Page 1: Blooming Twig Books #Indulgence in Books #booksthatmatter

Indulge, or you’re missing out.


A Lesson from Blooming Twig

Crystal Thompson
To me, it's too much. When I look at the slide, I've read too much that isn't adding anything. I get the "From Blooming Twig" line because it just says where it's from.
Joy Hamilton
it wasn't supposed to be a subheading, it was supposed to be a "nudge" of wit, if you will.
Crystal Thompson
Why do we need more than a subheading, though? "Seriously" is already a working subheading.
Joy Hamilton
We need a subheading here
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We’ve been told not to indulge too much.

Blooming Twig is here to tell you that this is wrong.

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Oh, yes. We’re telling you to indulge...

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In Books.

Yes, books. Why?

Crystal Thompson
Then we don't need to include it at all. You don't need to say "for a number of reasons" when you go on to show it in the preceding slides. Again, we're talking to an adult audience made up of people who already read. We don't need those prompting lines for them.
Joy Hamilton
I think it looks choppy with just "because"
Crystal Thompson
It does transition when you move to the next slide. There's no need to tell the audience when they are going to see it on the next slide. They will be smart enough to follow what we're getting at. They'll follow along without us prompting them.
Joy Hamilton
This somehow has to transition, and it doesn't do so without a bit more.
Crystal Thompson
The readers already know that books matter and are important. We're trying to show them the inside of that.
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The READING RAINBOW understood the importance of books.

Inspiring readers since June 6, 1983.

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People have been reading and writing for a long time.

We’re talking 4th millenium BC, people. If you could read, you were fancy.Fancy people wrote, read, and indulged in writing and books.Today, if you do this, you are STILL fancy.

Crystal Thompson
We could hyperlink the wiki annotation...
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They’re bigger on the inside.

Crystal Thompson
This is actually a script--which is absolutely fine to read, too--instead of a book.I think we need to keep this simple and not try to get too flashy with it.
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They take you away.

They make the unbelievable real. They take you to magical places.

Joy Hamilton
That's okay crystal, don't worry! I can decode :) No sweat! :)
Crystal Thompson
For some reason, my delete key isn't working, so it's hard to correct my mistakes. That's why it's taking so long to finish.Even talking with you won't allow me to delete.
Joy Hamilton
I like this :).
Crystal Thompson
I tried it in the center and it looked too crowded
Joy Hamilton
I just moved the captions for visuals sake.
Joy Hamilton
remember that the theme is words, though. we have to transition from words to books.
Crystal Thompson
I am trying to maintain a more mature level of voice. A little goes a long way. We are talking to adults. Blooming Twig isn't a children's book house, so if we include images and thoughts that are, they need to be on a rare occasion. That's why I tried to find things that were not so elementary.
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Books allow you to express yourself.

You can be who you want to be, go where you want to go, and even you can be... Anypony.

Crystal Thompson
Sorry, I think I'm in two different like the graphic of this one. We need to change the wording a bit.
Joy Hamilton
Does this work?
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BAD to the Bone Books have been getting banned for years. **Controversy**

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In 1982, SCOTUS decided that "Local school boards may not remove books from school library shelves simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books”--BOARD OF EDUCATION V. PICO, 457 U.S. 853 (1983)

Little girl knows what makes being BAD so GOOD.

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Ahhh, the freedom to read anything and everything.

Joy Hamilton
I like it a lot too, ad agree with you entirely. You read my mind with the hyperlink idea, good one! I think too I want to try and put the logo a on one or two slide, that way there is also something recognizable about the company on here too. What do you think? I am going through and adding something here and there, and then once we think it looks good, I can totally download it from the drive and upload it to bascamp :)
Crystal Thompson
Wow...we're really getting there. I'm excited. I will make this smaller and maybe add a few small graphics. I want to get away from saying how it will make you feel. Since we're talking to adult readers, I think it's best to let them determine how books and reading will make them feel. I'm assuming we're talking to people who already read or they might not be reading the blog. We can add a couple of the Blooming Twig books, too.I will hyperlink Blooming Twig at the end, too.
Joy Hamilton
Crystal Thompson
Something like, "Whatever you do, read. Read poems, short stories, novels, heck, even read anthologies..." or something along those lines. What do you think?
Crystal Thompson
I want to add your idea back here, and I was trying to do it on one slide, but it might not be possible.
Crystal Thompson
Well, the idea was to talk about books and not words. So, if we focus on books and keep that throughout, it'll be fine. We could've chosen another topic, but it seems you wanted to talk about books. And I just went with that. Either way, we've got a decent presentation that the audience should enjoy and appreciate.
Joy Hamilton
it seems you've changed the idea anyway so im going through it.
Crystal Thompson
Yeah, I think since this is a closure, we can keep it simple. A little goes a long way, especially in a PPP where people can choose to go by any image that has too much going on.
Joy Hamilton
...I get that, but I was trying to keep the idea/ general wit going.
Crystal Thompson
We actually don't need to repeat what is already said. When people visit a site, they don't like to spend more than they need rereading the same thing. The images give the reader an idea of what we are saying. There's no need to bombard them with the same words. That's why I wanted to not repeat that idea of freedom here. They get it.
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INDULGE.Because when it comes to books, indulgence matters.

Blooming Twig,  #booksthatmatter — Website — Facebook — Twitter — Google — Klout — Pinterest — Pinterest (Authors) — Pinterest

Crystal Thompson
If we're closing and this will be the last slide, we either make it a nod to Blooming Twig--which we should--or we only include the subtext. We've already told them about the books, now, we're just trying to get them to indulge and sending them to the site. We're already telling them to indulge and have throughout the entire presentation. If we are going to keep saying it, it will be overkill. That's why I ended with "Indulge" in all caps. It's and ending without overkill.
Joy Hamilton
I really think it needs the subtext.
Crystal Thompson
I hyperlinked the image instead.