
Volume 152B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 7 March 1985


J.D. JACKSON 1 and J.L. ROSNER 2 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Received 5 December 1984

The influence of binding is considered for the radiative decay of a nonrelativistically bound 3S 1 QQ state to a photon and an elementary spin-zero boson by mixing with all relevant QQ states. For a pseudoscalar boson, the sum reduces to a single term and one recovers the result of free quark perturbation theory in the limit o3r < 1. For a scalar boson, binding effects can be important in general, but in the combined limit (mr)-1 ~ wr < 1 .~ mr, the free quark perturbation theory result is also approached, thanks to the sum rule RnS(0) = ZmRmp,(O)(mPlr[nS)among S- and P-wave radial wave functions and dipole matrix elements. Simple examples of the sum rule are discussed.

The Higgs particles H o f unified electroweak inter- actions can be produced in radiative quarkonium de- cay [1]. The decay rate of any 3S 1 QQ bound state V into H + 3' is related to that into e + e - :

F (V -+ H + 3')/F(V-+ e+e - ) =(2g2/e2)(1 -M2 /M2) . (1)

Here gy is the Yukawa coupling of the Higgs boson to the quark Q. Eq. (1) is valid for either scalar or pseudoscalar H. Eq. (1) is derived in the limit of a loosely bound QQ system. Under what conditions might one expect significant deviations from the re- sult (1) due to hadronic interactions between Q and Q?

Our result is that the expression (1) for the decay of a 3S 1 state into a photon and an elementary spin- less particle H (which may or may not be a Higgs boson) is expected to be valid even for soft photon energies w, as long as these energies satisfy AE ~ co "~ (r) -1 , where AE is a characteristic level spacing and (r) is the size of the system. (For smaller co, the char- acteristic electric or magnetic dipole rates I" ~ 603 are recovered [ 2 - 4 ] . )Here

w : ½Mv(1 - M 2 / M 2 ) . (2)

1 Permanent address: Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.

2 Permanent address: Enrico Fermi Institute and Department of Physics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA.

0370-2693/85/$ 03.30 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)

The result follows from a duality between a free- quark and bound state description that is essentially trivial when H is pseudoscalar, but that is based on an interesting sum rule when H is scalar. This relation is

RnS(0 ) = ~ Rmp,(0 ) (mPIrlnS), (3) m

where R n s(r) , Rmp(r ) are radial S- and P-wave Q(~ wave functions, ~nd (mP[rlnS) is a dipole matr ix ele- ment (radial integral).

The relation (3) is implicit in several related treat- ments of this problem [ 2 - 4 ] . NevettMess its deriva- tion and implications are so simple we feel they are worth pointing out.

We calculate the amplitudes for V -+ H + 7 via standard second-order perturbation theory, taking ac- count both of spin-zero [5 ] and spin-one intermediate states. I fA 0 is the amplitude for the process V 0 -~ H + 3' in the tree approximation of ref. [ 1 ], we find the amplitudes to be

JP(H) = 0 - :

A =A 0 ~ ~m Rms(O)(mSI/o(°~r/2)inS) Rn S(0)

K { [E m (1 SO ) _ En(3 S1) + 60] -1 + [E m (3S1)_¢j ]-1},



Volume 152B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 7 March 1985

JP(H) = 0 + :

M n Rms(O)(mSVo(wr/2) lnS)

Mn 3 3-2. Rmp'(0) mg Rns(O) m

X (mPl(2/cor)/ l :(cor/2) ( a / a r - ¼ co2r)lnS)

X [Ern(3P0) - E n ( 3 S 1 ) + 6o] -1) , (5)

where M n is the mass of V n and mQ is the qu ark mass. Equivalent results have been obtained in ref. [2].

For JP(H) = 0 - , the result of ref. [ 1 ] is obtained when (a) cor < 1 ,jo(cor/2) ~ 1, so only the st/lte with m = n contributes to the sum; (b) w ~ E m (as will hold if co < (r) -1 for a nonrelativistic system), so only the first term in the square bracket in (4), corre- sponding to the 0 - intermediate state, is important; and (c) co >> (AE)HFS So that the term co/(E m - E n + w) approaches 1. Similar results have been noted in refs. [23 ,6] .

In the limit co "~En(3S1) - E n ( 1 S 0 ) , the ampli- tude in (4) will behave as co, as befits a magnetic di- pole transition.

For JP(H) = 0 +, when cor~ 0, the expression (5) becomes

A =A0 ~n- n ---co

M n ~ Rmp,(O ) (mPIr lnS) )

+R--~S(0) m Em(3P0) - E n ( 3 S 1 ) + co " (6)

Here again, as co -+ 0, the amplitude is proportional to w, as it should be for an electric dipole transition.

The ratio A/A 0 in eq. (6) approaches 1 when (a) co ~ M n , (b) IEm (3P0) -En (3S1) [ "~ w, in which case terms in the sum in (6) dominate over the first term in the square brackets; and (c) the sum rule (3) holds. This last condition is just a consequence of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, as we now show.

Consider the expectation value o f the commutator

63(r) [ri,P] ] = i6 3(r)6 i] , (7)

in the state INS). Insert a complete set o f intermediate states:

(nSI63(r)lnS)i6i/= ~ [(nSt63(r)rilm)(mlp/inS ) m

- (nS i63(r)p/Im)(mlrilnS)]. (8)

Only P states contribute to the sum. In configuration space we can express the P state wave functions in cartesian form:

• kp(r) = (3/41r)l/2(rk/r)Rmp(r) (k = 1 , 2 , 3 ) . (9)

Eq. (8) then reads

aii l'I' n S(0)[ 2 = ~ f d 3 r q~*s(r)a 3(r) O/q~kmp(r) " m,k

× J d 3 r' k* ' ' qtmp(r ) r i~ns(r ) . (10)

Here only the second term in (8) has contributed. Near r = 0 we find

~fJ'rkmp(r) ~ ( 3/4rr)l/2Rmp'(O)fjk • (11)

After performing an elementary angular average, we arrive at the result (3).

The sum rule (3) in general is more slowly conver- gent than those for squares of dipole matrix elements such as the T h o m a s - R e c h e - K u h n [7,8] or Wigner and Kirkwood [9,8] sum rules, examples of which are

o o

TRK: mQ _~_ (Emp-Ens) l (mPIr tnS) l 2 = 3 , (12) =

WK: mQ n~=l(Ens -Emp) i (nSIr lmP) l 2= - 1 . (13)

Here mQ = 2/a, where/a is the reduced mass of the QQ system. We compare the convergence of (3) and (12) in fig. 1 for a bb quarkonium system described by a potential that reproduces the data [ 10]. The Wigner- Kirkwood sum rules converge extremely rapidly, as the dipole matrix elements (nSIrlmP) turn out to be very small fo rn > m ,1 .

The most elementary illustration of the sum rules is provided by the harmonic oscillator. The only non- zero dipole matrix elements for the oscillator between

.1 Our notation for P states corresponds to that used in atom- ic spectroscopy, where m is the principal quantum num- ber. Thus the lowest P state is 2P.


Volume 152B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 7 March 1985

I~ I,..J

Et~ 0.6

f i i i I i ~ i . . . . / .

is 2s// 3s I I .! 0190 / /ll / I { ~ ,

/ / / ! i

0.85 i i

0 . 8 I I I I I I I I

jJJ Z 1S J I ~ ..................

/ ..."

i / ....

2 3 Z,, S 6 7 8 9 10 m

Fig. 1. Comparison of sum rules involving dipole matrix ele- ments for quarkonium systems. We choose the confining po- tential discussed in ref. [9], with mQ = 4.9 GeV/c 2 . (a) T h o m a s - R e i c h e - K u h n sum rule (12). (b) Wave function sum rule (3).

S and P waves link adjacent values o f N = E - 3/2 (we take unit mass and coupling strength):

(N+ 1, P Ir~V, S) = [½(3 +N)] 1 / 2 , (14)

- 1, P IrtN, S) = - (½N) 1/2 . (15)

The sum rules (12), (13), and (3) are all satisfied with only two terms.

In contrast to the harmonic oscillator, the sum rules for the hydrogen atom, with both discrete and continuous spectra, receive contributions from very many states. Our sum rule (3) for the 1S state of hy- drogen has only 19% of its total from the bound states. The bulk (59%) comes from the nearby conti- nuum (0 < E < a2me/2) , with 22% from higher ener- gies. For the corressponding Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule (12), the contributions are 57% from the bound states and 43% from the continuum.

Let us sum up. We find that as w ~ 0, bound-state

modifications [2-5] to the free-quark calculation of 3S 1 quarkonium ~ 7 + elementary spin-zero boson indeed lead to a rate behaving as w 3, as expected for a dipole transition. Nonetheless there are bound-state limits in which the free-quark results are obtained. These involve photon energies small compared to in- verse dimensions but large compared to level spacings. We find this condition, AE "~ w ,¢ (r) -1 , satisfied for a wide range of possibilities for a pseudoscalar boson, but less likely for a scalar boson. Indeed, much more substantial deviations from eq. (1) have been found in the scalar case [4], when considering radiative T and T' decays,than for the pseudoscalar case. We interpret these results in terms of a substantially larger level spacing E m (0 +-) - E n (1 - ) in the scalar case than in the pseudoscalar case.

Our main result and the purpose of this note is: When AE ,~ w "~ (r) -1 holds for scalar boson produc- tion, it is the sum rule (3), a consequence of nonrela- tivistic quantum mechanics, that guarantees the result (1) if an explicit perturbation-theoretic sum is per- fomed. We have illustrated this sum rule and find it to be quite slowly convergent in practical cases. It sug- gests several points for further study. First, its slow convergence emphasizes the importance of Green's function methods [2,3] for evaluation of the pertur- bative sum. Second, modifications of properties of highly excited bound states (e .g., by coupling to con- tinuum states) could affect evaluation of a perturba- tion calculation for scalar boson production. Third, one can imagine useful generalizations of (3) arising if we multiply (7) by an arbitrary function such as a plane wave exp(ik" r). Related generalizations of this sort have indeed been examined in ref. [4].

We wish to thank E. Bloom, R. Cahn, H.J. Lipkin, U. Maor, J. Prentki, S.-H.I-I. Tye, and L. Wolfenstein for constructive comments, and the CERN Theory Group for its hospitality. This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE AC02-82ER 40073.


[ 1 ] F. Wilczek, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 1304; P. Frampton and W. Wada, Phys. Rev. D19 (1979) 271.

[2] J. Polchinski, S. Sharpe and T. Barnes, Phys. Lett. 148B (1984) 493.


Volume 152B, number 3,4 PHYSICS LETTERS 7 March 1985

[3] J. Pantaleone, M.E. Peskin, and S.-H.H. Tye, Phys. Lett. 149B (1984) 225.

[4] HJ . Lipkin, Sum rules for radiative quarkonium decays from short-range interactions, Argonne preprint (1984).

[5] J. Ellis, M.K. Gaillard and C.T. Sachrajda, Phys. Lett. 83B (1979) 339; H. Haber, G. Kane and T. Stifling, Nucl. Phys. B161 (1979) 493.

[6] K. Lane, S. Meshkov and M. Peskin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 1718.

[7 ] H.A. Bethe and E.E. Salpeter, Quantum mechanics of one- and two-electron atoms (Springer, Berlin and Academic Press, NY, 1957) p. 256 ft.

[8] J.D. Jackson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 37 (1976) 1107. [9] E. Wigner, Phys. Z. 32 (1931) 450;

J.G. Kirkwood, Phys. Z 33 (1931) 521. [10] P. Moxhay and J. Rosner, Phys. Rev. D28 (1983) 1132.

