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Bisleri is a brand of bottled water in India. Bisleri has 60% market share in packaged drinking water in India.[1]

It is available in 8 pack sizes: 250ml cups, 250ml bottles, 500ml, 1 litre, 1.5 litre, 2 litre, 5 litre, and 20 litre. Its operations run throughout the subcontinent of India and is one of the leading bottled water supplying companies in India. As of 2007, Bisleri has 8 plants & 11 franchisees all over India.


The composition of Bisleri Water in milligrams per litre (mg/l):

160-TDS 7.2-ph factor 13.6-Calcium 22-Chlorides 58-Bicarbonate 7.8-Magnesium 2-Nitrate 19.3-Sulphates 66.1-Hardness


M.R RAMESH CHAUHAN is the vintage boss of the 250 crore PARLE BISLERI LIMITED. The brand has some 18 manufacturing locations spread across the country. The mainstream competition is in the form of coca-cola India’s Kinley, Acquafina from Pepsi foods and nestle India’s pure. Bisleri continues to lead in the Rs 700-1,000 crore organized, packaged water market with an estimated 40 per cent market share, followed by Kinley at 28 per cent and Aquafina with an 11 per cent share. In terms of volumes, the North and West remain Bisleri’s biggest performing markets, despite the brand’s sustained national-level presence.


The Bisleri bottled water range comprises the conventional 500 ml, one litre, 1.2 litre and two litre bottles; five litre and 20 litre jars for the home segment, and smaller packs sizes of 250 ml cups and 330 ml bottles, though in very limited numbers for now. Among all pack sizes the brand straddles, it is the one-litre non-returnable bottles priced at Rs 10 each, and the 20-litre jars for Rs 40 aimed at the home segment that are Bisleri’s bestsellers at present. While the 20-litre jar comprises about 40 per cent of overall Bisleri sales, the one-litre bottles account for approximately 25 per cent brand sales. The main source of water is bore wells from where they get thee water. Then the raw materials required for the bottle is PET i.e. poly ethylene terephatalable. There are 250 workers working in mumbai and 3000 all

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over India. The production process adopted by bisleri is batch production. The time taken to fill one bottle is approximately 5 minutes. The workers work in 3 shifts which comprises of 60-70 workers per shift. The maintenance of the machines is done every month and every 45 days there is sanitation and

cleaning of the machine.


Visit Analysis:


1. Research & Development Dept:

The R & D Dept of this company starts planning 6 months in advance. The R & D Dept conducts market survey for 2-3 months for modification of the shape of the bottle.

2. Market Survey:

The different design is shown to a special group of customers & dealers and according to the demand, the design is chosen by the company.



There are mainly three stages in the production cycle:

1. Disinfection: In this stage, water is collected from bore wells which are then disinfected using chemicals.

2. Filterization: In this stage, water is passed through different filters to kill the bacteria present in it. Then, the water is passed on to the next level for filling up.

3. Filling: In this stage, the bottles are ozonated and then the water is filled in the bottles.



1. Quality Management of Water:

Raw water which is collected from the wells is stored in a tank which has a capacity to store 1 lakh liters of water. Then the water is chlorinated to kill the bacteria present in the water which is passed through 20 micro arcal filters. Then it is passed through carbon filter which is used for removing activated carbon and odor and also acts as chlorine remover. Then it is passed through 10-micron filter. Then it goes through REVERSE AUSMOSES PLANT, which contains semi-

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pomitable membrane which removes dissolved solids and bacteria of size 0.001 micron. It is passed through 1 micron and 0.5-micron filters. T hen the water gets ozonated and passed through SS 316 MACHINE. Water is stored in 10000 liter tanks.

2. Blowing of Bottles:

The bottles in this factory are given the desired shape by the use of blowing machines. These machines blow at a temperature of 300 degrees Celsius. The machine used for the blowing purpose is known as the AOKI MACHINE. This machine has a blowing capacity of 10 bottles per minute.

3. Filling of Bottles:

There are three types of filling machines, which are used for the filling purpose. The different sizes of bottles that are filed are of 500ml, 1liter, 1.2liters and 2liters respectively. First the bottle gets ozonized when it is passed through JET MACHINES. In this the bottle gets integrated and disintegrated, it gets rinsed, and then the water is filled into the bottles.

4. Filling of Jars:

The different sizes of jars are 5liters, 10liters and 20liters. The jars are cleaned manually by soap and water. Then it is cleaned with sodium hypo-chloride and virosin, which are disinfectors. When jars are passed through washing machine first it is rinsed with hot water, then disinfected and then it is ozonated. Then jars are passed on to jar fillers where it gets filled and the packing of sealed jars into boxes is done manually.

5. Laboratory Testing:

Every hour samples of water that are filled in to the bottles are taken and various testing is done. First it is checked for odor if any, presence of alkanity, chlorine and calcium. The water is also checked in machines like PH METER, TDS(TOTAL DISSOLVE SOLIDS) METER, NEPHLOMETER, SPECTROPHOTOMETER AND MEASURING OF TUBILITY. They also do aerobic  microbial count and pathogen testing


Bisleri have been the market leaders in India as far as mineral waters are concerned. Every time their bottle and waters are checked and rechecked for its purity. Their main aim is to stay ahead of the main rivals i.e. Pepsi and Coca Cola. Their raw material comes from reliance industries limited who are their main suppliers of the raw material i.e. PET


CHLORINATION : Kills micro organisms. Remove organic matter.

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ARKAL FILTER : Removes suspended matter and turbidity.

CARBON FILTER :Removes residual chlorine & odours

REVERSE OSMOSIS : Removes organic material.Controls total dissolved solids in the water.

MICRON FILTRATION: Additional safety measures of filtration.

OZONATION : Ensures water remains bacteria free for longer shelf life.

Water - the Beverage your Body Needs Most

When we were kids in school, we learned that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. We also learned that it was great fun to fill up our squirt guns with water, at least until the principal caught us. What we really didn't learn, however, was how much water we needed in order to be healthy human beings.

Bisleri Cares!

Water - also called the elixir of life, makes up 70% of our bodies and is consequently most essential for our existence. Although we can survive for weeks without food, it only takes a few days before lack of water in our body becomes fatal. Our bodies lose about 250 ml of water everyday. Therefore, it is important to keep in mind that water needs to be constantly replaced. Doctors recommend drinking at least 8 to 15 glasses of water everyday.

..Origin of bottled water

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In the 18th century, water supply was not safe so consumption of bottled natural mineral water was a privilege of the highest in society, captains of industry, politicians, royalty and so on since it was so expensive. By the mid nineteenth century, as businesses transformed considerably and consumption increased, global production climbed to several hundred million bottles.

The first plastic bottle was launched in 1968 by Vittel. This bottled water was aimed at more general public consumption. Bottled water was introduced for the first time in Mumbai, India in the early 60’s by Signor Felice Bisleri.

In 1969 Parle bought over Bisleri (India) Ltd. and started bottling Mineral water in glass bottles under the brand name 'Bisleri'.

In the mid 1980’s, another revolution in the bottled water industry moved the market forward with PET (Polyethylene terephtalate), a new recyclable plastic material that became the packaging benchmark worldwide. This new lighter, stronger material improved packaging practicality to meet the evolving consumer needs.   In due course Parle Bisleri also advanced to PET returnable and non returnable containers.

Bisleri for IndiaSafe drinking water shortage around the world particularly the third world countries contributes to the fact that the bottled water industry in India is growing at the rate of 40 % every year. Even though it accounts for only 5 percent of the total beverage market in India, branded bottled water is the fastest growing industry in the beverage sector. This also insinuates that there is increasing health awareness towards the importance of safe drinking water in the minds of the average Indian. Bisleri, since its inception has become a name synonymous with safe drinking water and

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meets the requirement of the average Indian through its model distribution system in the far reaches of the country.

Bisleri has been awarded the Reader’s Digest ‘Most Trusted Brand’ twice. Because of this reliability, it would be fair to say that the price that we would pay for a bottle of Bisleri is the price paid for assurance of health since 90% of diseases in India are water borne. Importantly, Bisleri bottled water, though priced same as other bottled water brands in India, contains added minerals which are lost from our bodies when we sweat and need to be replenished regularly, thereby increasing its health benefits tremendously.

All our / Bisleri plants follow a stringent process for purification of the raw ground water wherein 157 tests are carried out to assure the end consumer of the safety of bottled water.

Out of every 1000 litres of source water taken from the ground to be processed at the Bisleri plants, 956 litres is given back as safe drinking water to the population of the nation. The remaining quantity is mainly lost to evaporation. Several industries like paper, steel and sugar have a more damaging global footprint and waste huge quantities of ground water during their processes to make the final products.

In India, Bisleri has given birth to PET recycling industry of sorts by creating value for recycled plastic bottles. Unlike plastic bags and sachets, the litter that could have been caused by used bottles has been curbed because rag pickers find it worthwhile to collect these bottles. All bottles after crushing and re-processing have good economic value and are used as raw material in various industries other than food (pillow & mattress filling, etc). Reliance buys huge quantities of PET every year and plastic is no longer as extensively exported to the US as was before.   

A study carried out by Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP) for the Health Ministry of India says that Polyethylene Terephtalate or PET is inert and does not undergo any leaching of colour or chemical into the contents of the bottle ( till six months of multiple use)  or migration as is a common concern of several anti- plastic environmentalists.

The Bisleri trust called the Jayanti Lal Chauhan Trust (JCERT) works extensively in the areas of ground water augmentation and rain water harvesting in several states of India and has till date completed 35 projects of check dam construction, mostly in the state of Gujarat, and has succeeded in conserving 10 thousand million litres of rain water through these check dams and talavs. This water would have been lost to the sea but for these dams and talavs every year.The Trust also aids several non – government organizations of high credibility which work in the areas of water conservation, especially in rural India.

Like the erstwhile brands of Parle which took the country by storm – Thumsup, Limca, Maaza & Goldspot, Parle Bisleri also continues to stand for supreme quality and highest reliability and keeps its promise of nothing but the best to every Indian.

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Founded 1965

Headquarters Mumbai, India

Key people Felice Bisleri (founder) Ramesh J. Chauhan (Chairman Bisleri International Pvt.Ltd.)

Products bottled water Parent Parle Bisleri Ltd Conclusion:

The players who will endure will be those who have a strong regional presence. Take the case of Team, which enjoys immense popularity in TamilNadu. Similar brands with a regional presence are Siruvani, and Koday. Thus, new players will be looking for a distinct positioning. One such brand is Pepsi’s Aquafina, the largest selling bottled water brand in the US. After its successful test launch in Mumbai and Bangalore, Aquafina was released in Chennai, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, and Pune. Pepsi has invested over Rs.5 crore in the new Aquafina water project in Maharashtra, which is the only Aquafina plant outside the US.

According to Deepak Jolly, executive vice president, corporate communications, Pepsi Foods Ltd. “Aquafina will be helped by Pepsi’s network. Moreover, Aquafina will be served absolutely chilled.” That makes sense too, since surveys have indicated that an overwhelming majority of the bottled water that is consumed in India is by people who are traveling.


With the big players, who have the support of the financial muscle and a large consumer base in other categories with them, like Pepsi, Britannia, Nestle and Coke — the battle is the tougher arena of brand building. All the multinationals are looking at high-octane advertising targeting specific consumer segments. Sensing troubled waters ahead, Bisleri is busy working on a strategy to soak up the competition and protect his water kingdom.

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