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DAY 1Chest/Triceps/AbsCardio Warm-up Cardio5 minutes ExercisesNOTE: Increase weight on each working set of each exercise. Incline Dumbbell Press1 Warm-up Set: 8-12 reps, 3 sets of 8-12 reps,60-90 seconds rest1 mixed-grip drop set on final set: 21 reps Incline Dumbbell Flyes3 sets of 8-12 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Drop set on final set Dumbbell Bench Press4 sets of 6-10 reps, 60-90 seconds rest Superset Dips - Chest Version3 sets to failure Modified Push-up3 sets to failure, 30 seconds rest between supersets Alternative Option:Incline Push-up Superset Skull Crushers1 Warm-up Set: 8-12 reps 3 sets of 12-16 reps Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press1 Warm-up Set: 8-12 reps 3 sets of 12-16 reps, 60 seconds rest between supersets Exercises Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment3 sets of 12-16 reps, 30 seconds rest Overhead Dumbbell Triceps ExtensionQuadruple drop set to failure, No rest Abs: 4 rounds, no rest between sets Hanging Knee Raise1 set to failure Swiss Ball Crunch1 set to failure Decline Reverse Crunch1 set to failure Broom Stick Twist (Shown with Barbell)25 reps Alternative Option:Bicycle Crunch

Bigger Man Tips Everything I do is based on progression. To get bigger and stronger, you have to add weight, decrease rest time and focus up. Get pumped and don't let your form get sloppy. Don't cheat yourself of great results. Increase weight every time you can over the next 12 weeks. Mental Game ///Get motivated every day. You can't walk into the gym if you're not ready to work. You need to prepare yourself to go through hell. This isn't going to be easy, but guess what: Life and college aren't always easy.

What you learn in the gym each day is something you can transfer to your school studies and the rest of your life. You need discipline and focus because you'll be pushed to your limits. As soon as you step foot in the gym, it's all businessthat's the only way to succeed. Exercise Tips Incline Press ///After the fourth set, immediately strip some weight and move into a dropset to take this exercise beyond momentary muscle failure. Do 21 reps, switching your hand positions after every seven reps.Do seven reps with a close grip, seven with a medium grip and seven with a wide grip. Changing your hand position will isolate different areas of the chest. In order to save my shoulders, I don't bring the bar all the way to my chest on the way down. The downward movement should stop about four inches above your chest, and then you'll press all the way up.

Incline Flye ///I do two incline exercises because I have a weak upper chest. It's my weakness, so I use the priority principle to attack my weak spots first. Back-to-back incline exercises might feel weird at first, but in a couple weeks, you'll be thanking me.As you do the movement, don't touch the dumbbells together at the top. You want to keep constant tension on the chestall the way down and all the way up. When you do your final drop set, do it without rest. You want to force that blood into your chest.Dumbbell Press ///The dumbbell press builds mass and adds thickness to the middle chest. It's a compound exercise, so you'll be resting 60-to-90 seconds. Because we're doing a lot of chest work today, you might have to use lighter weight than you're used to pressing. Don't let that bother you.Don't let your form suffer when you add weight. Keep your chest expanded and your elbows tight. You don't want your anterior delts or triceps to start taking over the move. Chest Dip and Push-Up ///Jump on the parallel bars or dip machine. Lean forward so that your chest is over your knees. This is your starting position. As you come down, your chest should be stressed and there shouldn't be any stress on your triceps. Raise up by squeezing your chest. It should feel almost like a flye movement.

Watch the video: My push-ups may look strange, but they're great for getting a massive pump. Act like you're going into a yoga downward dog and walk your feet in. Rock forward and then push back. This intense superset is what separates the contenders from the pretenders. Skull Crusher and Close-Grip Bench ///I train chest and triceps together because you work your triceps as a secondary muscle when you hit your chest. Generally, pushing motions involve both the chest and the triceps. This superset is sure to blast your triceps right off the bat.When you rest, grab a drink, flex, stretch, and keep your eye on the clock. Sixty seconds goes by quickly. Don't rest any longer than necessary. You're almost to the end of this workout, so push with everything you've got. Your future, bigger self will thank you.Triceps Pushdown ///For pure triceps extension, don't engage your shoulders and keep your elbows down by your sides. If you're like me and have an area of your triceps that needs some extra work, try partial movements to force more blood into the muscle. Dumbbell Extension ///Don't rest during this dumbbell extension bomb. You'll perform drop set after drop set. If you can't move your arms, you know this quadruple finisher is working. Your arms should be torched. If you need a little help drinking your protein shake, don't hesitate to ask a buddy.

Day 2Back/Biceps/CalvesCardio Warm-up Cardio5 minutes ExercisesNOTE: Increase weight on each working set of each exercise. Wide-Grip Pullups4 sets of 10 reps, 60 seconds rest Bent T-Bar Row3 sets of 10-15 reps, 60 seconds rest Drop set on final set Close-Grip Front Lat Pulldown3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest Drop set on final set One-Arm Dumbbell Row3 sets of 8-12 reps, 60 seconds rest Straight-Arm Pulldown (With rope)5 sets of 15 reps, 30 seconds rest EZ-Bar Curl2 strict sets of 12-14 reps, 60 seconds rest 2 cheat sets of 4-6 reps, 60 seconds rest Incline Dumbbell Curl4 sets of 10-12 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Superset Spider Curl2 sets to failure Hammer Curls2 sets to failure, 30 seconds rest between supersets CalvesNOTE: Important to use strict form. Achieve a full stretch at the bottom and hold at peak contraction. Standing Calf Raises4 sets of 10 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Donkey Calf Raises4 sets of 10 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Drop set on every set Seated Calf Raise4 sets of 15 reps, 30-60 seconds restBigger Man TipsMental Strength ///Get your game face on before you step foot into the gym. Spend 10 minutes thinking about what you're about to do; see yourself with that giant back and those incredible arms.This visualization/focus period is important. If your brain isn't ready, your body can't do what it needs to. When you get into the weight room, it's time to do work, not socialize. Put on your headphones, crank up the music, and pay attention to what you're doing. There's a time for chit-chat, but that time is not now.Exercise Tips Pull-Ups ///You need to hit at least 10 reps per set. If you need to take a little rest, or get someone to spot you, do it. On the other hand, if you can get to 15 reps, put on a weight belt. These pull-ups should be challenging. They'll get easier over the next 12 weeks, so add weight and/or decrease rest as necessary.

Pull-ups are a great exercise to do at the beginning of a workout because they're very functional. They're also going to create that width you want.Make sure you keep the elbows as wide as you can, squeeze at the top of the repetition, and control the eccentric (lowering) phase of the move.Bent T-Bar Rows ///For this exercise, grab a belt for some extra support. If you don't have one, don't worry; you can still perform the movement. As you begin, keep your back flat and your butt lower than your hips. Fully contract your lats on your way up and fully extend on your way down. Like pull-ups, this movement is great for building a wide back. On the last set, go to failure. But don't stop there. Strip some weights and keep going. It should be tough. No matter how difficult these are for you, don't let your form suffer. Bad form leads to injuries. Injuries lead to less growth. Close-Grip Pulldown ///This movement is great for lat length and it targets your lower lats. Since we've been focusing on width, the close-grip pulldown will help build density and depth. Your back should be wide and thick. Dumbbell Single-Arm Row ///To really isolate your lats, keep your elbow as close to your body as possible and pull towards your hip. Don't use straps unless you absolutely need to. Instead, try to build some forearm and wrist strength, which will help you with multiple movements. If you feel too much strain in your arms, you need to lighten the weight. All emphasis should be on your lats, not your shoulders or arms. I think it's good to incorporate two rowing movements into any back program to accentuate the back's thickness.Straight-Arm Lat Pulldown ///Keep your chest high as you bring the weight down. The stretch is just as important as the contraction: the further you stretch, the better the contraction. Between sets, stretch out your lower lats.

EZ-Bar Curl ///Your grip should be wider than shoulder-width, and you should be concentrating on the last two-thirds of the movement. Don't lock out your elbows at the bottom. Your elbows should be pinned to your side for pure biceps contraction.For the second two sets, we're going to cheat a little. Now, that doesn't mean jerk backwards; it means you should use just enough momentum to get the weight up. You're still focusing on pure biceps contraction.

Incline Dumbbell Curl ///At the top of the curl, turn your wrists out and bring your pinky up to really help bring out that lower cut on your biceps. Get a full range of motion by stretching all the way down without locking your elbows. On the last sets, I bring my legs up and cross them so I only use my biceps to lift the weight. I can't use any momentum from the floor to help me. It's pure contraction for peaked-out biceps. Spider Curl and Dumbbell Hammer Curl ///Supersetting these two exercises targets your brachialis, building biceps thickness and emphasizing your peak. This finisher should also deliver a sleeve-splitting pump.If your biceps aren't swollen to the point of bursting, you need to lift heavier and work harder.

Day 3 rest off / cardioMuscle growth requires adequate rest. To become the biggest man on campus, you need to treat your rest days as seriously as your training days. Lifting actually damages muscle tissue; only with proper rest and recovery does muscle grow.Quality rest isn't watching movies, swilling soda and cramming potato chips. Check these seven essential tips to get the best from your rest days. 1/EatDon't turn your rest days into cheat days. You need to ingest quality fuel to build quality muscle. Give your body every opportunity to grow by sticking to clean, nutrient-dense food sources. Junk food may be convenient, but it won't boost your gains. It may even derail them. One cheat meal per week may help you stick to the nutrition plan, but I'd save it for a training day.

Have your cheat meal after a workout, when your muscles are hungry for nutrients. 2/SleepSleep is essential for muscle growth. It's the time when your body's growth hormone release peaks. It's also a key time for muscle repair and growth. Take your rest days seriously: Use the extra time to schedule extra sleep! You've been working your butt off in the gym, so make sure you allow your muscles to recover. No recovery means no growth!3/Go Play!A low-intensity cardio session can help you recover from a lifting session. Take a walk around campus, play some Frisbee golf, or go play a light game of pick-up ball. Low-intensity cardio will loosen your muscles, move nutrients to damaged tissue, speed your recovery and help you maintain a solid level of cardiovascular fitness. Rest-day cardio should be fun, not taxing.4/StretchingIn the process of recovering from cumulative training damage, your muscles tend to shorten. You can easily tell which bodybuilders don't work on their flexibilitytheir muscles are tight and stiff, which hampers athleticism. Take your body through the following light stretching routine, holding each stretch for at least 30 seconds.

Stretching Kneeling Hip Flexor30 sec Intermediate Groin Stretch30 sec Ankle On The Knee30 sec Chest And Front Of Shoulder Stretch30 sec Front Leg Raises30 sec World's Greatest Stretch30 sec Printable Page PDF Document5/YogaDon't want to stretch alone? Turn over a new leaf and try yoga. Current research suggests that yoga may reduce back pain, reduce stress and anxiety, lower heart rate and blood pressure, and help relieve insomnia.Yoga is also great for increasing strength and flexibility. Of course, this is a rest day, so don't burn yourself out in a hot yoga class.6/Foam RollingA foam roll (or other device/massage) applies force to a tightened muscle, activating certain receptors that will cause it to relax. Adhesions that are gluing together your muscle fibers are broken, accelerating muscle recovery.After you stretch or hit a yoga class, perform the following soft-tissue routine. Make sure to hit each exercise for at least 30 seconds. Foam Rolling Adductor30 sec Quadriceps-SMR30 sec Iliotibial Tract-SMR30 sec Rhomboids-SMR30 sec Printable Page PDF Document7/Study GroupBig Man on Campus is about balance and time management. If you want to be a successful student, you need to put in the work. Spend some time on rest days paying special attention to your schoolwork. Join a study group for extra homework help, motivation and socialization.

Day 4Quads/Hamstrings/AbsCardio Warm-Up Cardio5 minutes ExercisesNOTE: Increase weight on each working set of each exercise. Straight-Legged Deadlifts1 warm-up set of 8-12 reps, 3 sets of 8-12 reps,60 seconds rest Standing Leg Curl3 sets of 8-12 reps, 60 seconds rest Seated Leg Curl5 sets of 12 reps, 30 seconds rest Front Squats1 warm-up set of 10-15 reps, 3 sets of 14-16, 10-12, 6-8 reps; 60-90 seconds rest, drop set on final set Leg Press3 sets of 10-12 reps, 60 seconds rest Superset Leg Extensions3 sets of 12-15 reps Jumping Lunges3 sets of 12-15 reps, 30 seconds rest Abs: 4 rounds, no rest between sets Hanging Knee Raise1 set to failure Swiss Ball Crunch1 set to failure Decline Reverse Crunch1 set to failure Broom Stick Twist (Shown with Barbell)25 reps Alternative Option:Bicycle Crunch Day 5Shoulders/Traps/CalvesCardio Warm-up Cardio5 minutes Exercises Dumbbell Shoulder Press3 sets of 12-16 reps, 60-90 seconds rest Drop set on last set Side Lateral Raise3 sets of 10-12 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Triple drop set on last set Reverse Pec Deck Flyes5 sets of 10-14 reps, 30 seconds rest Superset Front Raise3 sets of 10-14 reps Upright Barbell Row3 sets of 10-14 reps, 60 seconds rest between supersets Exercise Barbell Shrug1 Warm-up set of 8-12 reps 4 sets of 8-12 reps, 60 seconds rest CalvesNOTE: Important to use strict form. Achieve a full stretch at the bottom and hold at peak contraction. Standing Calf Raises4 sets of 10 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Donkey Calf Raises4 sets of 10 reps, 30-60 seconds rest Drop set on every set Seated Calf Raise4 sets of 15 reps, 30-60 seconds restBigger Man TipsMental Strength /// Your legs are some of the biggest muscles in your body. That means your mind-muscle connection needs to be stronger on leg day than on any other day. Take extra time before every legs session to get amped, focused and ready for battle. Because leg day is so tough, it's essential to get motivated. Before I hit the gym, I like to get on and watch people destroying their legs during intense workouts. You can also grab a training partner to help you work harder and push past failure. Class Notes /// I prefer to wear a belt during my leg workouts. If you don't have one, don't worry and don't let it stop you from crushing. You can always buy a belt down the road when you start handling heavier weight.

Stay hydrated! Leg day is demanding, so it's in your favor to drink a lot of water. Take sips and stretch during those rest periods. Progression is a key factor if you want to build, so keep a journal of your exercises and how much weight you use. Add weight every week. We're working our quads and hammies on the same day because they're opposing muscles. When you contract your quads, you're stretching your hamstrings, and vice versa. I think this is the best way to train legs for optimal growth. Exercise TipsSLDL /// When you're performing straight-legged deadlifts, make sure you keep your back straight. Also keep your legs straight, but not quite locked out. Good form is very important when you deadlift, so keep that core tight. It's not easy to recover from an injured back.

If you're not sure how much weight to go up each set, that's okay. You learn that by trial and error. Add weight, but if it's so heavy you can't hit the reps, strip it. If you hit 12 reps easily, you know next time to add a little more. Leave your ego at the door: You're in the gym to enhance your physique, so don't concern yourself with others. I don't use straps for many things, but when the weight gets heavy, they help me stick to the bar. Try not to use your straps as training wheels. Instead, build your grip and forearm strength and only add straps when you absolutely need them. Standing Leg Curl /// If you don't have a standing leg curl machine in your gym, a lying leg curl machine works just fine. No matter what machine you're using, remember to keep your pelvis flat on the bench to ensure that you aren't swinging or using your lower back. Control the weight and be conscious about using only your hamstrings to curl. Seated Leg Curl /// As the weight starts to get heavy, pay special attention to your form. Don't let it get sloppy. Squeeze at the bottom of the movement and come to a full extension without totally locking your knees. Your last set is going to suck, but you need to bring intensity and concentration to get that growth. Stretch! /// When you're through with the hamstring exercises, take five mintues to stretch them out. Front Squat /// I like to do front squats to reach that vastus medialus. When you're headed to the beach, or wearing shorter shorts, you can show off your defined legs. Because the weight is in front of you and is less stable, you probably won't be able to load the bar like you do for back squats. That's okayyou'll get the hang of it.

Leg Press /// Any leg-press machine will work here, so use what your gym has available. Where you place your feet on the plate will target different areas of your quads. If you keep your feet closer together, it'll hit the outer sweep of the quads; if you widen your legs, it'll hit the inside. I like to switch up my foot placement to hit both areas. Keep your body guessing by changing the speeds of the concentric and eccentric portions of this exercise. Never lift so fast that you sacrifice form or control. We're extending the last set of this movement with a drop set. Your legs may not feel very good, but don't quit! Leg Extension and Jumping Lunge /// This last superset is a gut-check. This is where growth happens. By the second superset, your legs will be screaming and your brain will be telling you to stop. Focus your mind. Don't give your legs any other option than to just keep going! For leg extensions, I try to concentrate on the way down. It helps stimulate lots of different muscle fibers and brings out the cuts in your quads. If you're trying to go too fast, you won't see the size you want. Stay focused and finish strong.