Page 1: Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference … · Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen? Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

Book 3 Questions


1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen?

Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

Furoo ad-Deen = The branches of the religion

2: If you are a muslim what you need to do in Usool-Deen?

Ans: If you are a Muslim, you must believe in the Usool ad-Deen

3: What is the meaning of Imamah?

Ans; Imaamah Allah sent 12 Imams to guide us

Ans: 4: What is the meaning of Asmma-al-Husna?

Ans: Asmaa=names Husna= beautiful and perfect

5: What is meant by Attributes?

Ans: Attributes are the things that describe something) or names of God.

6: What is the meaning of ‘’Ar Rabb’’?

Ans: Ar-Rabb means that Allah is the Nurturer. A nurturer is someone who takes care of us

7: What Prophet Muhammad(S) said about the attributes of Allah?

Ans: Prophet Muhammad (S) as saying: “There are 99 attributes, one hundred minus one, of Allah; whoever learns them, will enter Paradise.”

8: What are the examples of nurtures in our lives?

Ans: Some examples of nurturers in our lives are:

• Our parents

• Teachers

• Nurses

Page 2: Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference … · Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen? Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

9: What do superheroes have and which name of Allah is related to this?

Ans: Super powers. Al-Qadeer means that Allah is The Most Powerful.

10: What is the meaning of Al-Baseer?

Ans: Al-Baseer means that Allah is All-Seeing When we say that Allah is al-Baseer, it means that He knows everything that we do.

11: What Allah is aware about us?

Ans: Allah is aware of what we do!

12: What does it mean when we say that Allah is Just?

Ans: when we say that Allah is Just, it means that He is All-Knowing and makes decisions according to His infinite knowledge.

13: What is meant by ULUl’ AZM Prophets?

Ans: There are 5 Special Prophets called the Ulul ʿAzm Prophets who brought laws for human beings from Allah.

14: Who are ULUL’AZM Prophets?

Ans: Prophet Nuh (A) Prophet Ibrahim (A) Prophet Musa (A) Prophet Isa (A) Prophet Muhammad (S)

15: What are Divine Books?

Ans: These Prophets brought a new set of laws (Shariah) made into a book. These are known as Divine books:

16: Write the names of Divine Books with the Prophet names?

Ans: Zaboor – revealed to Prophet Dawood (A)

2. Tawraah – revealed to Prophet Musa (A)

3. Injeel – revealed to Prophet Isa (A)

4. Quran – revealed to Prophet Muhammad (S)

17: Why do we need an Imam?

Page 3: Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference … · Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen? Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

Ans: The Imam is there to help us and guide us when we do not understand something or when we forget something

18: What Imams have to be?

Ans: , Imams have to: Be chosen by Allah Be Maʿsoom- not have committed any sins, not even by mistake. Be able to perform miracles Have the best Akhlaq and the most knowledge.

19:Who is our 8th Imam?

Ans: 8th: Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (A

20: Who came after our Holy Prophet and what does it mean?

Ans: The 12 Imams came after our Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), as he was the last of the Prophets. Imam means leader.

21: When and where our living Imam were born?

Ans: Our living Imam were born on Friday, 15th of Sha’ban 255 A.H in Samarra

22: What is the meaning of Alhujjah, Al Mahdi?

Ans: Al-Mahdi (the guided one), Al-Hujjah (proof of Allah)

23: Which things we need to do during Ghaybah?

Ans: some things that we may do during ghaybah.

1. Be a good Muslim

2. Remember him through reciting Duas and Ziyaarah.

24: Why does their need to be a day of Judgement?

Ans: Allah is Aadil, meaning Fair and Just. Of course He is going to give us rewards for our good deeds and punish our bad deeds. That is why we need the Day of Judgment.

25: What is the meaning of ‘’ Allahumma ajjil li waliyyikal faraj’’ ?

Ans: Allaahumma ʿajjil li waliyyikal faraj

Page 4: Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference … · Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen? Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

“O Allah, make things easy for your Wali (the one who is close to Allah) even sooner!"

Multiple Questions

1:Asmaaal Husna means

Page 5: Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference … · Book 3 Questions (Aqaid) 1: What is difference between Usool- Deen and Furoo- Deen? Ans: Usool ad-Deen = The roots of the religion

Book 3 Sample Questions 1

1- What are furoo-e-deen

A) The branches of Islam

B) Madressa books

C) Roots of religion

D) Good manners

2- What does amr bil maroof mean?

A) Praying five times a day

B) Stop others from doing evil

C) Good manners

D) Guide others to do good

3- What does nahy anil munkar mean?

A) Good manners

B) Stop others from doing evil

C) Guide others to do good

D) None of the above

4- What do you get gunah (sin) for doing?

A) Doing good deeds

B) Being lazy

C) Doing a bad deed

D) Praying

5- What is guna he kabira?

A) Big sins

B) Being dirty

C) Talking too much

D) Small sins

6- What is guna he saghira?

A) Big sins

B) Being dirty

C) Talking too much

D) Small sins

7- What is taubah?

A) Praying five times a day

B) Fasting

C) Asking for forgiveness

D) Giving money to charity

8- Why should we obey Allah?

A) Allah created us to worship him

B) Allah knows what’s good for us

C) It is for our own benefit

D) All of the above

9- What is religion?

A) A collection of beliefs

B) Doing good deeds

C) Praying five times a day

D) Good manners

10- The teaching of Islam (shariah) consist of

A) Beliefs, characters, social and economic


B) Usool-e-deen only

C) Furoo-e-deen

D) Attending madressa

11- What is wajib?

A) Wajib means compulsory, we must do it

B) If you do a wajib act you get thawaab


C) If you do not do a wajib act you get

gunnah (sin)

D) All of the above

12- What is sunnah act?

A) A wajib act

B) A bad deed

C) If you do not do a sunnah act you get


D) The actions and saying of the Prophet and

Imams (a.s) which are beneficial for us

13- What is makruh?

A) Something you do to get thawaab


B) Gving money to charity

C) An act not liked by allah but is not haram

D) Listening to the teachings of your parents

14- What is haram?

A) Acts we must never do

B) Acts we should do

C) Acts we should try not to do

D) None of the above

15- What is mubah?

A) An act we must not do

B) An act we should try to do

C) An act with no gunnah or thawaab

D) An act we should avoid

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Book 3 Sample Questions 2

16- A person who submits `to the will of Allah is a

A) Muslim

B) Believer

C) Zahid

D) Atheist

17- A person who says that they are a Muslim but

in his heart he doesn’t follow is a

A) Mumin

B) Mattaqi

C) Mushrik

D) Munafiq

18- A muslim who believes in justice of Allah and

the 12 Imams is a

A) Muttaqi

B) Mumin

C) Zahid

D) Mushrik

19- A person who does not like things of this

world is a

A) Muslim

B) Munafiq

C) Zahid

D) Mushrik

20- A person who is pious is a

A) Muttaqi

B) Kafir

C) Fassiq

D) Munafiq

21- A person who is not a muslim is a

A) Fassiq

B) Munafiq

C) Zahid

D) Kafir

22- A person who believes that Allah has a

partner is a

A) Mushrik

B) Fassiq

C) Kafir

D) Munafiq

23- Wudu is wajib (required) for

A) Salah

B) Entering mosque

C) Visiting graveyard

D) All of the above

24- Which of the following is a condition of wudu?

A) All part of the body must be tahir

B) Water is tahir (pure)

C) Enough time available

D) All of the above

25- Which of the following is a wajib action of


A) Niyyah

B) Wash hands

C) Wash nose

D) Gargle

26- What makes wudhu batil?

A) Eating

B) Sleeping

C) Drinking

D) None of the above

27- What does haya alas salah mean?

A) Rush to success

B) Rush to best act

C) Rush to prayer

D) The prayer has began

28- What does haya ala khairil amal mean?

A) Rush to good deed

B) Rush to best act

C) Rush to prayer

D) The prayer has began

29- What does haya alal falah mean?

A) Rush to success

B) Rush to best act

C) Rush to prayer

D) The prayer has began

30- What does qad qa matis salah mean?

A) Rush to success

B) Rush to best act

C) Rush to prayer

D) The prayer has began

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Book 3 Sample Questions 3

31- When does fajar salah start

A) At sunrise

B) After midnight

C) From true dawn

D) After sunrise

32- When does dhurain salah start?

A) From midday

B) After sunrise

C) From dawn

D) After sunset

33- When does maghribain salah start?

A) After midday

B) At midnight

C) after sun sets

D) after midnight

34- The clothes for salat must be

A) Tahir

B) Mubah

C) Made from any part of a halal animal

D) All of the above

35- Zakat is wajib for those who earn their living


A) Agriculture/Gold & Silver/ Cow

Goats & camel.

B) end of year saving

C) pearls

D) any type of business

36- Khums is paid on

A) Saving at the end of the year

B) Mining income

C) Pearls

D) All of the above

37- What is the percentage of khums?

A) 20%

B) 25%

C) 105

D) 2.5%

38- What does amr-bil-maroof mean?

A) Pray five times a day

B) Guide others to do good

C) Having good manners

D) All of the above

39- Hajj is wajib act and has to be performed …….

in a lifetime

A) As much as possible

B) Once

C) Twice

D) Four times

40- Hajj-e-tamattu is performed from 9th to 13th of

which month?

A) Ramadhan

B) Muharram

C) Rajab

D) Zil hajj

41- The holy prophet (pbuh) said “I have been

sent by Allah to teach people…..”

A) Furoo-e-deen

B) Good manners

C) Usool-e-deen

D) Quran

42- What does salam u alaykum mean?

A) Hello

B) Good morning

C) Peace be upon you

D) How are you

43- What does fiamanillah mean?

A) I leave you in the care of Allah

B) Peace be upon you

C) May Allah reward you

D) None of the above

44- Which of these are good manners in the


A) Enter with your right foot

B) Remove your shoes before entering

C) Listen carefully

D) All of the above

45- Which of the following is a good classroom


A) Listen carefully to the teacher

B) Talk in the class

C) Shout out the answers

D) Come late to class

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Book 3 Sample Questions 4

46- What does honesty mean?

A) Being happy

B) Truthfulness

C) Being polite

D) Being generous

47- What is jealousy

A) Cheating

B) Jealousy means to want the same as

somebody else, and wish that they do not

have the same thing.

C) Being satisfied with what you have

D) Stealing from others

48- The advantage of watching T.V is

A) It’s fun

B) It makes you happy

C) It passes time

D) Gain knowledge

49- Imam Ali said “what is better than


A) Prayers

B) Fasting

C) Experience

D) Hajj

50- What does cleanliness mean is Islam?

A) Physically clean

B) Spiritually clean

C) Physically and spiritually clean

D) None of the above

51- When was Imam Ali zain ul abideen AS born?

A) 15 jamadi ul awaal in medina

B) 15 shabaan in medina

C) 15 ramadan in mecca

D) 15 rajab in mecca

52- What is the book of prayers taught by imam

Ali zain ul abideen AS is called

A) Nahjul balagha

B) Al sahifat-al-kamila

C) Tuhfa tul awam

D) Mufati hul jinaan

53- Imam mohammad baqir (a.s) mother is

A) Fatima Binte Asad (a.s)

B) Fatima Binte imam hasan (a.s)

C) Umme Farwa (a.s)

D) Bibi Narjis (a.s)

54- Where is Imam Baqir buried?

A) Kerbala (Iraq)

B) Baghdad (Iraq)

C) Jannatul Baqee (Madina)

D) Mashad (Iran)

55- Which imam gave the idea about what to

write on first Islamic coin

A) Imam Hassan (a.s)

B) Imam Baqir (a.s)

C) Imam jaffar sadiq (a.s)

D) Imam Ali Raza (a.s)

56- Which imam shares the same birthday as the

Holy Prophet (pbuh)?

A) Imam Ali (a.s)

B) Imam jaffar sadiq (a.s)

C) Imam Mahdi (a.s)

D) Imam Hassan Askari (a.s)

57- Which imam was in prison for most of his life?

A) Imam Sajjad (a.s)

B) Imam Baqir (a.s)

C) Imam Musa kazim (a.s)

D) Imam mohammad Taqi (a.s)

58- Which Imam is also known as Imam Zamin

A) Imam Ali Raza (a.s)

B) Iman Ali (a.s)

C) Imam jaffar sadiq (a.s)

D) Imam Ali Naqi (a.s)

59- Which Imam is burried in Iran?

A) Imam Baqir (a.s)

B) Imam Hussain (a.s)

C) Imam jaffar sadiq (a.s)

D) Imam Ali Raza (a.s)

60- How old was Imam mohammad Taqi (a.s)

when he took the duties of Imammat?

A) 8 years

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Book 3 Sample Questions 5

B) 12 years

C) 15 years

D) 18 years

61- How long did Imam Ali Naqi AS serve as


A) 25 years

B) 29 years

C) 34 years

D) 40 years

62- What is the title of our 11th Imam Hassan AS?

A) Al- Mujtaba

B) Al- Sadiq

C) Al- Jawad

D) Al- Askari

63- Where is our 11th Imam buried?

A) Kerbala

B) Samarra (Baghdad)

C) Madina

D) Mashad (iran)

64- How old was 11th imam when he was


A) 24

B) 26

C) 28

D) 30

65- What is the kuniyat for the 12th Imam?

A) Abul fazal

B) Abul qassim

C) Abul qaim

D) Abul jaffar

66- When was our 12th imam born?

A) 15 Shabaan 255 a.h

B) 15 Shabaan 265 a.h

C) 15 Shabaan 270 a.h

D) 15 Ramadan 255 a.h

67- What was Imam Mahdi (a.s) mother called?

A) Bibi Fatima (a.s)

B) Bibi Khadija (a.s)

C) Bibi Sayyida Narjis (a.s)

D) Bibi Sher Banu (a.s)

68- The title of the 12th Imam al Hujjat means

A) Proof of Allah

B) The guided one

C) Master of time

D) The present one

69- The title Saheb uz zaman means

A) Proof of Allah

B) The guided one

C) Master of time

D) The present one

70- The title HUJJATULLAH means

A) Proof of Allah

B) The guided one

C) Master of time

D) The present one

71- The title Al Mahdi means

A) Proof of Allah

B) The guided one

C) Master of time

D) The present one

72- Where is the cemetery Janant ul Maalla?

A) Madina

B) Kerbala

C) Mecca

D) Najaf

73- Where is the cemetery Janat ul baqee?

A) Madina

B) Kerbala

C) Mecca

D) Najaf

74- Where is Wadi us salam

A) Madina

B) Kerbala

C) Mecca

D) Najaf

75- Where is the city of Karbala?

A) Iran

B) Iraq

C) Syria (sham)

D) Egypt

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Book 3 Sample Questions 6


Q No Answer

1 A Branches of Islam

2 D Guide others to do good

3 B Stop others from doing evil

4 A Doing a bad deed

5 A Big sins

6 D Small sins

7 C Asking for forgiveness

8 D All of the above

9 A A collection of beliefs

10 A

Beliefs, characters, social and economic guidance

11 A

Wajib means compulsory, we must do it

12 D

The actions and saying of the Prophet and Imams (a.s) which are beneficial for us

13 C

An act not liked by Allah but is not haram

14 A Acts we must never do

15 C

An act with no gunnah or thawaab

16 A Muslimm

17 D Munafiq

18 C Mumin

19 C Zahid

20 A Muttaqi

21 D Kafir

22 A Mushrik

23 A Salah

24 D All the Above

25 A Niiyyah

26 B Sleeping

27 C Rush to prayer

28 B Rush to good deed

29 A Rush to success

30 D Prayer has begun

31 C From true dawn

32 A From mid day

33 C After sunset

34 D All the Above

35 A Agriculture

36 D All the Above

37 A 20%

38 B Guide other to the right 38.A.PRAY 5 TIMES A DAY

39 B One

40 D Zilhajj

41 B Good Manners

42 C Peace be upon you

43 A I leave you in care of Allah

44 D All the above

45 A

Listen carefuly to the teacher

46 B Truthfullness

47 B

Jealousy means to want the same as somebody else has.

48 D Gain knowledge

49 C Experience

50 C

Physically and spiritually clean

51 A 15th Jamiadi ul Awal in Madina

52 B Al Sahifat al Kamila

53 B Fatima Binte Imam Hassan AS

54 C Jannatul Baqee (Madina)

55 B Imam Baqir A S

56 B Imam Jaffar Sadiq AS

57 C Imam Mussa Kazim AS

58 A Imam Ali Raza AS

59 D Imam Ali Raza AS

60 A 8 Years

61 C 34 Years

62 D Al-Askari

63 B Samarra (Baghdad)

64 C 28 Years old

65 B Abul Qasim

66 A 15th Shaaban 255 A.H

67 C Bibi Sayyida Narjis AS

68 A Proof of Allah

69 C Master of time


71 B The guided one

72 C Mecca

73 A Madina

74 D Najaf (Iraq)

75 B Iraq

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Book 3

Questions: Q76: What is Sawm?

Ans: Fasting during the month of Ramadhan.

Q77: What is the meaning of Tabbara?

Ans: To keep away from the people who do not love or follow the teachings of

Allah and the 14 Ma’someen (A.S).

Q78: What is the meaning of Taubah?

Ans: Taubah means asking Allah (S.W.T) for forgiveness.

Q79: how should a believer live his/her life in this world?

Ans: A person who believes in a religion is afraid from Allah (S.W.T) and will not

do bad deeds. He/she knows that if any difficulty comes in this world, it is meant

to test his/her faith in God. The believer needs to be patient and prays for help

from God. He knows that this will Please Allah and he/she will be rewarded in

the next world.

Q80: What is a Sunnah act?

Ans: A Sunnah act is that which is good to do, because it makes Allah (S.W.T)

happy. Every time we find that the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) used to do

a certain act we to should also perform it because it is Sunnah.

Q81: What is the meaning of Mubaah?

Ans: Mubbah means allowed. Mubbah acts are those which we are allowed to

do, we can get thawaab for mubbah acts if we do them in the way Allah likes.

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Q82: Who is a faasiq?

Ans: A person who disobey Allah (S.W.T) openly. He sins in public and follows

the way of Satan.

Q83: How many wajib actions in wudhu and also mention them?

Ans: There are five wajib action in wudhu:

(1) Niyyaht

(2) Washing of face

(3) Washing of arms

(4) Masah of the head

(5) Masah of the Feet

Q84: Four conditions of the dressing for prayer of a man:


1- The clothes must be Taahir.

2- The clothes must be mubbah.

3- The clothes should not be made of Gold.

4- The clothes should not be made of pure silk.

Q85: What is the meaning of قربتہ الی ہللاand ہللا اکبر?

Ans: : To obey Allah and get close to him.

: Allah (S.W.T) is the greatest.

Q86: What is the meaning of: ی العظیم وبحمدہ ?سبحان رب

Ans: Glory be to my Lord the great and praise be on him.

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Q87: What is the meaning of: بحول ہللا وق وتہ واقوم واقعد?

Ans: I sit and stand with the help and strength of Allah (S.W.T).

Q88: Please translate the following:

ار نیا حسنة وفي اآلخرة حسنة وقنا عذاب الن نا آتنا في الد رب

Ans: Our Lord! Grant us good in this world and good in the hereafter, and save

us from the punishment of the hell fire.

Q89: Please translate the following:

د د و آل محم اللهم صل على محم

Ans: O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and his Ahlulbait.”

Q90: Please translate the following:

د اعبدورسوله وحدہ ل شریك له، و اشهد ان محم اشهد ان آلآ اله ال ہللاآAns: I testify that there is none worthy of worshipping except the Almighty Allah who is one and has no partner and I testify that Muhammad is his Servant and Messenger.

Q91: Translate the following:

لم یلد ولم یولد ولم یكن له كفوا أحد

Ans: He begot none' nor was He begotten. And nor is anyone equal to Him.

Q92: What is ‘Zakaat-e-Fitrana’ and who does it apply to?

Ans: Allah has made a Wajib charity of zakat ul Fitr for every family at the end

of Ramadhan. This charity helps poor people who do not have a money to feed


Q93: how much thawaab does one get by offering Salaam first?

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Ans: A person who offers Salaam first will be rewarded 69 good deeds and a

person who replies will get only 1, so always be the one who says Salaam first.

Q94: What is the difference between a Mosque and an Islamic centre?

Ans: Mosque is a place of Salaah and Islamic centre is a place for Salaah and

other functions.

Q95: What did Allah say about Haqooq-Ul-Ebaad?

Ans: Allah says that He might forgive you for the sins you have committed

against him e.g not praying or fasting, but he will not forgive you for hurting

other people’s feeling unless they forgive you first.

Q96: What is the hadith of Imam Ali (A.S) about jealousy?

Ans: “Jealousy eats up the good deed like a fire consumes wood.”

Q97: Write disciplines for watching television?


1.) Restricting watching times.

2.) There should not be any Haram things in the program.

3.) Don’t watch shows which consist of bad language.

4.) Try to watch Islamic channels and programs.

Q98: What is the name of 6thand 11th Imam and also mention their ages when

they were martyred?


6th Imam is Imam Jaffar Sadiq (A.S) he was martyred at the age of 65 years.

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11th Imam is imam Hassan Askari (A.S) he was martyred at the age of 28


Q99: How many duas are found in Sahifa-e-Sajjadia?

Ans: There are 54 duas in Sahifa-e-Sajadia.

Q100: How many Scholars were students of Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s,

mention famous students of the Imam?

Ans: Imam Jaffar Sadiq a.s had 4000 students. Amongst his famous students


1.) Hisham bin Hakam

2.) Jabir bin Hayyan

3.) Zurara

4.) Abu Baseer.

Q101: How many years did Imam Musa kazim (A.S) live with his father , and

how many year did he lead the ummah as an Imam?

Ans: He enjoyed the company of his father for 20 years and he led the ummah

for 34 years.

Q102: Write the famous hadith of Imam Raza (A.S)?

Ans: ‘Laa illaha illallah’ is my fortress and whoever enters my fortress saves

himself from my punishment.

Q103: Mention five specification of a momien given by Hazrat Imam Hassan



1.) Prays 51 rakaat of salaah daily.

2.) He prostrates on khak e shifa.

3.) He wears a ring on his right hand.

4.) He recites Bismillah loudly in Salah.

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5.) He Recites Qunoot in Salaah.

6.) He recites five takbirs in Salaatul Mayyit.

7.) He prays his Fajr Salaah before the stars disappear and his dhuhr prayers

before the sun starts to decline.

Q104: Write Four titles of Imam Mehdi?


1.) Al Qaim,

2.) Al Hujjat,

3.) Al Muntazar,

4.) Al Muntazir,

5.) Baqiyaatullah,

6.) Sahibuzaman.

Q105: Write the name of deputies (Nawab-e-Arba) of Imam Zamana(ajf)?


1.) Othman bin Said

2.) Muhammad bin Othman

3.) Hussain bin Rauh

4.) Ali bin Muhammad Samry.

Q106: Write about the parents of Imam Mehdi (Ajf) briefly:

Ans: The name of the father of Imam Mehdi (A.S) is Imam Hassan Askari (A.S)

and his mother name Syeda Narjis khatoon and her other names are Malika,

Susan and Rayhana. She was the granddaughter of the Roman Emperor during

this time.

Q107: When did Ghaybate Kubra start?

Ans: After 68 years of the period of Ghaybate Sughra with the death of Imam

Mahdi’s fourth deputy.

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Q108: How many Imam buried in Jannatul Baqi and write their names?

Ans: Four Imam buried in Jannatul Baqqi:

1.) Imam Hassan(A.S)

2.) Imam Zain ul Abideen (A.S)

3.) Imam Baqir(A.S)

4.) Imam Jaffar Sadiq(A.S)

Q109: What is the meaning of Masjid Qiblatayn?

Ans: The mosque where the holy prophet (S.A.W.W) was commanded to

change his Qibla from masjid ul Aqsa (Jerusalem) to (Holy Ka’aba in Mecca.)

Q110: What is the saying of Imam Ali (A.S) in Nahjul balagha about ‘trying to

remain positive?

Ans: ‘‘It is a pity that after all the ups and downs (I have been through). By

Allah! The son of Abu Talib is more familiar with death than an infant with the

breast of its mother. I have hidden knowledge, if I disclose it you will start

trembling like ropes in deep wells’’

Q111: When do we say the following Arabic sentence?

When we are standing up after doing the Sajdatain in Salah.

Q112: Who is the founder of the Islamic Revolution of Iran?

Ayetullah el-Uzma Ruhollah Imam Khomeini

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Q113: List the ten branches of Islam and write the meaning of every


Go to Makkah on pilgrimage

Charity on

certain items

given to needy


Give away one fifth of your savings

To fight in the way of Allah

Guide others to do good

Stop others from doing evil

To love and follow the

teachings of the 14


To keep away from people who do not love or follow the teachings of the 14 masumeen

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Multiple Question of Book 3


1: Asmaa al Husna means

a) Beautiful and Perfect names

b) Beautiful names of Allah

c) Perfect names of Allah

d) The names of Allah

2: There are ____ attributes of Allah.

a) 99

b) 100

c) 101

d) 10

3: Whoever learn the names of Allah will enter in ______.

a) Islam

b) Blessing of Allah

c) Paradise

d) House of Allah

4: ‘’Whoever learn the names of Allah will enter in paradise’’ Who

said this.

a) Prophet Muhammad(S)

b) Imam Ali(A)

c) Imam Hassan(a)

d) Imam Mehdi(a)

5: What does Allah (S.W.T) is AR Rabb means?

a) The Nurturer

b) The Most Powerful

c) The All Seeing

d) The Merciful

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6: Allah is all aware of what we are ________.

a) Doing

b) Thinking

c) Praying

d) Seeing

7: What does Adaalah means?

a) Allah is Just&Fair

b) Allah is One

c) Allah is Kind

d) Allah is Unjust

8: Imam is have to be _______.

a) Chosen by Allah

b) Chosen by Prophets

c) Chosen by People

d) Chosen by Himself

9: AL Hujjah is the title of________.

a) Imam Mehdi(a)

b) Imam Ali(A)

c) Imam Hassan(a)

d) Imam Hussain(a)

10: Al Mahdi means______.

a) The Guided one

b) The Living Master

c) The Proof of Allah

d) The Name of the Leader

11: Allah has ____________________ knowledge and sees the entire

picture, but we only have limited knowledge.

a) Complete

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b) Uncomplete

c) Well

d) Good

12: Zaboor related to _______.

a) Prophet Dawood(a)

b) Prophet Isa(a)

c) Prophet Musa(a)

d) Prophet Adam(a)

13: Quran Revealed to ________.

a) Prophet Isa(a)

b) Prophet Musa (a)

c) Prophet Muhamamd(s)

d) Prophet Dawood(a)


1) A

2) A

3) C

4) A

5) A

6) A

7) A

8) A

9) A

10) A

11) A

12) A

13) C

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Name of the Imam Location of the Shrine (Burial place)

Imam Ali (A.S) Najaf Iraq

Imam Hassan (A.S) Jannat-ul-Baqee, Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Imam Hussain (A.S) Karbala Iraq

Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (A.S) Jannat-ul-Baqee, Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (A.S) Jannat-ul-Baqee, Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq (A.S) Jannat-ul-Baqee, Medina (Saudi Arabia)

Imam Musa Al-Kadhim (A.S) Baghdad (Iraq)

Imam Ali Ar-Ridha (A.S) Mashad Iran

Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S) Baghdad (Iraq)

Imam Ali An-Naqi (A.S) Samrah, Baghdad (Iraq)

Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S) Samrah (Iraq)