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  • 7/29/2019 biologi ting 4 kertas 1



    Nama : ________________________________________ Tingkatan : 4 ____________

    Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun 2012


    SMK Pujut

    Time : 1 HOUR 15 MINUTES

    MASA : 1 J AM 15 MINIT

    Instruction : Answer all question. Answer each question by blackening the correct space on the objective

    answer sheet.

    Arahan : Jawab semua soalan. Jawab setiap soalan dengan menghitamkan jawapan yang betul di

    kertas jawapan objektif.

    1. Which of the following organelles contains photosynthetic pigment?

    Antara organel berikut yang manakah mempunyai pigmen fotosintesis?

    A C

    B D

    2. Diagram 1 shows a type of animal tissue. What is the tissue?

    Rajah 1 menunjukkan sejenis tisu haiwan. Apakah tisu tersebut?

    A Epithelial tissue

    Sel epitilium

    B Connective tissue

    Tisu penghubung

    C Smooth muscle tissue

    Tisu otot licin

    D Skeletal muscle tissue

    Tisu otot rangka

    3. Which process does not use energy released by respiration?

    Antara proses berikut yang manakah tidak menggunakan tenaga yang dihasilkan semasa respirasi?A Passage of nerve impulses

    Penghantaran impulse

    B Active transport of glucose into the villi

    Pengangkutan aktif glukosa ke dalam vilus

    C Formation of gametes in the gonads

    Pembentukan gamet di gonadD Diffusion of oxygen across the alveolar surface

    Resapan oksigen merentasi permukaan alveolus

    Digram 1

    Rajah 1

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    4. Diagram 2 shows the action of an enzyme sucrase on sucrose.

    Rajah 2 menunjukkan tindakan enzim sukrase ke atas sukrosa.

    Diagram 2

    Rajah 2

    What is P, Q , R and S ?

    Apakah P, Q, R dan S?

    P Q R S

    A Sucrose Sucrase Glucose Fructose

    B Sucrase Sucrose Glucose Fructose

    C Sucrose Sucrase Galactose Glucose

    D Sucrase Sucrose Galactose Fructose

    5. Diagram 3 shows a stage of meiosis in a plant cell.Rajah 3 menunjukkan satu peringkat meiosis dalam satu sel tumbuhan.

    Diagram 3

    Rajah 3

    What is the stage?

    Apakah peringkat tersebut?

    A Metaphase I C Anaphase I

    Metafase I Anafasa I

    B Metaphase II D Anaphase II

    Metafasa II Anafasa II

    6. What is the optimum temperature for enzyme reaction in the human body?

    Apakah suhu optimum bagi tindak balas enzim dalam badan manusia?

    A 27oC C 30


    B 37


    C D 40




    What is the condition that he might suffer from if this diet is prolonged?

    Apakah keadaan yang akan dialami sekiranya diet ini berpanjangan?

    A Ricket C Anaemia

    Riket Anemia

    B Scurvy D Beri-beri

    Skurvi Beri-beri




    Aboys diet is deficient in iron

    Seorang budak lelaki kekurangan zat besi dalam pemakanannya

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    8. Two species of organism have a relationship where both organisms benefit. What is this


    Dua spesies organisma mempunyai satu hubungan dengan keadaan kedua-dua organisma

    mendapat keuntungan. Apakah hubungan ini?

    A Mutualism C Saprophytism

    Mutualisme Saprofitisme

    B Parasitism D Commensalism

    Parasitisme Komensalisme

    9. Diagram 4 shows a chromosomal behaviour during meiosis.

    Rajah 4 menunjukkan pelakuan kromosom sewaktu meiosis.

    What is the importance of this chromosomal behaviour?

    Apakah kepentingan perlakuan kromosom ini?A Producing new cells C Repairing injured tissues

    Penghasilan sel-sel baru Membaiki tisu rosak

    B Producing variation D Regenerating new tissues

    Menghasilkan variasi Petumbuhan semula tisu baru

    10. The following data is the result of an experiment to determine the energy values of a peanut.

    Data berikut merupakan keputusan suatu eksperimen untuk menentukan nilai tenaga bagi kacang


    Mass of peanut

    Jisim kacang tanah0.5 g

    Mass of water

    Jisim air20 g

    Initial temperature of water

    Suhu awal air25 oC

    Final temperature of water

    Suhu akhir air45 oC

    The specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 J g-1oC-1. Calculate the energy value of the peanut.

    Muatan haba tentu air ialah 4.2 J g-1oC-1. Hitung nilai tenaga bagi kacang tanah.

    A 1 680 J g-1 C 7 560 J g-1

    B 3 360 J g-1 D 11 760 J g


    11. The equation below shows the fermentation process by yeast.

    Persamma di bawah menunjukkan proses fermentasi oleh yis.

    A Ethanol and lactic acid C Ethanol and carbon dioxide

    Etanol dan asid laktik Etanol dan karbon dioksida

    B Carbon dioxide and water D Lactic acid and carbon dioxide

    Karbon dioksida dan air Asid laktik dan karbon dioksida

    Diagram 4

    Rajah 4

    Glucose X + Y + energy

    Glukosa X + Y + tenaga

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    12. Diagram 5 shows the phases in the cell cycle. What is the phase of the cell cycle represented by R?

    Gambarajah 5 menunjukkan fasa dalam kitar sel. Apakah fasa yang diwakili oleh R dalam kitar


    A G1 phase C G2 phase

    Fasa G1 Fasa G2

    B S phase D M phase

    Fasa S Fasa M

    13. A plant cell is immersed in distilled water. Which of the following is true about the movement of

    water molecules in the early stage?

    Satu sel tumbuhan direndam dalam air suling. Antara yang berikut, yang manakah benar tentangpergerakan molekul air di peringkat awal?

    A The rate of water molecules exiting the cell is higher than entering the cell

    Kadar molekul air keluar dari sel adalah lebih tinggi daripada masuk ke dalam sel.

    B The rate of water molecules entering the cell is higher than exiting the cell

    Kadar molekul air masuk ke dalam sel adalah lebih tinggi daripada keluar dari sel

    C No water molecules are entering or exiting the cell

    Tiada molekul air masuk ke dalam sel atau keluar dari sel

    D The rate of water molecules entering and exiting the cell is the same

    Kadar molekul air masuk ke dalam sel dan keluar dari sel adalah sama

    14. The following shows the results of an experiment to determine the content of Vitamin C in orangejuice.

    Berikut adalah keputusan eksperimen untuk menentukan kandungan Vitamin C di dalam jus oren.

    Volume of orange juice used to decolourise 1 cm of DCPIP solution = 3.4 cm

    Isipadu jus oren yang digunakan untuk melunturkan warna 1 cm3 larutan DCPIP = 3.4cm3

    (1.3 cm3 of 0.1% ascorbic acid is needed to decolourise 1 cm3 of DCPIP solution)

    (1.3 cm3 0.1% asid askorbik diperlukan untuk melunturkan 1 cm3 larutan DCPIP)

    What is the percentage of Vitamin C in the orange juice?

    Apakah peratusan Vitamin C dalam jus oren tersebut?

    A 0.026% C 0.038%

    B 0.260% D 0.380%

    15. The following statements are about an organelle of a cell.

    Pernyataan berikut adalah berkaitan dengan organel suatu sel.

    - Exists freely in the cytoplasm or attached to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

    Terdapat di dalam sitoplasma secara bebas atau melekat pada jalinan endoplasma kasar.

    - Site of the protein synthesis

    Tapak sistesis protein

    What is the organelle?

    Apakah organel ini?

    A Vacuole C Nucleus

    Vakuol NukleusB Ribosome D Golgi body

    Ribosom Jasad golgi


    P Q


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    16. Which of the following is the product of anaerobic respiration in human muscle cells?

    Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan hasil respirasi anaerob dalam sel otot manusia?

    A Lactic acid C Ethanol

    Asid laktik Etanol

    B Carbon dioxide D Water

    Karbon dioksida Air

    17. Diagram 6 shows the structure of a protein molecule,Rajah 6 menunjukkan struktur molekul protein.

    Which is the level of organisation of this protein?

    Apakah aras organisasi protein ini?A Primary C Tertiary

    Primer Tertier

    B Secondary D Quaternary

    Sekunder Kuartener

    18. Diagram 7 shows a cross section of a dicotyledonous stem.

    Rajah 7 menunjukkan keratan rentas bagi batang dikotiledon.

    Which of the parts A, B, C and D is phloem?

    Antara bahagian A, B C dan D, yang manakah merupakan floem ?

    19. Which statement are correct about aerobic respiration?

    Pernyataan yang manakah betul mengenai respirasi aerob?

    I Occurs in cytoplasm

    Berlaku dalam sitoplasma

    II Complete oxidation of glucose

    Pengoksidaan glukosa yang lengkap

    III High energy release per glucose molecule

    Tenaga yang dihasilkan per molekul glukosa tinggi

    IV Occur when there was no oxygen

    Berlaku ketika ketiadaan oksigen

    A I and II only C I and IV only

    I dan II sahaja I dan IV sahajaB II and III only D III and IV only

    II dan III sahaja III dan IV sahaja

    Diagram 6

    Rajah 6




    Diagram 7

    Rajah 7

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    20. Which of the following are true about saturated fats?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang lemak tepu?

    I Low content of cholesterol

    Kandungan kolesterol rendah

    II Solid at room temperature

    Berbentuk pepejal pada suhu bilik

    III Maximum content of hydrogen atoms

    Kandungan atom hidrogen yang maksimumIV At least one double bond between the carbon atoms

    Sekurang-kurangnya satu ikatan ganda dua di antara atom-atom karbon

    A I and IV only C II and III only

    I dan IV sahaja I dan III sahaja

    B I, II and III only D II, III and IV only

    I,II dan III sahaja II, III dan IV sahaja

    21. The following shows the formation of a sucrose molecule.

    Yang berikut menunjukkan pembentukkan molekul sukrosa.

    Glucose + Molecule R Sucrose + Water

    Glukosa Molekul R Sukrosa AirWhat is molecule R?

    Apakah molekul R?

    A Glucose C Fructose

    Glukosa Fruktosa

    B Lactose D Galactose

    Laktosa Galaktosa

    22. Diagram 8 shows the set up of an experiment.

    Rajah 8 menunjukkan satu set eksperimen.

    Which graph shows the changes in the mass of the Visking tubing in 30 minutes?

    Graf yang manakah menunjukkan perubahan jisim tiub Visking dalam masa 30 minit?

    A C

    B D

    Diagram 8

    Rajah 8

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    23. Diagram 9 shows a root system in a mangrove tree.

    Rajah 9 menunjukkan sistem akar pada satu pokok bakau.

    What is the function of structure M ?

    Apakah fungsi struktur M?

    A Excrete excess salt C Support

    Menyingkirkan garam berlebihan Sokongan

    B Gaseous exchange D Regulate osmotic pressure

    Pertukaran gas Mengawalatur tekanan osmotik

    24. The formation and dissociation of oxyhaemoglobin is summarised as follows:

    Pembentukan dan penguraiaan oksihemoglobin dirumuskan seperti berikut:

    Where does process X and Y takes place in the human body?

    Di manakah proses X dan Y berlaku dalam badan manusia?

    X Y

    A Lungs


    Body cells

    Sel badan

    B Body cells

    Sel badan



    C Heart


    Body cells

    Sel badan

    D Body cells

    Sel badan



    25. Which of the following are abiotic component in an ecosystem?

    Antara yang berikut, yang manakah merupakan komponen abiotik dalam suatu ekosistem?

    I ConsumerPengeluar

    II Humidity


    III Decomposer


    IV Light intensity

    Keamatan cahaya

    A I and II only C II and IV only

    I dan II sahaja II dan IV sahaja

    B I and III only D III and IV onlyI dan III sahaja III dan IV sahaja

    Diagram 9

    Rajah 9


    Oxygen + Haemoglobin X Oxyhaemoglobin

    Oksigen Hemoglobin Y Oksihemoglobin

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    26. Diagram 10 shows an organic compound.

    Rajah 10 menunjukkan sejenis sebatian organik.

    Which of the following enzymes can hydrolyse the organic compound?

    Antara enzim berikut, yang manakah boleh menghidrolisis sebatian organic tersebut?

    A Lipase C Protease

    Lipase Protease

    B Zimase D Sucrase

    Zimase Sukrase

    27. The chemical equation shows a type of respiration in human muscle during vigorous exercise.

    Persamaan kimia menunjukkan sejenis respirasi yang berlaku dalam otot manusia semasa aktiviti


    Which statement explain why muscle cells needs more oxygen just after the activity?

    Apakah pernyataan yang menerangkan kenapa sel otot memerlukan lebih oksigen sebaik sahaja

    selepas aktiviti tersebut?

    A To transfer lactic acid from muscle tissue to the liver

    Memindahkan asid laktik dari tisu otot ke hati

    B To oxidise lactic acid to produce energy

    Mengoksidakan asid laktik bagi menghasilkan tenaga

    C To oxidize lactic acid to glucose

    Mengoksidakan asid laktik kepada glukosaD To convert glucose to glycogen

    Menukarkan glukosa kepada glikogen

    28. The number of chromosomes in a skin cell of a cat has a diploid number of chromosomes 24. What

    is the chromosomal number in its gametes?

    Bilangan kromosom di dalam sel kulit seekor kucing adalah nombor diploid iaitu 24 kromosom.

    Apakah bilangan kromosom di dalam sel gamet kucing itu?

    A 12 C 24

    B 36 D 6

    29. The following information is related to process occurring in an ecosystem.

    Maklumat berikut adalah berkaitan dengan proses yang berlaku dalam suatu ekosistem

    The process is

    Proses tersebut ialah

    A Colonization C Succession

    Kolonisasi SesaranB Competition D Evolution

    Persaingan Evolusi

    Diagram 10Rajah 10

    C6H12O6 2C3H6O3 + 150kJ

    The pioneer species is replace by a new species which is more adapted to the habitat.Spesis perintis diganti oleh sepsis baru yang lebih mengadaptasi dengan habitat.

    The process occur gradually over along time of period time

    Proses berlaku beransur-ansur pada jangka masa yang panjang

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    30. Diagram 11 shows a plant cell which has been put into a particular solution.

    Rajah 11 menunjukkan sel tumbuhan yang telah dimasukkan ke dalam larutan tertentu.

    Which is experienced by the cell and type of the particular solution?

    Apakah yang dialami oleh sel itu dan jenis larutan tersebut?



    Type of solution

    Jenis larutan

    A Plasmolysis


    Hypotonic solution

    Larutan hipotonik

    B Deplasmolysis


    Hypertonic solution

    Larutan hipertonik

    C HaemolysisHemolisis

    Hypotonic solutionLarutan hipertonik

    D Plasmolysis


    Hypertonic solution

    Larutan hipertonik

    31. Which of the following is not the factor that effecting the rate of photosynthesis?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah bukan merupakan faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar fotosistesis?A Light intensity C Temperature

    Keamatan cahaya Suhu

    B Carbon dioxide concentration D Humidity

    Kepekatan karbon dioksida Kelembapan udara

    32. Which of the following is correctly matched about the field in biology?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah dipadankan dengan betul tentang bidang biologi?

    Field of study

    Bidang kajianStudy

    KajianA Physiology


    Research about structure of organism

    Kajian tentang struktur organisma

    B Ecology


    Research about microorganism

    Kajian tentang mikroorganisma

    C Zoology


    Research about ecosystem

    Kajian tentang ekosistemD Botany


    Research about plant

    Kajian tentang tumbuhan

    33. Which organelle stores, packages and distributes the proteins and lipids made in the endoplasmic


    Organel manakah yang menyimpan, membungkus dan mengagihkan protein dan lipid yang


    A Vacuole C Ribosome

    Vakuol Ribosom

    B Golgi apparatus D Endoplasmic reticulum

    Jasad golgi Jalinan endoplasma

    Diagram 11Rajah 11

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    34. The following statements are about the rate of photosynthesis.

    Pernyataan berikut adalah mengenai kadar fotosintesis.

    The rate of photosynthesis increase when light intensity becomes higher. In some plants, the rate of

    photosynthesis deacrease in the middle of a hot sunny day.

    Kadar fotosintesis meningkat apabila keamatan cahaya semakin bertambah. Bagi sesetengah

    tumbuhan, kadar fotosintesis berkurang pada waktu tengah hari yang panas.

    Which of the following explains the above statements?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah menerangkan pernyataan di atas?A The palisade cells plasmolyse due to water loss

    Sel palisad mengalami plasmolisis akibat kehilangan air

    B The enzymes involved in photosynthesis are denatured

    Enzim yang terlibat dalam fotosintesis telah ternyahasli

    C The stomatal pores close to reduce the loss of water from the leaves

    Liang stomata tertutup untuk mengurangkan kehilangan air daripada daun

    D The chloroplast in the palisade cells are destroyed by the heat

    Kloroplas dalam sel palisad dimusnahkan oleh haba

    35. Diagram 12 shows a human respiratory system.

    Rajah 12 menunjukkan sistem respirasi manusia.

    What happen to structure R during exhalation?

    Apakah yang berlaku kepada struktur R semasa menghembus nafas?

    A Relaxes and becomes flatten

    Mengendur dan menjadi leper

    B Contracts and becomes flatten

    Mengecut dan menjadi leper

    C Relaxes and becomes dome shape

    Mengendur dan menjadi bentuk kubah

    D Contracts and becomes dome shape

    Mengecut dan menjadi bentuk kubah

    36. A person who purposely vomits after taking excessive food is suffering from

    A BulimiaBulimia

    B Obesit


    C constipation


    D Anorexia nervosa

    Aneroksia nervosa


    Diagram 12

    Rajah 12

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    37. Diagram 12 shows the structure of a plasma membrane.

    Rajah 12 menunjukkan struktur membran plasma.

    What substance cannot move across through P?

    Apakah bahan yangtidak boleh bergerak merentasi P?A Oxygen C Glucose

    Oksigen Glukosa

    B Carbon dioxide D Fatty acid

    Karbon dioksida Asid lemak

    38. Diagram 13 shows a unicellular organism.

    Rajah 13 menunjukkan organisma unisel.

    This organism takes in organic substances for cellular respiration through a process known as

    Organisma ini mengambil bahan organic untuk respirasi sel melalui proses yang dikenali sebagai

    A Osmosis C Pseudopodium

    Osmosis Pseudopodia

    B Phagocytosis D Osmoregulator

    Fagositisis Kawal atur osmosis

    39. Which of the following is correct about the light and dark reaction

    Antara berikut, yang manakah benar tentang tindak balas cahaya dan tindak balas gelap

    Light reaction

    Tindak balas cahayaDark reaction

    Tindak balas gelapA Occurs in stroma

    Berlaku di stroma

    Occurs in grana

    Berlaku di grana

    B ATP is produced

    ATP dihasilkan

    ATP is used

    ATP digunakan

    C No reduction of carbon dioxide

    Tiada penurunan karbon dioksida

    There is reduction of carbon dioxide

    Terdapat penurunan karbon dioksidaD No oxygen is produced

    Tiada oksigen dihasilkan

    Oxygen is produced

    Oksigen dihasilkan

    40. Which of the following is not true about meiosis I?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah tidak benar mengenai meiosis I

    A During prophase I, the chromosome begin to condense

    Semasa profasa I, kromosom mula menebal

    B After telophase I, two haploid daughter cells are formed

    Selepas telofasa I, dua sel anak haploid terbentuk

    C During anaphase I, homologous chromosomes lined up in the equatorial plane

    Semasa anafasa I, kromosom homolog berbaris di garisan khatulistiwaD During metaphase I, homologous chromosomes pair up and crossing over takes place

    Semasa metafasa I, kromosom homolog berpasangan dan pindah silang berlaku

    Diagram 12

    Rajah 12


    Diagram 13

    Rajah 13

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    41. Which of the following is the first trophic level in the pyram if number?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah berada pada aras trofik pertama dalam piramid nombor?

    A Grasshopper C Snake

    Belalang Ular

    B Eagle D Grass

    Helang Rumput

    42. Diagram 14 shows the energy flow from producer to secondary consumer.Rajah 14 menunjukkan aliran tenaga daripada pengeluar kepada pengguna sekunder.

    What is the total energy passed down to the secondary consumer?

    Apakah jumlah tenaga yang diterima oleh pengguna sekunder?

    A 1080 kJ C 360 kJ

    B 720 kJ D 120 kJ

    43. Diagram 15 shows a respiratory structure in an organism.

    Rajah 15 menunjukkan struktur respirasi dalam satu organisma.

    What is the respiratory structure shown in the diagram?

    Apakah struktur respirasi yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah tersebut?

    A Gills C AlveolusInsang Alveolus

    B Trachea D Moist skin

    Trakea Kulit lembap

    44. What is the process that undergo by the red blood cell when being immersed in a hypertonic solution

    for 30 minutes?

    Apakah proses yang dialami oleh sel darah merah apabila direndam di dalam larutan hipertonik

    selama 30 minit?

    A Haemolysis C Burst

    Hemolasi Pecah

    B Plasmolysis D CrenationPlasmolisis Krenasi

    Secondary consumer

    Pengguna sekunder

    60% loss in its feaces

    60% hilang melalui tinja

    30% used for primary consumer repiration

    30% digunakan untuk respirasi pengguna primer


    PengeluarPrimary consumer 1200kJ

    Pengguna primer 1200kJ

    Diagram 14

    Rajah 14

    Diagram 15

    Rajah 15

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    45. Diagram 16 shows the nucleus of a cell. The cell is treated with Vinblastine which is a chemical

    that inhibits the formation of spindle fibres.

    Rajah 16 menunjukkan nukleus satu sel. Sel tersebut telah dirawat dengan Vinblastine iaitu sejenis

    bahan kimia yang merencatkan penghasilan gentian gelendung.

    What is the correct number of chromosomes in its daughter cell after a mitotic division?

    Apakah bilangan kromosom yang betul dalam sel anak selepas satu pembahagian mitosis?

    Daughter cell I

    Sel anak I

    Daughter cell II

    Sel anak II

    A 6 0

    B 3 0C 3 3

    D 6 6

    46. Diagram 17 shows the cell organisation in a multicellular organism.

    Rajah 17 menunjukkan organisasi sel dalam organisma multisel.

    Which part of the body can be represented by R?Apakah bahagian badan yang boleh diwakili oleh R

    A Ligament C Blood

    Ligamen Darah

    B Epithelium D Liver

    Epitelium Hati

    47. The following are four types of enzymes.

    Berikut adalah empat jenis enzim.

    Which nutrient can be hydrolysed by all the four types of enzymes?

    Nutrien yang manakah boleh dihidrolisiskan oleh kesemua empat enzim tersebut?

    A Carbohydrate C Mineral salt

    Karbohidrat Garam mineralB Protein D Lipid

    Protein Lipid

    Cell Tissue R System Organism

    Sel Tisu Sistem Organisma

    Diagram 17

    Rajah 17

    Diagram 16

    Rajah 16


    Amilase Sucrase






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    48. Diagram 18 shows the process of cloning a sheep.

    Rajah 18 menunjukkan proses pengklonan kambing biri-biri.

    Which of the following is true about the process?

    Antara berikut, yang manakah benar berkaitan proses tersebut?

    I Cell P has diploid number of chromosome

    Sel P mempunyai bilangan kromosom diploid

    II Cell Q has diploid number of chromosomes

    Sel Q mempunyai bulangan kromosom diploid

    III Cell R is formed by asexual reproduction

    Sel R dihasilkan oleh pembiakan aseksual

    IV The characteristics of offspring X are the same as in sheep B

    Ciri-ciri anak X sama dengan kambing biri-biri B

    A II and IV only C II and III only

    II dan IV sahaja II dan III sahaja

    B I and IV only D I, III and IV only

    I dan IV sahaja I, III dan IV sahaja

    Sheep A

    Kambing biri-biri A

    Cell R

    Sel R

    Cell P taken from the ovary

    Sel P diambil dari ovari

    Cell Q taken from the

    mammary gland

    Sel Q diambil dari

    kelenjar susu

    Sheep B

    Kambing biri-biri B

    Offspring XAnak X

    Diagram 18

    Rajah 18

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    49. The following statement is about an ecology term.

    Pernyataan berikut adalah mengenai istilah dalam ekologi.

    A group of organism that looks alike and has similar characteristics.

    Sekumpulan organisma yang kelihatan serupa dan mempunyai ciri-ciri yang sama

    What is the statement refered to?

    Apakah yang dirujuk oleh pernyataan di atas?

    A Niche C Population

    Nic PopulasiB Community D Species

    Komuniti Spesis

    50. What is the characteristic of active transport?

    Apakah cirri-ciri pengankutan aktif?

    A Substance move down concentration gradient

    Subtrat bergerak menuruni kecerunan kepekatan

    B Need energy

    Memerlukan tenaga

    C Move through phospholipid bilayerBergerak menerusi dwilapisan fosfolipid

    D Involve water

    Melibatkan air

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF QUESTION~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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    Bilogi & Matematik
