Download pdf - Blood Basics


Laya ShreeUKG

PSC SchoolVirudhunagar

BLOODBlood is a fluid connective tissue. It helps in the transportation of oxygen, carbon

dioxide, nutrients, hormones. It also plays a vital role in the maintenance and

regulation of pH and body temperature.The adult should have about 5 to 6 liters of


 William Harvey, the first person to discover the blood and its circulation in the year 1628.


White Blood CellRed Blood CellPlatelets


It contains hemoglobin to carry oxygenThe life span of each red blood cell is 120 days. Red blood cells are produced in the bone marrow.

Red Blood Cells

These cells help fight infections by attacking bacteria, viruses, and germs that invade the body

White in colour.Lifespan of white blood cells ranges from 13 to 20 days. The white blood cells are produced in the lymph nodes.

White Blood Cells

Platelets are parts of the blood that help the blood clot.

They are smaller than red or white blood cells.


Blood is red in colour, it is because of hemoglobin.

It is a pigment that contains iron and it helps in transportation of oxygen, which gives blood its red color. 

Why the Colour of Blood is Red?

Your blood type is established before you are BORN, by specific GENES inherited from your parents.

You inherit one gene from your MOTHER and one from your FATHER.

Comman Blood types A,B,O


Food for Healthy Blood
