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Blue Star is a network of private sector providers managed by Social Marketing Company (SMC) Bangladesh

SMC is one of the largest Social Marketing Organization in the world delivering over 4 million CYPs annually

Blue Star was set up to actively engage the private sector in the delivery of Family Planning and other health services since a vast majority of the population depend on them for their health needs



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Partnership on the basis of an MOU: service delivery compliance, pricing, quality etc

Providers practice through chemist shops majority of which are owned by them

They provide oral contraceptives, administer SMC Injectable SOMA-JECT in addition to other health services

Contraceptives, specially Injectables are sold at subsidized rate; providers charge nominal fees

Also acts as referral agent for TB, LA/PM and MNH

SMC provides basic and refreshers training, certificate, signage, promotional support, monitoring, follow up and commodity supply

Characteristics of the Blue Star Provider Characteristics of the Blue Star Provider networknetwork

Characteristics of the Blue Star Provider Characteristics of the Blue Star Provider networknetwork

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Works with existing providers who practice within the community

Highly rural focused where FP services are most needed

Widely accessible: over 4000 providers in the network at present

Only provider offering Injectable contraceptive in the private sector

Public private sector partnership

Over branded products

What makes Blue Star SpecialWhat makes Blue Star SpecialWhat makes Blue Star SpecialWhat makes Blue Star Special

7% 12%81%

Urban City Corporation Urban Municipality Rural

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During the course of the program which started in 1998 several external evaluations, routine data collection, and special marketing surveys done

Between 2001 and 2010, regular evaluations of the Blue Star Program were conducted and the objectives of the evaluations were to

assess program outcomes identify program gaps, and make recommendations for future programming.

Methodology of assessment Methodology of assessment /evaluation of Blue Star program/evaluation of Blue Star program

Methodology of assessment Methodology of assessment /evaluation of Blue Star program/evaluation of Blue Star program

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Sex ratio of the GMPs Sex ratio of the NGMPs

Blue Star Provider by sexBlue Star Provider by sexBlue Star Provider by sexBlue Star Provider by sex

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Source: SMC Blue Star database

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Blue Star provider by LocationBlue Star provider by LocationBlue Star provider by LocationBlue Star provider by Location

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Source: SMC Blue Star database

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Source: SMC Blue Star database

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Source: BDHS survey

National CPR: 61.2Injectable: 11%

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Source: Evaluation of Blue Star Program 2010

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Source: Evaluation of Blue Star Program 2010

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Source: SMC IMIS

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Lesson Learned

No. of female NGMPs are very low, it needs to be focused to increase female NGMP’s participation

Existing NGMPs are mostly located in rural area, it has scope to expand in peri-urban and urban area.

Availability of the product is very important for sustainability and expansion of the program in the future

Provision of required logistics and supplies are required for quality service delivery

Record keeping and regular reporting is an important element to offer quality services

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Can play a significant role in expanding the use of Long Acting FP methods (IUDs, Implants)

Improved sustainability through introduction of higher margin products and services

Potential for FuturePotential for FuturePotential for FuturePotential for Future

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Blue Star: Quality Service

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