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Bill Bohack—The Life and Works of an Activist and Social Justice Advocate

Bill Bohack was born in New Jersey before later moving to Florida in his teens. His

mother, Lois Hekker, was an admired woman mainly because of her activist's

character. Her good heart knew no bounds when it came to doing right by

humanity. The son clearly took after his mother, in the present day Bill Bohack is

famed for his activism in seeking justice. He is well versed with the legal corridors

and he uses his affiliation in the best way possible. In all his years as an activist, he

has proven himself time and again. There is not a single speck to blot his record

and no one would stand firm detest that fact with hard proof. Before venturing

into serving his fellow man, he was heavily submerged in real estate and general

property dealerships. He found his real passion and he is dedicated to serving you

and me with his undivided attention. When not busy brushing shoulders in the

pursuit of justice, Bill Bohack enjoys fishing at the Gulf of Mexico and the inner-

coast water ways; his own way of rejuvenating.

This exceptional man has many passions including wildlife and coasts

conservation. It is his principle that natural resources and life in the wild should be

left undisturbed. It is hence no wonder how Bill Bohack hastily responded to the

oil spill in DeepWater Horizon. The calm aquatic life had been breached and there

would be no stopping for this relentless activist. Through the organization he

founded and is currently steering as the C.E.O, BP, he has successfully

enabled thousands of affected residents and investors bag legitimate claims from

the giant BP Oil. The oil spill besides damaging peoples' property and investments

also resulted into regrettable health conditions and in some cases even death. As

if to fuel the already horrible situation, BP Oil employed crude methods in

cleaning up their mess. The impact on the aquatic life is far from over by any

substantive analysis. Lodging all these predicaments into one, Bill Bohack is

continually committed to making it right for the residents and nature as well.

Another of Bill's specialty is battling with manipulative pharmaceutical companies.

Some medical products in the market pose deadly dangers to the would-be

consumers. Those unlucky individuals who are already suffering the effects of

using the products deserve a substantial amount in compensation don't you

think? If your answer is yes, you share the same line of thought as Bill Bohack. This

exemplary man actualizes his thoughts and uses all his might to enable claimants

get their due compensation, what nobler path can a man walk than that of

assuring quality humanity service? Bill Bohack has recorded success in this field,

much to the relief of the claimants. Through his efforts, victims become victors;

the oppressed have a reason to smile and you won't miss a huge grin on Bill

Bohack's face as he recounts on the positive impact he has made.

I implore you to join me in applauding this fine gentleman. His passion has

translated into new-found hope for all those he comes into contact with. There is

so much to say about Bill Bohack, no matter how much I write, words are not

befitting to wholesomely capture this iconic man.
