
BLOOM'S TAXONOMY REFERENCE FOR PLANNING STAGEASK STUDENTSACTIVITIES HIGHTER ORDER THINKING SKILLS Create Develop opinions, judgements, or decisions. Do you agree that ____? Explain. What do you think about? What is most important?Prioritize ___ according to ____. How would you decide about? What criteria would you use to assess ___?Appraise; choose; compare; conclude; decide; defend; evaluate; give your opinion; judge; justify; prioritize; rank; rate; select; support; value Sythesis Combine ideas to form a new whole What would you predict/infer from ___? What ideas can you add to _____? How would you create/design a new? What solutions would you suggest for ____? What might happen if you combined ____ with ____? Change; combine; compose; construct; create; design; find an unusual way; formulate; generate; invent; originate; plan; predict; pretend; produce; rearrange; reconstruct; reorganize; revise; suggest; suppose; visualize; write Analysis Break down a whole into component parts What are the parts or features of ____ ? Classify _____ according to ______? Outline/diagram/web/map _______. How does ______ compare/contrast with _____ ? What evidence can you present for ______? Analyze; contrast; categorize; classify; compare; debate; deduct; determine the factors; diagram; differentiate; dissect; distinguish; examine; infer; specify. LOWER ORDER THINKING SKILLS ApplicationUse of facts, rules and principle How is ____ an example of _ ? How is _____ related to _______ ? Why is _______ important? Do you know of another instance where _______ ? Could this have happened in _______? Apply; demonstrate; give an example; show; compute; determine; illustrate; solve; conclude; draw; make; use; operate; find out; construct, etc. Comprenhension Organize and select facts and ideas. Re-tell ______ in your own words. What is the main idea of ________ ? What differences exist between _______? Can you write a brief outline? Convert; interpret; restate; summarize; describe; paraphrase; retell in your own words; trace; explain; put in order; rewrite; translate Knowledge: Identify & recall information Who ________ ? What ________ ? Where _________ ? When __________? How ___________? Describe ___________? What is _________? define, fill in the blank, list, identify, label, locate, match, memorize, name, recall, spell, state, tell, underline