  • 8/10/2019 Big Bazaar n Easy Day Report



    Project Study Report


    AComparative Study of Service Quality of

    Big Bazaar and Easy Day

    Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

    Award of Degree of

    Master of Business Administration

    Submitted By:

    Kapil Godara

    MBA- 4thsemester

    Engineering College Bikaner

    (An Autonomous Institution of Govt. of Rajasthan)

    Karni Industrial Area, Pugal Road, Bikaner

  • 8/10/2019 Big Bazaar n Easy Day Report



    Hereby I declare that the project report entitled A Comparative Study of

    Service Quality of Big Bazaar and Easy Day submitted for the degree ofmaster of business administration is my original work and the project report has

    not formed the basis for the award of any diploma, degree associate ship,

    fellowship or similar other titles.

    It has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of

    any degree or diploma.

    Place: Kapil Godara

    Date: MBA 4thSem.

  • 8/10/2019 Big Bazaar n Easy Day Report



    This is certified that Mr. Kapil Godara, student of Master of Business

    Administration, Fourth Semester of Engineering College,Bikaner has completed

    his Project report on the topic of A comparative study of Service Quality of

    Big Bazaar and Easy Day under supervision of Gaurav Bissa(Associate

    Professor , DMT).

    To best of my knowledge the report is original and has not been copied or

    submitted anywhere else. It is an independent work done by him.

    Dr. Gaurav Bissa

    Associate Proffesor, DMT

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    Theoretical study combined with practical knowledge makes the learning

    meaningful and enables the individuals to develop self-confidence. Often

    repeated but correctly said that one cannot learn to swim without diving in the

    water and so the MBA curriculum has been designed to provide to the future

    managers ample practical exposure of the business world.

    The Project report is a compulsory part for the fulfillment of the MBA degree

    course and helps the student to gain knowledge about various aspect of the

    industry, emphasizing on the development of skills analyzing and interpreting

    practical problems through application of theory concepts and techniques of


    This project focuses on the service quality provided by the two retail giants in

    India i.e. Big Bazaar and Easy Day and it pertains to compare the quality of

    service for different aspects in both the retailer chains.I took my project study of

    Big Bazaar and Easy Day at Jaipur city in Rajasthan. My job during the project

    was to study of the behavior and perception of customers towards the services of

    Big Bazaar and Easy Day and find out which retail organization is more popular

    and effective among thecustomers in Jaipur.

    Now I take this opportunity to present the project report and sincerely hope that it

    will be as much knowledge enhancing to the readers as it was to use during the

    fieldwork and the completion of the report.

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    An individual cannot do project of this scale. I take this opportunity to express my

    acknowledgement and deep sense of gratitude to the individuals for rendering

    valuable assistance and gratitude to me. Their inputs have played a vital role in

    success of this project.

    I express my sincere thanks to my project guide Gaurav Bissa, Designation

    Faculty, Department of Management Technology Engineering College, Bikaner,

    for her generous support, constant direction and mentoring at all stages of

    project and was a real source of help and assistance to me during the course of


    It gives me immense pleasure to thank all those who had helped me directly or

    indirectly to complete this Dissertation Report.

    Kapil Godara

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    To conduct the Comparative Study of Service Quality of Big Bazaar and Easy

    Day, I used some service quality measure as the basis to analyze the data to

    obtain genuine information regarding customer choice and preferences among

    the services provided by both the retailers. We know that there are several retail

    chainsin India but Big Bazaar and Easy Day are extensively used by people in

    Jaipur city. Big Bazaar is well sustained and biggest retail chain in India, while

    Easy Day is in infant stage in Indian market but due to its association with the

    another giant, Bharti Retail, it generated eagerness and people looked for some

    more quality services from it and this factor initiated me to choose this topic as it

    seemed very interesting to compare the services of the biggest retailer and anew entrant.

    We know that people expect good and satisfactory servicesandit is said that

    success is the result of a good plan well executed. For a retailer, plans are

    mostly formulated at corporate headquarter and executed in their stores. Service

    quality can be assessed for factors that include choosing the assortment of

    products to carry in each store at each point in time, setting store inventory levels

    and product prices, setting staffing levels, determining how many stores to have

    and where they are located and creating the physical design of stores and plan

    grams that specify the location of all products within each store. Services quality

    helps the customer to analyze the store.Services provided by the retail store

    shows what type of retail store it is.

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    4.1. Title of study

    4.2. Duration of the project

    4.3. Objective of the project

    4.4. Type of research

    4.5. Sample size and method of selecting sample

    4.6. Scope of the study

    4.7. Limitations of the study



    7. SWOT ANALYSIS 98 - 101

    8. CONCLUSION 102103


    10. APPENDIX 107109

    11. BIBLIOGRAPHY 110 - 115

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    History of Indian retail sector:

    The Indian retail industry is divided into organized and un-organized sectors.

    Organized retailing refers to trading activities undertaken by licensed retailers,

    that is, those who are registered for sales tax, income tax, etc. These include the

    corporate-backed hypermarkets and retail chains, and also the privately owned

    large retail businesses. Unorganized retailing, on the other hand, refers to the

    traditional formats of low-costretailing, for example, the local kirana shops, owner

    manned general stores, shops, convenience stores, hand cart and pavement

    vendors, etc.

    Indias retail sector is wearing new clothes and with a three -year compounded

    annual growth rate of 46.64 per cent, retail is the fastest growing sector in the

    Indian economy.

    Traditional markets are making way for new formats such as departmental

    stores,hypermarkets, supermarkets and specialty stores. Western-style malls

    have begun appearing in metros and second-rung cities alike, introducing the

    Indian consumer to an unparalleled shopping experience.The Indian retail sector

    is highly fragmented with 97 percent of its business being runby the unorganized

    retailers like the traditional family run stores and corner stores.

    The organized retail however is at a very nascent stage though attempts are

    being made to increase its proportion to 9-10 per cent by the year 2011 bringing

    in a huge opportunityfor prospective new players. The sector is the largest

    source of employment after agriculture, and has deep penetration into rural India

    generating more than 10 percent of Indias GDP.

    On one hand where markets in Asian giants like China are getting saturated, the

    AT Kearney's 2006 Global Retail Development Index (GRDI), for the second

    consecutive year Placed India the top retail investment destination among the 30

    emerging markets across the world.

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    Over the past few years, the retail sales in India are hovering around 33-35 per

    cent of GDP as compared to around 20 per cent in the US. The table gives the

    picture of Indiasretail trade as compared to the US and China.

    The last few years witnessed immense growth by this sector, the key drivers

    being changing consumer profile and demographics, increase in the number of

    international brands available in the Indian market, economic implications of the

    Government increasing urbanization, credit availability, improvement in the

    infrastructure, increasinginvestments in technology and real estate building a

    world class shopping environmentfor the consumers. In order to keep pace with

    the increasing demand, there has been ahectic activity in terms of entry of

    international labels, expansion plans, and focus ontechnology, operations and

    processes.This has lead to more complex relationships involving suppliers, third

    party distributorsand retailers, which can be dealt with the help of an efficient

    supply chain. A propersupply chain will help meet the competition head-on,

    manage stock availability; supplierrelations, new value-added services, cost

    cutting and most importantly reduce thewastage levels in fresh produce.

    Present scenario in Indian retail Industry:

    Large Indian players like Reliance, K Rahejas, Bharti Airtel, ITC and manyothers

    are making significant investments in this sector leading to emergence of

    bigretailers who can bargain with suppliers to reap economies of scale. Proper

    infrastructure is a pre-requisite in retailing,which would help to modernize India

    and facilitate rapid economic growth. This wouldhelp in efficient delivery of goods

    and value-added services to the consumer making ahigher contribution to the


    International retailers see India as the last retailing frontier left as the Chinas

    retail sectoris becoming saturated. However, the Indian Government restrictions

    on the FDI arecreating ripples among the international players like Walmart,

    Tesco and many otherretail giants struggling to enter Indian markets. As of now

    the Government has allowedonly 51 per cent FDI in the sector to one -brand

    shops like Nike, Reebok etc. However,other international players are taking

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    alternative routes to enter the Indian retail marketindirectly via strategic licensing

    agreement, franchisee agreement and cash and carrywholesale trading (since

    100 per cent FDI is allowed in wholesale trading).

    Retail Sector is the most booming sector in the Indian economy. Some of the

    biggest players of the world are going to enter into the industry soon. It is on the

    threshold of a big revolution after the IT sector. Although organized retail market

    is not as strong as of now, but it is expected to grow manifolds by the year 2012.

    The sector contributes 10% of the GDP, and is estimated to show 20% annual

    growth rate by the end of the decade. CRISIL report says that the retail market is

    most fragmented in India and only 2% of the entire retailing business is in the

    organized sector. There are about 300 new malls, 1500 supermarkets and 325

    departmental stores being built in the cities very soon.

    The retail boom will face a strong competition from the 12 million mom-and-pop

    stores, which are easily accessible and approachable and provide services like

    free home delivery and goods at credit. But buying from Malls, Supermarkets and

    Department stores gives a different feeling and the environment of pick and

    choose from a variety of products. A number of retail giants are also going to

    explore the market such as Reliance Retail Ltd and Wal-mart. The revolution is

    driven by large expectations where both domestic and international players will

    be channel through which other large stores in India are spreading themselves

    across the Estimates and predictions for retail sector:

    At present, the industry is estimated to be at more than US$ 400 billion.

    The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) estimates the retail market in India

    will increase to US$608.9 billion in 2009 from US$394 billion in 2005.

    KPMG Report says that the organized retail would grow at a higher rate

    than the GDP in the next five years.

    The retail sector would generate employment for more than 2.5 million

    people by the year 2011.

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    as compared to today. Current projections on construction point to a supply of

    just 200,000,000 sq ft (19,000,000 m2), leaving a gap of 500,000,000 sq ft

    (46,000,000 m2) that needs to be filled, at a cost of US$1518 billion.

    According to the ICRIER report, the retail business in India is estimated to grow

    at 13% from $322 billion in 2006-07 to $590 billion in 2012-12. The unorganized

    retail sector is expected to grow at about 10% per annum with sales expected to

    rise from $ 309 billion in 2006-07 to $ 496 billion in 2012-12.

    The Indian Retail Market

    Indian market has high complexities in terms of a wide geographic spread and

    distinct consumer preferences varying by each region necessitating a need for

    localization even within the geographic zones. India has highest number of

    outlets per person (7 per thousand) Indian retail space per capita at 2 sq ft

    (0.19 m2)/ person is lowest in the world Indian retail density of 6 percent is

    highest in the world. 1.8 million households in India have an annual income of

    over 45 lac (US$99,900).

    Delving further into consumer buying habits, purchase decisions can be

    separated into two categories: status-oriented and indulgence-oriented.CTVs/LCDs, refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens

    and DVD players fall in the status category. Indulgence-oriented products include

    plasma TVs, state-of-the-art home theatre systems, iPods, high-end digital

    cameras, camcorders, and gaming consoles. Consumers in the status category

    buy because they need to maintain a position in their social group. Indulgence-

    oriented buying happens with those who want to enjoy life better with products

    that meet their requirements. When it comes to the festival shopping season, it is

    primarily the status-oriented segment that contributes largely to the retailers

    cash register.

    While India presents a large market opportunity given the number and increasing

    purchasing power of consumers, there are significant challenges as well given
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    that over 90% of trade is conducted through independent local stores.

    Challenges include: Geographically dispersed population, small ticket sizes,

    complex distribution networkand little use of IT systems, limitations of mass

    media and existence of counterfeit goods.

    Major Indian Retailers

    Indian apparel retailers are increasing their brand presence overseas, particularly

    in developed markets. While most have identified a gap in countries in West Asia

    andAfrica,some majors are also looking at theUS andEurope.Arvind Brands,

    Madura Garments, Spykar Lifestyle and Royal Classic Polo are busy chalking out

    foreign expansion plans through the distribution route and standalone stores as

    well. Another denim wear brand, Spykar, which is now moving towards becominga casualwear lifestyle brand, has launched its store in Melbourne recently. It

    plans to open three stores in London by 2008-end.

    The low-intensity entry of the diversified Mahindra Group into retail is unique

    because it plans to focus on lifestyle products. TheMahindra Group is the fourth

    largest Indian business group to enter the business of retail after Reliance

    Industries Ltd,theAditya Birla Group,andBharti Enterprises Ltd. The other three

    groups are focusing either on perishables and groceries, or a range of products,

    or both.

    Next retail India Ltd (Consumer Electronics)(

    PGC Retail -T-Mart India[2],Switcher , Respect India , Grand India Bazaar

    REI AGRO LTD Retail-Formats:6TEN Hyper & 6TEN Super

    RPG Retail-Formats: Music World, Books & Beyond, Spencers Hyper,

    Spencers Super,Daily & Fresh

    Pantaloon Retail-Formats: Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar, Pantaloons, Central,

    Fashion Station, Brand Factory, Depot, aLL, E-Zone etc.

    Marks & Spencer: Clothing, lifestyle products, etc.
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    The Tata Group-Formats: Westside, Star India Bazaar, Steeljunction,

    Landmark, Titan Industries with World of Titans showrooms, Tanishq

    outlets, Chroma.

    K Raheja Corp Group-Formats: Shoppers Stop, Crossword, Hyper City,

    Inorbit Mall.

    Lifestyle International-Lifestyle, Home Centre, Max, Fun City and

    International Franchise brand stores.

    Pyramid Retail-Formats: Pyramid Megastore, TruMart

    Nilgiris-Formats: Nilgiris supermarket chain

    Subhiksha-Formats: Subhiksha supermarket pharmacy and telecom

    discount chain.

    Trinethra- Formats: Fabmall supermarket chain and Fabcity hypermarket


    Vishal Retail Group-Formats: Vishal Mega Mart

    BPCL-Formats: In & Out

    Reliance Retail-Formats: Reliance Fresh

    Reliance ADAG Retail-Format:Reliance World

    German Metro Cash & Carry

    Shoprite Holdings-Formats: Shoprite Hyper

    Paritala stores bazar: honey shine stores

    Aditya Birla Group - more Outlets

    Kapas- Cotton garment outlets

    Entry of MNCs in India

    The world's largest retailers by sales, Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Sunil Mittal's

    Bharti Enterprises have entered into a joint venture agreement and they are

    planning to open 10 to 15 cash-and-carry facilities over seven years. The first of

    the stores, which will sell groceries, consumer appliances and fruits and

    vegetables to retailers and small businesses, is slated to open in north India by

    the end of 2008.Carrefour, the worlds second largest retailer by sales, is

    planning to setup two business entities in the country one for its cash-and-carry
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    business and the other a master franchisee which will lend its banner, technical

    services and know how to an Indian company for direct-to-consumer retail.

    The worlds fifth largest retailer by sales,Costco Wholesale Corp (Costco) known

    for its warehouse club model is also interested in coming to India and waiting for

    the right opportunity.

    Opposition to the retailers' plans has argued that livelihoods of small scale and

    rural vendors would be threatened. However, studies have found that only a

    limited number of small vendors will be affected and that the benefits of market

    expansion far outweigh the impact of the new stores.

    Tesco plans to set up shop in India with a wholesale cash-and-carry business

    and will help Indian conglomerate Tata group to grow its hypermarket business.

    Challenges to Indian retail sector

    To become a truly flourishing industry, retailing needs to cross the following


    Automatic approval is not allowed for foreign investment in retail.

    Regulations restricting real estate purchases, and cumbersome local laws.

    Taxation, which favors small retail businesses.

    Absence of developed supply chain and integrated IT management.

    Lack of trained work force.

    Low skill level for retailing management.

    Lack of Retailing Courses and study options

    Intrinsic complexity of retailing rapid price changes, constant threat of

    product obsolescence and low margins.

    To overcome some of the challenges faced by modern retail, the country is

    developing a support infrastructure in form of specialized retail schools.
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    One such skill development initiative has been taken by TKWs Group. Its TKWs

    Retail School has already training over a thousand students and retail

    professionals for different retail skills. TKWs Retail School is also associated with

    government projects like enhancing retail experience of foreign tourists,

    improving retail of handicraft and local produce, skill development of village


    Current Status in retail

    Indias retail industry accounts for 10 percent of its GDP and 8 percent of

    theemployment to reach $17 billion by 2011.The Indian retail market is estimated

    at US$ 350 billion. But organized retail is estimatedat only US$ 8 billion.

    However, the opportunity is huge-by 2011, organized retail isexpected to grow at6 per cent by 2011 and touch a retail business of $ 17 billion asagainst its current

    growth level of 3 per cent which at present is estimated to be $ 6billion, according

    to the Study undertaken by The Associated Chambers of Commerceand Industry

    of India (ASSOCHAM).

    Indian retailing is clearly at a tipping point.Organized retail in India has the

    potential to add over Rs. 2,000 billion (US$45 billion)business by the Year 2011

    generating employment for some 2.5 million people in variousretail operations

    and over 10 million additional workforce in retail support activitiesincluding

    contract production & processing, supply chain & logistics, retail real

    estatedevelopment & management etc.

    It is estimated that it will cross the $650-billion mark by 2012, with an already

    estimatedinvestment of around $421 billion slated for the next four years.

    As noticed in the figure above, the Organized Retail Penetration (ORP) is the

    highest infootwear with 22 per cent followed by clothing.

    Though food and grocery account forlargest share of retail spend by the

    consumer at about 76 per cent, only 1 per cent of thismarket is in the organized


    However, it has been estimated that this segmentwould multiply five times taking

    the share of the organized market to 30 percent in thecoming years.

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    Indian retail sector is witnessing one of the most hectic Marketing activities of all

    times. The companies are fighting to win the hearts of customer who is God said

    by the business tycoons. There is always a first mover advantage in an

    upcoming sector. In India, that advantage goes to BIG BAZAAR. It has brought

    about many changes in the buying habits of people. It has created formats, which

    provide all items under one roof at low rates, or so it claims. In this project, we

    will study the in depth comparison between service quality provided by Big

    Bazaar and a recent entrant Easy Day by the venture of Bharti Airtel, India and

    Wal-Mart, USA .

    Service quality in India:

    Of all services marketing topics, service quality has gained much research

    prominence in recent years. Existing research indicates that consumers satisfied

    with service quality are most likely to remain loyal. Service quality is perceived as

    a tool to increase value for the consumer; as a means of positioning in a

    competitive environment and to ensure consumer satisfaction, retention and

    patronage. With greater choice and increasing awareness, Indian consumers

    are more demanding of quality service and players can no longer afford to

    neglect customer service issues.

    The basic difference between the services provided by Big Bazaar and Easy Day

    would be beneficial for the people who want to choose the services among these

    retailers and the study will also provide specific idea to the governing bodies of

    this sector how to compete and increase the service quality comparing to the

    other retailer.

    Measuring service quality: SERVQUAL and RSQS:

    SERVQUALMuch of the attention focused on the service quality construct is attributable to

    the SERVQUAL, instrument developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml& Berry in

    1988 for measuring service quality. Several studies subsequently employed the

    SERVQUAL to measure service quality and to assess the validity and reliability

    of the scale across a wide range of industries and cultural contexts.

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    Little is known about service quality perceptions in India because research focus

    has primarily been on developed countries. Given the relatively mature markets

    where the service quality scales have been developed, it seems unlikely that

    these measures would be applicable to India without adaptation.

    Experts examined the SERVQUAL in the retail banking industry and reported a

    poor fit of the scale to the empirical data. Despite this, several researchers have

    used the SERVQUAL scale in similar settings with no assessment of the

    psychometric soundness of the scale.


    Service quality in retailing is different from any other product/service

    environment. For this reason, in 1996, Dabholkar, Thorpe and Rentz developed

    the Retail Service Quality Scale (RSQS) for measuring retail service quality. The

    RSQS has a five dimensional structure of which three dimensions comprise of

    two sub-dimensions each.

    Studies assessing the applicability of the RSQS have reported encouraging

    results. These researchers replicated their own study and found all the RSQS

    dimensions and sub-dimensions to be valid in the U.S. It was also found that the

    RSQS five dimensional structure appropriate for measuring the service quality

    perceptions of supermarket consumers in international market.

    Researchers reported the RSQS a useful scale for measuring service quality of

    discount stores across different cultural contexts of different countries, though

    they reported empirical support for a four and not a five dimensional structure.

    Reports provided highly encouraging results for the RSQS applicability in the

    context of department stores, specialty stores and hypermarkets.

    This study evaluates the applicability of these measuring scales for measuring

    service quality in the Indian context with special reference to Big Bazar and Easy

    day. If these measures found to be valid and reliable, that will be effective

    instruments available to Indian retailers.

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    The 5 Dimensions of SERVQUAL or RATER model:

    Service providers want to know what customers care about. Service quality is a

    good guess. Price, and to a minor degree product quality, also count. But for

    service providers, customers care most about service quality. After extensive

    research, Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry found five dimensions customers

    use when evaluating service quality. They named their survey instrument

    SERVQUAL.If providers get these dimensions right, customers will hand over the

    keys to their loyalty. Because they will receive service excellence, according to

    what's important to them.

    The five SERVQUAL dimensions are:

    TANGIBLES-Appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and

    communication materials.

    RELIABILITY-Ability to perform the promised service dependably and


    RESPONSIVENESS-Willingness to help customers and provide prompt


    ASSURANCE-Knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to

    convey trust and confidence.

    EMPATHY-Caring, individualized attention the firm provides its customers.

    A 6th criterion was proposed by Gronroos in 1988:RECOVERY.

    It has the same effect as the junk yard strategy, which is used to support the zero

    defects strategy. The customer needs to stay happy. Since there are many bad

    services being delivered to the customer and according to latest researches 12

    good service encounters are needed to make up a bad one, the criteria recovery

    can play an important role.

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    Big Bazaarwas launched in September, 2001 with the opening of three stores in

    Calcutta,Bangalore andHyderabad in 22 days. Within a span of ten years, there

    are now 148 Big Bazaar stores in 80 cities and towns across India.Big Bazaar is

    not just another hypermarket. It caters to every need of your family. Where Big

    Bazaar scores over other stores is its value for money proposition for the Indian


    At Big Bazaar, customers can definitely get the best products at the best prices -

    that's what they guarantee. With the ever increasing array of private labels, it has

    opened the doors into the world of fashion and general merchandise including

    home furnishings, utensils, crockery, cutlery, sports goods and much more at

    prices that will surprise you. And this is just the beginning. Big Bazaar plans to

    add much more to complete customers shopping experience.

    Big Bazaar is designed as an agglomeration of bazaars or Indian markets with

    clusters offering a wide range of merchandise including fashion and apparels,

    food products, general merchandise, furniture, electronics, books, fast food and

    leisure and entertainment sections.

    In 2006-2007, more Indians discovered the value of shopping in Big Bazaar. And

    with the launch of each store, we discovered more value in terms of operational

    efficiency. Big Bazaar launched 27 new stores in 22 cities, covering over 1.40

    million square feet. As of June 2007, there were 56 Big Bazaar stores across 43

    cities. While Big Bazaar continued to expand in the large cities, it also tapped

    consumption potential in smaller cities like Agra, Allahabad, Coimbatore, Surat,

    Panipat, Palakkad, Kanpur andKolhapur.,_India,_India
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    The year under review also witnessed realigning of business teams with shared

    experience in category management, sourcing, front-end operations and

    business planning. In addition, separate teams have been formed to look into all

    aspects of new store launches and to manage mature stores. This provides more

    flexibility and focus in expansion plans.The increase in SKUs in existing

    categories and the introduction of new categories encouraged the opening of

    larger stores or Super centers, measuring 100,000 square feet or more. There

    are now 5 Big Bazaar Super Centers. Considering this scale of expansion,

    technology plays a significant facilitating role. The introduction of SAP in 2005-06

    and its roll out during the year positively impacted the business.

    Food Bazaar, a supermarket format was incorporated within Big Bazaar in 2002and is now present within every Big Bazaar as well as in independent locations.

    There are now 169 Food Bazaar outlets, including those located within Big

    Bazaar.Based on the companys in-house consumer data and research, and in

    cognizance with observations on customer movements and the shopping

    convenience factor, Food Bazaar has initiated certain refurbishments and layout

    design across all stores. The intention is to continuously change with the times

    and demands of the evolving Indian consumer.

    Food Bazaar also witnessed healthy expansion during the year 2006-07, making

    its presence felt in nearly 26 cities and adding 40 stores during the year under

    review. The total count of Food Bazaars as on 30th June 2007 stood at 86

    stores. The year under review witnessed the companys private label program

    gaining significant attraction. The brands have been very competitive vis--vis

    the established brands in quality and price terms, and have in fact scored better

    than national or international players in certain categories. The share of private

    labels as a percentage of total Food Bazaar revenues has increased significantly

    and comprises nearly 50 merchandise categories.

    While Fresh & Pure brand entered categories like cheese slices, frozen peas,

    honey, packaged drinking water and packaged tea, the Tasty Treat brand

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    received a very favorable response in new categories like bhujiya and wafers. In

    the home care category, Caremate launched aluminum foil and baby diapers

    while Cleanmate launched detergent bars and scrubbers.

    A new format BB Wholesale Club was launched and 4 such stores have been

    opened so far. To be managed by Food Bazaar from the ensuing financial year,

    this format sells only multi-packs and bulk packs of a select range of fast moving

    categories and caters to price sensitive customers and smaller retailers. The

    company has also forged tie-ups with established companies like ITC, Adanis,

    DCM Group, USAID and other farm groups in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh

    to source directly from them. These alliances are expected to drive efficiencies

    as well as bring better products to consumers. By the end of FY 07-08, the totalnumber of Food Bazaar stores was expected to be 200.

    A typical Big Bazaar is spread across around 50,000 square feet of retail space.

    While the larger metropolises have Big Bazaar Familycenters measuring

    between 75,000 square feet and 1,60,000 square feet, Big Bazaar Express

    stores in smaller towns measure around 30,000 square feet.Most of the Big

    Bazaar stores are multi-level and are located in stand-alone buildings in city

    centers as well as within shopping malls. These stores offer over 200,000 SKUs

    in a wide range of categories led primarily by fashion and food products.Big

    Bazaar has initiated the process of Auto Replenishments Systems, thus

    improving operational efficiencies and productivity. The company has also

    rationalized nearly 250 vendors through better vendor management in terms of

    potential to expand, and for inclusion and upgradation to the online B2B platform.

    In FY 2008, the company opened the 100th Big Bazaar store which marked the

    fastestever expansion by a hypermarket format.

    Big Bazaar is part of Future Group and is owned through a wholly owned

    subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail IndiaLimited that is listed on Indian stock

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    Group Vision

    Future Group shall deliver Everything, Everywhere, Every time for Every Indian

    Consumer in the most profitable manner.

    Group Mission

    We share the vision and belief that our customers and stakeholders shall

    be served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the

    consumption space leading to economic development.

    We will be the trendsetters in evolving delivery formats, creating retail

    realty, making consumption affordable for all customer segments for

    classes and for masses. We shall infuse Indian brands with confidence and renewed ambition.

    We shall be efficient, cost- conscious and committed to quality in whatever

    we do. We shall ensure that our positive attitude, sincerity, humility and

    united determination shall be the driving force to make us successful.
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    Core Values

    Indian-ness: Confidence in ourselves.

    Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business.

    Respect & Humility: To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.

    Introspection: Leading to purposeful thinking.

    Openness: To be open and receptive to new ideas, knowledge and information.

    Valuing and Nurturing Relationships: To build long term relationships.

    Simplicity & Positivity: In our thought, business and action.

    Adaptability: To be flexible and adaptable, to meet challenges.

    Flow: To respect and understand the universal laws of nature.

    Future the word which signifies optimism, growth, achievement, strength,

    beauty, rewards and perfection. Future encourages us to explore areas yet

    unexplored, write rules yet unwritten; create new opportunities and new

    successes. To strive for a glorious future brings to us our strength, our ability to

    learn, unlearn and re-learn our ability to evolve.

    Future Group will not wait for the Future to unfold itself but create future

    scenarios in the consumer space and facilitate consumption because

    consumption is development. Thereby, they will effect socio-economic

    development for customers, employees, shareholders, associates and

    partners.Customers will not just get what they need, but also get them where,

    how and when they need.

    Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of

    Indias leading business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the

    consumption space. While retail forms the core business activity of Future Group,

    group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, leisure

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    Pantaloon Retail is the flagship company of Future Group, a business group

    catering to the entire Indian consumption space.Pantaloons is among India's

    largest chains of fashion stores. Pantaloons Fresh Fashion, with its focus on

    'fresh look, feel and attitude' offers, trendy and hip collections that are in sync

    with the hopes and aspirations of discerning young and 'young-at-heart'

    consumers.Pantaloons Retail was recently awarded the International Retailer of

    the Year 2007 by the US-based National Retail Federation (NRF) and the

    Emerging Market Retailer of the Year 2007 at the World Retail Congress held inBarcelona.

    Over the years, the company has accelerated growth through its ability to lead

    change. A number of its pioneering concepts have now emerged as industry

    standards. For instance, the company integrated backwards into garment

    manufacturing even as it expanded its retail presence at the front end, well

    before any other Indian retail company attempted this. It was the first to introduce

    the concept of the retail departmental store for the entire family through

    Pantaloons in 1997. The company was the first to launch a hypermarket in India

    with Big Bazaar, a large discount store that it commissioned in Kolkata in

    October 2001. And the company introduced the country to the Food Bazaar, a

    unique 'bazaar' within a hypermarket, which was launched in July 2002 in
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    Mumbai. Embracing our leadership value, the company launched aLL in July

    2005 in Mumbai, making us the first retailer in India to open a fashion store for

    plus size men and women.

    Today it is the fastest growing retail company in India. The number of stores is

    going to increase many folds year on year along with the new formats coming up.

    The way they work is distinctly "Pantaloon". The courage to dream and to turn

    our dreams into reality that change peoples lives, is their biggest advantage.

    Pantaloon is an invitation to join a place where there are no boundaries to what

    one can achieve. It means never having to stop asking questions; it means never

    having to stop raising the bar. It is an opportunity to take risks, and it is this

    passion that makes our dreams a reality.

    Pantaloons Fresh Fashion stands out as a fashion trendsetter, on the lines of

    how fashion is followed internationally. This 'fresh fashion' destination allows

    customers to shop for the latest in fashion apparel and accessories throughout

    the year in an attractive and visually stimulating ambience.

    Pantaloons Fresh Fashion stores have presence with stores not just in Metros

    but also in smaller towns. All stores have a wide variety of categories like casualwear, ethnic wear, formalwear, party wear and sportswear for Men, Women and


    Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited, is Indias leading retailer that operates multiple

    retail formats in both the value and lifestyle segment of the Indian consumer

    market. Headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), the company operates over 16

    million square feet of retail space, has over 1000 stores across 73 cities in India

    and employs over 30,000 people.

    The companys leading formats include Pantaloons, a chain of fashion outlets,

    Big Bazaar, a uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, Food Bazaar, a supermarket

    chain, blends the look, touch and feel of Indian bazaarswith aspects of modern

    retail like choice, convenience and quality and Central, a chain of seamless

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    destination malls. Some of its other formats include Brand Factory, Blue Sky,

    aLL, Top 10 and Star and Sitara.

    Future Value Retail Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Pantaloon Retail

    (India) Limited. This entity has been created keeping in mind the growth and the

    current size of the companys value retail business, led by its format

    divisions, Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar.

    The company operates 148 Big Bazaar stores, 169 Food Bazaar stores, among

    other formats, in over 70 citiesacross the country, covering an operational retail

    space of over 6 million square feet. As a focussed entity driving the growth of the

    group's value retail business, Future Value Retail Limited will continue to deliver

    more value to its customers, supply partners, stakeholders and communities

    across the country and shape the growth of modern retail in India.

    A subsidiary company, Home Solutions Retail (India) Limited, operates Home

    Town, a large-format home solutions store, Collection and selling home furniture

    products and e-Zone focused on catering to the consumer electronics segment.


    1987* Company incorporated as Manz Wear Private Limited. Launch of

    Pantaloons trouser, Indias first formal trouser brand.

    1992* Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the month of May.

    1997* PantaloonsIndias family store launched in Kolkata.

    2001* Big Bazaar, Is se sastaauracchakahinahin - Indias first hypermarket

    chain launched.

    2002* Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched.

    2007* Future Group crosses $1 billion turnover mark.

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    Culture at Pantaloon

    At Pantaloon, Empowerment is what you acquire and Freedom at Work is what

    we get. They believe their people as most valuable assets. Young in spirit,

    adventurous in action, with an average age of 27 years, their skilled & qualified

    professionals work in an environment where change is the only

    constant.Powered by the desire to create path-breaking practices and held

    together by values, work in this people intensive industry is driven by softer issues.

    Making a difference to Customers lives is a Passion for them and performance is

    the key that makes it possible. Out of the Box thinking has become a way of life

    at Pantaloon and living with the change, a habit.Leadership is a value that is

    followed by one and all at Pantaloon. Leadership is the quality that motivates themto never stop learning, stretching to reach the next challenge. In the quest of

    creating an Indian model of retailing, Pantaloon has taken initiatives to launch

    many retail formats that have come headed for serve as a benchmark in the

    industry. Believing in leadership has given them the optimism to change and be

    successful at it. According to them, theydo not predict the future, but create it.

    At Pantaloon one can get an opportunity to handle multiple responsibilities, and

    therein, the grooming to play a larger role in the future. Work is a unique mix of

    preserving our core Indian values and yet providing customers with a service, on

    par with international standards.

    Discovering talent diversity

    The company strongly believes that its sustainable competitive advantage lies in

    the values that it cherishes the culture that it imbibes and spirit of enterprise that

    resides within the organization. Talent management therefore continues to be the

    core focus for the company. Considering the multiple businesses and rapid

    expansion expected across the business, the company saw merit in taking a

    fresh guard to the way in which business would run in order to meet the next leg

    of expansions.

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    During the year 2006-07, the company conducted an extensive review of in-

    house talent management, which involved mapping every managerial position in

    the organization for their skill sets, competence and attitudinal aspects as well as

    taking an inventory check of the existing talent base and addressing their

    development needs. Development Centers were created with in-house

    assessors, which further aided in identifying potential resources and helped chalk

    out post assessment development plans.

    Continuing with its policy of strategic alliances, the company is collaborating on

    joint degree programs with 15 management schools, design institutes and

    institutes of higher learning in areas like food business, supply chain

    management, design experience management etc. This Seekho program forexternal and internal candidates has ensured a steady stream of mid-level, well

    trained retail professionals every year.

    The companys Gurukool program provides the front-end employees an

    opportunity to imbibe the companys values and a sense of ownership to the

    company. The company has also created an Employee Growth Trust Fund that

    was launched during the last financial year for the senior management.

    Equal Opportunity

    The company believes that in order to build a sustainable business environment,

    the composition of its talent base needs to reflect the diversity that exists in our

    country and among its customers. Therefore the company ensures that the

    proportional representation of different communities in the Indian population is

    mirrored in its employee profile. The majority of employees in the company come

    from socially and economically marginalized sections of the society. Close to

    46% of the employees in the organization are women and the average age within

    the organization is 27 years. The effectiveness of its talent management

    initiatives is reflected in the fact that the annual rate of attrition is 8.12%, much

    below industry levels. The company plans to strengthen its employee platform to

    about 30,000 people by FY 08, from nearly 18,000 people as on FY 07.

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    Human Resource Initiatives

    Pantaloon Retail believes that one of its sustainable competitive advantages will

    continue to be the people who are part of the organization. Being in service

    industry, the Company places a lot of focus is placed on attracting, and training,

    incentivizing and retaining talent. The vision is "To provide an environment that

    creates happy people who have a meaningful life and add value to business and

    society." With over 18000 employees at an average age of 27 years, the

    Company prides itself on being a young and energetic organization, driven

    through the 'The Pantaloon People Management System'. This is built on 5

    pillars of people based growth, namely - Culture Building, Performance

    Management through Balanced Scorecard, People Processes, ManagementProcesses and Leadership Brilliance. Training a competent Learning &

    Development Team is responsible for training employees at all the levels across

    the country, focusing on primary and secondary research into various aspects of

    retail and assessment of training needs across Knowledge, Skills & Attitude

    areas. The emphasis is on creating product and process knowledge through well-

    defined programs like Praarambh and Parikrama. For the critical front line staff,

    the Company's unique outbound residential training program Gurukool focuses

    on integrating the mind, body and soul and brings about measurable attitudinal

    and behavioral changes.

    The program has covered nearly 4,500 employees. The SMILE initiative for

    training of new Store Manager's has been created and disseminated to over 100

    store managers by this team.

    New initiatives in retail

    In the financial year 2006-07, the companys retail businesses discovered new

    categories across formats, new sets of consumers and fresher and contemporary

    merchandise. They have been able to offer more in the established businesses

    and gain favorable acceptance with new concepts. In addition, concerted

    expansion plans saw retail space increase to over 5.2 million square feet at the

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    Bharti retail, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. Opened its

    first convenient retail store on 16thApril 2008 in Ludhiana, western Punjab under

    the joint venture with worlds largest retailer Wal Mart.

    Bharti-Wal Mart joint venture planned to open their retail chain by the name Easy

    Day across India. The store would sell products of daily usage, ranging from

    personal care products, stationery, household articles, hosiery items, daily-needgroceries including staples, processed foods, bakery, dairy products, meat,

    poultry and fresh produce.

    Bharti Retail had also entered into a joint venture with US retailer Wal-Mart, for

    wholesale cash and carry operations by the name Best Price, a segment where

    India allows 100 percent foreign direct investment.The joint venture is expected

    to open 10 to 15 wholesale cash and carry facilities and employ approximately

    5,000 people over the next seven years.

    Each store is about 2,500 to 4,500 sft in size and is projected as one stop shop

    for day-to-day family requirements such as groceries, personal care and

    household products. The company is planning to setup these stores on PAN

    India basis and they refused to give any further details on the project. The first 3

    stores are opened in Ludhiana, the hometown of Sunil Bharti Mittal.

    In its first phase of operations, Bharti Retail has opened 59 Easy Day stores in

    Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and New Delhi. In addition, it also

    has launched three compact hyper stores called Easy Day Market in Punjab. The

    company has deliberately focused on north India in its first phase of operations in

    an effort to consolidate presence in one market, before expanding to another


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    The Easy Day stores source fresh fruits and vegetables from Bharti-Walmart. In

    an interesting HR innovation the stores plan to tap workforce from the likes of

    cart vendors, housewives and retired personnel, by offering flexi-hour work

    schedules. Such groups of persons will also be enrolled for structured training

    modules at the Bharti Retail Academy

    Product Range in Easy Day stores:

    o Dairy Products

    o Grains & Pulses

    o Bakery products

    o Food and Beverages

    o Home & Personal Care

    o Meat and Poultry Items

    o Frozen - Vegetarian, Non-Vegetarian [Meat] and Chilled Non-Vegetarian

    All the three stores are single floor stores with cash counter and bakery section

    at the entrance. Each category of the product was marked separately. Products

    were effectively displayed with price tags.

    In Easy Day stores we found that Home & Personal Care [Toothpaste, Soap, etc]and Food & Beverages [Pepsi, Fruit Juiceand Cereals] are sold at a discount

    between 1-5% only.

    Great Value Private Label Brand:

    The company has introduced its own private label under the brand name Great

    Value. Most items are in the grains and pulses categories. With increasing

    number of retailers, discount is what most consumers look for.

    Each store has 12-15 employees including a store manager without any gender

    of age bias. The company has also established "Bharti Academy of Retail" in

    association with Global Retail School of Chandigarh for imparting training for the

    retail business.

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    The stores, known as 'Easy Day', would be a one-stop shop to cater to every

    family's day-to-day needs, company officials said, adding that "it will bring

    together a relevant and wide product range, good quality products and great-in-

    experience and service-all under one roof".

    The store would sell personal care products, stationary, household articles,

    hosiery items, daily-need groceries like staples, processed foods, bakery and

    dairy products, meat and poultry, and fresh produce.

    The company had earlier announced an investment of up to 2.5 billion dollars

    (Rs.10, 000crore) by 2015 in retail operations including multi-format retail outlets

    across all cities in India that have population of over one million.

    Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. is planning to open approximately 125 Easy Day

    supermarkets and 13 Easy Day Market hypermarts by the end of 2011. The

    company is looking to establish its presence in every city in India in another five

    years and will invest approximately $2.5 billion to add about 10 million square

    feet of retail space in the country.

    The equal joint venture between Bharti and Wal-Mart is planning to open

    approximately 15 cash-and-carry stores as well as provide work for

    approximately 7,000 people over the next three years.

    The retail arm of Bharti Enterprises currently has 60 Easy Day stores across

    Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh and six Easy Day Market

    stores across Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

    Additionally, the company has also entered into agreements to open stores

    having between 50,000sqft and 100,000sqft in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.

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    The company was founded by Sunil Bharti Mittal along with two siblings in 1976.

    The company was not so famous in India by its own name; rather its brand

    names like Airtel and Beetel (PSTN Phone Sets) are household names in India.

    The company underwent a brand reformation process and changed its logo and

    corporate Image.

    Bharti Enterprises is a large Indian business conglomerate headquartered in New

    Delhi, India, operating primarily across India and in some other countries like Sri

    Lanka, Bangladesh, Jersey, Guernsey and Seychelles with expanding operations

    across Africa in Burkina Faso, Chad, Congo Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of

    Congo, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra

    Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. It was established by Sunil Bharti Mittal.

    Bharti Enterprises has businesses spanning across telecom, retail, financial

    services, manufacturing and software.

    Bharti Retail Ltd.

    Bharti Retail Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bharti Enterprises. Bharti

    Retail operates a chain of multiple format stores. The companys neighborhood

    format stores operate under the "Easyday" brand and the compact hypermarket

    format under the Easyday market brand. Recently the company has become

    more involved in the food economic sectors, with a joint partnership in the

    agricultural company FieldFresh.

    Bharti Retail Pvt, Ltd. operates retail stores. It offers food and grocery categories,

    fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and poultry, dairy products, staples, FMCG and

    processed foods, electronics and appliances, clothing and footwear, furniture and

    furnishing, and other household articles. The company was incorporated in 2007

    and is based in India. It has stores in Punjab, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttar

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    Pradesh, as well as in Delhi. Bharti Retail Pvt, Ltd. operates as a subsidiary of

    Bharti Enterprises Limited.

    Bharti Retail Pvt Ltd. announced that the company will soon enter western India

    with its first hypermarket in Mumbai. The company has signed a 60,000 sqft storein the Neptune Magnet mall of the city's Bhandup area and this is expected to

    open in the first quarter of 2012.

    After Mumbai, the company plans to open 20 more stores in cities such as

    Mumbai, Pune and Nanded. The company is also planning to set up a mother

    distribution center on the Mumbai-Pune highway.

    The company also planned to open stores in the south and signed half a dozen

    stores in the region.

    Bharti Enterprises tied-up with Wal-Mart for opening a chain of retail stores all

    over India. Though the retail chain store venture is yet to see the light, the two

    companies, in August 2007, made a surprise statement that they have signed a

    wholesale cash-and-carry deal. The companies would open 10 - 15 cash-and-

    carry facilities over 7 years and would employ 5,000 people. Each store would

    occupy 50,000-100,000 square feet.

    The other retail companies of Bharti group are Bharti Retail (Holdings) Private

    Limited, Bharti Retail Resources Private Limited and Cedar Support Services Ltd.

    The format has been branded `Easy Day as first reported. The stores range

    between 2,500 to 4,500 square feet. With the Easy Day stores, Bharti now joins

    the ranks of other Indian conglomerates like Reliance Retail and Aditya Birla

    Group, which have launched chains of their retail stores across the country.

    Wal-Mart Inc has tied up with Bharti Enterprises for entering the Indian market.

    Wal-Mart has entered into a technical agreement with Bharti for its retail stores,

    where it provides assistance and technical know-how to Bharti on how to operate

    and manage retail stores. Mike Duke, vice-chairman, Wal-Mart Inc, had already...

    hinted that the retail store would not sport the Wal-Mart tag. He said that nearly

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    three fourths of Wal-Mart internationals retail operations are under 52 different

    local brands, since the company wants to be seen as a local retailer in any area

    operates rather than a retail behemoth.

    Their strategy is to consolidate presence in one market, before expanding toanother geographic region. They planned to have 125 easy day and 13 Easyday

    Market storesby the end of 2011. The focus of roll out would be North India but

    they have plans to expand operations into other parts of India. The company has

    lined up an investment of $2 billion to $2.5 billion by 2015 to fuel its expansion


    Retail is viewed as the next big business by Bharti and continues to receive

    investment and strategic attention. They are looking at approximately 10million

    square feet of retail experience across all cities in India, with a population of over

    one million.

    The easy day Market in Jaipur is a 35,000 sq. ft. store offering over 18,000

    quality products , including trendy fashion wear such as George (international

    brand) and Astitva (Indian Ethnic Wear), private label products, home ware and

    furnishings, a range of electronics and electrical appliances, mobile phones,

    footwear, toys, books, food etc.

    Though the company plans to first cover northern India and then proceed to other

    parts, whether or not the Easy Day stores will be opened in UP is still doubtful.

    These stores will retail an assortment of products like personal care, stationery,

    household articles, hosiery items, daily-need groceries including staples,

    processed foods, bakery and dairy products, meat and poultry and fresh


    The first cash-and-carry store that will be operated by the 50:50 joint venture

    accompany between Wal-Mart and Bharti will be operational by the year end.

    Bharti-Wal-Mart is expected to open 10-15 cash-and-carry stores in seven years.

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    Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.(branded as Wal-Mart) is an Americanpublic

    corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is the

    world's largest public corporation by revenue, according to the 2008 Fortune

    Global 500.

    The company was founded by, Sam Walton, who opened the first Wal-Mart

    discount store in Rogers Arkansas back in 1962, and 47 years later, Wal-Mart

    operates 8,159 units in 15 countries.

    Incorporated on October 31, 1969, and listed on theNew York Stock

    Exchange in 1972, Wal-Mart is the largest private employer which employs over

    2.1 million people worldwide.

    Wal-Mart operates in Mexico asWalmex, in the United Kingdom asAsda, inJapan asSeiyu,and in India asBest Price.

    Wal-Mart is currently the worlds largest retailer with a total annual sale of

    405,607 million (2009). Even in the midst of a recession its estimated that Wal -

    Mart stores retail market share has risenmarkedly and they were seeing sales

    gains for 2009.

    As Wal Mart emerged as the worlds largest retailer in a short span of time, critics

    are worried about its impact on local communities, particularly on mom and pop

    shops for their survival. There have been several studies on the economic

    impact of Wal-Mart on small towns and local businesses, jobs, and taxpayers.
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    Products of wal mart:

    Discount stores:

    Sam Walton opened his first Wal-Mart discount store in 1962. Today,

    there are 810 stores offering a pleasant and convenient shopping

    experience across the United States. The size of an average store is

    107,000 square feet. Each store employs about 225 associates.

    Stores feature wide, clean, brightly-lit aisles and shelves stocked with a

    variety of quality, value-priced general merchandise, including family

    apparel ,Automotive products, Health and beauty aids, Home furnishings,

    Electronics, Hardware ,Toys, Sporting goods, Lawn and garden items, Pet

    supplies, Jewelry, House wares.


    Supercenters were developed in 1988 to meet the growing demand for

    convenient, one-stop family shopping featuring our famous Every Day Low

    Prices. It saves time and money by combining a full grocery and our

    general merchandise under one roof. There are 2,737 Supercenters

    nationwide, and most are open 24 hours in US. Supercenters average

    187,000 square feet and employ about 350 or more associates.

    Supercenter groceries features include bakery goods, daily foods, meat

    and dairy products, frozen foods, fresh produced, Canned and packaged

    goods, dry goods and staples, condiments and spices beverages,

    household supplies etc.

    Neighborhood markets:

    Neighborhood Markets offer a quick and convenient shopping experience

    for customers who need groceries, pharmaceuticals, and general

    merchandise all at our famous Every Day Low Prices. First opened in

    1998, there are now 151 Neighborhood Markets, each employing about

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    95associates. A typical store is about 42,000 square feet. Neighborhood

    Markets feature a wide variety of products like health and beauty aids, pet

    supplies, stationery and paper goods, household supplies etc.

    Supermercado de Wal-Mart:

    Wal-Mart opened "Supermercado de Wal-Mart" locations to appeal to

    Hispanic communities in the United States.

    Sam's Club:

    Sam's Club is a chain ofwarehouse clubs which sell grocery and general

    merchandise in large quantities. Sam's Club stores are "membership"

    stores and most customers buy annual memberships. However, non-members can make purchases either by buying a one-day membership or

    paying a surcharge based on the price of the purchase.[51]Some locations

    also sellgasoline.[46]The first Sam's Club opened in 1983 inMidwest City,

    Oklahoma[51]under the name "Sam's Wholesale Club".

    WalMart in India:

    In November 2006, the company announced a joint venture with Bharti

    Enterprises to open retail stores in India. As foreign corporations are not allowedto directly enter the retail sector in India, Walmart will operate through franchises

    and handle the wholesale end. The partnership will involve two joint ventures;

    Bharti will manage the front end involving opening of retail outlets, while Walmart

    will take care of the back end, such as cold chains and logistics.,_Oklahoma,_Oklahoma,_Oklahoma,_Oklahoma
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    Retailing is the most dominant business in India. Various types of retail formats

    have existed in our country. The quality of services provided by retailers can be

    assessed by the pioneering work done by the experts in retail marketing.One among the experts, Parasuraman et al, (1988), published one of the earliest

    articles to measure the service quality of the retailers. In this study the service

    quality of the retailers was scrutinized and the conclusion reached that, it will lead

    to understand the service quality of retailers in our country.

    Merrilees, Bill, et al, (March 2007), Retail Development and activity in transition

    economies is the core theme. It focuses on retail marketing strategy. Retail

    service quality, pricing and location, personal services to retain the customer are

    the major focus of this publication.

    Tam Jackie L .M, (September 2007), the study examines the relationships

    among customer satisfaction, service quality and perceived value. This research

    focuses on the examination of the variables simultaneously and their

    relationships with post purchase behavior.

    Soyoung Kim, et al., (2001), This article gives a structural view regarding the

    ability of Retail Service Quality Scale to influence the retail shoppers perceptions

    of service quality in discount stores in the U.S. and South Korea.

    Sirohi, Niren, et al, (Summer 1998), focus on store loyalty intentions of current

    customers of a food and grocery retailer to understand the effectiveness of

    activities designed to retain customers. It also examines the quality perception,

    variables associated with the value for money and competitor attractiveness.

    The work of Boshoff, Christo, et al, (December 97) is a replication study which

    gives an overview about SERVQUAL, the quality of customer service in the area

    of retail in South Africa.

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    Fullerton, Gordon, et al., (June 2005), examine the extent to which affective and

    continuous commitment serve as mediators of brand satisfaction and loyalty

    intentions relationship.

    The study of Terblanche, N.S, et al, (December 2004) focuses on the In-storeShopping Experience (ISE) that offers retailers an alternative means of

    differentiation. It is achievable by providing superior store shopping experience.

    Subhash Mehta C., et al, (2000) explore the usefulness of SERVPERF, the

    perceptions component of SERVQUAL in measuring the service quality of

    electronic goods retailers.

    SubashiniKaul, (October 2005) examines the (RSQS) retail service quality scale

    developed in U.S. for applicability in Indian retailing. The data was collected from

    adult shoppers from large formats apparel stores in the city of Bangalore for

    tracking the overall service quality levels over a period of time.

    Nor Khalidah Abu, (2004) in his paper produces the service quality dimensions

    on various sized grocery retailers in Malaysia. This research is based on the

    RSQS. It takes into account the retail setting.

    Mehmet Arda, (September 2006) highlights the significance of world food

    retailing and the significant impact of supermarkets and grocery procedures.

    M.Dhurup in his paper presents the results of a study done on super markets.

    The paper focuses on the measurement of customer perceptions of super market

    service quality by using a national super market in South Africa.

    Quality basically maintains equilibrium between the internal and external

    environment of an education institution. A system that fulfils the requirement of

    the external forces such as customers and at the same time applies to the

    internal forces to accommodate them is the true winner (Koslowski, 2006;

    Abdullah, 2006; Eagle and Brennan, 2007; Russell, 2005; Hill, 1995; Houston,

    2008). Thus fulfilling the requirement of the customer in a creative manner is

    quality (Voon, 2006; Samat, et al., 2006; Awan, et al., 2008; Azmi, et al., 2008).

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    The most recent development on the quality is in the service sector. When it

    comes to providing service the customer plays the major role (Reeves and

    Bednar, 1994; Eagle and Brennan, 2007; Awan, et al., 2008; Rowley, 1997).

    Koslowski (2006) has narrowed down the types of quality and applied them

    specifically to the higher education industry.

    According to researcher the types of quality refer to some part of the system. As

    stated by Koslowski (2006, p.282-283) the Transcendent quality is achieved

    through specialized programs offered to the faculty in institution, Manufacturing

    based quality is when the structure of degree is perfectly aligned to the

    requirement of the customer, Product based quality is focused on the addition of

    courses in a specialized degree, Value based quality is achieved by providing

    the appropriate outcome to the customer and User based quality is gained by

    fulfilling the requirements of the customer.

    Service based industries are leading many nations. Service is basically the

    creation of value for the buyer that attracts the buyer to try it and it cannot be

    commented until tested (Guo, 2002; Awan, et al., 2008; Ham, et al., 2003; Wang,

    et al., 2008). Thus to maintain standard in this era of global competition the

    leaders are adopting Services Quality management strategies (Abdullah, 2005;

    Samat, et al., 2006; Guo, 2002; La and Kandampully, 2004; Farrell, 2008;

    Sakthivel and Raju, 2006; Wang, et al., 2008). There are many types of services

    that are concerned with the fulfilment of needs of the customer. According to Guo

    (2002, p.1157) the three main forms of Service provided are People Processing

    Service (health care), Possession Processing Service (perfume) and Information-

    Based Services (banking). Maintaining Service Quality has been considered as

    an edge for many organizations.

    Therefore Service Quality has been used as an aggressive strategy to overcome

    the external pressure (Slater and Narver, 1994; La and Kandampully, 2004;

    Azmi, et al., 2008; Legcevic and Strossmayer, 2008).

    The main purpose for this review of literature is to configure the importance of

    maintaining Service quality in Higher Education industry. The paper would

    explore the development of the concept of Service Quality. It would also explain

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    the developmentof Service Quality Measurement Models with respect to the

    literature as well astheir application in various industries and especially the

    higher education industry.

    Thus the review paper provides a clear insight on the development of Service

    QualityMeasurement Models. Although a lot of research has been done on the

    ServiceQuality; yet the struggle to rightly unfold the concept is still under

    progress. Thispaper talks about the development of Service Quality

    Measurement Models, the entireprocess from the reason to development of the

    concept and findings have beendiscussed. It is a chronological study, starting

    from year 1988 to 2008 focusing on theresearch done on development and

    improvements of service quality measurementmodels have been explored. From

    1988 to 2008, eight Service Quality MeasurementModels have been developed.

    In 1988, the first service quality measurement modelwas developed by

    Parasuraman, et al. It was introduced by the name of ServiceQuality

    (SERVQUAL). This model was empirically tested on the validity of ServiceQuality

    Measurement Variable with respect to the multi-industries.

    EventuallyParasuraman, et al. (1988, p.23) developed five dimensions which

    were showingsignificance to the measurement of service quality, namely:

    (a) Tangibles (physicalfacilities and equipment),

    (b) Reliability (performing the promised service),

    (c)Responsiveness (willingness to help customers),

    (d) Assurance (courtesy ofemployees to convey trust) and

    (e) Empathy (individualized attention provided tocustomers).

    SERVQUAL has been highly recognized in the literature and since 1988 till now it

    has been used by various researchers in a variety of industries. Then in 1992,

    Cronin and Taylor developed another version of Service Quality MeasurementModel on Service Performance (SERVPERF). The main emphasis of the Cronin

    and Taylor was on the performance based evaluation of the company. The core

    elements were customer satisfaction and their purchase intentions. This

    measurement model has also been highly acceptable by the researchers and

    also applied to manyindustries.

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    In 1993, Teas developed two models for measuring service quality. Teas was not

    convinced with the entire concept of measuring the customer perceived quality

    with the gap of perception and expectation as in SERVQUAL. The major

    emphasis of the researcher was on the conceptual understanding of Expectation,

    since the expectation associated to the services could exceed the actual level of

    performance of the company. Therefore the researcher developed Evaluated

    Performance model (EP) in order to measures the gap between perceived

    performance and ideal amount of a performance to gain consumer satisfaction.

    Further catering to the expectation, the researcher concentrated on the prospect

    created after the experience of the consumer. Teas (1993) perceived Excellence

    norm as a result of positive experience of the customer, this led to the creation of

    Normed Quality model. NQ measures the Quality gap between excellence norm

    and ideal amount of expectations of the consumer. Both the measurement

    models are applicable to various industries.

    However the EP and NQ measurement model were not applied by other

    researchers in the literature.

    In 2006, Voon created Service Market Orientation measurement model

    (SERVMO). Voon believed thatfulfilling the need of the students is the main

    reason of the existence of an institution.

    After the review of literature on development of Service Quality Measurement

    Models from 1988 to 2008, the comparison of measurement models have been

    done on the basis of acceptance and usage in the literature. Since the

    development of SERVQUAL and SERVPERF in 1988 and 1992, these

    measurement models have been extensively used by many researcher in their

    relevant industry, thus the comparison of SERVQUAL with SERVPERF has been

    done in order to check which model is better than the other. Considering the

    developed Performance Based Measurement Models two of the models have

    been created on the basis of Performance, thus for that reason SERVPERF and

    SERVQUAL have been compared.

    Since SERVPERF is already accepted by many researchers, thus the main

    purposeis to configure the suitability of both the models and also the

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    development of a modified version of HEdPERF model has been shown.

    SERVQUAL has been a widely accepted method for Measuring Service Quality

    in various industries. From 1988 to 2008 it has still been used by many

    researchers to measure the service quality in their industry of interest. However

    in 2008, SERVCESS was created by selecting one dimension of the SERVQUAL

    i.e. Tangible (Physical facilities and equipment). The role of equipment in

    measuring service quality refers to the changes made in the up gradation of the

    equipment (computers, projectors, multimedia), which has not been emphasized

    in the SERVQUAL. Thus by comparing SERVQUAL and SERVCESS the

    effectiveness of the SERVQUAL model is checked with respect to the importance

    of Information system.

    Considering the trend in development of Service Quality Measurement Models, it

    has come into consideration that since 1996 to 2008 the researchers have

    developed Service Quality Measurement Models.

    Quality basically maintains equilibrium between the internal and external

    environment of an institution. Thus researchers have been trying to create an

    instrument that fits the requirement of the education industry.

    A.Parsurama, Leonard L.Berry, and valarie A. Zeithmal,(1988) in their study

    described about development of 22 item instrument in the assessment of the

    service quality perception of the customers in the service and retail firms, which

    was called as SERVQUAL. According to them service quality include

    competence, courtesy, credibility, security, tangibles, reliability, responsiveness,

    communication, and understanding the customer. Authors also proposed that

    SERVQUAL scale can help a vast range of services and retail firms to assess

    the customer expectation and perception of services quality as it had a variety of

    potential application.

    In their study the service quality of the retailers was scrutinized and the

    conclusion reached that, it will lead to understand the service quality of retailers

    in our country. Empirical results examining relationships from the model

    concerning customers' behavioral intentions show strong evidence of their being

    influenced by service quality. One interesting proposition they make is that "The

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    quality that a consumer perceives in a service is a function of the magnitude and

    direction of the gap between expected service and perceived service".

    Parasuraman have defined service quality as the ability of the organization to

    meet or exceed customer expectations. It is the difference between customer

    expectations of service and perceived service.

    Service Quality was operationally concluded by Brady and Cronin (2001) when

    they find through qualitative and empirical research that the service quality

    construct conforms to the structure of a third-order factor model that ties service

    quality perceptions to distinct and actionable dimensions: outcome, interaction,

    and environmental quality. Each dimension has three sub-dimensions that define

    the basis of service quality perceptions. For each of these sub-dimensions to

    contribute to improved service quality perceptions, the quality received by

    consumers must be perceived to be reliable, responsive, and empathetic.

    Li, Tan and Xie (2003) suggest that a company's ability to achieve excellent

    service quality depends on the choice of service attributes, their desired levels,

    and the prioritization of service attributes. They investigate the asymmetric and

    nonlinear nature of the relationship between service quality gaps and overall

    service quality (quality that is worse than expected hurts more than quality that is

    better than expected helps), and develop a model that applies utility theory to the

    prioritization of service attributes.

    In 1993, Teas developed two models for measuring service quality. Teas was not

    convinced with the entire concept of measuring the customer perceived quality

    with the gap of perception and expectation as in SERVQUAL. The major

    emphasis of the researcher was on the conceptual understanding of Expectation,

    since the expectation associated to the services could exceed the actual level of

    performance of the company. Therefore the researcher developed Evaluated

    Performance model (EP) in order to measures the gap between perceived

    performance and ideal amount of a performance to gain consumer satisfaction.

    Further catering to the expectation, the researcher concentrated on the prospect

    created after the experience of the consumer. Teas (1993) perceived Excellence

    norm as a result of positive experience of the customer, this led to the creation of

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