Page 1: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101

Page 2: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference


Page 3: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference
Page 4: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Today’s Topics

Objective: Introduction to bird identification • Bird Anatomy

• Overall Anatomy • Beaks • Feet

• Birding etiquette • Useful bird supplies • Useful Resources • Milam Counties 12 Common Birds • Qs –n- As • Weather Premitting – do a Walkabout

Page 5: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Anatomy

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Page 7: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are short, thick,

curved or pointed are

adapted for ripping flesh:

hawks, falcons and owls

Red-tailed hawk

Page 8: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are long and slender are adapted for gathering

nectar from narrow throated blossoms: hummingbirds

(Ruby throated)

Page 9: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are short and wide, sometimes

with hooked tips are adapted for

catching and holding flying insects:

nighthawks and flycatchers

(lesser nighthawk)

Page 10: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are short and slender are adapted for probing into tight places such as tree trunks where small insects and creatures are wedged: warblers, vireos, kinglets, gnatcatchers and tufted titmouse (tufted titmouse)

Page 11: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are short and

stubby and powerful are

adapted for grinding small

seeds: sparrows, finches

and junkos

(house finch)

Page 12: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks • Beaks that are fairly long,

chisel-like are adapted for

drilling wood and chipping

away tree bark: pileated

woodpecker and the

red-bellied woodpecker

(pileated woodpecker)

Page 13: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Beaks Facts • A Purple Martin’s beak is hooked to help them capture

bugs in midair using their tongue and form it into a ball, which is also called a Bolus.

• The Hummingbird beak can split if the feeder is not kept clean. Mold builds up which will cause the split and respiratory ailments.

• Some birds that catch insects on the wing have bumps inside their mouth. The bumps are backward pointing which helps them hold onto their food and keep it moving in the right direction.

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Page 15: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference


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Page 18: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Bird Anatomy

• Bird Feet • Passerines or “perching”

birds are adapted for

grasping twigs or

similar objects

(white throated sparrow)

Page 19: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Birding Etiquette

Page 20: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Birding Etiquette

1. Silence Cell phones. 2. Keep your talking and all noise to a minimum. 3. Ask permission to go on private property. 4. Stay on pathways. Do not disturb the land. 5. Do not walk in front of others in your group. 6. Respect the land and the wildlife. This is their home. 7. Do not throw rocks, or “tree whack” to make birds fly up in order to see them. 8. Keep children by your side and quite as possible. 9. Don’t leave any trash, and thank the private property host.

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Birding 101 Birding Gear

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Birding 101

Page 23: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Birding Supplies

• Useful bird supplies:

– Dress for weather: hat, sunglasses, boots – Binoculars - recommend 10x42

• Binocular demonstration

– Smart telephone (has an App) – Most importantly, with an experienced Birder

who will point out and explain many birds by sharing their knowledge.

– Field Guide - Resource books* – Websites *

Page 24: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Field Guide – Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13

978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference.

• Books – Peterson Field Guide to Birds in North America

ISBN: 978-0-618-96614-1 $20-30 - Paintings.

– The New Stokes Field Guide to Birds Eastern Region ISBN: 978-0-316-21393-6 $20 – Pictures.

Page 25: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Websites

– (Official Site)

Page 26: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

Page 27: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

Page 28: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

Page 29: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference
Page 30: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Websites

– http://www.audu

How To Begin Birding

1. Get Excited – and Read Up 2. Gear Up 3. Get Out There

Page 31: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Websites

– http://www.birds.cornell.ed

– (also Cornell:)

Page 32: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Websites

– http://www.birds.cornell.ed

– (also Cornell:)

Page 33: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

Page 34: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

Page 35: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Facebook sites

- The National Audubon Society

- Cornell Lab of Ornithology

- Also many area specific user groups

Page 36: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Useful Resources

• Websites


– http://www.birds.cornell.ed

– (also Cornell:)


- The National Audubon Society

- Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Page 37: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Milam Co – 12 Common Birds

Page 38: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Milam Co – 12 Common Birds

Page 39: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

Birding 101 Milam Co – 12 Common Birds

• Northern Cardinal • Northern Mockingbird • Carolina Chickadee • Tufted Titmouse • Carolina Wren • Blue Jay • American Crow • Turkey Vulture • Black Vulture • Red-bellied Woodpecker • Greater Roadrunner • Mourning Dove

Page 40: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Northern


Page 41: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Northern


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• Carolina chickadee

Page 43: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Tufted titmouse

Page 44: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Carolina wren

Page 45: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Blue Jay

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• American Crow

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• Turkey vulture

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• Black vulture

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• Red-bellied woodpecker

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• Greater roadrunner

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Page 52: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference
Page 53: Birding 101 - Texas Master Naturalist · Birding 101 Useful Resources •Field Guide –Texas Birds (a Pocket Naturalist Guide) ISBN:13 978-1-58355-118-9 $6 - beginner quick reference

• Mourning dove

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Bonus Bird !!

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Birding 101 • Eastern bluebird

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Birding 101

Any questions . . .

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Thank you for attending Birding 101

Walkabout . .
