Page 1: Birgit Kastberger CV_English_180614

profile op�mist, team player, communica�ve, organised, equilibrated, robust, quick learner, inquisi�ve, precise,

honest, loyal, reliable, pa�ent, resourceful, open-minded

transferable skills • Project management, organiza�on and leadership: supervisor of 2 lab technicians & 8 students,

10 years project management (PhD-, Master- and interna�onal projects), respect of �me-and

deadlines, able to priori�ze, flexibility, 3 interna�onal project collabora�ons

• Innova�on: development of new methods, crea�vity, problem defini�on and solu�on,

understand and synthesize large quan��es of data

• Wri�en & Oral Communica�on: teaching of skills/concepts (15 years), produc�ve with feedback,

30 oral presenta�ons (small and large groups), prepara�on of concise and logically-wri.en materials

at all lengths (8 abstracts, 3 project reports, 2 thesis manuscripts, 1 poster)

educa�on 2011-July 2015 PhD thesis in Medicinal Biochemistry (PhD) University of Geneva, Switzerland

implica�on of acetyla�on in beta-1 integrin localiza�on and func�on

2006-2010 Master of Science in Biochemistry (Dipl.Ing.) Vienna University of Technology, Austria

specialisa�on in protein chemistry and biotechnology

2003-2004 1st

year of Medical Studies (1. Abschni.) Medical University of Vienna, Austria

2000-2005 Bachelor (1. Abschni.) of Technical Chemistry Graz University of Technology, Austria

courses in organic-, inorganic, analy�c- & physical chemistry, physics, maths

1999 High school leaving examina�on (Matura) BRG Petersgasse Graz, Austria

specialisa�on in natural sciences, passed with dis�nc�on

research experience 2011-Feb. 2015 Research Scien�st University of Geneva, Switzerland

pos.ransla�onal modifica�on signalling in protein-protein interac�ons

July-Sept. 2010 Research Scien�st QMU London, UK

phosphoryla�on signalling in ac�vated cells

2006–2007 Research Scien�st Université de Montréal, Canada

altering adenovirus tropism for cancer therapy

June-Sept. 2005 Research Scien�st in private hospital Institut Curie Paris, France

quan�f. of the monoclonal an�body “Hercep�n” in blood of HER2- posi�ve breast

cancer pa�ents

April-Mai 2005 Research Scien�st Vienna Univ. of Techn., Austria

genotyping the fungi Trichoderma/Hypochrea

2002-2003 Exchange student of Chemistry Univ. degli studi di Firenze, Italy

July-Sept. 2000 Chemical assistant in industry at Hairdreams Graz, Austria

experiments for scale-up of hair coloring techniques

awards 2010 S�pend for research abroad Vienna University of Technology, Austria

2006-2007 Bourse of the Université de Montréal Université de Montréal, Canada

2006-2007 Steiermark S�pendium Landesregierung Steiermark, Austria

2006-2007 Joint Study Vienna University of Technology, Austria

2005 Leonardo Danube, Austria

2002-2003 Erasmus Graz University of Technology, Austria

interests new foreign languages (Chinese, Arabic), friendships, torte/cake/cookie baking

contact +33 (0) 652 70 37 47 (mobile)

[email protected]

fast facts Austrian citizenship,

driving licence B


languages German mother tongue

English (C1), French (C1) & Italian (A2)

Chinese, Arabic beginner

domains of expertise adenovirus, gene therapy, blood cells,

protein activity, integrins, extracellular

matrix, cell migration, cell adhesion, cell

signalling, wound healing,

posttranslational modifications, protein

interactions, muscle disease, cancer,

receptors, polyclonal and monoclonal

antibodies, fungi, hair, biochemistry,

enzymes, biotechnology

lab skills recombinant protein expression and

purification, protein tags (HA, GST, GFP,

RFP, CFP, mEos), molecular biology

(PCR, vector design, mutagenesis,

transformation), in vitro mammalian cell

culture (transfection, stable cell line

prod.), FACS, WB/IPs,

quantitative mass spectrometry

(HPLC-MS, SILAC), posttranslational

modifications (acetylation,

phosphorylation, glycosylation), ELISA,

immunostainings, phase contrast and

fluorescence microscopy (TIRF,

Confocal: FRAP, FRET), image analysis

(ImageJ), adenovirus mutagenesis,

production & purification, fungi

culturing, DNA extraction and

sequencing, in silico protein docking

site modelling (Swiss PDB Viewer)

B�r�i� Kas���r�� medicinal biochemist

Interest in a diverse posi�on as medicinal protein-biochemist from July 2015

including dynamic processes, protein interac�ons and pos�ransla�onal modifica�ons