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Why are certain cultures more apt to destroy or care about the environment? Think of English settlers v.

Native Americans using the land

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Definitions Deforestation – abusing the land to remove all trees

from an area to use the land for farming or living space

Poaching – to illegally hunt animals that are protected or endangered

Endangered – animals whose population is critically close to extinction in the wild

Oil spill – dangerous manmade natural disasters which may kill thousands of animals

World Wildlife Federation (WWF) – federation created to protect animals and inform humans

Biocultural diversity – diversity of life in biological and cultural aspects

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Native Americans After overhunting buffalo populations and

burning massive amounts of forests to create the Great Plains, Native Americans learned to respect the lands they lived on.

Partially through religious reasons, they connected the world to a circle of life which depended on respecting the land.

They made the first conservation efforts!


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Pollution One of the biggest factors affecting the world

around us now. Beijing, China deals with constant smog

warnings, where inhabitants must wear face masks or stay inside.

Pollution does not always include smog and emissions. It can include littering.

This occurs in every culture.

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The Soviet Union Some countries perceive the ecosystem to

be an unlimited resource that allows full human control of the land.

The Soviet Union abused land on a large scale.

Their reaction to the Chernobyl disaster and the drying of the Aral Sea show their disregard for conservation and protection.

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The Shrinking of the Aral Sea

1973: The Aral Sea was one of the largest inland salt lakes in the world.

1985: Obvious signs of drying and desertification split the sea into two different smaller lakes

1990/91: Uzbekistan gained independence, and continued the process of:Using insufficient irrigation techniques, in which water

dried up completely before it reached cotton crops.Poor crop rotation to restore nutrients to the land

2001-04: The Aral Sea shrank to less than 60% of its original size.

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Deforestation It is said that the Amazon rainforest will

completely disappear in your lifetime. Industrial logging is not yet contributed to be

a factor of massive deforestation. Slash-n-burn – Illegal practice which requires

offenders to burn the forest to a level ground, Native American’s used this technique.

It is said that the lower socioeconomic classes use slash-n-burn the most

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The Atomic Age Aside from poor farming techniques,

deforestation and pollution, both the USSR and the United States have experienced atomic fallout from bomb testing or meltdowns.

Chernobyl was the worst nuclear meltdown in human history.

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Bikini Atoll, and Trinity, New Mexico are all places where atomic bombs decimated all life within the area.

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Poachers and poaching

s All endangered animals are protected by the

Endangered Species Act. This act made hunting animals on the list illegal.

It also raised awareness on conservation and protection.

The United States led efforts to protect animals on the list and off the list.

WWF prioritized endangered animals to ensure their survival.

Often, activists use charities and banquets to raise awareness.

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Poaching cont. Despite efforts to protect the animals below,

poachers are fully equipped with weapons needed to hunt animals and stop conservationists.

WWF created a list for easy access and spread of information.http://

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Poaching cont.

Certain parts of an animal are valued for different countries.

Ivory for example, which is what an elephants trunk is made of, is bought for aesthetic value and for use as false teeth.

Tiger and Cheetah pelts are used for fashion, which is highly illegal.

Park rangers attempt to fight these poachers.

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Conservation Americans are leading conservation acts with

organizations such asHumane Societies across the countryASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of

Cruelty to AnimalsWorld Wildlife Federation

Endangered Species Act 1973:Created a classification system to prioritize saving

critically endangered species11 animals have gone extinct since the act was

declared law.

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Extinct Animals in last 25 years

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Oil Spills With the use of cars, trucks, and other modes

of transportation, oil is being shipped on huge barges.

Oil spills can pollute the ocean and kill the animals in the ocean.

Even if a bird nests near or eats something from the polluted ocean, oil particles will get in their system and kill them. Oil poisoning or sometimes, suffocation.

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Other oil spills

After the BP Oil Spill, government action was required.

Outcries of poor oiling techniques brought BP massive amounts of retribution.

Even more oil than what is spilled in the ocean year is poured into drains that lead straight to water sources. 363 million gallons.

The BP Oil Spill was close to 172 million.

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Ways to reduce footprint! So far, American automotive laws have

required new cars to meet certain emission requirements.

This lowers the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

We encourage recycling and composting. Carpooling Conservation of natural resources.

Reusing plastic bottles for a few days instead of using excess ones after the first is empty.

Collect your oil in a larger containing and take to a
