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BlackpoolThe Bad & Good Things

By Samuel Land

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The Good Things

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The Pleasure Beach

The Pleasure Beach was made to attract tourists to Blackpool. Recently, Blackpool got rid of Beaver Creek and they made Nickolodeon Land.

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Blackpool Tower

Blackpool Tower is another thing that attracts tourists. It is 518 ft and 9 inches. It is a copy of the Eifel Tower. It was made out of wood but then replaced with steel. The reason it is brown because it had red paint but it rusted as it was made of steel.

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North, Central & South Piers

Blackpool has 3 piers which have amusement arcades on both. They also have mini theme parks on them as they have carousel wheels and bungee jumps on them.

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The Illuminations were made because Blackpool didn’t have tourists in the Autumn and in the Winter. They created them so more tourists would come to Blackpool.

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The Bad Things

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The Economy

The economy in Blackpool is terrible. We are losing money and lots of shops and hotels are closing down because they are not doing well.

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The tourism is also bad. Blackpool used to have thousands of tourists pouring in over the year. Now people can afford to fly over to places like New York or Tenerife where the weather is different.

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• PowerPoint by Samuel land

• Music by Nathan land