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The Pastor’s Corner It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and school is about to start again. I hope everyone has had an opportunity this summer to un-wind and hopefully had some fun. Now as teachers and students gear up for a new school year and parents prepare to send their little ones back to class I want to urge our Pine Forest family to be in prayer for everyone involved. We need to pray for teachers who will dedicate many hours both paid and unpaid to expand the minds of our young, show them how to dream great dreams and equip them to reach their greatest potential. They will do this even though they are often underappreciated and feel as though their hands are tied by policies and requirements that they have no control over. Let us pray for our teachers that they will find encourage-ment in God’s grace, strength through His mighty hand and success in their lofty endeavors. We also need to pray for our children who will be surrounded by all sorts of temptations and opportunities that are outside of our control. Let us pray that they will be surrounded by God’s hedge of protection, that their teachers will make a positive influence on their lives and that they will be shining lights of Christian love to all that they meet. Finally, I invite you to pray for all the parents who will send their children to school each day. We pray that their homes will be filled with Christ’s love and grace. We pray that we all would take seriously God’s gift of children and raise them in the way they should go so that as they walk through this world they will never feel hopeless or alone. We pray that every parent would give their children a safe and happy home where they can become everything that God created them to be. This year we will expand our children’s ministries and find new ways to partner with Beulah Elementary School. We will also be looking for new ways to strengthen families and opportunities to share Christ with our community. God is good all the time and I look forward to what He has planned for us in this new season. God Bless, Andy







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If you have a Birthday or Anniversary in the month of August and your name is not listed, please contact the church office

@ 944-0170. Please help us keep our records up to date! Thanks, Church Secretary

Chelsea Williams 08/13

Frances Fowler 08/15

Margaret Hurston 08/18

Lou Duff 08/21

Michael Zdunich 08/21

Jesse Wick 08/21

Peggy Worley 08/22

Shirley Weaver 08/22

Clara Barnhill 08/22

Martha Wiggs 08/23

Jeanette Taylor 08/23

Sharon Law 08/23

Leroy Lowe 08/24

Debra Whittle 08/25

Carl Williamson 08/26

Betty Chiles 08/28

Roberta Loy 08/28

Debra Jernigan 08/28

Dan Hiljus 08/29

Ross Drew 08/30

Roger Lord 08/30

Raymond & Deana Williams 08/02/1986

Marcus & Pam Lord


John & Kathy McBride 08/12/1972

Harry & Olivia Brill


Christopher C. & Cheri Schofield 08/16/1997

Chuck & Tracey Krieger


Pete & Sherry Wright 08/30/1974

Donald Voight 08/01

Jeremy Blackmon 08/01

Betty Jo McCullers 08/02

John Buck 08/02

Terry Smith 08/03

Claire Atchison 08/03

Mat Taylor 08/04

Gordon Webb 08/05

Alan Smith 08/05

Annalyssa Pappas 08/06

Betty Portzer 08/08

Ron Youngs 08/08

Michael Kowalski 08/08

Andrea Clement 08/09

Cecil Russell 08/12

Max Summerford 08/12

Audry Cleland 08/13

Carol Boatner 08/13

Paul Morrell 08/13

Brian Hansen 08/13


Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Enjoy your special day.

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Prayer Committee Will meet on Tuesday, August 2, at 6:30pm in room 214 in building 2.

Daughters of the King

Will meet at Kathy McBride's house on August 9th at 6:30pm. The address

is: 4613 Pebble Creek Dr.

New Exercise Class For those interested in attending

a low impact exercise class on Tuesday and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in building 2 room 213 beginning Aug 23rd, please call

Olivia Brill at 969-9400 to sign up. This class is for everyone of all ages and specifically for those who desire

low impact only.

Wilde Bunch Outing

Will be at La Hacienda Mexican Restaurant at 5:30 pm. (8086 N Davis

Hwy, Pensacola). Saturday, Aug. 20th. Please call Carolyn Garcia

at 542-4728 by noon on Thursday the 18th.

CHURCH-WIDE BABY SHOWER There will be a church-wide Baby Shower

for Kirsten Entinger, wife of our Youth Pastor Clint Entinger, on Saturday,

August 13, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Baby Girl Entinger

is scheduled to enter the world on September 2. Baby items have been

registered at Target and on line at

Please come and celebrate with us! See you there!

Wednesday night supper and choir practice resume on

September 7th. Supper at 5:30pm and Choir at 6:00pm.

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HANDS AND FEET Preschool class ages 3-6 will be on Wednesday nights beginning September 7th from 6pm-7pm this year. Allie will be doing a Bible lesson, arts and crafts/game and then they will wrap up with a music and worship time. Re-Alignment Class: Are looking for people who may need help around the house. It can be yard work or light repairs. You can email them at [email protected] or call the church office. They will need names, addresses and description of the need. New Beginnings: Their main community project is a card ministry. They made 445 Mother ' s Day Cards, 200 Father's Day cards, and 300 Fourth of July Cards. They distributed the cards at Homestead, The Haven, Summer Vista, Fairfield Village, Rosewood Manor, PUMCM/Richards Memorial, Tailgate Ministry, and Pine Forest UMC. Their next card project is Thanksgiving when we will be making cards to send with the Thanksgiving groceries from PF. The class also contributes to the Hygiene Ministry of PUMCM by laundering dozens and dozens of bath towels and washcloths. They are currently studying the book "The Call: The Life and Ministry of the Apostle Paul" by Adam Hamilton to be followed by "Detective Stories from the Bible" by J. Ellsworth Kalas Youth: Our Youth and Youth Minister s left July 31st for south Flor ida for a stay-at-home mission trip. They will return August 5th. Lift these names up in your prayers please that God would wrap His arms around them and protect them as they travel and work: Erin McClellan, Clint Entinger, Lexie Stacy, Brieley Tucker, Ryan Holland, Hannah Thorne, Ethan Thorne, Dillon Southerland, Chaun Schofield, Siara Bellanger and Rain Fitchett. Children: VBS was a huge success for our church this year . Kathryn is very thankful for all of the volunteer s that helped make it happen and also thankful for the children and their families that we had the opportunity to minister to. Looking ahead to the Fall, they will be having children’ Bible study every Wednesday night from 6pm-7pm. Stay tuned for Thanksgiving and Christmas events. Prayer Shawl Group: Has given every senior adult a shawl this year and continue to give out shawls to new members and to the sick. These shawls are lovingly handmade and prayed over before they give them out. Ladies Friendship Circle: The September meeting will be at 10:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Mrs. Dorothy Lee will be talking about “Cooking with Herbs” and the group is asking you bring your favorite salad dish to share. For the October 18th meeting they will go to Naval Air Base Museum for a movie and lunch in the Café. Mission’s Happenings: Richard’s Memorial Teams serve every 4th Sunday January—September. Teen Challenge will be performing for us on October 2nd at both services. Tailgate: Has lunch prep on Wednesday’s at 10:00am and on Thursday’s at 10:00am they take food to the homeless with the exception of the last Thursday of the month when they serve breakfast they leave at 9:00am. If you are a committee chair or Sunday School Leader please contact the office and tell us about your ministry so we can get it in the newsletter.

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From the Prayer Closet

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 God says prayer avails much and He also gives us the record of great things caused by prayer. Joshua prayed and the sun stood still. Nineveh prayed and God reversed His death sentence upon them. Hezekiah prayed and God moved the time of his death forward fifteen years. Samson prayed and God restored his lost power. Daniel prayed and God shut the lions’ mouths. Elisha, Paul and Peter prayed and dead people came to life. Elijah prayed and no rain fell for three and a half years, and he prayed again and rain came. God says, “Whatsoever” we ask we receive. Whatsoever means any thing – every thing – all things. 1 John 3:22 says God will answer all prayer if we will obey Him and please Him. To keep His commandments is to obey all the New Testament. To please Him is to cease to try to please ourselves, or people, and to do all we do with the thought, effort and desire to please God and Him only. God wants us to sink into Christ that those who meet us cannot tell where the human ends and the divine begins. Jesus tells us in Mark 11:24 that if we believe we receive, when we pray we shall have it. God has given all these conditions, and if we would see all our prayers answered, we must not fail on one of them. It is not easy to meet them, but God calls us to it, and His grace can enable us to do it. The joy of getting our prayers answered is sufficient to cause us to press on until we attain them. From The Life of Faith by Mrs. C. Nuzum What prayers has God answered for you? God says in Revelation that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb, The Word of Our Testimonies, and we love not our lives as to shrink from death. Let us hear from you! Prayer Opportunities - Three Months of Prayer for Our Nation Join us on Wednesday nights in the Chapel at 6:30 PM beginning August 3 to pray for our Nation Prayer Triplets Sign up in the Fellowship Hall or office to pray for The Lost/The Church/Ourselves United in Prayer for our Nation September 11, 6:00 PM, Pensacola Bay Center 201 E Gregory Street All churches invited, Hosted by Olive Baptist Church and Pace Assembly of God Pray for our Children/Youth/Teachers/Administrators As they return to school on August 10 Your Prayer Committee, (Dave Johnson, Kathy McBride, Penny Hansen, Karen Hall, Jackie Davis, Janet Butler)


In 1755 John Wesley first led the Methodist in what became known as The Covenant Prayer. It is a “Prayer of Surrender”. Though God does not cause suffering in The Covenant Prayer. we yield

ourselves, our entire lives, to be used by God, even if the way leads to suffering. The prayer committee invites you to MAKE IT YOUR PRAYER. I am no longer my own, but thine put me to what Thou wilt, rank me with whom Thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed for Thee or laid aside for Thee. Let me be full, let me empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to Thy pleasure and disposal, and now O’ Glorious and Blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Thou art mine, and I am

Thine. So Be It. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in Heaven. AMEN Prayer

Prayer Concerns Send prayer concerns to:

[email protected] or Call (850) 944-0170

Gordon Webb Jeannette Webb Julie Shields Nikki Childress

Faye Drew Cheryl Voight Jerry Shelby

“God will answer all prayer if we

will obey Him and please Him.”

I am no longer my


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Scripture Readers August-September 2016 Schedule

9:00Service 11:00 Service Aug 7 Rick White Aug 14 Clint Entinger Aug 21 Mary Ann Morrell Aug 28 George Norsworthy Sept. 4 Trudy Youngs Sept 11 Rick White Sept 18 Clint Entinger Sept 25 Mary Ann Morrell

Aug 7 Ralph McCullers Aug 14 Grits Skilbeck Aug 21 Pam Lord Aug 28 Kathy McBride Sept 4 Olivia Brill Sept 11 Marcia Nowlin Sept 18 Betty Bratcher Sept 25 Mary Ann Morrell

Just around the corner……..

27th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival

Our 27th Annual Arts & Crafts Festival is November 12, 2016. For those who are new to our church, the festival is held each year in November. Proceeds are used for the church and its missions. We expect to have

over 160 crafters and 3000 attendees.

This is a wonderful opportunity to share your gifts and knowledge. We welcome your experience to help us enhance this ministry. For questions

or to volunteer contact our church office, 944-0170 or Sue Wilson at 850-479-9329.

What does C³ mean? Create Disciples The Great Commission tells us that our primary task as Christian people and as the church is to make disciples. But what is a disciple? A disciple is someone who is fully committed to he lordship of Christ growing as reflections of God’s love, character and holiness. In order to do that we have to commit ourselves to growing as disciples so that we can help others become disciples. Connect in Community. Real life transformation happens in authentic relationships. We want everyone to be able to join with others in real Christ centered relationships that will help us grow in discipleship but also develop true friendships. We do this in small groups, Sunday school, ministry teams, fellowship meals, and any other opportunities where people can gather and do life together. Commit to Serve We are all part of the Body of Christ and each of us has unique gifts. Following Jesus as a disciple means using those gifts to offer God’s love and share God’s story with others. We encourage everyone to get involved and find a place to serve. There are plenty of opportunities to make a difference.

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Recurring Weekly Events

Sunday 9:00AM Modern Worship 9:30AM Fellowship 9:45AM Sunday School 11:00AM Traditional worship Monday 10:00AM Prayer Shawl Ministry (FH) 6:30PM Basketball Tuesday 8:00AM Walk the Walk (FLC) 9:00AM T.O.P.S Weigh In (Bldg 2) 11:00AM Ladies Yoga (Summer months) 5:00-8:00 Recreation 7:00PM Boy Scouts (Scout Hut) Wednesday 5:30-6:30PM Bible Study, Youth 6:00-6:50PM Handbells Out for Summer 6:00-7:00PM Children/Youth 6:00-7:30PM Prayer Group (Chapel) 7:00-7:30PM Band Practice 7:00-8:00PM Chancel Choir Out for Summer Thursday 8:00AM Walk the Walk (FLC) 6:30PM Basketball

Calendar Monthly Events

1st Sunday

UMM Breakfast (FH) 8:00 AM 2nd Monday Alzheimer’s Support Group 2:30PM (Bldg 2) 2nd Tuesday Daughter’s of the King 6:30PM K. McBride’s home

3rd Tuesday Friendship Circle 10:00AM (FH) 2nd Thursday 4-H Meeting 5:30-9:00PM Room 209

Last Sunday of each Month Richard’s Memorial Dinner Outreach Meet at Richard’s at 3:30PM

20th of each month Deadline for newsletter articles

to be in church office.

Mission Statement

Our purpose is to magnify the Lord our God by bringing people to Jesus and into membership within His family, nurturing them to a Christ-like maturity, and equipping them for their ministry in the church and for their mission in the world.


Pastor Dr. Andy Blackmon [email protected] Administrator John McBride [email protected] Secretary Nikki Childress [email protected] Worship Leader Jacob Hall [email protected] Choir Director Paul Morrell Youth Ministers Erin McClellan & Clint Entinger [email protected] Children's Director Kathryn O’Gwynn Pianist Janet West Maintenance Sam Sulls Nursery Workers Donna Ard & Kay Carmack Custodian David Johnson


Office Phone (850)944-0170 Office Hours Monday-Thursday 8:00-2:00


About Us……..
