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Body Language Secrets of IncrediblySuccessful People

Jun 2, 2015 7,120 503 58

You control your body, but your body also controls you. Simple gestures, simplepostures each makes a dramatic impact on how you think, feel, and perform.

But that doesn't mean you have to be an athlete or yogi or contortionist to takeadvantage of that. You can still be you.

Only now you can be a better you.

Here are 10 cool ways:

1. Lie Down, Be More Creative

According to Australia National University professor Dr. Darren Lipnicki, lying downcan lead to creative breakthroughs.

"It might be that we have our most creative thoughts while flat on our back," he says.One reason might be that more of the chemical noradrenaline is released whilewe're standing, and noradrenaline could inhibit our ability to think creatively.

Now you have a great excuse to lay back and think.

Jeff HadenGhostwriter, Speaker, Inc. Magazine Contributing



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2. Cross Your Arms, Be More Determined

Oddly enough, crossing your arms will make you stick with an "unsolvable" problema lot longer and will make you perform better on solvable problems.

That's definitely cool, because persistence is a trait most successful entrepreneursneed in abundance.

Whenever you feel stuck, try folding your arms against your torso. And then keeppushing ahead!

3. Stand Like Superman, Gain Confidence

According to Harvard professor Amy Cuddy, two minutes of power posingstandingtall, holding your arms out or towards the sky, or standing like Superman with yourhands on your hipswill dramatically increase your level of confidence.

Try this one before you step into a situation where you know you'll feel nervous,insecure, or intimidated. (Just make sure no one is watching.)

I do it for a few minutes before every speaking gig because it definitely works.

4. Tense Your Muscles, Gain Willpower

You know how you instinctively tense up before you have blood drawn? That's yourbody's way of trying to minimize pain.

Flexing your muscles also helps you stay more focused when you hear negativeinformation. Flexing can even increase your ability to resist eating tempting food.

(Sounds like we should be flexing all day.)

5. Smile, Reduce Stress

Frowning, grimacing, and other negative facial expressions signal your brain thatwhatever you are doing is difficult. So your body responds by releasing cortisol,which raises your stress levels.

Stress begets more stress...begets more stress...and in no time, you're a hot mess.

Here's the cure: Make yourself smile. You'll feel less stress even if nothing elseabout the situation changes.

And there's a bonus: When you smile, other people feel less stress, too. Which, ofcourse, will reduce your stress levels. So kill two stresses with one smile.

(By the way, smiling also makes working out easier. Say you're doing reps with aheavy weight; naturally you'll grimace. But if you force yourself to smile, you'll oftenfind you can do one or two more reps. Try itbut be prepared for when other gymrats look at you oddly.)

6. Bow Slightly, Put Yourself at Ease

Tilting your head forward slightly when you meet someone shows deference andHome Profile Connections Jobs Interests Business Services

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humility and helps remove any perceived differences in status.

The next time you meet someone, tilt your head forward slightly, smile, make eyecontact, and show you are honored by the introduction.

We all like people who like us, so if I show you I'm genuinely happy to meet you,you'll instantly start to like me. And you will show you like me...and that will helpcalm my nerves and help me be myself.

7. Mimic Others, Understand Their Emotions

Sounds strange, but research shows that imitating other people's nonverbalexpressions can help you understand the emotions they are experiencing.

Since we all express our emotions nonverbally, copying those expressions affectsour own emotions due to an "afferent feedback mechanism."

In short: Mimic my expressions and you'll better understand how I feelwhich meansyou can better help me work through those feelings. Plus, mimicking facialexpressions (something we often do without thinking) makes the other person feelthe interaction was more positive.

8. Stand at an Angle, Reduce Conflict

When tensions are high, standing face to face automatically feels confrontational.

When what you have to say may make another person feel challenged, shift yourfeet slightly to stand or sit at an angle. And if you're confronted, don't back away.

Just shift to that slight angle. You'll implicitly reduce any perceived confrontation andmay make an uncomfortable conversation feel less adversarial.

9. Use Your Hands, Improve Retention

Research shows requiring children to speak while they are learning has no effect onenhancing learning but requiring them to gesture helps them retain the knowledgethey gain.

If it works for kids, it will work for us, too. According to one researcher, "Gesturingcan thus play a causal role in learning, perhaps by giving learners an alternative,embodied way of representing new ideas."

Sounds good to me.

10. Chew Gum, Be More Alert and in a Better Mood

OK, so chomping on a wad of gum may not look particularly professional. Still, anumber of studies show chewing gum can make you more alert.

And improve your reaction times.

And improve selective and sustained attention.

And improve your disposition.

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Here's a thought: The next time you need to solve a difficult problem, lie down, crossyour arms, and pop in a stick of gum. Maybe, just maybe, that's the winningcombination you need to achieve your next breakthrough.

I also write for

8 Toxic Employees That Can Ruin Great Companies

The Only Way to Get Really, Really Rich

5 Ways to Perfect Your LinkedIn Profile

8 Behaviors of Phenomenally Successful People

Check out my book of personal andprofessional advice, TransForm:Dramatically Improve Your Career,Business, Relationships, and Life OneSimple Step At a Time. (PDF versionhere, Kindle version here, Nook versionhere.)

If after 10 minutes you don't find at least 5things you can do to make your life better I'llrefund your money.

That way you have nothing to lose... andeverything to gain.

interpersonal communication interpersonal skills

performance improvement

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Jeff Haden237 posts


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This creates a "fascinating rhythm" The "Dene of Real Estate"

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The Undercover Interview Can Bethe Best Interview

Jun 1, 2015 162,636 1,068 204

Interviews can provide great insight. But do you know what a potential new hireis really thinking?

Sometimes you don't. That's why the undercover interview can be a great tool.

Here's how it works. Most interviews include some form of tour, even if the tour isjust a quick stroll around the office area. Handle that tour correctly and you mightlearn a lot more than you ever imagined about a candidate's motivations, interests,and fit for your business.

For example, years ago I was in charge of manufacturing. My boss had just finishedinterviewing a candidate for a management position and was about to show himaround the plant when some crisis (there always seemed to be a crisis) came up.

I happened to be in the hall. My boss saw me and said, "Jeff, can you show Tom(not his real name) around? He's interviewing for the opening we have in customerservice. Great! Thanks!"

And off he strode to slay another dragon.

By accident I slipped under Tom's "how important is this person in theorganization?" radar, a device many job candidates employ. He didn't know my role.My boss didn't introduce me by title, and I didn't introduce myself that way eitherbecause I wasn't into titles.

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Jeff HadenGhostwriter, Speaker, Inc. Magazine Contributing



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When Tom asked I said, "I work in manufacturing," because that's what I alwayssaid.

And Tom couldn't tell what my role was by my clothing. Even though all the othermanagers dressed "professionally," I had shifted my personal dress code to jeansand polo shirts: I spent 90% of my time on the floor, liked to get involved, liked to getdirty... okay, who am I kidding. I hated khakis and had found business reasons notto wear them plus, when you outperform you aren't always required to conform.

So Tom assumed I was just a shop floor guy. Within minutes he said things andasked questions he would never have had if he knew my role in the company.

I learned:

He was asked to resign from two previous jobs but it definitely wasn't his fault.His bosses created conflict by constantly holding him back.

He felt focusing on productivity both professionally and personally stifledcreativity. "I'm an ideas guy," he said. "I'm not handson."

He wanted to know if there were policies against dating employees, especiallythose that might report to him.

He asked how often he would have to interact with my boss since he alreadycould tell my boss was a jerk.

My boss was leaning towards hiring Tom until I told him about our tour. "Wow. I hadno clue. He was great in my interviews," he said. " How did you get all that out ofhim?"

"I didn't," I replied. "He just told me."

Here's why the undercover tour works:

Some candidates put on a great show for the CEO... but they don't try nearlyas hard if they think a person is beneath them. Think of it as the server test: Ifyou want insight into how a person treats people, take them to lunch. How theyinteract the server is a much better indication of their interpersonal skills thanhow they interact with you.

Some candidates want to know the "inside scoop" about the company (whichis fair enough since interviews are a twoway process). They will often ask theundercover tour guide questions they will never ask you, and that gives youbetter insight into their perspectives and agendas.

Some otherwise great candidates simply don't perform well in interviews. Atour conducted by someone other than you gives those people the chance torelax and show their true (and often positive) colors.

Next time you have an open position, give it a try. Choose someone in yourorganization whose opinion you trust. Don't introduce them by title, and tell them tobe relatively vague about their role in the organization if asked.

When you finish your formal interview, just say to the candidate, "(Jeff) is going toshow you around so you can see what we do. Take all the time you need, and I'llsee you when you're done."

Sneaky? Not really. The more you know about the candidates the better hiringdecision you can make. Plus you get a second opinion about a candidate from aperson you trust.

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The undercover tour is just another way to give potential new hires a chance toshow they are a great fit for the position and your business. Most will shine. Somewill not.

Either way, you get to make a better hiring decision.

And isn't that the ultimate goal of every good hiring process?

I also write for

8 Toxic Employees That Can Ruin Great Companies

5 Questions Great Job Candidates Ask

5 Ways to Perfect Your LinkedIn Profile

Three Interview Questions That Reveal Everything

8 Behaviors of Phenomenally Successful People

Check out my book of personal andprofessional advice, TransForm:Dramatically Improve Your Career,Business, Relationships, and Life OneSimple Step At a Time. (PDF versionhere, Kindle version here, Nook versionhere.)

If after 10 minutes you don't find at least 5things you can do to make your life better I'llrefund your money.

That way you have nothing to lose... andeverything to gain.

management interview skills leadership

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Jeff Haden237 posts


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Recruiting & Hiring


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Why Cruel Leaders Get All the LoveJun 1, 2015 46,190 569 188

Years ago, I worked alongside a man who was a real tyrant. Hewould bark orders at his direct reports, and they would practicallyjump out of their shoes to do as he asked. The crueler he behaved,the more they seemed to follow him around with puppydog eyes. Italmost seemed like they loved him.

I felt sorry for them and angry at the same time. I did not understand whythey would not stand up to their awful boss.

Was I missing something there? I have been the CEO of three companies, includingnow at Aha! (which is product roadmap software) and I have not forgotten him.

I often wonder what inspires people to follow leaders like that boss, despite all themistreatment. Are they incredibly charismatic? Is there a softer side that only somepeople can see?

Not usually. Here are the real reasons that a cruel leader seems to get all the love:

FearBy all appearances, the department seems to be running smoothly. Everyoneappears to be getting along just fine and doing their work, but it is just a cover. Hisemployees are afraid to challenge him, and so they keep their true feelings tothemselves. This fear causes them to keep their heads down and not make anywaves.

No complaintsNo one is complaining, so everything appears to be okay. However, the absence offriendly gossip indicates that something is amiss. Coworkers are not confiding ineach other because they know he will somehow find out, and then what? This fear

Brian de HaaffCEO, Aha! #1 product roadmap software


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of unknown consequences forces employees to keep the abusive behavior tothemselves.

Work happensHis department works and just gets by because they have learned that bad thingshappen when they miss the mark. They are afraid to fail knowing from experiencethat they will be singled out and shamed for falling short of their goals.

The respect that cruel leaders seem to earn is only an illusion.

Cruel leaders do not really get all the love. It only appears that way. Underthe surface, they are despised by everyone.

Cruel leaders inspire hatred, not love, precisely because they are completelyfocused on themselves and use others to get what they want. They take what couldbe a great opportunity to inspire others to be great, and they squander it by beingruthless.

Have you known a cruel leader?

Also, if you would like to read my future posts on leadership then please click'Follow' at the top of this article and feel free to connect via Twitter

__________________________________________________________________ABOUT BRIAN AND AHA!

Brian seeks business and wilderness adventure. He hasbeen the founder or early employee of six cloudbasedsoftware companies and is the CEO of Aha! the world's#1 product roadmap software. His last two companieswere acquired by Aruba Networks [ARUN] and Citrix[CTXS].

Signup for a free trial of Aha! and see why 10,000+ userson the world's leading product and engineering teams trust

Aha! to build brilliant product strategy and visual roadmaps.

We are rapidly growing and hiring. Product Marketing Manager. ProductManagement Director. Rails Developers. Customer Success. Join a winning team work from anywhere in the US and be happy.

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Brian de Haaff159 posts


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