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BBiioolluummiinn:: BBlluuee LLiigghhtt GGrreeeenn WWoorrlldd

How I made the World’s First Bioluminescence

Illuminated Christmas Tree

Edward A. Quinto

The World’s First Bioluminescence Illuminated Christmas Tree

If the year 1992 was for her Excellency Queen Elizabeth II an “Annus Horribilis” or

horrible year, the following year 1993 was for me my “Annus Mirabilis” or wonderful

year. In that year, I discovered up close and personal one of nature’s most awe-

inspiring living wonders. As I entered a dark laboratory in Germany, I vividly saw for the

first time nutrient broths contained in Erlenmeyer flasks shining brightly with a blue-

green hue of captivating spectacle. Swimming in the broths were the teeming trillions of

shining cells of the marine luminous bacterium: Aliivibrio fischeri. The combined

radiance of the astronomical number of cells each shining like tiny light bulbs generates

the homogeneously luminous blue liquid or plate colonies we humans see as the

biological phenomenon of bioluminescence. While electrical light bulbs generate heat

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over time, bioluminescence does not, thereby aptly earning for it the title of “cold light”.

Since, Aliivibrio fischeri and many other luminous microbes are the bearers of light in

the world of the smallest; I fondly called them the “Microbes of Light”.

Bioluminescence can reveal itself in rare occasions and on a grand scale as the

mysterious light illuminating a vast region of the powerful nighttime sea. This eerie

shining sea, not to be confused with St. Elmo’s Fire, was mentioned by Jules Verne in

his book “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea”. Sailors through the ages chronicled this

mystifying light of the sea in their logbooks now known in science as the phenomenon

of the “Milky Sea”. If one were cruising in the midst of a “Milky Sea”, the sea will appear

shiny white like fresh milk stretching out far into the horizons. That is how this

uncommon marine occurrence got its name. The satellite of the U.S. Naval Research

Laboratory captured the image of a large “Milky Sea”, the size of Palawan Island, for the

first time on 25, 26, and 27 January 1995. Seamen in a merchant ship at that time

located off the coast of the horn of Africa also witnessed this unusually bright “Milky

Sea”. For a bioluminescent phenomenon close to my heart to fall on a 26 January, my

natal day, is indeed an honor!

Bioluminescence is the “Light of Life” resulting from chemical reactions taking place

inside the cells of living organisms. It renders the lantern fishes and the firefly squids

luminous in the darkness of the depths. Furthermore, in the perpetually dark abyss,

which covers a large part of the oceans’ basin, bioluminescence holds a significant role

in the interactions of living organisms. Bioluminescent organisms have played out

beautiful pyrotechnic flashes to deep-sea research submersibles. The “Light of Life”

abounds in nature but is far more common in the hydrosphere than on the lithosphere.

On land, bioluminescence unfurls its beauty by the twinkling of Fireflies, glimmering of

mushrooms and the glowing of some worms. However, in the dark void of the

continental ocean basin it is the only means of communication for marine denizens

grand and small. Fishes flash, squids shine, Jellyfishes flicker, and a host of

invertebrates shimmer in this dark largely unexplored world. Indeed, as an amateur

astronomer I realized that the “The Microbes of Light” are like heavenly bodies called

stars for they produce their own radiant energy in the darkness of their own deep-sea

universe. These marine organisms like fishes and squids can produce their own lights

by utilizing special “Light Organs” harboring dense loads of symbiotic luminous

microbes. The Flashlight fish carries light organs under its eyes shining like headlights

in the dark. My favorite luminous animal, the “Hawaiian Bobtail Squid” used light organs

located in its belly to shine thereby canceling its shadow during full moons and so

disappear from the lurking eyes of hungry predators swimming beneath it. These

luminous microbes were the very same microbes that I saw in the shining broths in

Germany in 1993. I was also fortunate to have isolated these luminous organisms from

local sources here in the Philippines. Having successfully cultivated these luminous

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microbes, I stored and preserved them in the microbiology laboratory in UST. These

microbes are identified by their scientific names: Aliivibrio fischeri, Aliivibrio harveyi,

Photobacterium phosphoreum, Photobacterium leiognathi and many others. When they

are isolated and cultivated in special microbiological broths and agar media, they can be

made to shine with a strong and enduring luminosity of alluring wonder. Scientists have

estimated that each cell acting like miniature light bulbs generate 10,000 to 100,000

photons per second. A photon is the particle of light carrying discrete packets of energy.

In the dark, our own scotopic vision (Dark Vision) is so sensitive to the bluish-green

color of bioluminescence. Photoreceptor cells called rods in human eye can visualize as

little as one photon! One culture agar plate of these marine luminous microbes can

produce enough light to enable one to read books in the dark!

When stained and observed through a microscope, the one-celled luminous microbe

Aliivibrio fischeri appears as a plump rod occurring singly or in pairs. This “heavenly

microbe” can also be found non-luminously in the intestinal contents and on the bodily

surfaces of squids, fishes, crustaceans, and seaweeds. The bioluminescent animals

use light to attract their mates and prey, as well as to distract and evade their predators.

When the luminous microbes are isolated and grown in special nutrient broths, the

population increases until a critical size is reached when every cell of about five billions

per drop of broth shine all at the same time. What an awesome sight it must be to

behold this phenomenon at the cellular level! This ability of microbes to communicate to

one another to determine how big their population size is, comparable to conducting

their own roll call, is termed “Quorum Sensing”. Imagine the action of five billion cells

switching on their lights simultaneously! So stand aside, the lighting up of the light bulbs

of the New York Rockefeller Christmas Tree. Evolution chose the emitted light of

bioluminescence to be blue because this color is more energetic than green, yellow,

and red thereby enabling it to travel farthest in the sea. To travel far in the sea, makes

blue an efficient means of signaling among living organisms in a world where

astronomical open spaces is the norm. Red and yellow “living lights” also occur in

nature though minimally. It is also the reason why the marine world appears with a cool

bluish tinge under white light or sunlight.

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Glowing colonies of a plate culture of Vibrio fischeri Brightly shining broth of Vibrio fischeri in a flask

Upon my return to the Philippines in 1993, after successfully finishing my

“Aufbaustudium” in Germany, I thought then that it would be the end of my work with

microbial bioluminescence. I never thought of bringing the luminous microbes home

with me though it is possible to do so. However, my desire to work again with microbial

bioluminescence was simply too strong to be side stepped. So armed with my

knowledge of microbiology, I embarked on an exciting quest to seek out these tiny

luminous creatures in our locality. What a fulfilling quest it surely was! To my delight, I

realized that the wet markets of the Philippines are virtual goldmines of these marine

luminous microbes. Squids, saltwater fishes, crustaceans, mollusks, and even seawater

itself are excellent sources of these bioluminescent microbes. In 1995, not long after I

started scouting for them, I venerably held and beheld once more the radiance of the

Philippine strains of the marine luminous microbes. Alone in a dark room, I just found

myself staring at the luminous plate cultures shining as bright as the ones I saw in

Germany. Sentiments of euphoria overwhelmed me for it felt so much like having found

a long lost cherished friend. It was an unforgettable exhilarating experience as I felt their

life’s radiant energy piercing the darkness and illuminating my improvised dark room.

When it comes to catching people’s attention, my “Microbes of Light” did not let me

down. The cool blue light of bioluminescence always generates gasps of amazement

whenever I show them to friends and colleagues.

My research started and centered on how I can simplify the utilization of these luminous

microbes to uplift the quality of life. The rest as what they say is definitely history!

Results of my research showed that these luminous microbes can be used

inexpensively as a biological sensing device for the detection of toxic chemicals in

water, foods, produce, and other samples. If these shining microbes are added to a

water sample containing minute amounts of toxicants like heavy metals, detergents,

pesticides, etc., their generated light fades significantly or may even black out

completely. The strongly toxic a substance is and the higher its concentration in the

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water sample tested, the faster is the complete inhibition of light production. Thus,

checking drinking water, foods, and produce for safeness and the biomonitoring of

environmental water for pollution are the main applications that I developed from my

research work with microbial bioluminescence. Numerous blessings poured in from all

aspects of my work with the “Microbes of Light” in the form of international and national

awards, publications, thesis completion, and recognition from the Philippine Scientific

Community. PIBiT (Paper-disc Immobilized Bioluminescence Technology) and TuBET

(Tube Bioluminescence Extinction Method) were the simple and green innovations that

came out of my research work.

Through the years, high school students from UST, Assumption (Makati), Quezon City

Science, Manila Science, Immaculate Concepcion (Davao), Parañaque Science,

Philippine Science, Imus Science, and La Consolacion worked with microbial

bioluminescence and many won in various local, regional, national, and international

science fair contests. Undergraduate and graduate students in UST also utilized the

luminous microbes for the successful completion of their theses. Many others and I

surely did have the time of our lives with these unique and wonderful creatures, which

have become a part of my life ever since. Playing around with them, I can proudly say

that I was able to light up the world with the good blue light of bioluminescence. The

benevolent sea has granted me the privilege to borrow this beautiful “Light of the Sea”

that I used on land for many practical health-promoting benefits not only for people but

for our environment as well. Indeed, I was able to light up so many things with

bioluminescence. The first materials I made bioluminous were of course, water

samples, then cotton plugs, small paper-discs, raw foods, metal plates, and to various

produce like meat and beverages and would you believe even a small Christmas Tree!

Rich sources of the luminous microbes found in wet markets

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So one cool memorable night on 28 November (Wed), as Christmas 2007 was fast

approaching, I attempted the creation of the first Bioluminescent Christmas Tree in

history or the World’s First Bioluminescence Illuminated Christmas Tree. Several days

before, the idea of a bioluminescent Christmas Tree got me so excited as a Scuttle Fly.

In the past, people used candles to illuminate Christmas trees. Then electricity was

discovered, and light bulbs of various designs and colors completely replaced the use of

candles. Now, a sophisticated electrical novelty for Christmas Trees like the use of fiber

optic has dazzled the public. Two years ago, the Rockefeller Christmas Tree introduced

the use of LED lights to promote a greener Christmas because of its small electrical

consumption. An idea struck me one day; why not use bioluminescence to illuminate a

Christmas Tree. Surely, it will be a first, it will be splendid and it will epitomize

something really green because there is no consumption of electricity nor will

greenhouse gases be emitted. It can symbolize all the “Green Movement” against

Global Warming.

So one afternoon, I excitedly visited the malls in and around Manila looking for the right

tree. At the Gotesco Grand Central Department Store, I found a two feet tall dark green

pine tree standing quite robust and thick. The smaller the tree the easier it will be for me

to light it up entirley with microbial bioluminescence. I started the cultivation of my

microbial friend, Aliivibrio fischeri in nutrient agar plates a day before I was to use them

to light up my newly bought tree. The big night soon came; in the laboratory, I made a

brightly shining liquid by suspending the luminous colonies from the plate culture in

saline. Then, I rapidly filled twenty-five small glass vials the size of thumbs with the

brightly shining suspensions. Next, I immediately capped the vials and tied short black

strings around their necks. One by one, I hung the shining vials like light bulbs all over

the branches of the tree. I hurriedly did it because I knew that once the dissolved

oxygen in the liquid inside was consumed by the luminous cells the light would go out

instantly. I just don’t know how fast that will occur with the vial size and physico-

chemical conditions present at that time. If I can just be given 20 minutes to pour, cap,

tie, hang and photograph them up on the tree then I reckon that I can pull it off. Like fire,

bioluminescence is powered by oxygen and without it, bioluminescence is extinguished

immediately. Half way through the process of putting the vials up on the tree, the

expected happened abruptly. One by one, the shining vials were “blacking out”

indicating the depletion of the dissolved oxygen. I shook the vials in a desperate attempt

to aerate the liquid inside. Aerating the liquid inside the vials should light them all up

again though fleetingly. Since the vials are small, the dissolved oxygen is low, the

quicker it is consumed by the luminous microbes and the faster the light will fade out. It

was a futile exercise as the vials were “blacking out” again much faster than I can keep

them alight. The entire exercise that night was so utterly disappointing. Using my digital

camera, I frantically took long-exposure photographs of a dimly lit tree with half of the

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twenty-five vials’ light already gone. The mossy green color of the robust tree must have

also exacerbated the results, as the tree appeared so dark and gloomy. The dark green

color seemed to be absorbing the light of bioluminescence and not reflecting it.

The robust dark-green Christmas Tree In darkness with the luminous glass vials

But hope indeed springs eternal. From the lessons of this failure, I tried my best to come

up with a better tree in my next attempt. Another opportunity has to be forthcoming I

said to myself. The next time around, I thought of using long cotton strands wetted with

luminous suspensions instead of putting them inside closed vials. Previous experiences

with cotton plugged flasks of luminous broth cultures that accidentally got wet in the

shaking produced shining cottons plugs for hours. In closed vials, the oxygen supply is

small and limited it comes mainly in dissolved form in the liquid suspension of the

luminous cells. However, I realized that in cotton impregnated luminous suspensions an

abundant supply of oxygen should come from the surrounding air. This infinite supply of

oxygen in the air should be able to sustain bioluminescence strongly and brightly over a

long period.

The mere thought of brightly shining suspensions in cotton reinvigorated me once more

in my quest to make a bioluminescence illuminated Christmas tree. I cultivated once

again my Aliivibrio fischeri in nutrient agar plates to produce the luminous colonies and

then the luminous suspensions. I also replaced my dark bulky green tree with a two feet

tall white plastic pine tree that I bought from Robinsons Place Manila. White should give

a more brilliant and reflective appearance. I extended open the main branches of the

tree from the central stem and started loading the entire length with thick strands of

absorbent cotton. The tree was also decorated with small shiny orange Christmas balls.

Then I freely sprinkled a brightly shining suspension of the luminous microbe on the

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cotton strands using a glass dropper. At around 6 PM, I was finished and that time close

to Christmas time in Manila, it’s already quite dark due to the gradually lengthening

night. Luckily, it was also a holiday since its Andres Bonifacio Day, November 30 and so

I was all alone in the research complex. I moved back to the door, took a deep breath

and said to myself that this is it! I turned off the lights and what I saw from afar was truly

an awe-inspiring scene. On a working bench, fronting the wall stood a Christmas tree

brightly illuminated by the light of microbial bioluminescence. Feelings of relief and

accomplishment seethed inside me. To capture the historical moment that could be over

in hours, I swiftly prepared my digital camera and took several long exposure shots. The

camera screen showed shining strands of cotton with a dramatic bluish color and cool

snowy effect resting tenderly on the branches of the tree. One can even see luminous

drops of the shining suspensions at the base of the tree. After taking the photos, I

decided to transfer them immediately to my laptop for better viewing and storage. When

I saw the photos on the screen of my laptop, I was so amazed and thrilled. All the efforts

and stress that went into days and nights of preparation were definitely worth what I

accomplished that night.

Once again, in my thoughts as I beheld the beautiful bioluminescent photos, I

expressed my deep gratitude to my “Microbes of Light”. Indeed, once again they did not

fail me in my efforts to promote bioluminescence to the public for a greener world. The

night of 30 November 2007 was truly memorable because aside from being the night

after the foiled coup d’ etat in Makati, I can proudly say that I succeeded in creating the

world’s first bioluminescence illuminated Christmas tree. Surely, it was not a “Franken

Christmas Tree”, a living pine tree incorporating a bioluminescence gene from another

organism introduced by DNA Recombinant Technology. A genetically modified brightly

shining Christmas tree will still probably take years to be developed and the financial

resources to make it must be quite big. Not to mention the intricate laws and regulations

that one need to secure from the appropriate national authorities to be able to perform

genetic manipulation experiments in the Philippines. Besides, what I wanted to make

was a natural and more acceptable Christmas tree to the general public. And the best

way to do it was to use microbial bioluminescence in its simplest and purest form. When

I left late that night, I placed the tree in front of a large and long glass window of our

laboratory exposed to the outside for others from the neighboring high-rise condo to

perhaps see it as well. Three hours after I created it, the bioluminescent Christmas tree

was still shining brightly and I was sure for many more hours after I left the laboratory.

The university was practically empty of students and personnel that night as I walked

out of the campus alone through the almost dark streets.

I made a Christmas card of the photo bearing a brief “green” message highlighting a

greater awareness in our fight against global warming. I immediately sent the card to

the prestigious American Society for Microbiology (ASM), the largest US life science

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organization, of which I am a full member. Since the light is from microbial

bioluminescence, I was sure that the ASM would take notice of it. It was also sent to the

venerable “International Society for Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence” (ISBC)

because my work dealt with bioluminescence. Suffice it to say, both the ASM and the

ISBC, acknowledged what I did and featured the photo of the first bioluminescent

Christmas tree in history in their famous websites. ASM featured it in their popular website for 3 weeks in the run up to the holidays of 2007. For that, I

am eternally grateful to both of them; it was the best Christmas gift that I received in a

long while. Searching the net, I found out that Edward H. Johnson in his home in New

York introduced the first electrically illuminated Christmas tree in 1882. Well another

Edward made the world’s first bioluminescence illuminated Christmas tree in Manila in

2007. I disseminated the unique card by email to all my friends, colleagues, and people

who I believed would be interested in it and I must confess that the replies were highly


The Bioluminescence illuminated Christmas tree in darkness and under fluorescent white light

These were some of the encouraging and generous messages:

““HHeelllloo EEddwwaarrdd,, VVeerryy mmaannyy tthhaannkkss ffoorr yyoouurr eemmaaiill aanndd lloovveellyy BBLL ((BBiiooLLuummiinneesscceenntt))

CChhrriissttmmaass TTrreeee!! II hhaavvee ttooddaayy sseenntt tthhee iimmaaggee ttoo mmyy ccoolllleeaagguuee aatt tthhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

BBoollooggnnaa.. HHee iiss tthhee ppeerrssoonn wwhhoo mmaaiinnttaaiinnss tthhee IISSBBCC wweebb ssiittee.. BBeesstt rreeggaarrddss,,”” PPhhiilliipp 0033

DDEECC 0077 ((DDrr.. PPhhiilliipp SSttaannlleeyy ooff CCaammbbrriiddggee RReesseeaarrcchh && TTeecchhnnoollooggyy TTrraannssffeerr LLttdd,,

CCaammbbrriiddggee,, EEnnggllaanndd))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd!! AAnngg ggaannddaa nnaammaann ((IItt’’ss ssoo bbeeaauuttiiffuull))!! VVeerryy uunniiqquueellyy mmiiccrroo.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr tthhee

CChhrriissttmmaass ggrreeeettiinnggss,,”” RRoossee ((DDrr.. RRoossee MMoonnssaalluudd,, PPrreessiiddeenntt ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinnee SSoocciieettyy

ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, vveerryy nniiccee aanndd vveerryy iinnttrriigguuiinngg.. CCoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss!!”” TToobbyy ((PPrrooff.. FFaabbiiaann DDaayyrriitt,,

PPhh..DD..,, DDeeaann ooff AAtteenneeoo ddee MMaanniillaa UUnniivveerrssiittyy’’ss SScchhooooll ooff SScciieennccee && EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg

aanndd aa hhiigghhllyy rreessppeecctteedd ttoowweerriinngg ffiigguurree ooff PPhhiilliippppiinnee CChheemmiissttrryy))..

Page 10: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

““HHii SSiirr QQuuiinnttoo,, TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr tthhee bbeeaauuttiiffuull aanndd ccrreeaattiivveellyy ddoonnee CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee.. II wwiillll

ffoorrwwaarrdd yyoouurr mmaaiill ttoo oouurr ggrroouupp aanndd aallssoo ttoo mmiiccrroobbiioollooggyy ddeepptt.. ((DDrr.. KKoohhrriinngg)).. AAddvvaannccee

MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd HHaappppyy NNeeww YYeeaarr!! RReeggaarrddss ttoo eevveerryyoonnee tthheerree iinn tthhee CCSS aanndd GGSS,,””

RRoonnaalldd ((RRoonnaalldd GGaarrcciiaa,, PPhh..DD.. ssttuuddeenntt iinn mmiiccrroobbiioollooggyy aatt tthhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

SSaaaarrllaanndd,, GGeerrmmaannyy kknnoowwnn ffoorr hhiiss wwoorrkk oonn tthhee ttaaxxoonnoommyy ooff tthhee MMyyxxoobbaacctteerriiaa))..

““FFaabbuulloouuss EEddwwaarrdd ---- wwooww.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr sseennddiinngg tthhiiss mmoosstt aammaazziinngg CChhrriissttmmaass ccaarrdd!!”” ~~

SSaamm ((SSaamm SSttiieerr,, BBiioommiimmiiccrryy IInnssttiittuuttee,, UUSSAA))..

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr tthhiiss eemmaaiill.. TThhee CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee llooookkss bbeeaauuttiiffuull,, iiff aa lliittttllee

ssppooookkyy.. WWee’’dd bbee vveerryy iinntteerreesstteedd ttoo hheeaarr wwhheetthheerr yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthhiiss mmaayy hhaavvee mmoorree pprraaccttiiccaall

aapppplliiccaattiioonnss,, bbuutt wwee pprreeffeerr ppeeooppllee ttoo ggoo vviiaa tthheeiirr nnaattiioonnaall ooffffiicceess ttoo pprreevveenntt dduupplliiccaattiioonn

aanndd tthhee ccoonnffuussiioonn wwhhiicchh ccaann rreessuulltt.. TThhee ccoonnttaacctt ddeettaaiillss ffoorr oouurr ooffffiiccee iinn tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess

aarree -- PPHHIILLIIPPPPIINNEESS ((GGrreeeennppeeaaccee SSoouutthheeaasstt AAssiiaa)) RReeggaarrddss,,”” GGrraahhaamm TThhoommppssoonn,,

SSuuppppoorrtteerr SSeerrvviicceess,, GGrreeeennppeeaaccee UUKK..

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd QQuuiinnttoo,, YYoouurr bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt hhoolliiddaayy ttrreeee wwaass ffoorrwwaarrddeedd ttoo mmee bbyy

BBaarrbbaarraa HHyyddee,, ddiirreeccttoorr ooff ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ffoorr AASSMM ((AAmmeerriiccaann SSoocciieettyy ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy))..

II wwoouulldd lloovvee ttoo ppoosstt tthhiiss ttoo tthhee ffrroonntt ppaaggee ooff wwwwww..MMiiccrroobbeeWWoorrlldd..oorrgg cclloosseerr ttoo tthhee

hhoolliiddaayyss aanndd ppeerrhhaappss iinncclluuddee iitt aass aa ..ppddff iinn tthhee MMiiccrroobbeeWWoorrlldd ppooddccaasstt ffeeeedd.. II aallssoo wwoouulldd

lliikkee ttoo sseett uupp aann iinntteerrvviieeww wwiitthh yyoouu aabboouutt tthhiiss ccooooll pprroojjeecctt aanndd hhooww iitt sseerrvveess aass aann

eexxaammppllee ffoorr ““ggrreeeenneerr”” lliivviinngg aanndd cclliimmaattee ccoonnttrrooll.. IIff yyoouu aarree iinntteerreesstteedd iinn tthhee iinntteerrvviieeww

pplleeaassee eemmaaiill mmee yyoouurr ddiirreecctt pphhoonnee nnuummbbeerr aanndd II wwiillll hhaavvee BBrriiddggeetttt EEnnnniiss ccaallll yyoouu ffoorr aann

iinntteerrvviieeww.. HHaappppyy hhoolliiddaayyss!! II’’llll ppoosstt tthhiiss oonn tthhee ffrroonntt ooff MMiiccrroobbeeWWoorrlldd cclloosseerr ttoo tthhee

hhoolliiddaayyss””.. CChhrriiss CCoonnddaayyaann ((MMaannaaggeerr ooff PPuubblliicc OOuuttrreeaacchh,, AAmmeerriiccaann SSoocciieettyy ffoorr

MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy,, UUSSAA))..

YYeess,, II wwoouulldd ssttiillll lliikkee ttoo sseett uupp aann iinntteerrvviieeww.. HHooppeeffuullllyy,, wwee ssttiillll hhaavvee tthhee ttiimmee ttoo aaiirr iitt tthhiiss

mmoonntthh.. EEiitthheerr wwaayy,, wwee ccaann uussee iitt nneexxtt yyeeaarr aass wweellll.. PPlleeaassee eemmaaiill mmee yyoouurr pphhoonnee

nnuummbbeerr ssoo II ccaann ppaassss iitt oonn ttoo BBrriiddggeetttt EEnnnniiss wwhhoo wwiillll bbee ccoonndduuccttiinngg tthhee iinntteerrvviieeww.. AAllssoo,,

ddooeess tthhiiss mmeeaann yyoouu ggiivvee mmee ppeerrmmiissssiioonn ttoo ppoosstt tthhee ttrreeee oonn wwwwww..mmiiccrroobbeewwoorrlldd..oorrgg??

SSiinncceerreellyy,, CChhrriiss CCoonnddaayyaann,, MMaannaaggeerr,, PPuubblliicc OOuuttrreeaacchh

AAmmeerriiccaann SSoocciieettyy ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy,, 11775522 NN SSttrreeeett,, NN..WW..,, WWaasshhiinnggttoonn,, DD..CC.. 2200003366

PPhhoonnee 220022--994422--99330022,, FFaaxx 220022--994422--99336677,, wwwwww..aassmm..oorrgg ,, wwwwww..mmiiccrroobbeewwoorrlldd..oorrgg

EEdd,, II jjuusstt wwaanntteedd ttoo lleett yyoouu kknnooww II ppllaacceedd tthhee ““MMiiccrroobbeess ooff LLiigghhtt”” iimmaaggee oonn tthhee

wwwwww..mmiiccrroobbeewwoorrlldd..oorrgg ssiittee wwiitthh aa bbrriieeff bbiitt ooff tteexxtt ccrreeddiittiinngg yyoouu wwiitthh tthhee pphhoottooggrraapphh.. IIff

yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy lliinnkkss yyoouu wwoouulldd lliikkee mmee ttoo aadddd oorr aannyy tteexxtt cchhaannggeess oorr aaddddiittiioonnss,, pplleeaassee lleett

mmee kknnooww.. ““TThhee aabboovvee iimmaaggee ooff tthhee wwoorrlldd''ss ffiirrsstt bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee wwaass sseenntt

iinn ttoo MMiiccrroobbeeWWoorrlldd bbyy EEddwwaarrdd QQuuiinnttoo,, aann aassssiissttaanntt pprrooffeessssoorr aatt tthhee UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSaannttoo

TToommaass iinn tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess.. MMrr.. QQuuiinnttoo ccrreeaatteedd tthhee hhoolliiddaayy eeffffeecctt bbyy sspprraayyiinngg ccoottttoonn bbaallllss

wwiitthh aa hheeaavvyy lluummiinnoouuss ssuussppeennssiioonn ooff vviibbrriioo ffiisscchheerrii,, aa rroodd sshhaappeedd bbaacctteerriiuumm tthhaatt hhee

iissoollaatteedd ffrroomm llooccaallllyy aavvaaiillaabbllee ssqquuiiddss.. HHee tthheenn aattttaacchheedd tthhee ttrreeaatteedd ccoottttoonn bbaallllss ttoo aa ttwwoo

ffoooott ttaallll wwhhiittee ppllaassttiicc ttrreeee aanndd uusseedd aa ccaammeerraa wwiitthh aa 6600 sseeccoonndd eexxppoossuurree ttoo ttaakkee tthhee

pphhoottooggrraapphh.. TThhee ttrreeee mmaaiinnttaaiinneedd iiss bbiioolluummiinneesscceennccee ffoorr mmoorree tthhaann ffiivvee hhoouurrss.. MMrr..

QQuuiinnttoo hhooppeess tthhiiss ppiiccttuurree wwiillll mmaakkee ppeeooppllee mmoorree aawwaarree ooff mmiiccrroobbiiaall bbiioolluummiinneesscceennccee

Page 11: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

aanndd iittss ppootteennttiiaall ffoorr aaffffoorrddaabbllee ""ggrreeeenn"" tteecchhnnoollooggiieess..”” HHaappppyy hhoolliiddaayyss aanndd tthhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr

tthhiiss ggrreeaatt pphhoottoo!! SSiinncceerreellyy,, CChhrriiss CCoonnddaayyaann,, AASSMM..

VVeerryy ““ccooooll”” BBaarrbbaarraa HHyyddee ((DDiirreeccttoorr ooff ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ffoorr AAmmeerriiccaann SSoocciieettyy ffoorr


FFrroomm OOEEDDOOEEDD@@aammssuussaa..oorrgg TToo EEddwwaarrdd QQuuiinnttoo eeddwwaarrddqquuiinnttoo@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm,, OOEEDD

OOEEDD@@aassmmuussaa..oorrgg,, CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss@@aassmmuussaa..oorrgg,, ““HHoouussttoonn,,

CClliiffffoorrdd””cchhoouussttoonn@@uuttmmbb..eedduu,, IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall <<IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall@@aassmmuussaa..oorrgg>>,,

wweebbmmaasstteerr<<wweebbmmaasstteerr@@aassmmuussaa..oorrgg>>,, jjccaammppooss@@aassmmuussaa..oorrgg.. DDaattee MMoonn,, DDeecc 33,, 22000077

aatt 1111::3311 PPMM SSuubbjjeecctt RREE:: BBiioolluummiinneesscceennccee ffoorr GGrreeeenneerr WWoorrlldd mmaaiilleedd--bbyy

aassmmuussaa..oorrgg.. TThhaannkk yyoouu.. II wwiillll sseenndd ttoo tthhee AASSMM CCoouunncciill.. IItt iiss nniiccee ttoo hheeaarr ffrroomm mmeemmbbeerrss

wwhhoo ccaarree aabboouutt AASSMM.. BBeesstt wwiisshheess ffoorr aa HHaappppyy HHoolliiddaayy aanndd aa ggoooodd NNeeww YYeeaarr.. MMiicchhaaeell

GGoollddbbeerrgg,, AASSMM..

DDeeaarr DDrr.. QQuuiinnttoo,, DDoo yyoouu hhaavvee aannyy mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt CChhrriissttmmaass

TTrreeee?? WWeerree yyoouu tthhee oonnee wwhhoo ccrreeaatteedd iitt,, oorr ddoo yyoouu rreemmeemmbbeerr wwhheerree yyoouu hheeaarrdd aabboouutt iitt..

WWee aarree tthhiinnkkiinngg ooff ddooiinngg aa ssttoorryy oonn MMiiccoobbeeWWoorrllddRRaaddiioo((wwwwww..mmiiccrroobbeewwoorrlldd..oorrgg)) aabboouutt

tthhee ttrreeee.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr yyoouurr hheellpp!! BBeesstt,, GGaarrtthh HHooggaann,, MMeeddiiaa RReellaattiioonnss ––

CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss,, AAmmeerriiccaann SSoocciieettyy ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy.. FFaaxx –– 220022..994422..99336677

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd -- WWhhaatt aa ccrreeaattiivvee iiddeeaa.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr tthhee ggrreeeettiinngg aanndd ffoorr sseennddiinngg yyoouurr iimmaaggee..

MMaayybbee ssoommee ddaayy II wwiillll bbee aabbllee ttoo mmaakkee oonnee ooff tthheessee mmyysseellff.. BBeesstt wwiisshheess””,, SStteevvee

((SStteevveenn HHaaddddoocckk,, PPhhDD .. MMoonntteerreeyy BBaayy AAqquuaarriiuumm RReesseeaarrcchh IInnssttiittuuttee,, UUSSAA))..

““HHII EEddwwaarrdd:: tthhaannkk yyoouu ssoo mmuucchh ffoorr sshhaarriinngg tthhiiss wwiitthh uuss.. IItt''ss ssoo ccooooll!! SSoo,, ddiidd yyoouu hhaavvee ttoo

ddoo tthhiiss mmaannuuaallllyy aass yyoouu ""ddeeccoorraatteedd"" tthhee ttrreeee wwiitthh tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt mmiiccrroobbeess?? IIff iitt iiss

ookkaayy wwiitthh yyoouu,, ccaann II sshhaarree tthhiiss wwiitthh ssoommee ssttuuddeennttss// tteeaacchheerrss iinn aa sseemmiinnaarr II wwiillll ccoonndduucctt

iinn JJaannuuaarryy?? MMaannyy tthhaannkkss aanndd MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoooo!!”” JJeessss ((DDrr.. JJeessssaammyynn YYaazzoonn,,

DDiirreeccttoorr,, PPhhiilliippppiinnee SScciieennccee HHiigghh SScchhooooll,, QQuueezzoonn CCiittyy))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr tthhee ccaarrdd.. II ssaavveedd iitt iinn ppddff ffoorrmmaatt,, wwhhiicchh sshhoouulldd bbee eeaassiieerr ttoo

ddiisssseemmiinnaattee.. JJuusstt wwoonnddeerriinngg ------ hhooww eexxaaccttllyy ddiidd yyoouu mmaakkee tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt ttrreeee?? AAtt

ffiirrsstt,, II tthhoouugghhtt tthhaatt yyoouu ggeenneettiiccaallllyy mmooddiiffiieedd tthhee ttrreeee bbyy iinnsseerrttiinngg tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt

ggeennee iinnttoo tthhee ttrreeee ggeennoommee.. BBuutt iitt llooookkss lliikkee tthhee ""ssnnooww"" oonn tthhee ttrreeee iiss tthhee lluummiinneesscceenntt

mmaatteerriiaall,, nnoott tthhee ttrreeee iittsseellff.. MMyy gguueessss iiss tthhaatt yyoouu ssttrreeaakkeedd tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt bbaacctteerriiaa

oonn aann aaggaarr ppllaattee aanndd ssuuppeerriimmppoosseedd tthhee ppllaattee oonn aa ppiiccttuurree ooff aa ttrreeee.. AAmm II rriigghhtt?? II hhooppee

yyoouu hhaavvee aa MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd aa HHaappppyy NNeeww YYeeaarr,, ttoooo!! II ddiidd sseeee iinn tthhee FFiilliippiinnoo nneewwss

cchhaannnneell tthhaatt iitt wwaass ccoolldd iinn MMaanniillaa ((1199 CC)).. TThhaatt iiss aaccttuuaallllyy ccoonnssiiddeerreedd ""nniiccee"" hheerree.. ::--))

RRiigghhtt nnooww,, iitt''ss aabboouutt 55 -- 66 ddeegg CC oouuttssiiddee.. RReeggaarrddss ttoo aallll oouurr ffrriieennddss tthheerree iinn UUSSTT.. BBeesstt,,””

LLeeaahh ((DDrr.. LLeeaahh TToolloossaa,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff MMaarryyllaanndd,, UUSSAA))..

““HHii EEdd!! VVeerryy nniiccee CChhrriissttmmaass TTrreeee!!”” PPooyyiiee ((PPrrooff.. FFlloorreennddaa VVaalleerraa,, PPhh..DD..,, IInnssttiittuuttee ooff

CChheemmiissttrryy,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess,, DDiilliimmaann,, QQuueezzoonn CCiittyy))..

Page 12: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

““TThhaannkkss EEddwwaarrdd!! CCooooll ..........NNooww””,, tthhaatt iiss bbeetttteerr wwiitthh tthhee ddaattee””.. TTiinnaa ((PPrrooff.. CChhrriissttiinnaa

BBiinnaagg,, PPhh..DD..,, DDiirreeccttoorr,, RReesseeaarrcchh CCeenntteerr ffoorr tthhee NNaattuurraall SScciieenncceess,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff

SSaannttoo TToommaass,, MMaanniillaa))..

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, TThhaannkkss ffoorr sshhaarriinngg yyoouurr pprrooggrreessss aanndd ddeevveellooppmmeennttss wwiitthh uuss.. WWooww......tthhiiss

iiss bbeeaauuttiiffuull.. AArree yyoouu ggooiinngg ttoo ccoommmmeerrcciiaalliizzee tthhiiss?? YYoouurr hhoommee wwiillll pprroobbaabbllyy bbee lliigghhtteedd uupp

wwiitthh tthhiiss ttrreeee!! WWiisshhiinngg yyoouu aa jjooyyoouuss aanndd bblleesssseedd CChhrriissttmmaass.. YYeeee FFoooonngg,, bbyy tthhee wwaayy,,

hhaass lleefftt HHPP.. MMiicchheellllee hhaass kkiinnddaa rreeppllaaccee hheerr iinn hheerr pprreevviioouuss rroollee.. BBeesstt rrggddss,,”” CCeecciilliiaa

((CCeecciilliiaa PPaanngg,, HHeewwlleetttt PPaacckkaarrdd AAssiiaa--PPaacciiffiicc,, SSiinnggaappoorree))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd HHaappppyy NNeeww YYeeaarr ttoo yyoouu.. LLoovvee tthhee XX--mmaass ttrreeee.. WWiillll

sseenndd iitt aarroouunndd.. AAllll tthhee bbeesstt aanndd sseenndd mmyy rreeggaarrddss ttoo CCaallooyy aanndd FFeemm””.. GGeerrrryy ((GGeerraarrddoo

LLuunnaa,, aann oolldd ffrriieenndd ffrroomm UUSSTT nnooww lliivviinngg iinn SSyyddnneeyy,, AAuussttrraalliiaa))..

““DDeeaarr EEdd,, TThhaannkk yyoouu!!!! PPrreettttyy ccooooll ggiifftt ccaarrdd!! II wwiisshh yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr ffaammiillyy HHaappppyy HHoolliiddaayyss,,””

BBaarrbbaarraa SScchhuullzz ((DDrr.. BBaarrbbaarraa SScchhuullzz,, IInnssttiittuuttee ooff MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy,, TTeecchhnniiccaall UUnniivveerrssiittyy

ooff BBrraauunnsscchhwweeiigg,, GGeerrmmaannyy))..

““WWaayy ttoooo ccooooll,, EEddwwaarrdd.. MMaaggnniiffiicceenntt ccrreeaattuurree,, CCaann''tt hheellpp ttoo mmaarrvveell aatt tthhee bbeeaauuttyy eevveenn iinn

tthhee ssmmaallllnneessss ooff tthhiinnggss GGoodd hhaass ccrreeaatteedd.. MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ((bblluuee ggrreeeenn)) ttoo yyoouu ttoooo..

SSuunnddaayy aanndd ffaammiillyy””.. SSuunnddaayy ((MMrrss.. SSuunnddaayy DDuuqquuee PPhhiilllliippss,, aann oolldd ffrriieenndd wwhhoo

ttrraavveelllleedd wwiitthh mmee ttoo GGeerrmmaannyy oonn aa DDAAAADD SScchhoollaarrsshhiipp,, nnooww lliivviinngg iinn TTeexxaass,, UUSSAA))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, AAnngg ggaannddaa nnaammaann ((IItt’’ss ssoo bbeeaauuttiiffuull)).. HHooww ddiidd yyoouu ddoo iitt.. II wwiillll ppaassss tthhiiss

aarroouunndd.. TTaakkee ccaarree,,”” SShheeiillaa ((AAsssstt.. PPrrooff.. SShheeiillaa ddee JJeessuuss,, CCoolllleeggee ooff SScciieennccee,,

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSaannttoo TToommaass,, MMaanniillaa aanndd HHeeaadd ooff LLaabboorraattoorryy AAnnaallyyssiiss,, FFiirrsstt AAssiiaann

HHoossppiittaall,, AAllaabbaanngg))..

““HHii EEdd,, TThhaatt wwaass rreeaallllyy ggrreeaatt aanndd ssuucchh aa sscciieennttiiffiicc wwaayy ooff ssaayyiinngg MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoo aallll..

TThhaannkkss ssoo mmuucchh””.. EEvvyy ((PPrrooff.. EEvveellyynn LLaauurriittoo,, PPhh..DD..,, CCoolllleeggee ooff EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg,,

UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSaannttoo TToommaass,, MMaanniillaa))..

““NNiiccee oonnee ssiirr EEQQ.. aaddvvaannccee mmeerrrryy cchhrriissttmmaass ttoo yyoouu ttoooo,,”” GGiill ((MMrr.. GGiill PPeennuulliiaarr,, IInnssttiittuuttee

ooff BBiioollooggyy,, UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess DDiilliimmaann,, QQuueezzoonn CCiittyy))..

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd.. II tthhiinnkk tthhiiss iiss tthhee mmoosstt bbeeaauuttiiffuull cchhrriissttmmaass ccaarrdd II''vvee rreecceeiivveedd.. MMeerrrryy

CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd HHaappppyy NNeeww YYeeaarr!! ttiillll oouurr nneexxtt kkiittaakkiittss ((mmeeeettiinnggss)).. TTaakkee ggoooodd ccaarree,,””

EEssppiiee ((PPrrooff.. EEssppeerraannzzaa CCaabbrreerraa PPhh..DD..,, ffoorrmmeerr pprreessiiddeenntt ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinnee SSoocciieettyy

ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy ((PPSSMM)) aanndd eesstteeeemmeedd PPrrooffeessssoorr,, DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff BBiioollooggyy,, DDee LLaa

SSaallllee UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, MMaanniillaa))..

Page 13: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, VVeerryy pprreettttyy bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt cchhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee.. AA bblleesssseedd CChhrriissttmmaass ttoo yyoouu ttoooo

aanndd aallll tthhee bbeesstt ffoorr tthhee NNeeww YYeeaarr.. BByy tthhee wwaayy,, II hhaavvee rreettiirreedd ffrroomm AAtteenneeoo ssiinnccee llaasstt

JJuunnee.. II aamm uussiinngg tthhiiss eemmaaiill aaddddrreessss uunnttiill tthhee eenndd ooff tthhiiss yyeeaarr.. PPlleeaassee sseenndd aallll

ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss ttoo mmyy ootthheerr eemmaaiill:: bbaabbyy..aannggttuuaaccoo@@ggmmaaiill..ccoomm TThhaannkk yyoouu.. BBeesstt

rreeggaarrddss””,, BBaabbyy,, PPrrooff.. BBaabbyy AAnnggttuuaaccoo,, PPhh..DD.. AAtteenneeoo ddee MMaanniillaa UUnniivveerrssiittyy

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd:: TThhaannkk yyoouu vveerryy mmuucchh””.. JJiimmmmyy MMoonnttooyyaa,, JJaaiimmee MMoonnttooyyaa,, MM..DD..,, MM..SScc..

EExxeeccuuttiivvee DDiirreeccttoorr,, PPCCHHRRDD,, FFoorrmmeerr PPrreessiiddeenntt,, PPSSMMIIDD

““DDeeaarr DDrr.. QQuuiinnttoo;; TThhaannkk yyoouu vveerryy mmuucchh ffoorr tthhee ccrreeaattiivvee ccaarrdd.. HHoolliiddaayy ggrreeeettiinnggss ttoo yyoouu

ttoooo””!! AAllll bbeesstt,, LLiinnddaa GGrraahhaamm (( PPrrooff.. LLiinnddaa GGrraahhaamm,, PPhh..DD.. aauutthhoorr ooff tthhee iimmpprreessssiivvee

BBiioollooggyy TTeexxttbbooookk bbyy BBrrooookkeerr,, WWiiddmmaaiieerr,, GGrraahhaamm,, SSttiilliinngg))..

““HHeeyy EEddwwaarrdd!! AAmmaazziinngg ccrreeaattuurreess!! TThhaannkkss aa lloott””.. MMaaffeell,, PPrrooff.. MMaaffeell YYssrraaeell,, PPhh..DD..,, UUSSTT

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, II hhaavveenn''tt mmeett yyoouu aanndd II hhooppee wwee wwiillll iinn tthhee nneeaarr ffuuttuurree.. AAmm ffrroomm NNIISSMMEEDD

aa nneeiigghhbboorr ooff NNSSRRII..TThhaannkkss ffoorr tthhee ccrreeaattiivvee cchhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee wwhhiicchh AAuuxxiiee sseenntt ttoo ffrriieennddss..

PPeeaaccee bbee wwiitthh yyoouu””.. MMEERRLLEE ((MMeerrllee TTaann UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess))

““TThhaannkkss mmuucchh EEddwwaarrdd.. RReeaall nniiccee.. WWiillll ppaassss iitt ttoo mmiiccrroo ffrriieennddss,, iinn ppaarrttiiccuullaarr””.. LLoouu

((PPrrooff.. LLoouurrddeess CCaarrddeennaass,, PPhh..DD.. UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess aatt LLooss BBaaññooss))..

““EEddwwaarrdd,, AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!! ((IIddooll ttaallaaggaa kkiittaa””!! ==)) –– PPhhiilliipp ((PPrrooff.. PPhhiilliippppiinnaa MMaarrcceelloo,, UUSSTT

CCoolllleeggee ooff EEnnggiinneeeerriinngg,, aa ffrriieenndd aanndd ccoolllleeaagguuee))..

““NNiiccee sshhoott ooff tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt mmiiccrroobbeess””.. FFoorrttuunnee ((PPrrooff.. FFoorrttuunnaattoo SSeevviillllaa,, PPhh..DD..

UUSSTT mmyy uunnddeerrggrraadduuaattee tteeaacchheerr aanndd MMSS TThheessiiss aaddvviisseerr))

““LLiieebbeerr hheerrrr EEQQ,, GGrruueessssee aauuss MMaallaayyssiieenn!!!!!! !! DDiiee BBaakktteerriieenn ssiinndd sseehhrr sscchhooeenn,, vviieelleenn,,

vviieelleenn ddaannkk!!!!!! aalllleess gguuttee........bbiiss bbaalldd......TToomm”” ((PPrrooff.. TThhoommaass EEddiissoonn ddeellaa CCrruuzz,, UUSSTT,, aa

ffoorrmmeerr ssttuuddeenntt aanndd nnooww aa ccoolllleeaagguuee))

““AAmmaazziinngg.. TThhaannkkss ffoorr sshhaarriinngg iitt””!! XXeenniiaa TTiiggnnoo ((ffoorrmmeerr DDAAAADD aanndd HHaannnnss SSeeiiddeell


““HHii eeddwwaarrdd,, ffrruussttrraatteedd aakkoo kkaassii II ccaann''tt ooppeenn yyoouurr bbiioolluummiinnnneesscceenntt ccaarrdd.. pplleeaassee hheellpp,, ddii

yyaattaa ssuuppppoorrtteedd nngg ppcc kkoo yyuunngg ggiinnaammiitt mmoo.. wwhhaatt wwiillll II ooppeenn iitt wwiitthh?? eexxcciitteedd ppaa nnaammaann

aakkoo mmaakkiittaa aatt iippaaggmmaaggaalliinngg ssaa mmggaa hhiisscchhooooll ccllaassssmmaatteess kkoo.. wwaarrmm rreeggaarrddss””,, DDeell ((PPrrooff..

DDrr.. DDeelliiaa OOnntteennggccoo ooff tthhee UUSSTT GGrraadduuaattee SScchhooooll aanndd ffoorrmmeerr pprreessiiddeenntt ooff tthhee

PPhhiilliippppiinnee SSoocciieettyy ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy aanndd tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinnee AAccaaddeemmyy ffoorr MMiiccrroobbiioollooggyy))

““VVeerryy iinnnnoovvaattiivvee””!! MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoooo!! PPrrooff.. DDrr.. MMaarriibbeell GG.. NNoonnaattoo,, DDeeaann ooff tthhee

CCoolllleeggee ooff SScciieennccee aanndd PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff CChheemmiissttrryy ,, DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff CChheemmiissttrryy,,

CCoolllleeggee ooff SScciieennccee aanndd RReesseeaarrcchh CCeenntteerr ffoorr tthhee NNaattuurraall SScciieenncceess UUnniivveerrssiittyy

ooff SSaannttoo TToommaass,, EEssppaannaa..

Page 14: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

““II ccaann''tt aaggrreeee wwiitthh tthheemm mmoorree SSiirr.. IItt wwaass iinnddeeeedd ccooooll aanndd aawweessoommee.. ''ccaann''tt hheellpp bbuutt ffeeeell

dduummbbffoouunnddeedd.. TThhaannkk yyoouu && MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass””!! KKaarreenn ((AAsssstt.. PPrrooff.. KKaarreenn SSaannttiiaaggoo,,

DDeepptt.. ooff CChheemmiissttrryy,, UUSSTT,, aa ccoolllleeaagguuee iinn rreesseeaarrcchh aanndd tteeaacchhiinngg))

“DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, AAnngg ggaalliinngg--ggaalliinngg nnaammaann......MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoooo EEddwwaarrdd.. TThhaatt''ss mmyy ffiirrsstt

aanndd tthhee bbeesstt CChhrriissttmmaass CCaarrdd””!! CCeecciillee ((AAsssstt.. PPrrooff.. CCeecciillee VViillllaarraazzaa,, DDeepptt.. ooff

CChheemmiissttrryy,, UUSSTT,, aa ccoolllleeaagguuee aanndd ffrriieenndd))

““HHii EEddwwaarrdd!! TThhaannkkss ffoorr sshhaarriinngg tthhiiss wwoonnddeerrffuull ttrreeee!! KKeeeepp uupp tthhee ggoooodd wwoorrkk aanndd hhooppiinngg

ttoo hhaavvee aa mmoorree ccoolloorrffuull ttrreeee nneexxtt yyeeaarr.. bbeesstt rreeggaarrddss””,, IIrreennee ((PPrrooff.. IIrreennee EE.. SSaammoonnttee,,

DDrr.. rreerr.. nnaatt..//PPhhDD))

““AAllaamm mmoo bbaa,, EEddwwaarrdd,, II sseenntt iitt ttoo aallll mmyy ffrriieennddss aanndd aatt tthhee eenndd II ggaavvee mmyy CChhrriissttmmaass

ggrreeeettiinnggss aanndd eennddeedd wwiitthh...... ffrroomm aa mmiiccrroobbiioollooggiisstt...... pprroouudd ttoo bbee oonnee!! AAnndd II hhaavvee ssoo

mmaannyy eennccoouurraaggiinngg ffeeeeddbbaacckk aanndd bbeeaauuttiiffuull ccoommmmeennttss.. PPeerroo ddii bbaa ppllaanntt ttaallaaggaa yyaann??

KKaassii wwee aarree hhaavviinngg oouurr NNPPSSPP ccoonnvveennttiioonn aanndd MMaaffeell aanndd II wweerree aappeeaakkiinngg aabboouutt iitt.. II

ssaaiidd II tthhiinnkk EEddwwaarrdd iinnccoorrppoorraatteedd tthhee mmiiccrroobbee iinnttoo aa ttrreeee.. SShhee ssaaiidd nnoo,, iitt iiss mmeeddiiaa aanndd

hhee ssttrreeaakkeedd tthhee oorrggaanniissmm oonn iitt.. NNoo II ssaaiidd,, ppllaanntt yyuunn.. AAnnoo nnggaa bbaa...... kkaassii yyuunngg mmggaa

ffrriieennddss kkoo nnaa nnoonn--sscciieennccee ttiinnaattaannoonngg aakkoo...... nnuunngg uunnaa nnggaa ssaabbii kkoo ssaa ffiisshh,, yyuunn ppaallaa

ssqquuiidd.. NNaakkuu EEddwwaarrdd,, ppaallaaggaayy kkoo iillaallaaggaayy nniillaa yyaanngg ffrroonntt ccoovveerr nngg jjoouurrnnaall,, ttaammaanngg ttaammaa

ssaa CChhrriissttmmaass sseeaassoonn!! BBiirroo mmoo ffrroomm tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess!! UUnnaa kkaanngg nnaakkaaiissiipp...... ssaannaa mmaaggkkaa

aawwaarrdd kkaa ddyyaann!! PPaarraa ttuullooyy gguussttoo kkoo ssuubbuukkaann.. CCuurriioouuss ttaallaaggaa aakkoo..

TThhiiss wwaass aallssoo sseenntt ttoo PPSSMM BBooaarrdd aanndd PPNNMMCCCC aanndd aallll ggoooodd ccoommmmeennttss...... II''llll tteellll AAnnttoonn

ttoo sshhooww iitt ttoo EEssppiiee.. TThhaannkkss,, EEddwwaarrdd””,, DDeell ((PPrrooff.. DDeelliiaa OOnntteennggccoo,, PPhh..DD..,, UUSSTT aa

ccoolllleeaagguuee aanndd ffrriieenndd iinn tthhee GGrraadduuaattee SScchhooooll,, PPSSMM aanndd PPAAMM))

““DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, TThhaannkk yyoouu vveerryy mmuucchh ffoorr tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee!! TThhaannkkss ffoorr

cchhaannggiinngg tthhee ffoorrmmaatt.. AAtt lleeaasstt,, II ddoonn''tt ffeeeell hhooppeelleessss tthhiiss ttiimmee.. YYoouu''rree jjuusstt ggrreeaatt!! UUpp aanndd

oonn,, ddeeaarr ffrriieenndd!! MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoooo!! CCiiaaoo””,, AAlliiccee,, ((PPrrooff.. AAlliicciiaa AAgguuiinnaallddoo,, PPhh..DD..,, aann

eesstteeeemmeedd NNaattuurraall PPrroodduuccttss CChheemmiisstt wwoorrkkiinngg iinn UUSSTT))

““HHaalllloo EEddwwaarrdd,, ddaannkkee ffüürr ddiiee gguutteenn WWüünnsscchhee uunndd ddeenn bbiioolluummiinneesszziieerreennddeenn

WWeeiihhnnaacchhttssbbaauumm.. GGuuttee IIddeeee!! WWiirr wwüünnsscchheenn aauucchh IIhhnneenn eeiinn FFrroohheess WWeeiihhnnaacchhttssffeesstt..

SSeehhrr ggeennaauu eerriinnnneerrnn wwiirr uunnss nnoocchh aann ddiiee VVoorrbbeerreeiittuunnggeenn aauuff WWeeiihhnnaacchhtteenn aauuff ddeemm

CCaammppuuss ddeerr UUnniivveerrssiittäätt.. HHiieerr iinn DDeeuuttsscchhllaanndd iisstt eess ddiieessee JJaahhrr wweenniiggeerr TTrruubbeell mmiitt

WWeeiihhnnaacchhtteenn.. IIcchh bbeekkoommmmee ddaa ggaarr nniicchhttss vvoonn mmiitt,, ddaa iicchh kkeeiinnee ZZeeiitt hhaabbee,, iinn ddiiee SSttaaddtt

zzuu ggeehheenn.. HHeerrzzlliicchhee GGrrüüßßee aauucchh aann FFrraauu PPrrooff.. AAgguuiinnaallddoo””!! IIhhrr KK.. KKrroohhnn,, PPrrooff.. DDrr..

KKaarrsstteenn KKrroohhnn,, PPaaddeerrbboorrnn UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, GGeerrmmaannyy.. ((HHeelllloo EEddwwaarrdd,, tthhaannkkss ffoorr tthhee mmeerrrryy

wwiisshh aanndd tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee.. GGoooodd IIddeeaa!! WWee wwiisshh yyoouu aallssoo aa MMeerrrryy

CChhrriissttmmaass.. EExxaaccttllyy wwee rreemmeemmbbeerreedd tthhee pprreeppaarraattiioonn ffoorr CChhrriissttmmaass aatt tthhee ccaammppuuss ooff tthhee

uunniivveerrssiittyy.. HHeerree iinn GGeerrmmaannyy iinn tthhiiss yyeeaarr tthheerree iiss ffeewweerr hhuussttllee aanndd bbuussttllee wwiitthh CChhrriissttmmaass..

II ddoonn’’tt rreecceeiivveedd mmuucchh ooff iitt ssiinnccee II ddoonn’’tt hhaavvee ttiimmee ttoo ggoo ttoo tthhee cciittyy.. HHeeaarrttffeelltt ggrreeeettiinnggss ttoo

PPrrooff.. AAgguuiinnaallddoo””!! YYoouurr KK.. KKrroohhnn,, ((PPrrooff.. DDrr.. KKaarrsstteenn KKrroohhnn,, PPaaddeerrbboorrnn UUnniivveerrssiittyy,,


Page 15: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

““HHii SSiirr,, AAnngg ggaannddaa!! AAnnoo aanngg sseeccrreett dduuoonn?? NNiillaaggaayy nnyyoo ssaa ssooaapp ssuuddss yyuunngg VV..ff..””??

MMiimmaann ((AAsssstt.. PPrrooff.. MMaarryy AAnnnn GGoonnzzaalleezz--SSaannttooss,, aa ffoorrmmeerr ssttuuddeenntt aanndd ffrriieenndd

ppuurrssuuiinngg PPhhDD aatt tthhee MMaarriinnee SScciieennccee IInnssttiittuuttee,, UUPP DDiilliimmaann))

DDeeaarr EEddwwaarrdd,, HHeelllloo!!!!!! MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass!!!!!! GGllaadd ttoo hheeaarr ffrroomm yyoouu......WWOOOOOOOOWWWWWW

AAWWEESSOOMMEE!!!!!!!! cchhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee!!!!!!!! mmee aanndd mmoomm wweerree iimmpprreesssseedd!!!!!! WWiisshh wwee sseeee iitt ffoorr

rreeaall!!!! AAnnyywwaayy iiff eevveerr yyoouu vviissiitt mmee hheerree jjuusstt bbrriinngg mmee ssoommee ooff tthhoossee ......aamm ooffff ttooddaayy,, aamm

aallwwaayyss iinn ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh FFlloorreess ffaammiillyy.. AAllwwaayyss,, SSiinniiee ((SSiinniiee RReesseelloossaa,, aa ffrriieenndd aanndd

ffoorrmmeerr tteeaacchhiinngg ccoolllleeaagguuee iinn UUSSTT nnooww wwoorrkkiinngg aass aa nnuurrssee iinn TTeexxaass))

HHeelllloo EEdd!! tthhaannkkss aa lloott.. IIttss vveerryy nniiccee.. MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoo yyoouu.. RReeggaarrddss,, YYoollyy ((YYoollyy

OOcchhooaa IIllaaggaann,, CChheemmiisstt wwoorrkkiinngg iinn UUnniiLLaabb aanndd aa ffrriieenndd ffrroomm wwaayy bbaacckk iinn tthhee UUSSTT

GGrraadduuaattee SScchhooooll LLaabb))

HHii MMaa’’aamm MMiilllliiee!! tthhaannkkss aa lloott ffoorr tthhee bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt xx''mmaass ttrreeee!! AAnngg ggaalliinngg nnaammaann nnii ssiirr

EEQQ!! PPlleeaassee eexxtteenndd mmyy ccoonnggrraattuullaattiioonnss!! HHaavvee aa mmeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd aa hhaappppyy nneeww yyeeaarr

ttoooo!! IInnggaatt llaaggii!! CChheeeerrss,, VViivviiaann && DDaarrwwiinn ((VViivviiaann NNiiccoollaass,, aa ffrriieenndd aanndd ffoorrmmeerr

tteeaacchhiinngg ccoolllleeaagguuee iinn UUSSTT nnooww lliivviinngg iinn LLoonnddoonn))

MMeerrrryy cchhrriissttmmaass eevveerryyoonnee!! OOuurr mmiiccrroobbiioollooggyy pprrooffeessssoorr ooff tthhee ccoolllleeggee ooff sscciieennccee,, UUSSTT,,

EEdd QQuuiinnttoo,, ccaammee uupp wwiitthh tthhee ffiirrsstt bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt cchhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee!! rreeaadd oonn!! HHooppee yyoouu lliikkee

iitt!! GGaalliinngg ''nnoo??!! LLoovvee,, ppeeaaccee aanndd pprraayyeerrss,, MMiilllliiee GGiirrll ((MMiilllliiee OOccaammppoo,, aa ffrriieenndd aanndd

ffoorrmmeerr tteeaacchhiinngg ccoolllleeaagguuee iinn UUSSTT nnooww rreessiiddiinngg iinn NNeeww ZZeeaallaanndd))

CCOONNGGRRAATTSS!! PPaannggiinntteerrnnaattiioonnaall kkaa ttaallaaggaa.. II''mm hhaappppyy ffoorr yyoouu.. DDaappaatt ggaawwiinn kkaanngg FFuullll

PPrrooff 33 nnaa ddaahhiill ssuuppeerr --mmeerriittoorriioouuss ccaassee kkaa.. GGoodd bblleessss...... IInnggaattss........CChheeeerrss,, MMaayyeett ((AAnn

eesstteeeemmeedd ffrriieenndd -- PPrrooff.. DDrr.. MMaarriieettttaa BBaayyssaa,, UUSSTT CCoolllleeggee ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn))

TThhaannkk yyoouu.. MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass ttoo yyoouu aanndd yyoouurr ffaammiillyy .. PPrrooff.. DDrr.. CClloottiillddee NN.. AArrccaannggeell,,

DDeeaann,, CCoolllleeggee ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn;; UUnniivveerrssiittyy ooff SSaannttoo TToommaass

HHii EEddwwaarrdd!! GGrreeaatt ttoo hheeaarr ffrroomm yyoouu mmyy ffrriieenndd!! TThhaannkkss ffoorr tthhee

uunniiqquuee CChhrriissttmmaass ggrreeeettiinngg.. SSaakkaa nnaa kkiittaa ggrreeeett kkaassii hhiihhiinnggii ppaa aakkoo nngg rreeggaalloo NNiinnoonngg

hhaahhaahhaa......jjookkee jjookkee jjookkee..........RReeggaarrddss aanndd GGoodd bblleessss......FFiiddeess ((PPrrooff.. FFiiddeess TTaammbbaalloo,, aa

ggoooodd ffrriieenndd ffrroomm tthhee PPSSMM aanndd aa ffaaccuullttyy mmeemmbbeerr aatt tthhee IInnssttiittuuttee ooff BBiioollooggyy,, UUPPLLBB))

EEttoo ppaa...... bbuutt ddiidd nnoott kknnooww hhooww ttoo aannsswweerr hheerr qquueessttiioonn.. nnii llookkoo kkaassii aakkoo nnuunngg iibbaa

nnaa ppiinnaattaayy mmoo ddaaww yyuunngg ssqquuiidd!!!!!! hheehhee aamm ssuurree yyoouu ddiidd nnoott!!!!!! oorr ddiidd yyoouu??!! MMyy

GGoodd!! TThhaannkkss ffoorr tthhiiss MMiill ll iiee!! IIkkaakkaallaatt kkoo iittoo.. AAnngg ggaalliinngg -- ggaall iinngg nnii EEdd!! IIss tthhiiss rreeaall??

PPlleeaassee tteell ll hhiimm tthhaatt.. MMeerrrryy CChhrriissttmmaass!! TThhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr tthhee ggiifftt yyoouu ddoonnaatteedd..

LLuummiiggaayyaa kkaammii.. MMaa''aamm EEvveellyynn ((PPrrooff.. EEvveellyynn SSoonnggccoo,, aa bbeelloovveedd ccoolllleeaagguuee aanndd

eesstteeeemmeedd PPrrooffeessssoorr ooff tthhee CCoolllleeggee ooff EEdduuccaattiioonn,, UUSSTT))

Page 16: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

HHii SSiirr EEQQ,, II aamm ggrreeaattllyy hhoonnoorreedd ttoo rreecceeiivveedd ssuucchh aammaazziinngg pphhoottoo ffrroomm oonnee aanndd oonnllyy

ggrreeeenneerr ppaassttuurree mmiiccrroobbeess .......... aanngg ggaannddaa ggaannddaa!!!!!!!!!! RReeggaarrddss ttoo eevveerryybbooddyy..........mmiissss yyoouu

aallll,, TTeessss ((TTeerreessaa CCaallwwiitt,, aa ffrriieenndd aanndd tteeaacchhiinngg ccoolllleeaagguuee iinn UUSSTT,, nnooww rreessiiddiinngg iinn


HHii SSiirr QQuuiinnttoo,, SSaallaammaatt ppoo SSiirr QQuuiinnttoo.. CCoonnggrraattss ppoo ssaa bbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt cchhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee!!

KKrriissttiinnee ((KKrriissttiinnee HHuuttaallllee,, aa ffoorrmmeerr ssttuuddeenntt ppuurrssuuiinngg PPhh..DD.. iinn GGeerrmmaannyy))

HHii EEdd,, GGrreeaatt CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee!! MMeerrrryy XXmmaass aanndd mmoorree bbiioolluummiinniisscceennccee ttoo yyoouu aanndd ffoorr aallll ooff

uuss!! VViivviiaann TT.. ((PPrrooff.. VViivviiaann TToolleennttiinnoo ooff tthhee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff BBiioollooggyy,, AAtteenneeoo ddee

MMaanniillaa UUnniivveerrssiittyy,, aa ccoolllleeaagguuee aanndd ffrriieenndd))..

HHii EEddwwaarrdd,, YYoouurr CChhrriissttmmaass ttrreeee iiss bbeeaauuttiiffuull.. CCaann II ffoorrwwaarrdd iitt ttoo ssoommee mmeemmbbeerrss ooff aappssaapp

((AAssiiaa PPaacciiffiicc ssoocciieettyy ffoorr aapppplliieedd pphhyyccoollooggyy)) oouuttssiiddee tthhee ccoouunnttrryy.. TThhaannkkss

TTiittoo EEvvaannggeelliissttaa ((AA ccoolllleeaagguuee aanndd aann ooffffiicceerr ooff tthhee AAssssoocciiaattiioonn ooff SSyysstteemmaattiicc

BBiioollooggiissttss ooff tthhee PPhhiilliippppiinneess))..

The message in the Christmas card that I sent reads “No electricity to illuminate, just the

cold and clean blue-green radiance of the “Microbes of Light” shining in the dark for

hours in water and at room temperature”. Wishing one and all a Merry Blue-green

Christmas. The photo can surely make a good screen saver for the coming yuletide

season. You can email me at [email protected] or

[email protected] and I will send you the photo for your desktop and laptop


A wonderful screen saver for your computer this Christmas time

Page 17: BIOLUMIN - Blue Light Green World

Bioluminescence holds so much promise for providing green solutions and practical

applications to safeguard public health and to protect environment from pollution. So let

us explore and try to uncover the full potentials of this promising blue light. In a world

beset with so many problems on energy and pollution, it is perhaps wise to the see the

world in a different light, the light of Bioluminescence.

Last year for 2008, I sent this card of a digital-camera enhanced photo of a

Bioluminescence illuminated Gift-bearing Santa Claus.

AA hheeaarrttffeelltt wwiisshh ooff aa MMeerrrryy BBiioolluummiinneesscceenntt CChhrriissttmmaass

ttoo OOnnee aanndd AAllll..

LLeett uuss aallll wwaaggee wwaarr oonn GGlloobbaall WWaarrmmiinngg ttoo eennssuurree tthhee

ccoonnttiinnuueedd hheeaalltthhyy eexxiisstteennccee ooff oouurr bbeeaauuttiiffuull BBiioosspphheerree

lloonngg iinnttoo tthhee ddiissttaanntt ffuuttuurree!!!!!!
