Page 1: B.M. · tieis' are .unsurpassed and she is en joying good health, '"feorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buck ingham,

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•m wvjm& item* TKrttsDu.ft&fe ";X-j- * * —

ABUNDANT LIGHT FOR THE KITCHEN JL JL ^ I M ^ tab l» ' imp fitted with an bpeti

ring bracket males an ideal M ch'tn light. It i s out of the way and gives, you plenty of clear, mellow light %h Wp*k by. 'l^%p.lamp? are easy to light, easy to clean, easyitbf&vfidk and wonderfully durable. Dealers everywhere carry them.



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'$Sxs. Louis J. Duffer and Mrs. Ray C.'i-Barnum spent last Wednesday in

^ Watertown.. t e :|KErs. P . H. von Zurolshofen return-J t l ed" Thursday from a very enjoyable BJK.two'- weeds' visit ,with relatives in — Piftsbur^ Pa.

- C. C. Burns of Watertown was in town on business Saturday.

'Miss Addie Deschambd of Hagaman is visiting her aunt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Compo.

•-•Mrs. Louis J. Duffer and son Roscoe returned Saturday night from a four days' visit with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sunderhaft, at Lowville.

•' The Town Boards of Croghan and New Bremen, together with the High­l y -Commissioners of both towns and t ie ' County Superintendent of High­ways, met at the Town Hall here Saturday at 10 a. m. to confer with the . representatives of the different btfcfge companies. The purpose of ~)f /meeting was to purchase the

•for Beaver River at Beaver Falls which connects the two towns

.* a i d .for which an appropriation of $8,-080. was voted. The bridge is 203 feet over all. The contract was let to the

j j Grotoh Bridge Co. of Groton, N. Y„ j . for ?5,112.

• M r s . Joseph VerSnyder, aged 87 years, recently made an apron for her-

. se£E, all hand sewing, without the aid ' oE ..glasses. Mrs. VerSnyder suffered

atfractured hip a few years ago but ,, gets* about the house nicely with the

S jdyof crutches. Her mental facul-tieis' are .unsurpassed and she is en­joying good health, '"feorn, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Buck­

ingham, Thursday,. Nov 26, a daugh­ter^

'Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Ho-fer.of New Bremen. Sunday, Nov. 22, a'.son;-wtio has been named Nathan Augustus.

Relat ives from, here attended the J funeral of James Doyle a t Lowville

Tuesday. _: & Lamont Monnat returned from L^v§

vifie Saturdajr evening.


kpVA .

zmmii ••

t i&. C.'Pierce was in Watertown ^ ^ d g T J ^ . t h e club: business 'Monday. "The

; ]Sf,oim. .Birchow of Oneida spent Sun-- ^ e t t a , " "Black Is White," **y;%ith relative's "here. .iiJ™i=-=--..

igd]f$a.y morning occurred the mar-"j© of Stephen Ohatrand of Jerden

a is jpf i ik Mgijtle Terry of Oswe-u e ^ ^ H ^ c e i ^ p n y ^ w ^ s jperform-


t U l l « « rt

H u


mw WW

§%-JM& W^^. ^MSOidkat.^, riupr pfass. The atfendliig' couple wis Hes Tris and Miss Florence Chair

if&d a "sister of the groom. The biWi w§^* .jastefui'ly govyned in blue sftk t lin with a hat to match and her a t^danjt . wore, pinfc;. messaline and a w^lfl'.nat. The .groom is the e ldwt »d%oX.Mr^ and Mrs., E!lL.CJiafe r u d of | e | | ^ | yhvana ,hp th -he , ahd hhi b n i t e ^ ^ V e r y .estiiaafiie. yojing People ,-iMjtei* a.' wedding breakfast s i r r ed a ^ ^ ^ l ^ r ;8g j f^ fehe£^ i^

ahort o r i g p l f \ ; s i XL <? «> Mr a^mmrW^w K Zefe 6t

l*wTHlc^e>'jrttltlpg i*elatiTes- here.

fetH |fel»JH 'mmiB Y«tir Congtk

' v i t t flWtSdu*

!• r«9tfc«s& so* 4OM: 1 Ph»«-T»*sa^eT r I t v o l ^ i

Some of the ladies of our village a re knitting for the Belgian soldiers. Miss Ella V. Lewis has charge of the work and would be glad for any assistance anyone would be willing to offer.

Mrs., H. D. Cornwall is spending Thanksgiving with Mr. Cornwall's parents at Alexandria Bay.

Mr. and Mrs. H. I. LeFevre and chil­dren left Wednesday for Syracuse where they will spend Thanksgiving.

Dr. and Mrs. If. E. Slocum have re­turned to "DieTr feme in 'New York af­ter spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. H. I. LeFevre.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Lewis are spend­ing Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Pitcher, at East-hampton, Mass.

Miss Grace Allen and Miss M. Good­rich are attending the Teachers' Con­vention .held in Albany.

Mrs. M, It. LeFevre left for Syra­cuse, Wednesday where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Jamieson.

Village Book Club The Village Book Club of Beaver

Fall's has recently organized with the following 'members:

Claude Devoy, Mrs. F. H. Merden-burg, Mrs. -H. Taube, Mrs. F. E. Jones, Mrs. E. Closs, Mrs. E. J. Abeel, Mrs. Clayton Lynch, R. M. Brawn, H. E. Slocum, Mrs. H. E. Slocum, Miss Grace M. Allen,. Mrs. F. S. Nuspliger, Mrs. Alton Wardeli, Miss Guelmae McDon­ald, Mrs. James Barnes, Mrs. J. Man­ning, Mrs. H. F. Darring, Mrs. Arthur Wardeli, Mrs. William Eberso/, Mrs. J. P. Smith, Miss Medeline Rieffen-nacht, Wesley Bach, Miss Jennie M. Steinhilber, Miss H. L. VanArnam, Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mrs. N. Watson, Mrs. S. A. Fredenburg, E. L. Roe, Wes­ley O'Brien, Miss E. Pearl Closs, Chas. Lynch, H. F. Darring, Mrs. H. S. Lew­is, Mrs. William Mattis, IE A. Leyen-decker, Dr. F. E. Jones, H. S. Lewis, Mrs. H. D. Cornwall, Mrs. F. W. Van Arnam, Mrs. Henry Lynch, H. Lynch, Mr£ E. L. Shepard, Mrs. H. L. Van Arnam, Miss M. Goodrich, Rev. E. L. Shegard, Ray. B; Hilts.

The following list of books are own-

Miss Ida ^arffey of Croghan.return-)

w|Hivg tr. «Hd H j « . Cfi l^opj ierb Wi seHwtfidy.;. ' | / . / ;„..- ;<' • /„ •..

3Krs,.Pfter Youfeg o|,BM^>ri..w&|ai, w.eek end. guest M "herJ la^h ie f I3rit£

nesday. ,>..':; ;•;. . ^ V. ^Z^H&ffll atrs.. WitH|m:,T;iss,.,fnj!l 'son,•, w^%f

Ubnday guests- .of."reiaSives at ISmi

8W»v; . y ^ - . i - ' ^ / ":' •. - 'Mi Frank B;6U.rgeoJs §f the Re^ha:,pj |a

\ as a - b f t ^ g i j ^ j ^ ^ ^ i s S ^ p p ^ ^ ^ ' . Mrs. C. £ R | 9 a 5 ^ j > | ' 4 S ^ i s i ^ | d - ;

has been t i | e l ; g ^ % f i s ^ 4 a r e a t ^ i p r . :

and :Mrs.. NicSip&;'.l^FC.h'.i. anot;;;f4i8|t3r. Mrs. EdwarBsGaffipftny spent^Sft'e

l as t week > | t l i : .her uncle, ...ChaVies. P )minville and family, a t Indian Ht$T;

Samuel Moshier and.Maurice Pomm-ville spent Saturday on the ReshV Road.

Mrs. John J. Renandin spent Satur­day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bruet, at Croghan.

Mr. and. Mrs. G. E. Schwendy were recent guests of Mr= and Mrs. John "C. Farney, at Croghan.

Lawrence K. Kampnich returned af­ter . spending a portion of the week at Jer.den Falls.

Frances Laflier of Amsterdam has been the guest of his uncle, John M. Campany ,and family.

'Miss Mamie V. Renadin was a Sun­day guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Debars of Croghan.

John Moshier recently spent a few days with.'Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hoch and family.

Stephen B. Renandin is spending some time with his brother, Clement L. Renandin of Swiss Road.

Christopher E. Schoedy was a busi­ness caller at Beaver Falls Monday.''

T r -




Miss Lillian Weir, who has been at Carthage for several weeks, returned home Tuesday.

Mrs. Arthur Zahn was a week end guest of her.uncle, Adolph Myers and family. . \

A. D. Koster spent the week with Samuel Kiefer at New Bremen.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Virkler and children, Helen, Charles and Ben were Saturday guests of his parents at Wat­son.

•Charles Meeker of New Bremen passed Thursday in town.

Mrs. Harvey Bond of Beaver Falls was a recenf guest of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Evans.

Timothy Ruff has returned home af­ter spending some time with friends at Walcott.

Claude Stijes of Beaver Fah's spent the week end with Miss Mary Matbisv

Miss Sarah Mellintz spen t" the week end with relatives in Carthage.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hall, gave a party on Wednesday evening to about twenty of their friends.. A fine time was enjoyed by all present. John Mathis spent Sunday at Beaver Falls the guest of friends.

'Mrs. Elizabeth 'Moselle has return­ed home after spending a week with relatives in Croghan.

A. D. koster spent Saturday in Cro­ghan- as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zehr and family.

Born, to.Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Hof-fer, Sunday, Nov. 22, a son.

Destroyed by Fire, _„, l ay n t eM November 19,

liBi«.;iKH£nfi Mt Joseph, Nile^biach, slt«-^ ^ n ^ ^ : - " i K f | ^ | f ^ t e ^ : . a n d Paul's csnfeb a t ^ ^ t ' ^ r e i e k , six iniles from thSf ^yJPspj, jwa^ l t ^ roypd by fire. I t ' i s u n | i f o t o ^ ^ M j > | i I y U t t e house- i

i i o W i g o o w ' f S ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ . ' f l o o r were sived, ariQ ^ l ^ f t f i x t y cord of wood Sy^tlBurfiSea^^K^louse was owned 'bj,i|^t|L^^^Nel'l^to|«5h and. occupied •|fe?;.^ ^ ® i | t § ^ ^ ? y a n d . Mrs. Joseph ^ ^ e | w a ^ ^ M ^ | ^ f ^ g e a ' ' . . p e o p l e . The Bjaia-' w&ifor/<m^^^a*s;;)own:ed''' and ocenp'i^d ~By Jjgs |f l |BSaa# of this ' vil­lage. "' The firej'\i^JsiS»pos'ed to have caught front a yefeciive chimney.

¥$tm 4 » # t i l lage Clnb. . A specjiti iheetwg of the "Farm and;GJpb'^wjlH toe held a t Fire-

hiaan's Hail, -.Tne^fey. evening. Decern-


The Battle Cry," "Bambi," "Barn-The Coi-

onePs' Experiment," "The Flaming Swofd," "The Palace of Darkened Windows," "The Eagle's Mate.'i "Cap'n Dan's Daughter," "Kont Kiio^les ^uah.aug," The Honorable

jRerclv^l^-'/Thie .Ch>rmed.L^of Miss" •Ajn|%;r "Th%Jniid^,.-bf . ihk 'C,up," "Once to Every Man," "Love Insur­ance," "The Intervening Lady," "The Light of Western Stars," "The M a i ' hood and >the.-Momeat!,'' "Maria/ ' "Self ina," "Miss 'Billy Married," Cross Curt rents," "^atdr-day's ChiW,". "The>-Pa^ ftpl of fhe Snn.^£ Trail," 'Wascy the Joyous," - "Brfnee—oJ -<&austarkif "T&e. Rose of. Roses," "Tjik <Sslffe maHde^," - " ^ e - Southerner,** '-'IShe' Twenty-Fourth of June," "The Vio-

% ^ , ^ " T J i e f e | % ^ t e f e f ' ' . ^ i t h I n ' . W§m? Wallsg-; -^fe'^fjEeM 3fa ,the Wori'd," "You Neter Knows tour B 8 k c , ' t ^ p y ' s ; Vii^iia.. XJh^^ias,:'

m," " f l i e P b o r 3 4 s f e ^ ' % e ^ ; K > w ^ of Satan," "The ValiaBtB of Vlr&inia;" tfifr %>ry.'Of ^^«Btf«; Ba3ae>* 3m*

Mr. "and 'Mrs. W. W. Cttmmings are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Emil 'Bol-lier of Rochester.

James Mitchell is 'spending a few weeks with his sister in Ravena, Ohio.

Mrs. F. W. Chiokering has returned from a viisit wiith friente in Water-town.

Truman D. Chickering, A, J. Ward, Dr. * ; H . Cramer, F. iP. Lansing, A. I if. .Seymour, Kobort Irnne and Rob­ert IB. Clark, made a. business t r ip to Black" River on Thursday. ,

The heating plant is 'being installed, in the new Masonic Temple.

Contractors :W!isjuef|dand„ Arthur Of Lowvlil l^&ve .co^plefc^iihe cemen<;:

arOh ib^idge overj. JJeeti Riper a t i h i i place, anfi are- pfepa'riBgj to return to; their, hcimes.. ' "•

A^Bout-fllteen inches of isnixw.. fell °&,<.:m..r ^ . - J I . ^ Saturday .^te3gioon„in thisi place, .anov, ^ p f ' ^ l l ^ ^ ^ S Sunday nfoEaing\ • ;!SE"if%sent ther^,™®aur su ia»iS«! is albout tiwenty Inches of snow on .the,

of Agriculture "*HI ;be present and. ad -dress the QJub* :c%;the Bu^fect of "Co-oper#ioi^'larid;^iy:''-behe'fits to be de­rived there&OBDi)^.^|;h;e. meeting "will be open a t 7:30''pr-fej and everybody

;is- -cordially invHtedao attend.

There is a vac^lngir i ' / l ie-Consta-bleville Union "Sc'nool ,the present week, as the faeulty are attending the Teacher's State Conference, in session at Alibany.

The snow storms of the past week have Jieen equal t^.Bin^• ta-.inid-winter. The roads in the rural districts are said to be "badly drifted- and poor for traveling. At the present time in this village the snow is ,from 18 to 24 inches deep.

St. ^anll'i Church. , !The 'Rev. Mr. Davison of Syracuse

will, conduct services next Sunday morning. Prayer and Sermon at 10:-30 a. m. Sunday 'School at 11:45 a. in.

There will 'be a meeting of St. Paul's Guild at the home 6f Mrs. E. C. Thompson Monday evening at 7:30.

]tf. E. Church. 'Rev. .Mr. Holyoake, Pastor. Thanks­

giving Day services will be held on Thursday a t 10:30 a. m. All are in­vited to attend. As he people of this village, a s in many others in the United States, have many hlessing to be thanktful for -.all'should be willing to set apart at least a portion of the day to attend church services.

S t Mary's. Church. Rev. - James .E.' Joy will celebrate

mass on Sunday ^pptning next, at 9< o''clock„;and ,at ,^ |^msarket at 10 a. m.

t e i sena l Miss. Clara A;;-1Mark!ham of Boon-

vilie.spent SaEdasfcwith her mother, Mrs. Ann Markham;. • *

Harold Taylor,,..^ student of the Buffalo . Denial *3tij3kge, is home to dftend the> 'PhaB^^^ig . vacation. •. • M r s . , - K o ' b e r t ^ ^ ^ j ^ a n d ..feugWer. iMiss Fanny Fietehef, haye. returned from Utica,. where they spent a few days last week., |

Everett Williams.-of 'Pprt Ley den was in town Mondax.

Make your home, attractive' -with

new..and up-to-.dftte furni^iice..,

Aliieiifeofli Chiffoniers, Buffets, Extension,, Li-

FrefirLSftto i$W Chamher Suits, Princess Dressers,

brary and Parlor Tables, Sectional Book Cases, Couches,. Kitchen Cabi­nets, Iron Beds, etc, at exceptionally low prices.

GO-CARTS With Auto Hoods

Careful attention given to under­taking. Best service and lowest prices.

B.M. Graves LOWVILLE, ST. T.

The JAMES R. MILLER CO. have made unusually fc-teasive p^arktidn^for the season ofliih'M&f p^RI now commencing. —^~r~


that now you don't have to be "brave" to take Castor Oil.

NOW 15c FOR 3-OZ. BOTTLE Used to Be 25 Cents

Costs no more than the old "Tortur-ous-to-Take" Kind, and less than the aromatic, Or flavored kind. 3-oz. bot­tle now 15c instead of 25c—former 50c bottle (7-oz.) now 25c.



Wg£p$&- < @ # W | y •?-«*» tMs . tEJlaee, .-has

"^ . f ^ f t J -y* - opened' by i a e &w

efiftC -11,...' .. ,^^aoR|ha|e,jwas a- busl

:e Uiic*

9 ' % e ^ . ; ' i ^ ^ : W e n i i Q g % e n t y yonni;

,' sa iS-HASiKmajtti'" The def :0:';'bPi-Gh($t

Miss Laura Kirsciiey ' spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Harry Paulding, at Lowville.

Miss Dora Griffith of Remsen spent a few days with Miss Louise Riffen-acht

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Glenn leave Thursday to spend about three weeks with friends at Herkimer, Brook.yn and Newark, N. J.

Mrs. J. W. Lihstruth and son Stan­ley, spent Thursday with her mother; Mrs. Anna Hirschey.

Mr. and MfsTE. J. Virkler of Water-town spent 'Sunday with their parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Virkler were Sunday guests'of Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Beyer at Carthage.'

'Miss Florence Brennan of Waterj town ~spen't';a few- days recently with her • •mbSher',1 Mrs . ' J.. Brennani •

MrsV'F. F. Linstruth and son.Leland; spent a part ot?Jast week with=Mr. and: Mrs. T'rea; IiinSrnth.,a;t Remsen.,.


ij^jiptelia^d s.anypD

' fajttd.SQjnj.AIl Sjaitiay -sf/i||

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M a i f M r "T T K to i (f Lo*viH S"ti Mr and Mrs Ian PS V

Mr 1 Ho ar 1 < 1 ja> fn Ldrllaiie

stra Helen n u n B ^ Port l«ydcn »b«ro vi | / # l b - s p , e 1 ^ Minn lffln. >ith T«l«t s..r •

Mr anil Mr* George ; P , ttol eft TuaadCy W "visit fr onde in B C«VdAi and iMgnit » *<•&?


1TI8K i l l .

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In all its departments are inumerous articles useful 4 attractive, em^aitly saitablje for f t purposes and wi will make equal appeal to donor andRecipient. H "

Selections can be made at this time a t your, leisure Apji with discrimination, therefore advantageously!

Prices are moderate, no lack of personal attention and efficient salesmen to facilitate the task of shopping.

GIFT AND GLOVE BONDS Where the prices required or personal taste of the recipi­ent is not known on payment of the sum you wish-to spell we give you a certificate card calling for the article y#tt select, no price appearing thereon, on presentation (of which the article selected by the bearer is delivered. Saves exchange and assures the recipient of getting what he likes.


Useful'and inexpensive^rlicles expressive of the indi­viduality of the recipient aid; therefore highly satiific-tory for gift purposes are offered. They are made to «r-der on your specifications and should be selected how.

Gold and Silver Monogram Belt Buckles. Hand§k|r-. chiefs with monogram or signature in full embroidered thereon. Fitted Leather novelties. Shirt and Collar Bags. Tie and Hose Cases. Handkerchief Cases. Work Baskets, Custom made Shirts. Dress Waistcoats.


as a purchaser of wearing apparel is the policy of this-house since its establishment. If for any reasons articles bought do not give most complete satisfaction justtxune: right back and tell us. There won't be any argument or questioning. We'll make it right. That's why we are Northern New York's foremost clothiers and makers of clothes.

31 Public Square Watertown, N. Y. fh<m&j$3&:


is something which. he can Jf use, as he" does not prize an

|! article which-is nq t ot prac-m tical everyday need.

We have a- splendid assort-. E- <ment of Men's.-Beljfcf in-Wait-, ft rus, with' Sterling Silver '

Buckles. . . .

| Pearl ifiuttons and S,tudJ3 I for Full. $t§s3:JlVeiri-JBSei," [' fet iKriives and 'Cigar^ Cutters I lor Waldemar G & l i s / - - -

Walthftm Desk and ; Trav KlBfing Clocks in leather and IbanaliogaQy cases.

lafered ithe an

M ^_ ,, _s^....'o^aS'1 suggestions %%ppropriate af tletesi for his use.-*1 -

' • . •-- ••• • JIPU •


f r* ma ' • # 'T f?^>

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