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  • 8/13/2019 Big Pharma Secrets




    Why They SecretlyHope You Get Hooked


  • 8/13/2019 Big Pharma Secrets



    Secret #1:

    Children are getting hooked on prescription drugsright under our noses. Every generation faces uniquechallenges...but no previous generation has beenforced to cope with a culture in which alcohol and

    drugs are so available and tolerated. Did you know

    that the rst use of drugs starts young? About

    Teen brains are primed for risk taking and scientic studies reveal

    that the brain develops throughout adolescence and does not

    mature until ages 22 to 23 for young women, and 24 to 25 for

    young men. The younger kids are when they start using addictive

    drugs, the more likely theyll become addicted. According to the

    National Survey on Drug Use and Health children who start drinkingor smoking pot at age 14 (or before) are eight times more likely to

    become addicted to alcohol and six times more likely to become

    addicted to marijuana than those who start in their 20s.




    AGE 11 OR




    15 - 17


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    Are you thinking, not my kid? Think again!Substanceabuse does not discriminate; it affects people from

    all walks of life, socioeconomic backgrounds and

    education levels.

    Nearly 1in13over the age of 12 has a drinking problem

    1in12 American adults is an alcohol abuser or alcoholic

    Millionsmore engage in risky drinking behaviorsthat jeopardize their health, relationships, productivity

    and general well-being

    In order to understand how this came to be well rst

    take a look at challenges threatening the stability of

    American families.

    Substance AbuseAffects Everyone

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    Challenges Threatening theStability of American Families

    The makeup of the standard American family has changed dramatically.

    Lets look at the denition of family.

    The U.S Census denes a family as, a group of two people or more (one of

    whom is the householder) related by birth, marriage, or adoption and resid-

    ing together; all such people (including related subfamily members) are

    considered as members of one family.

    Although the U.S Census has its denition of family, the makeup of familiesin America dont necessarily fall under that denition. The family dynamic in

    2012 is signicantly different than it was a decade ago. The once average

    makeup of the American family (mom, dad, 2 kids with a dog, minivan and

    a 3 bedroom house) is not typically the case today. In reality families are

    very diverse and can range from families composing of (but not limited to)

    a mom and a dad

    two dads or two moms

    foster homes

    biological children

    adopted children

    grandparents, aunts, uncles raising their siblings childrens and/

    or grandchildren

    higher divorce rates

    unwed couples having children and cohabitating.

    In the end each family is left to create their own denition of family.

    Families face juggling work, school, friends and their personal lives in a soci-

    ety where there really isnt a set denition of family. This leaves many Amer-

    ican families with no blueprint on how to function. In addition to the identity

    crisis, modern families are challenged with eeting time and piled up stress.

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    Family Time is aRare Commodity

    The average adultworks 8.2 hours in the day and only spends 2 hours in the day with

    their children. Out of lets say, 16 waking hours you only get to see your child 12.5%

    of the time in a 16-hr waking period. For the average American adult this is the harsh

    reality of how busy weve gotten and how much time we dont put into our families.

    Not only do we work a lot but we watch television for 5.5 hours of the day, spend 45.8

    hours commuting, and 35 minutes engaged in our mobile devices. Teenagers show

    even more alarming rates of face to face disconnection from others in their large

    amounts of data use.

    24 hr Peroid of an Average American Adult



    72% of teens use a cell phone more than 4 hours each day.

    Teen boys send an average of 2,815 text messages per month.

    Teen girls send an average of 3,952 text messages per month.

    74% of teens spend more than 1 hour playing mobile games each day.

    93% of teen social media users have a Facebook account.

    The result?Many young adults lack deep thinking capabilities, have difculty retaining

    information, lackface-to-face social skills and depend in unhealthy ways on

    technology to communicate.

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    Our fast-paced world has created an avalanche of challenges for families.

    Marriages and families are falling apart with 50% of rst, 67% of second and

    73% of third marriages ending in divorce. More than 4 in 10 children begin

    life with unmarried parents. In the last 20 years nearly 200% more unmarried

    fathers are raising children alone. 48% more children areliving with a grandparent.

    The denition and makeup of the family is in a dynamic shift, set responsi-

    bilities and roles are changing dramatically. The expansion of the Internet

    and modern technologies is making it harder for family members to stay

    connected with each other. A disconnect amongst in person relationships

    is increasing and so is everyones stress levels. Its becoming harder to keep


    What does all of this really mean? It means that parents are stressed, their

    kids are stressed and theyre looking for ways to cope. Did you know that

    nearly 50% of Americans say their stress has gotten worse in the past 5 years

    and less than 33% feel they are managing their stress well? In addition, 30%

    say family worries are their biggest source of stress. Adolescents are being

    challenged on a daily basis to nd ways to manage and cope with their

    stress, depression, pain and in many cases traumatic events.

    Its hard for adults to cope and manage their stress so imagine how hard

    it is for our children. The ugly truth is that many of our children are turning

    to drugs to cope. Not only are they seeking out drugs but drugs are being

    provided to them in their own homes, through your medicine cabinets.

    Most adolescents are exposed to prescription drugs right at home. 63%

    of teens say prescription drugs are easy to get from the medicine cabinets

    of friends and family. [Joseph T. Rannazzisi, DEA Congressional Testimony,

    2007] Prescription drug abuse is dangerous and increasing in the number

    of overdoses; more than street drugs such as cocaine, heroin and amphet-

    amines. The number of emergency room visits attributable to prescription

    drugs jumped 97% between 2004 and 2008. Prescription drug abuse is so

    dangerous because the drug dealer role has been shift from outside the

    home to inside the home.

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    Big Pharma secretly wants you toget hooked to these medications

    and theyre hitting where it hurtsthe most: at home.




    Of high school seniors say they have taken atleast one prescription or OTC drug for non-medical purposes in the past month*

    Of students say they have taken aprescription drug not prescribed for

    them at least once in their lives*

    Increase from 2004-2009, in emergencyroom visits for misuse or abuse ofpharmaceuticals*




    *Source: Drug Facts: High School & Youth Trends*Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance*Vital Signs: Overdoses of Prescription Opiod Pain Relievers

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    Secret #2:A national epidemic thataffects the consumer equalsbig bucks for Pharma.




    Because these medications areprescribed by doctors, manyassume they are safe to takeunder any circumstance.


    Prescription drugs are readilyavailable and dont carry thesocial stigma of illicit drugs.



    Reasons for starting to abuseprescriptions vary; ranging fromgetting high to anxiety, pain, sleep

    problems or enhancing cognition.



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    We see it frequently on TV, our Facebook and Twitter timelines, online and

    printed newspapers: America is hooked on prescription drugs. The Center

    for Disease and Control (CDC) has ofcially labeled prescription drug

    abuse as an epidemic. We can no longer ignore the very real truth that

    prescription drug abuse in the United States is a huge problem.

    One in 25 adults and teenagers in the US has used a prescription drug in a way other than prescribed.

    The number of prescription drug addicted babies has tripled in the last 10 years,

    mimicking the crack baby epidemic of the 1980s. One of the most commonly

    abused prescription drugs are narcotic painkillers (Hydrocodone, Oxycodone

    and Codeine). You may know them as:

    Vicodin, Lorcet, Lortab, Norco, Hydro-Apap, Percodan, Percocet, Tylox,

    Roxicet, OxyContin, Tylenol #3 & #4, Apap with Codeine, etc.

    Twenty-ve years ago, doctors did not prescribe narcotic painkillers for non-

    malignant chronic pain out of fear of addiction. These medications were

    reserved for those suffering from cancer or other terminal diseases. In the

    90s, a shift occurred in the medical community and the focus turned to

    improving patient quality of life. Prescription drug manufacturers spent millions

    on marketing and developing new drugs to treat pain. Since it rst hit the

    market in the mid-1990s, OxyContin has become one of the nations top-selling

    prescription painkillers, with worldwide sales totaling $3.6 billion in 2010.With

    these prescription drugs ooding the market, prescription drug abuse in the US

    began to increase exponentially.


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    From 1980 to 2000,

    prescription drug sales

    tripled as a percentage of

    the U.S GDP.

    Since the early 1980s the

    pharmaceutical industry has

    been consistently rankedas the most protable in the

    United States.

    The cost of drugs in the U.S

    rises 12% every year - about

    a $2 billion increase - while

    drug companies make

    record prots.

    The top ten companies have

    combined yearly prots of$35.9 billion.

    Big Pharma has made a fortune getting Americans hooked on their products.Drug manufacturing is a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and pharmaceuticalincreased by 8% from 2009-2011. Its the same business model the alcohol andcigarette companies use get em hooked and well have lifetime customers. Its

    a tough pill to swallow, no pun intended.

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    Secret #3: There is a cure and itdoesnt require another prescription

    We live in a world where the cure for everything is to receive a prescription for some new

    drug. Just like the alcohol, tobacco and insurance companies make big bucks by gambling

    on peoples health - big Pharma needs us to buy and consume prescriptions at a higher and

    faster rate. The more and faster we consume the more money they make. Prescription abuse

    is very real and big Pharma hides itself behind the idea that taking a prescribed medica-

    tion (whether its yours or that of another) against directions is not their problem. Whether a

    drug is illegally manufactured or manufactured behind the name of a company it has to be

    regulated effectively to prevent epidemics like this from occurring. Prescribing more pills is not

    going to help the addict, providing treatment for drug abuse will.

    Is someone you love spiraling out of control because of drug addiction?

    Has a friend, family or loved one been acting out of the ordinary or showing inconsistencies

    in behavior that have left you confused? Is it possibly drug abuse, how can you tell? Do you

    know how to pin point the signs of addiction? Here are ten signs of drug abuse you should


    1. Sudden changes in behavior

    2. Mood Swings

    3. Carelessness in Physical Appearance

    4. Loss of interest in hobbies or activities

    5. Withdrawal from family members

    6. Change in Sleeping Pattern

    7. Red or glassy eyes

    8. Problems at school or work

    9. Spending all or most of their money and always asking to borrow money

    10. Sickness or withdrawal

    These signs of drug abuse can vary based on how long the person has been using, what kind

    of drugs or alcohol they are using, and their age. Keep in mind that one of these signs alone

    does not mean that you or your loved one has a drug problem but it may be good to sit

    down and talk with your loved one or someone else if you think they might have a problem

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    When you suspect, or know, thatyour child or loved one has beendrinking or using drugs, take actionto stop it as soon as you can - itmay be the most important stepyou ever take.

    Parents are the most importantinuence in a childs life - nomatter their age.

    In fact, children of all ages saythat losing their parents trustand respect are among the most

    important reasons not to usedrugs.


    What to do when

    you can nolonger watch aloved one destroyhis or her future


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    Medical DetoxicationBe sure the facility involves a safe, medicallysupervised drug alcohol detox treatment programin a tranquil, serene setting with outstandingaccommodations.

    Residential TreatmentTreatment needs to be done in a real-lifesetting, not a hospital setting. If not, a person isill prepared to cope and deal with the real lifestressors that await them once they are on their


    Trauma Resolution TherapyDrugs and alcohol are not the problem, they arethe solution. Finding a treatment center that deals

    with core issues is integral to recovery.

    Holistic TherapyResearch has clearly demonstrated theadvantages of a multidisciplinary approach.

    Extensive After CareAn important part of treatment is getting a person

    to maximize their potential in key areas of lifesuch as career, family, and personal relationships

    You have the power of inuence and lovewhen it comes to getting your child the treat-

    ment they need. Do your research; look fordrug and alcohol rehabilitation centers thatfulll your loved ones needs. Regardless oftheir drug of choice the treatment center youchoose should offer:




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    How will you get them to stop doing drugs, and is it On-Site?

    Do they have a safe comfortable private medical detox? Not all

    facilities offer on-site detox and even fewer offer private opportunities.

    How long should one remain in treatment for a better success rate?

    Do they offer treatment plans up to 90 days? Research shows that

    clients that stay 90+ days have the highest success rate.

    What will my child be doing while in treatment?

    Do they offer a multidisciplinary approach? Studies show that the

    more the brain and body is engaged the more a client will get out oftreatment.

    When theyre done with treatment what happens next?

    What kind of aftercare programs do they offer? After treatment is

    completed, now what? The best facility will have an extensive after

    care menu including educational and vocational training.

    How can I be involved?

    Does the facility have a family program? Addiction is a family

    disease and it is vitally important that family be involved in the


    How much does it cost for treatment?

    Treatment is an investment in your or your loved ones life, and more

    expensive is not necessarily better in this eld. Invest your time

    in being sure that you needs are being met. Does the facility even

    take insurance? There are some that do not.

    Are they accredited?

    While there are plenty of treatment centers that offer great services

    not all are accredited through the high standard of state or nationalhealth organizations.

    Does the facility offer national resources?

    Once youve gone through treatment do they have nationwide

    resources to support you of getting back on track? They should.


    The best drug and alcohol treatment centers will offer an extensive lisof services for patients during treatment and after treatment for theirsuccess in recovery. Some questions youll want to ask them are:

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    now aword


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    AtPalm Partners Recovery Center, our intent

    is to enable clients to cease abusing drugs

    and alcohol through psychological, physical

    and spiritual transformation. Our drug rehab

    center is guided by a simple principle: If we

    do the right thing for the right reason, we help

    our clients experience recovery and become

    successful in life.

    A focus

    on holistichealth





    Private Detox

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    Customized Aftercare

    Family Involvement

    Comfortable Private Detox


    Our specialized treatment includes the 12 step model, holistic therapies and

    multiple modalities of treatment including: life coaching, individual therapy,

    chiropractic care, yoga, sweat lodge, experiential workshops, Rapid Trauma

    Resolution, and NLP.

    The Family Program at Palm Partners is specically geared for the special needs

    of parents, family members, and signicant others of drug and alcohol addicts.

    The expressed intent of the program is, not only to assist the family in dealing

    with the various stressors of addiction, but also to empower the family to be a

    force for healing and recovery.

    Upon commencement the journey truly begins. We offer continued support

    through further life coaching, aftercare therapy, recovery enhancement, moni-

    toring, a comprehensive alumni program and the Palm Partners Academy.

    Medical detox treatment at Palm Partners Recovery Center involves a safe,

    medically supervised drug alcohol detox treatment program in a tranquil,

    serene setting with outstanding accommodations. Our caring, competent and

    qualied staff will assist in making you feel the comforts of home. Every client is

    personally assessed according to their individual drug alcohol detox needs.

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    Too often abusing drugs and alcoholaffects high school or college goals.

    Palm Partners pioneered one of the few

    programs that offers educational and

    professional opportunities after the initial

    treatment phase, making a huge impacton long-term recovery.

    On our sober campus, students can

    begin their studies without fear of being

    exposed to drug-using triggers.

    Treatment curriculum includes

    competency in academics, addictionrecovery, life skills, physical tness and

    emotional stability.

    We prepare students to return to college

    or the workplace with the tools neededto maintain sobriety.


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    We are licensed through the Florida Department of Childrenand Families for the treatment of substance abuse and mental

    health, National Association of Social Workers, and the JointCommission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.


    OF YOUR SUCCESSNo one can guarantee or promise complete recovery

    or freedom from alcohol or addiction issues for life, butPalm Partners comes close.

    Palm Partners, however offers a limited gaurantee that

    entitles someone who has successfully completed our

    90 day residential program and then engages in ourrecovery coaching program for one year to return to

    treatment free of cost if they relapse.


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    If you or someone

    you know needs helpCALL

    705 Linton Boulevard Delray Beach, FL 33444
