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Page 1: Bioethics Unit Plan

Bioethics Unit PlanHelen K. Sprague

EDU 707

University of New England

Page 2: Bioethics Unit Plan


• Key Ideas and Details

11-12 RST. 1, 2

• Craft and Structure

11-12 RST. 4

• Integration of Knowledge and


11-12 RST 7, 9

• Text Types and Purposes

11-12 WST. 1 a-e

• Production and Distribution

11-12 WST. 4, 5

• Research to Build and Present


11-12 WST. 7, 8, 9


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Thesis Generator website (March, 2009)


National Institutes of Health Materials – modules 1-4 (2012)

Download from website materials from website (Read Theory, 2012)

The Owl at Purdue APA PowerPoint (2013)

Peer-Editing PowerPoint and checklist

Laptop and Internet

Paper and pencils/pens, chart paper

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English Tr.Support for pretests and looking at student work

ParentProvide a positive learning environment at home and expresses value in education

SchoolImplement writing into all courses across curriculum

TeacherFacilitator – delivers instruction, supports, conferences and assesses

StudentParticipant –acquires and hones skills to show improvement

LibrarianResearch Assistant

guides student

through MARVEL

Shared ResponsibilityMajor Stakeholders and Their Roles

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Item 5

Research and choose ethical issue and develop

Thesis. Map out paper.

Direct Instruction for writing and grammar.

•Content and Writing TopicsSequence of unit sub-topic presentation

Content – Ethical Questions, Relevant Facts, Who or

What Affected, and Ethical Considerations

APA paper stylistics and citations

Revision – Peer editing for content and

mechanics. Self-score to the rubric

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3

Item 4

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Week 1

Modules 1-4


April 1-5

Week 2


Data base



April 8-12

Week 3




Direct Writing


April 15-19

Timeline of Instruction

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Week 4

Graphic Organizer

APA Stylistics



April 29-May 3

Week 5

Compliment Suggestions


Peer Editing

May 6-7

End of Week 5


Self Score to Rubric


May 8-10

Timeline Continued

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• They learn about the concept of an ethical question through a sorting activity involving four types of questions

• Ethical, scientific, legal, and personal preferences

• The activity allows students to learn not only about ethical questions, but also about what distinguishes them from other types of questions.

•Distinguishing Ethical Questions

Scientific How do vaccines work?

Ethical Who should receive a vaccine that is in short

supply—a very young person or a very old person?

Legal Does the United States permit the death penalty?

Ethical Is killing always wrong?

Personal Preference How should parents discipline their

children? Ethical Is it fair to require

everyone to wear a school uniform?

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• Scientific

• Scientific data related to content

• Vocabulary and concepts

• Societal

• Society’s considerations

• Individual vs community

•Relevant FactsScientific and Societal

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• Using organ

donation, students try to

prioritize using the


• Are likely to live the longest if given

the resource

• Are the sickest

• Are the youngest

• Are the most valuable to society

• Are least responsible for their disease

• Win in a lottery.

•Who or What is AffectedDetermining Fairness

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• Respect for Persons

• Harms and Benefits

• Fairness

• Responsibility

• Under what circumstances, and to what extent, should we respect an individual’s choice?

• What are the risks and benefits for individuals and communities?

• Is fair always equal?

• What responsibilities do individuals have to their community?


•Relevant Ethical Considerations

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• Introduction to MARVEL data base

• Filters for peer reviewed and Lexilerange

• Abstracts

• Keeping track of references

• Valid and reliable resources

• Reference page basics

ResearchTopic Choosing – Resources and References

• Pros and cons

• Thesis development

• Graphic organizer –Persuasion Map

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Direct Instruction


Peer Editing


Read out loud

Self score to rubric

Beginning with direct instruction of specific skills, the process continues with practice and the rough draft.

Students look at each other’s work and peer edit. Corrections are made. Reading out loud can be a valuable tool for paper fluency and should be done before scoring to the rubric

Once the paper is scored and submitted for teacher evaluation, more specific or increased rigor may be identified. The cycle continues with more direct instruction, practice, peer editing, corrections and self-scoring.

•The Writing ProcessWriting is cyclic process

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Verb Tense and Irregular Verbs

Direct Writing SubtopicsEach topic has a pretest and tiered level of difficulty,

which allows for some differentiation.Descriptive Writing


Comma Use

Sentence and Paragraph Structure

Thesis Statement

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Each of the four segments of writing instruction can be differentiated along a continuum from elemental to complex.

Stations can be set up and students can rotate through working on different skills at an individually challenging level.

Students come to know writing as a continuing process

and not just a one

time occurrence.

Writing Skills Practice

Parts of Speech

Sentence Structure

Paragraph Structure

Paper Stylistics

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• Cover Page

• Third Person

• Headings

• Font size and Style

• Line Spacing

• Abstract or Not

• In text Citations

• Signal Phrases

• Reference Page Entries

• Hanging Indent

• ABC Order

• Double Space


APA Paper RequirementsFrom the Owl at Purdue (2013)

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• Show Me Sentences

• Scrambled Sentences

• Imaging Metaphors

• Thinking Sentences

• Same Facts, Different


• Cooperative Learning

• Summarizing and Note Taking

• Identifying Similarities and


• Nonlinguistic Representation

DEAN & ET AL (2012)

Additional Strategies For WritingDepending on student needs, the following strategies

may be implemented.

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Peer Editing

Students examine a

partner’s writing looking at

specific criteria and giving

feedback in the form of

compliments, suggestions,

and corrections.

By examining each other’s

work, students learn to

examine their own work

and to hone the skills of


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• Students may express emotion and not fact

• May need to explore science concepts to better understand

• Students may struggle with finding appropriate material

• Struggle with vocabulary

• Students may not embrace the writing ―process‖ and write once and done

• Struggle with APA

• Struggle with peer editing

Content Research Writing

Possible ObstaclesSolutions to obstacles will vary, may include remediation,

conferencing, different strategies, or more practice.

Differentiation is met with some of these solutions.

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Baines, L., & Kunkel, A. J. (2010). Going bohemian: how to teach writing like you mean it (2nd ed.).

Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

Common Core State Standard Initiative. (2012). English language arts standards. Retrieved from

Dean, C. B., Hubbell, E. R., Pitler, H., & Stone, B. (2012). Classroom instruction that works

research- based strategies for increasing student achievement. (2nd ed.). Denver, CO: Mid-

continent Research for Education and Learning.

Literacy Design Collaborative. (2012). Template task collection. Retrieved from

March, T. (2009). Persuasive essay thesis generator & online outliner. Retrieved from http://

National Institutes of Health. (2012). Exploring bioethics. Retrieved from http://

Purdue University. (2013). The owl at purdue. Retrieved from


Read Theory. (2012). English is for everyone. Retrieved from


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•Bioethics Unit 2013H. Sprague – Instructor

Narraguagus High School

Harrington, Maine
