

 June 11-12th: Distribute lyers on BYU-Idaho campus•

 June 13-14th: Distribute lyers to all local businesses•

 June 14th: Send news release to all local newspapers•

 June 20th: Kick-o Party at Chamber o Commerce Convention Center• June 27th: “Paint the Town Purple” day•

 July 2nd: Mock relay at BYU-Idaho campus•

 July 11-12th: Relay For Lie (24-hour relay event)•

 July 15-18th: Post-campaign research (telephone survey)•

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Relay For Lie is a non-proft undraising event. All proceeds go to the American CancerSociety. All expenses are paid or by sponsors such as: WAL-MART, Target, and Subway.

Kick off party………………………………………………….$ 1,100

• Food/utensils________________$500

• Decorations_________________$200

• Music(DJ)___________________$300• Advertisements_______________$100

(Banners provided by American Cancer Society)

Paint the town purple……………………………………......$ 200• Banners____________________$200

Mock Relay…………………………………………………….$ 0

• Volunteers__________________$0(Shirts provided by American Cancer Society)

Relay Event……………………………………………..............$ 3,650

• Food,drinks,andutensils________$1500

• Music(DJ)___________________$350

• WaterCoolers_______________$0

• Shirts_______________________$0

(Donated by Target)• Decorations__________________$300

• Tents_______________________$500

• Medics______________________$1000

(Provided by Madison County)


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Relay For Lie

134 Madison Ave Rexburg, ID 83440


  June 13, 2008 Contact InormatiFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Jessica Bryant

Oice: (208) 321-3377Fax: (208) 321-3780Email: [email protected]

THE RELAY FOR LIFE KICK OFFCancer survivors rally together to support American Cancer Society

REXBURG, IDAHO—The American Cancer Society would like to extend the invitation toindividuals to help jump start Relay For lie at the annual Kicko rally, Friday June 20, at

Chamber o Commerce Convention Center in the Madison room rom 7pm to 9pm.The Kicko rally or Relay For Lie is where amilies, caregivers, cancer survivors, schools,companies, etc., get together to k ick o the annual Relay For Lie activities. The American

Cancer Society Relay For Lie is an overnight community celebration where teams and in-dividuals camp out, barbeque, dance and have un taking turns walking around a track relaystyle to help raise unds to ight cancer.

At nightall participants will light hundreds o luminaries in a moving ceremony to honorand support cancer survivors as well as amily members, riends and neighbors who havelost their ight to the disease. Relay For Lie represents hope or those that those lost to

cancer will never be orgotten, those who ace cancer will be supported, and one-day can-cer will be eliminated.I you're a cancer survivor, don't miss the cancer survivors' lap, which opens the Relay For

Lie. Cancer survivors walk the initial lap, the irst o many beore they reach the inish line.This lap symbolizes the courage that survivors and their amilies display and sustain in their

lives.For more inormation, please contact Jessica Bryant at [email protected] or by phone (208)321-3377.

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Relay For Life

134 Madison Ave Rexburg, ID 83440

Relay For Life Fact Sheet

• Relaybeganin1985,whenDr.GordyKlatttooktherstwalkaroundatrackin


• Morethan$2.5billionhasbeenraisedin1985.

• Relayforlifeisaworldwidemovementthattakesplacein19countriesoutside


• RelayforLifeisthelargestnon-protfundraisingeventintheworld.

• Anestimated$407millionwasraisedin2007.

• Twenty-eightcorporationsandtheiremployeesarepartyoftheRelayForLife


• Relaysareovernightevent,upto24hoursinlength.

• Teamsofeightto15peopleformarelayteamandcampoutatalocaltrack,


• Eachteamisaskedtohavearepresentativeonthetrackatalltimesduringthe



Contact Information:

Christy Chou



Email:[email protected]

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For the frst time, in July 2008, the American Cancer Society is introducing the event, Relay For

Lie, to Rexburg, Idaho. Each year, across the United States, the American Cancer Society succeedsin joining hundreds o new communities in the Relay For Lie movement. In every community acampaign is planned to organize the labors involved in launching Relay For Lie successully. We

propose the ollowing pre-campaign telephone survey be administered by the American CancerSociety to Eastern Idahoans beginning April o 2008 to advertise the event.

Survey Sample: Relay For Lie Marketing Strategy


survey among eastern Idahoans and would like to ask you a ew questions. The survey will takeapproximately 3 minutes.

No Screeners: All respondents qualiy

Q1. First o all are you aware o the organization known as the American Cancer Society?

1.) Yes

2.) No

I respondent answers “yes” continue with Q2. I respondent answers “no” skip to Q5.

Q2. How did you frst become aware o the American Cancer Society?

Open end (probe and Clariy)

Q3. Which o the ollowing descriptions, i any, do you think best illustrates the goals and objectiveso the American Cancer Society? Your best guess is fne.

1.) An organization that unds cancer research2.) A nationwide community-based voluntary health organization3.) An organization that is dedicated to eliminating cancer

4.) All o the above

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Q4. Using a scale rom 1 to 10, where 1 is very unavorable and 10 is very avorable, what is your overall

impression o the American Cancer Society overall? You may, o course, use any number rom 1 to 10.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Q5. Are you aware o the American Cancer Society event, RELAY FOR LIFE?

1.) Yes2.) No

I respondent answers “yes” continue, i respondent answers “no” skip to Q12.

Q6. How did you frst become aware o Relay For Lie?

Open end (probe and clariy)

Q7. Have you ever participated in a Relay For Lie?

1.) Yes2.) No

Q8. How old were you when you frst participated in Relay For Lie?

Open end

Q9. When was the last time you participated in Relay For Lie?

1.) 1 to 3 years ago2.) 3 to 6 years ago3.) 7 to 10 years ago

4.) 10 years ago or more




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Relay For Lie will take place in Rexburg, ID or the irst time on July 11th o this year. For the event to have success, the relay committee must individually

target toward the community, students, and local businesses . Although RelayFor Lie is a well-known event around the world, lack o awareness among

Rexburg citizens has created diiculty in recruiting teams and participants.To success ully increase awareness and participation in the relay, thecommittee will advertise the event to the community through news releases,lyers, and publicity events such as the kick-o and “Paint the Town Purple .”

To advertise toward BYU-Idaho students, a mock relay will take place on thecampus a week beore the relay.

I the relay committee successully publicizes the event through the use

o this campaign, all campaign objectives will be achievable . The needed teams

and participants or the relay will be easily recruited and the committee willmeet their undraising goal o $40,000. In addition, Rexburg will meet their

goal o promoting community unity through celebrating and remembering thelives o those who have ought cancer.

 Join the ight against cancer and help Rexburg, ID in the success o 

its irst year. By joining the ight, Relay For Lie will have success or years tocome and the committee will meet its goal in raising money to ight cancer.

The power o 27,000 people joined together behind the same cause can save


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