

Dr. QF. Lilia Masson Salaue

Emeritus Professor University of Chile,

President of Food Composition Chilean Branch CAPCHICAL, LATINFOODS, FAO, INFOODS

Scientific Committee ILSI Sur Andino

12th IFDC, 11-14 October 2017,

Buenos Aires, Argentina


• It was part of one unknown Continent with a population around 40 millions of inhabitants

• Hundreds of languages were spoken • Different cultures, living since many years ago

according their own rules, harmonized with Nature, without any contact with the other Continents

• Cities quite organized with more than half a million inhabitants as Tenochtlitan

• Three Empires: Maya, Aztecs, Inca with advanced developments in arts, sciences, arquitecture, astronomy, agriculture

• The arrival of Cristopher Columbus to Guanahani Island (San Salvador) with people from Spain October 12, 1492, to this unknown Continent, produced an extreme change in the organization and life style of these native populations, and started a social and ecological exchange with the other Continents Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, through the new routes opened principally by spanish and portuguese navegators

FOODS AND CULTURE • The foods a community

manages and consumes is an excellent tool to be used for learning about its history and culture

• In this land the different etnic groups from north to extreme south lived in conection with the Mother Earth and Nature related with the origin of the life

• This sacred principle was related with its life style, taking care of the forest, land, water resources, flora and fauna

• Our Mapuches say: to set foot soil lightly

• Their Gods were: • For Mayas CHAC, the rain,

thunder and flash • For Aztecs the bird QUETZAL • For Incas INTI, the Sun • For Mapuches the MOON


Historical Monuments Teotihuacan


Tiawanaku o Tiahuanaco





Oth OtOther Latin America Treasure is our Biodiversity

• It is recognized that Latin America is one of the most important Biodiversity reserve in Flora and Fauna in the world

• The native food biodiversity represents a high wealth offered by Nature for free

• They have maintained their own unchanged biodiverity over centuries

• Amazon jungle is the largest tropical area in the world

• It is a so valuable heritage that Nature has given to us so generously, that we have to take care, to protect, but at the same time to discover the healthy secrets known by our native cultures in order to handle wisely

LATIN AMERICA CONTRIBUTION • C. Columbus never thought that this

exotic land where the green color is permanent together with multicolored flowers, fruits, seeds could be so generous with health and nutrition of the Old World

• Latin America has globalized at least 22 native symbolic ancestral foods which until today, they are part of our daily foods and ancient recepies

• Now they are daily in the table of millions of inhabitants contributing to their healthy life, in addition with atractive colors, source of biocompounds, changing their pale traditional meals




















CORN, MAÍZ (Zea mays)

• ORIGIN: Sacred food for Maya, Aztec, Inca, Aimara cultures Meaning: «Life support» «The sun trapped in the grains»

• Highly consumed in all Latin Aerican countries, source of zeaxantin and lutein, macro and micronutrients

• It was the first vegetal specie carried from Latin America to Europe XVI century

• Now It is cultivated in many countries around the world

• Main Producers: USA and CHINA

BEANS, FREJOLES (Phaseolus vulgaris)

• ORIGIN: Mexico, traditional food

• Good source of protein, fiber, antioxidants pigments, Vitamins B

• Basic daily food consumed in Mexico, Central America, Brazil

• It is cultivated in many countries around the world

• Main Producers : BRAZIL and INDIA

SUNFLOWER, GIRASOL, (Helianthus annuus)

• ORIGIN: Central America, North America. Domesticated and cultivated in Mexico by ancient cultures

• The flower represented the GOD SUN

• Spanish carried seeds to SPAIN in XVI century, expanded later around the world


• Sunflower oil is the fourth vegetal oil produced in the world

CACAO (Theobroma cacao)

ORIGIN: Amazonia: Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Brazil. It was domesticated by OLMECA cultue They developed the process to produce a bitter beverage xocolatl «CACAO» MAYA name, good for physical vigor, long life For Aztecs «CACAO» was a present of God Quetzalcóatl to maintain them active and to enjoy the rest Good souce of antioxidants , serotonin, dopamine, theobromine,fenilethylamine In XIX Century Spanish carried Cacao seeds to Spain , to cultivate in Trinidad, Haiti and Africa. CHOCOLATE is a very special food Main Producers: Marfil Coast(38%), Ghana (19%),Indonesia (13%), Nigeria (5%), Brazil (5%), Camerun (5%), Ecuador (4%) , Malasia (1%)

PEANUT MANI(Arachis hypogaea)


• Name origin guaraní manduví.

• Famous gold and silver Peanut Collar found in tomb SEÑOR DE SIPAN, Peru

• Good source of protein, oil, peel contains antioxidants

• Spanish carried seeds to Spain then to Asia, Africa and Oceania

• Main Producers: USA, Netherlans, China

CASHEW, CAJÚ (Anacardium occidentale)

• ORIGIN: AMAZONIA, Brazil, Venezuela. Cajú derivates of tupí acajú.

• Cashew nut has a high demand good source of protein, monounsaturated oil , fiber, K

• Portugueses carried cashew seeds to India and Africa in XVI century

• Main Producers: Brazil, India

QUINUA (Chenopodium quinoa Wild.) • ORIGIN: food used by inca, aimara, mapuche

cultures. Ancient cultive in Andean Mountains 4.000 m altitude, and along the Chile coast including Chiloe Island

• It presents high color biodiversity contributing with natural antioxidants, high quality protein, Lysine is not limitant as in cereals, gluten free, oil equilibrated composition, good source of vitamins complex B, minerals as Ca, Fe, K. Saponin content is taken out by previous grain whashing Quinoa grain shows a high versatility to be consumed directly or as ingredient in salty or sugar based formulated foods.

• Main Producers: Peru, Bolivia, Chile

• Quinua is now cultivated in China, Spain, Germany

One Symbolic Tuber POTATOE, PAPA (Solanum tuberosum L.)

• ORIGIN. Andean Mountains PAPA «quechua» name cultivation altitude 4000 m

• Symbolic native food consumed by quechua and aimara since ancient times. It is a traditional food in Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentine

• It presents a high Biodiversity in shape, size, colors

• Good source of macro, micronutrients, antioxidants, Vit C, β-carotene

• Spanish carried to Canary Islands and Spain XVI century

• High consumption in Europe XIX century to prevent scurvy due its Vitamin C content

• Many varieties have been developed • It is the fourth cultivation in the world

after corn, wheat and rice


• Chiloe Island, south of Chile, cultivated sea level latitude south 42-43º

• High Biodiversity in shape, size, colors with the same nutritional contribution as andean potatoes

• Spanish navigators XVI century registered the transportation of large amounts of potatoes from Chiloe Island as important food to survive in their long voyages

• Then potatoes arrived to India, China y Japan at the begining of XVII century

• Main Producers: China, India, USA, Russia, Germany, Ukrania, Bangladesh, other European Countries


King Federic II watching a potatoe cultivation The Potatoes. Vincent van Gogh

Sweet Potatoe, CAMOTE (Hipomea batatas)

• ORIGIN Cental and South Amazonia,

• It is a recognized food against malnutrition due its high nutritive composition, easy to cultivate and high productivity

• Very popular in different dishes in all Latin America countries

• Good source of β-carotene, fiber, K

• Introduced in Spain end XV century,

actually spreaded in the world

• Main Producers: China,Uganda, Nigeria


Cassava, Yuca or Mandioca (Manihot esculenta)

• ORIGIN: Cental and South Amazonia. It was introduced in Africa and Asia in XVI century.

• The root is the edible part

• There are two varieties sweet consumed boiled, baked, fried and bitter which has cyanogenetic glucosides must be taken out

• This is used as flour ingredient in many processed foods. Rich source of starch. In Brazil «farofa» is very common

• Main Producers: África, Asia and Latin América


Four Symbolic Vegetables

Chili pepper, AJÍ (Capsicum annuum)

• Origin: México, Central America and Andean Mauntains

• It is a pungent vegetable called chili pepper or chile. it contains Capsaicine. Bell pepper

is not pungent • Wide biodiverdity in shape, size, color and pungency • Traditional spice of LATIN

AMERICA. Introduced in Spain end XV century producing a gastronomic revolution in Mediterranean countries

• It transformed the cooking style in China, India, Thailand, Korea

• Main Producers: China, Mexico, Turkey

Pumpkin or Squash, ZAPALLO, (Cucurbita maxima) • ORIGIN: Mexico and Central America

• Together with corn and beans, pumkin constitued the basic foods for our Native American cultures

• Edible parts: pulp, flowers and seeds

• Wide biodiversity in colors, sizes, shapes.

• Good source of Fiber, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn Vitamine C , folates, β carotene

• In XVI century was introduced by navigators in Europe, Asia and Africa

• Main Producers: China, India

Tomatoe , TOMATE (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)

• Origin: Andean Peru forest

• Domesticated in Mexico

• High byodiversity

• Aztec Native name xitomalt still used in Mexico

• Common name tomatoe

• it was introduced in Spain XVI century, then in Italy being adopted as a principal food igredient in their dishes as tomatoe sauce

• Later it was expanded to Africa, Asia

• Excellent source of Vit C, Licopene

• Main Producers: Chine, India, USA, Turkey, Spain

Avocado, Palta o Aguacate (Persea americana Mill.)

• Two Origins: Central and South America

• Name: aztec origin “aguacate”,

• Quechua “palta”

• Highly consumed as salad, paste in Mexico and South America

• Now it is cultivated in many countries

• In Chile, Extra virgin avocado oil was developed by our Research Group

• It is a gourmet oil, highly in oleic acid, good source of α-Tocoferol Phytosterols, green color, good flavor

• Avocado Main Producers: Mexico, Chile, USA


White Strawberry Frutilla blanca (Fragaria chiloensis)

ORIGIN: SOUTH OF CHILE, Araucania Region, mother of the actual red hibrid

Spanish discovered that Mapuches, ate this unknown fruit directly from the forest when they lived. Alfonso Ovalle spanish missionary classified it as Fragaria chiloensis, it has an special aromatic flavor, Chile is presenting its certified origin denomination

In XVIII century Francois Frezier, carried plants from Chile to France, then the hybrid between F.chiloensis and F.virginiana from USA was obtained called Fragaria x ananassa Red color, corresponding to commercial strawberries produced now in the world Good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, minerals.

Main Producers of Fragaria x ananassa Red Strawberry: USA, Spain, Japan, Poland

NOPAL, TUNA (Opuntia ficus indica)

ORIGIN: MEXICO Aztec name nopalli From Mexico was expanded to South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania The name of Tenochtlitan means place among nopals It was a basic food in old Central America since many years ago The shape and red color are associated to mexican heart , it is present in the Mexican Flag Good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Betalains pigments are antioxidants Main Producers: Mexico, Italy, South Africa, Chile

Pineapple, Piña, Ananas (Ananas comosus) ORIGIN: South America Brazil, Paraguay,

Peru, Argentine Ananas, guaraní word means «exquisite perfumed fruit» In XVI century was introduced in Europe, Africa , Asia It has been one of the most successful fruits from Latin America in Europe It is a good source of Fiber, Vitamins, minerals as K, Mg, Cu, Mn Bromeline enzime has digestive properties It is considered an excellent healthy fruit, diuretic, anti-inflammatory. Highly consumed aroud the world Main Producers: Costa Rica, Brazil, Philipine, Indonesia, India

Passion Fruit, Maracuyá (Passiflora edulis)

ORIGIN: Tropical zone Central and South America, name origin guarani It is a fruit very appreciated by consumers due its special flavor There are two varieties yellow and violet Good source of Fiber, K, Fe, β-carotene , Vitamine C Maracuya flower is emblematic in Paraguay In XIX century was introduced in Hawai, Australia, Polinesia, Malasya, Israel Main Producers: Brazil, Ecuador Peru, Colombia, Kenia

Two origins

PAPAW, Papaya, (Carica papaya)


It is a big fruit, large size, consumed raw, the flesh is tender, aromatic, bright orange color, tradition related with fertility

It contains «papain» enzyme, considered digestive

Good source of Vitamine C, β-Carotene , K, Mg

It is produced in all tropical countries in Latin America and it was introduced in many countries around the world

Main Producers: India, Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria, Hawai, Mexico

PAPAW, Papaya (Chilean carica, or Carica


ORIGIN: Andean Zone, Peru, Chile, sea level mild weather It is a small fruit 12 cm long, peel and flesh yellow, very aromatic, good texture. It contains large amounts of papain , then gloves are necessary to peel They must be boiled before to eat. Good source of fiber, β-Carotene. Many sweet confectionaries are prepared with this papaw fruit Production: Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Region of Chile, latitude south 29º-35º

Custard apple, Chirimoya (Annona cherimola)

ORIGIN: North Peru Andean zone, Secondary origin Chile, Colombia , Mexico.

Name: origin quechua

It is a big fruit, weight 200g - 1kg, flesh white, good texture, sweet, very aromatic, nice flavor. Good source of Vitamins B, and K

In XVI century was introduced in South of Spain, then in Italy, Madera Island, (Porugal), Israel, Egypt, Argelia. Now it is cultivated in all Continents

Main Producers: Spain, Peru, Chile, New Zeland

Guava , Guayaba (Psidium guayaba) ORIGIN: Caribe, North, Central, South America.

Edible fruit, round, diameter 10 cm Color Peel according to the variety, creamy pulp white or orange

Very special flavor good source of fiber, Vitamins B, C, β-carotene, Lycopene

Very good consumer acceptance

Main producers: Pakistan, Egypt, Mexico, Bangladesh, USA, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Malasia, Thailand, Peru, India, South Africa, Indonesia, Dominican Republic

One Symbolic Spice

VANILLA, VAINILLA (Vanilla planifolia)


TOTONACAS people produced VANILLA in Mexico close actual Veracruz city for the AZTEC EMPIRE continuing this production until XIX century

Vanilla planifolia is the only orchid non ornamental, cultivated for industrial purposes food and cosmetic

Tropical fruit sheath shape with

its characteristic flavor «Vanilla» corresponding to vanilline 4-hidroxi-metoxibenzaldehide

There is a romantic and sad history about its origin

It was introduced in Europe by Spanish then in the rest of the world. Natural VANILLA is a very exclusive spice

VANILLA is associated to CHOCOLATE. Maya and then MEXICA people added VANILLA to the thick beverage called xocoatl prepared in base to CACAO for Aztec Nobility and Warriors

Main Producers: Madagascar, Indonesia, India, Mexico

ACTUAL TIMES • Many Latin American

Researchers Pioneers in Food Composition belonging to LATINFOODS, have dedicated great efforts to discover these healthy secrets contained in our native foods

• Excited Memories to some of them which are now in other dimension

• My Professor Dr. Hermann Schmidt–Hebbel, Dr. Ricardo Bressani, Dr. Sara Closa, Dr.Miriam Muñoz, Dr. Leonor Mejias, Dr. M.Antonia Grompone

Actually, in each one of our Latin American countries, we still have many other native foods, hidden in our magnificent Andes Mountains, forests, rivers, lakes and oceans

This is quite a challenge for the young Researchers generations to continue with this task to discover their healthy secrets, to protect and to manage wisely

• My Reflection • The rainbow must not be

only in the sky • We have to share it every

day in our table according to the marvelous biodiversity we have in LATIN AMERCA in our native foods, which offer free a healthy life to its people and actually to millions of inhabitants in different countries of the World as you have seen in this presentation

Many Thanks For Your Attention CHILE our marvelous Flowerful Desert 2017
