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Body System

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Respiratory System

• Gas exchange between blodd and and the external


• Exchange of oxygen & carbon dioxide takes place within the

lungs in the alveoli

• Produce sound for communication

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• Cavity is lined with respiratory mucosaMoistens airTraps incoming foreign particles


Trachea • Main tube that connect nose, mouth and lungs

Epiglottis • Flap that covers the entrance to the trachea

Lungs • Main organ of the respiratory system

Bronchi • Two tubes inside the lung that air passes through bronchioles

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Bronchioles • Small branching out tubes divided into alveoli

Alveoli• Tiny air sacs that do the oxygen and the exhale of carbon


Capillaries• Blood vessels that are imbedded in the walls of the alveoli. • Discharge carbon dioxide into the alveoli and takes up

oxygen from the air in the alveoli

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Interesting Facts

About half of a liter of water per day is lost through breathing.

Your right lung is larger than your left

People under 30 take in double the amount of oxygen in compare to

someone who is 80 years old.

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Digestive System Digestion is the process that breaks down complex food substances

into simpler and soluble molecule that can absorb by the bodyFood digestion takes place in mouth, stomach and small intestine2 types of digestion Physical digestion – during chewing the larger pieces of food is

breaking up into smaller pieces.Chemical digestion – involve enzymes to break down complex food

molecule into simple soluble molecule.

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• Site : Mouth• Digestive glands: Salivary gland• Enzyme: Salivary Amylase• Products of digestion : Carbohydrates

Starch + water Maltose

• Site : Stomach• Digestive glands: Gastric gland• Digestive juice : Gastric juice• Content: HCL, Pepsin and Rennin• Products of digestion : Protein

Protein + water Polypeptides

Caseinogen + water Casein

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Digestive Organ Digestive Juice Enzyme Substrates and Products

Liver Bile, bile salts None Emulsification of lipid

Pancreas Pancreatic Juice Pancreatic amylase Carbohydrates

Trypsin Protein

Lipase Lipid

Site of Digestion : Duodenum, Small Intestine

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Urinary System

• Water control and nitrogen disposal

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• The urinary system maintains homeostasis in several ways:• Removal of urea (nitrogenous waste) from the bloodstream.• Control of water and salt balance in the bloodstream.• Involved in blood pressure regulation.

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The kidneys produce two important hormones. What do they control?

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25% 25%25%25%1. Blood pressure and

volume2. Blood clotting3. Blood sugar4. Blood oxygen

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Urinary system anatomy

• Main structures of the urinary system:• kidneys• ureters• bladder• urethra

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Anatomy of the Kidney

• Main structures of the mammalian kidney:• renal cortex• renal medula• renal pelvis• nephrons

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Anatomy of the Nephron

• Glomerulus• Proximal tubule• Loop of Henle• Distal tubule

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Which of these happens during filtration?

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25% 25%25%25%1. Salt is actively pumped out.

2. Water is removed osmotically from the filtrate.

3. Plasma moves from capillaries into the capsule.

4. Toxins are actively removed from plasma.

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Endocrine System

Your endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce

hormones that regulate your body's growth, metabolism, and

sexual development and function. The hormones are released

into the bloodstream and transported to tissues and organs

throughout your body. The Table below the illustration describes

the function of these glands.

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Glands FuntionAdrenal glands Divided into 2 regions; secrete hormones that influence the body's

metabolism, blood chemicals, and body characteristics, as well as influence the part of the nervous system that is involved in the response and defense against stress.

Hypothalamus Activates and controls the part of the nervous system that controls involuntary body functions, the hormonal system, and many body functions, such as regulating sleep and stimulating appetite.

Ovaries and testicles Secrete hormones that influence female and male characteristics, respectively.

Pancreas Secretes a hormone (insulin) that controls the use of glucose by the body.

Parathyroid glands Secrete a hormone that maintains the calcium level in the blood.

Pituitary gland Produces a number of different hormones that influence various other endocrine glands

Thyroid gland Produces hormones that stimulate body heat production, bone growth, and the body's metabolism.

Thymus gland Plays a role in the body's immune system