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Do Boca Raton Accident Attorney Represent In Texting

While Driving Cases?

Many people sustain injuries due to the negligence of others and have complete right to file for accident damages against the concerned

perpetrator and can take help of Boca Raton Accident Attorney for doing so.

Majority of the cases of accidental injuries occur due to motor accidents. Amongst the various causes of the accidents are rash driving, speeding,

drunken driving and disregard for the traffic rules. Currently there is a new cause for accidents and that is due to texting while driving and most of the

Boca Raton accident attorney represent such clients regularly.

Carrying cellular phone all the time is a norm rather than exception, but this is not illegal. The illegal part is texting on your cellular phone while you are

driving. Florida is one of the states where this has been declared as an offence.

The party to the offense is the other person with whom the driver was

communicating while driving. The other person communicating with the driver who was texting is held liable for texting the message, with the

knowledge that the driver may read the message while driving.

According to the law, the tester at the other hand can be held liable for the injuries and the damages that is sustained in the motor vehicle if:

The person texting had been aware that the recipient driver was

driving at that time and

The tester had reason to be aware of or knew that the driver would be reading his message while driving his vehicle.

The Florida courts have started permitting punitive damages against the

offending drivers who have been found to be driving while texting. The consequences of these punitive damages are serious. This has been done,

because even if you are properly insured, your insurance does not cover the punitive damages leveled against you. If the victim is killed or badly hurt

while punitive damages are awarded against you, it can be devastating financially. Even if you declare yourself to be bankrupt, you will not be able

to escape the damages that have been awarded against you. However, having an experienced Boca Raton accident attorney can be a support and if

he has been able to assist other people in such scenarios before, your chances of getting a reduced punishment or penalty is assured.

In the event of the case being filed against you, the opposite party might be

able to establish by showing call data records that you were busy texting

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while driving then you and the person with whom you were texting would be

held liable. That is why you need an excellent Boca Raton accident attorney to represent you in court. As texting while driving has become common,

most lawyers deal with a multitude of cases everyday representing the victims and the guilty drivers.

Generally, the texting drivers are penalized for putting the lives of the other

drivers or pedestrians around at risk. However irrespective of whether you are the victim or the texting driver you need to be legally represented in the

court of law and that is why selecting an experienced Boca Raton accident attorney is essential.

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Finding the right Boca Raton Accident Lawyer

Even though cyclists and pedestrians take due care, chances of getting involved in accidents and sustaining injuries and including fatalities is high.

These grievous injuries can be detrimental in the long run and impact can be felt life-long. Apart from the pain and slow recovery, the victims face

unemployment, lost wages and compromised quality of life. Property

damage is amongst the other losses.

Fortunately, Florida law allows the victims of these accidents to file for

compensations through the personal injury law suit. There are numerous Boca Raton accident lawyer services that offer assistance to people injured

in the cyclists or pedestrian accidents file for appropriate compensation from the negligent driver.

Many of the motor vehicle drivers tend to forget that there are others who are also using the road and have the right to do so. Though many cities have

created specific pedestrian and cycle lanes to combat the problem, still the number of accidents are increasing rather than going down.

Though there are various measures through which the cyclists and the

pedestrians can ensure that they are more visible and reduce the risk of being hit by the motorists, very few follow them. Moreover, it has been

found that most of the accidents have occurred due to the negligence of the drivers driving the motors rather than the fault of the cyclists or the

pedestrians. This is one of the reasons that Boca Raton accident lawyer services specialize in representing the victims and on many occasions the

driver of the vehicle.

Some of the most common nature of negligent driving includes:

Distracted driving DWI/DUI

Speeding Turning without looking

Failure to signal a turn Turning right into the oncoming bicycle

Texting while driving Opening the door of the vehicle into the oncoming


Side-swiping the pedestrian or

the cyclist

Failure to take into consideration the weather


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In order to determine whether you or your loved ones can stake a claim of

negligence against the erring motor vehicle driver, you can always consult Boca Raton Accident Lawyer. You can look online and search through the

listings to find a good lawyer. Seek an appointment and take free consultation which will help you narrow down to one lawyer who provides

personalized attention and can take up your case.

These lawyers represent the victims of the road accident due to negligent

driving of the erring driver and each victim is entitled to significant compensation. You can claim compensation for damages including property

damage, medical expenses, lost wages, injuries, emotional and physical trauma, long-term disability and other aspects that affect the quality of your


Boca Raton Accident Lawyer is dedicated to help the pedestrian or cyclist victims involved in road accidents due to the negligence of the other driver

and help claim the compensation. But do remember that time is an important factor and the faster you file for damages the greater are your

chances of winning the suit as you can gather immediate evidences in support of your claim.

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Role Of Boca Raton Injury Lawyer In Personal Injury Lawsuits

Slip or trip and fall accidents can occur anywhere without any warning. But if these accidents occur due to the negligence of someone, you have the right

to file a personal injury lawsuit and sue the person responsible for damages. Boca Raton Attorney can help you file damages if you have evidence to

prove you sustained the injuries due to the negligence of someone else.

It is essential to consider that slip and fall accidents have the potential to

cause grievous injuries and can even prove fatal. Statistics have proven that death, due to falling is one the leading causes of injury related deaths

amongst the older population aged over 65 years. Usually when you fall

down, you can sustain injuries that vary from minor scrapes and bruises to the more serious injuries such as the fractures and traumatic brain injuries.

The Premises liability law under the Florida law helps to safeguard the people by holding the people negligent in maintaining the property properly

liable for any injury that you or a loved one has sustained. As it is a specialized field of law, Boca Raton Injury Lawyer can help you to

understand the intricacies and requirements of the laws to file the damages.

According to this law, the property owners especially the commercial

establishments have to ensure that their properties are always safe. Malls, shops, restaurants and others where the owners allow or invite others to use

their premises come under the definition of the commercial establishments.

It is their duty to ensure the safety of the users of their premises. Some of the frequently seen causes of fall accidents due to slipping or tripping are

Cracked or uneven floors Unreasonably slippery floors

Poor lighting conditions Spills

Debris on the floors Deteriorating sidewalks

Holes or gaps in the ground or flooring

Improper flooring materials

Failure to install handrails on

the stairs Any other dangerous


In the trip/slip and fall cases, it requires specific as well as detailed analysis to determine that there is a case of negligence and hence it is important that

you contact or visit an experienced Boca Raton Attorney for advice. As the lawyers have years of experience dealing with a host of personal injury

cases, they understand the legalities if the cases and can negotiate better with insurance companies, helping you with substantial claim settlements. It

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is best to ask your friends and family for reference about a reliable

professional Boca Raton injury lawyer in case they faced a similar situation before.

Personal injury cases are subjected to the strict statute of limitations wherein you can file for damages only within specific timeframe. You should

get yourself properly evaluated by the medical professional so that your injuries are properly diagnosed and then documented. You should have as

much information as you can, including photographs that could prove your case of negligence. Boca Raton Injury Lawyer will guide you to gather all the

required evidences to make a strong case against the negligent property owner.

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Facts About Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney

When you or someone you know undergoes a personal injury due to a fault

of some other individual, the victim is entitled to sue the other person for damages. You can resort to legal recourse with the help of Boca Raton

Personal Injury Attorney.

If there is death or injury that you or your family members have suffered due to the negligence of the property owner, medical malpractice, auto

accident or even product defect then you are fully entitled to resort to legal action against the person concerned. You can file for damages and claim

compensation for the current and future wage loses medical expenses, emotional and physical trauma, and destruction of property as applicable.

Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney is specialized and experienced in the

legal representations of cases pertaining to personal injuries. Most of the personal injury lawyers handle an array of personal injury cases that are

sustained due to:

Auto accidents that could occur due to the negligence as a result of drunken driving, speeding, failure to abide by with the traffic rules or

distracted driving.

Truck accidents are very dangerous and have the potential for catastrophic consequences due to the sheer weight and size of the


Dog bites leads to injuries that could range from the minor abrasions

and cuts to serious wounds that ca alter your life or cause disfigurement.

Bicycle or pedestrian accidents could be serious and even devastating. If the accident is due to the negligence of the other driver

or due to the fault in road among others, you are fully entitled to file

for compensation through lawsuit.

Every year thousands of motorcyclists sustain injuries ranging from mild to even death threatening. If the motorcycle accident is due to

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the carelessness of others, you can claim compensation through the

personal injury law suit.

Slips and falls due to the property being negligently maintained, you can claim compensation by filing for the premises liability law suit. The

most common negligence includes uneven walkways, cracked or broken flooring, unmaintained pavements, poor lighting, debris or

spills on the floors.

If your loved one has died due to someone’s negligence or any

wrongful act, the law allows you or any other lawful survivor to file damages under the wrongful death law suit. Keep in mind that this law

regarding who are eligible to file the law suit and how much you can claim is very complicated.

If you have any query regarding filing compensation claims for the injuries

that you or someone you know has suffered due to negligence, you need to contact an experienced Boca Raton Personal Injury Attorney that has a

successful track record of such cases. It is best to hire a lawyer that understands the intricacies of the law ad can negotiate smartly with the

insurance companies.
