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  • 8/4/2019 BHU Lecture Nov


    National Seminar on R.Shamasastry: New Dimensions in Indian

    History(centenarary year of the discovery of Kautilyas Arthashastra)

    November 8-10, 2011

    Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology,

    Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

    I am grateful to the organizers of this great Seminar, particularly to

    Professor Sitaram Dube, to have invited me to deliver this inaugural

    address. As the Organizers wish to appreciate his personality and

    contributions to Indological studies including Arthashastra, they have

    proposed to discuss the following aspects:

    Life and Personality of R. Shamasastry.

    Arthashastra-Text and Translation.

    Further Studies on the Arhashastra.

    His concept of History and Methodology

    Jyotish and Eras.

    Palaeography and Epigraphy.

    Indian Epics.

    Classical Sanskrit Literature.

    Textual Crtiticism

    Centenary of Arthasastras publicationR Shamasastry: Discoverer of Kautilya's ArthasastraBy Prof. AV Narasimha Murthy

    The Maharaja of Mysore wanted to celebrate the golden jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen Victoria in 1891and built a little beauty and named it Victoria Jubilee Institute. The building is a rare blend of classicalEuropean, Gothic, Corinthian and Romanesque architectural elements. Subsequently, the walls of thisbuilding were adorned by Hoysala sculptures brought from a destroyed Hoysala temple. There are somebeautiful inscriptions in front of the building which give a heritage ambience to the structure.

    The building used to house thousands of rare palm leaf manuscripts and was called Mysore Oriental Libraryand now it is called Oriental Research Institute (ORI) and is a part of Mysore University. Queen Victoria isforgotten but this Research Institute is famous all over the world because it was here the first manuscript ofKautilyas Arthasastra was discovered.

    Around 1905 there was a librarian by name Rudrapatnam Shamasastry (1868-1944) who hailed from thecelebrated village Rudrapatna on the banks of Kaveri, famous for Karnatak music. He belonged to theSanketi Brahmin community and by 37 he had mastered Vedas, Vedanga, classical Sanskrit, Prakrit,English, Kannada, German, French and other languages. He had also learnt the various ancient scripts ofIndia.

    As the librarian, he daily examinied each manuscript to know its contents. It was not an easy task either.Most of the palm leaf manuscripts were fragile and to handle them was a big problem. This routineexamination continued day-by-day, month-after-month and even after years, without great success. ButShamasastry was hopeful of finding out some new spectacular manuscript which was not known to the

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    world. His assistants always taunted him but unmindful of all these, Sastry continued his work with alldevotion and sincerity.

    One fine morning in 1905, he picked up a palm leaf manuscript from a heap. He examined this palm leaf andwas pleasantly surprised to know that it was a work on Arthasastra or administration written by an authorcalled Kautilya, Chanakya or Vishnugupta before the dawn of Christian era. Some people thought that itmust have been a hoax; others looked at this with suspicion. But the introduction written by Shamasastry in

    1909 giving the details of the author and its authenticity convinced that it was a genuine literary wonder ofthe ancient world.

    Fleet (London), Jolly (Germany), Winternitz (Germany), Thomas (London), Pelliot (France), Keith, StenKonow and a host of others congratulated Shamasastry for heralding a new era in Indian administration. RKMukherji, Ashutosh Mukherji, BC, Law, CR Reddy and other Indian scholars paid handsome tribute toShamasastry. Rabindranath Tagore specially expressed his happiness on this occasion. Thus Shamasastryovernight became a celebrity not only in India but all over the world in academic circles. The book wastranslated into French, German and many other languages.

    Awards and recognitions followed immediately after its publication in 1909. Washington University (USA)awarded a doctorate; Royal Asiatic Society awarded its Fellowship. He was awarded Campbell gold medal.Calcutta University also gave him a doctorate and invited him to deliver a series of lectures on Arthasastra.Mysore University appointed him Professor of History.

    Maharaja Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV gave the title Arthasastra Visharada; the Government of India made him aMahamahopadhyaya. Varanasi Sanskrit Mandali gave him the title Vidyalankara and Panditaraja. Most ofthe Oriental institutes in and outside the country invited him to visit their institutions and accept their honour.Unmindful of all these encomiums, Sastry continued his research work on many knotty Indological problemsand as Director of Archaeology of Mysore State published many annual reports and discovered manyinscriptions on stone and copper plates.

    A rare incident which throws light on his illustrious personality may be recounted here. Krishnaraja WadiyarIV once visited Germany and was invited to address a meeting in a club. The Maharaja was introduced tothe guests as His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore State. After the address by His Highness, a Germangentleman came near the Maharaja and asked, Your Majesty, are you the Maharaja of Mysore where livesDr. Shamasastry, the discoverer of Arthasastra? The Maharaja was pleasantly surprised that Shamasastryof Mysore was well known in the far-off Germany.

    He felt proud of this great scholar and after his return he called Sastry and said, In Mysore we are the

    Maharaja and you are our subject, but in Germany, you are the master and people recognise us by yourname and fame.

    Highly religious and simple in habits, always ready to help the younger scholars, Shamasastry gave self-respect to Indians in the matter of Indian administration. European scholars had always argued that ancientIndians learnt the art of administration from the Greeks with the contact from Alexander. But Shamasastryhas falsified this idea and showed to the world the contributions of Kautilya which even the Mughals andBritish adopted in India. Today we salute Dr. Shamasastry on the centenary of the publication of KautilyasArthasastra.

    (The writer is former Head, Department of Ancient History & Archaeology, University of Mysore.)

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    The Oriental Research Institute (ORI), set up in 1891 by the then maharaja ofMysore, is a magnificent heritage building, blendingarchitectural styles such as Gothic, Corinthian andRomanesque, and housing nearly 60,000 palm-leaf

    manuscripts from antiquity.

    What brought fame to the institute, however, wasthe discovery among them ofKautilyasArthashastra some 100 years ago. Amanuscript of the treatise on politics andgovernance, believed to have been written circa 4thcentury BC, was found and identified byRudrapatna Shamashastry, a refined scholar of Sanskrit who was the librarian andlater the curator of the institute.

    Shamashastry came across the work in a heap of manuscripts he was goingthrough. This was in 1905. But it was 1909 by the time he transcribed, edited and

    published the Sanskrit edition, making the current year the centenary of hislandmark publication. He then painstakingly rendered the work into English,

    publishing it to astounding ovation in 1915, by which time excerpts had already madeappearances in journals like Indian Antiquityand Mysore Review, preparing Indologists across theworld for the watershed appearance of the English edition.

    All the fame of the work and its discovery, however, do not seem to have inspired enoughenthusiasm for careful preservation. Instead of a safe or a weatherproof glass case, themanuscript is brought out for viewing, after much persuasion, from an unlocked steel cupboard inthe directors office. A wrapping of red cloth, and a spray of preservative citronyl oil, is all theprotection the manuscript gets. Prof Jaganath, an expert in manuscriptology at the ORI, puts it allin perspective. Dont expect an autograph of Chanakya on these palm leaves, he says. This isperhaps only a recopy of a recopy made some 500-600 years ago. It was with a pandit in

    Tanjore, who handed it over to the institute not knowing what was written on it. Other suchrecopies were found elsewhere in India, but that was later, after our discovery. He explains thatmanuscript is in Sanskrit, but written out in the Grantha script, not Devanagiri. Since the Tamilscript couldnt accommodate certain sounds from Sanskrit, Grantha was created to allow for therepresentation of those sounds in a script accessible to those who know Tamil.

    At Asutosh, the house of Shamashastry in the Chamundipuram locality of Mysore, theres noelectricity supply, but his portrait is illuminated by torchlight and brought down enthusiastically byhis great grandson to be photographed. And the daughter-in-law explains that the house isnamed for the legendary Sir Asutosh Mookerjee of Calcutta University, who encouraged myfather-in-law a great deal and also visited our house when it was built. Family members bring outreprints of Shamashastrys other books and ask, Do you think the university or the governmentwill celebrate the centenary year?

    Until it wasidentified from amanuscript byShamashastry,Chanakyas opuswas know only fromreferences.

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    The manuscript is presrved using citronyl oil

    F.W. Thomas, then the librarian of the India Office Library in London, had this to say about thework at the time of its English publication: I can testify to the great value of the work, whichsheds more light upon the realities of ancient India, especially as concerns administration, law,trade, war and peace, than any text we possess.... Vincent Smith, the author of the History of

    Ancient India, in the preface to the second edition of his book, makes this acknowledgement in1913: The description of the Maurya empire and administration...has been revised with specialregard to the discovery and partial publication by Mr R. Shamashastry of the ancient treatise onthe art of government, ascribed to Chanakya or Kautilya, the minister of Chandragupta Maurya.Several such revisions of history writing followed. Indologist J.F. Fleet, who wrote an introductionto the English edition, was generous in his praise of Shamashastry: We are, and shall alwaysremain, under a great obligation to him for a most important addition to our means of studying thegeneral history of ancient India.

    The fame ofArthashastra and Shamashastry was so widespread that Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV,the then maharaja of Mysore, had a strange encounter in Germany. At a party, he apparently raninto the vice-chancellor of a German university and introduced himself, whereupon he was askedif he was from the land of Shamashastry. M.S. Srinivas, Shamashastrys son, now in his eighties,says, The maharaja was so overwhelmed that on his return to Mysore, he invited my father andfelicitated him. He also had the large-heartedness to say, In Mysore, Im the king and you are mysubject, but in the rest of the world, Im known only through you. Accolades followed. In August1919, the Oriental University, Washington DC, conferred a honorary doctorate on Shamashastry.Calcutta University followed suit in 1921; the same year, he was admitted to the Royal Asiatic

    Society and won the Campbell Memorial gold medal.

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    Legend & legacy: Shamashastry's son M.S. Srinivas at the family home

    There is also a record of Rabindranath Tagore complimenting Shamashastry. In 1927, MahatmaGandhi met him in Nandi Hills. Prof A.V. Narasimha Murthy, a retired professor of ancient history,paraphrases the conversation, as recorded by Mahadev Desai, the Mahatmas secretary:Shastry told Gandhiji, Sir, in the ancient days, there used to be guides like Patanjali,Hemachandra, Vidyaranya and others. Rulers today dont have such an advantage. You shouldlead the country towards morality. Gandhiji smiled and said, Who will bell the cat? My orientationis slightly different; the minds of our people have to be rectified first.

    Asked how the ORI proposes to celebrate the centenary year of the publication ofArthashastra,Devaki says, We should do something and we will certainly do something, but then I am steppingdown as director soon. My successor will make all the plans. But Prof Jaganath says the bestway to commemorate the event is to study properly the several commentaries that have been

    written on theArthashastra after the 12th century. The manuscript discovered by Shamashastryalso carried a commentary on a small part by a writer named Bhattasvamin.

    The Mysore University, under whose jurisdiction the ORI comes, was given a Rs 100-crore grantin the 2008 Union budget. Perhaps it should set aside a small sum to commemorate thediscovery of this great work. At present, it is only the Kautilya Circle, a roundabout onRadhakrishnan Avenue, that serves as a reminder of Mysores great tryst with classicaldiscovery.

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    Of Scholars and Kings

    Of Scholars and Kings

    Chanakya or Koutilya is credited with authorship of Arthashatra, an authoritative text on

    polity and statecraft. Over centuries, smritis or codes on similar subjects quoted Koutilya

    profusely, but the original text was long lost.

    When R. Shamashastry who was the librarian of Oriental Library in Mysore found a copyof the sanskir text of Arthashatra in a palm-leaf book, edited, and brought out an English

    version in 1909, it created waves in the western world. Till then Machiavelli's "Prince"

    (15th century ) was considered a master-piece on state-craft. But here was a manual forrunning the state efficiently in all the branches, legislature, executive, and judiciary,

    written hundreds of years earlier! Arthashastra also gave importance to military science.

    Acquisition of wealth, and its management which we now call in narrow sense ofartha,had prime importance to include polity. Hence the work is called Arthashastra.

    According to ancient Indian texts, among four human goals to be

    achieved dharma, artha,kama, and moksha, artha is next only to dharma or virtuous

    living the other two being desire, and liberation). It only shows that acquiring wealth andits efficient management was most important both for the individual and the state.

    Arthashastra in wider sense includes niti (polity),danda (administration) and management

    of resources and its constant seeking (anvikshana).

    Kautilya was the prime-minister of emperorChandragupta Maurya who was the

    grandfather ofAshoka the great. He rules in the fourth century B.C. Arthashatra asconceived by Kautilya thus stands for acquisition of state wealth, its protection besides

    overall governance of a region or state. Considering that Mauryan empire included thevast Indian subcontinent including present day Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan,

    Kautilya's vision of a welfare state is admirable. Such a vast region could be controlled

    by only an efficiently run military force with central system of governance with due

    powers to local self-governed agencies, suited contemporary India.

    Very soon, Arthashastra was translated into French, German, and other European

    languages. It began to be discussed avidly in learned assemblies. An interesting event

    happened during the visit of Narasimharaja Wodeyar, the prince of Mysore in Western

    Europe. At a party befitting the royal dignitary, several well known scholarsand indologists were invited. When the prince was introduced to a German scholar, he

    exclaimed, "You are from Mysore? The great Shamashastry's kingdom?" The royal

    member nodded with dignity, unaware of the immense popularity the discoverer ofArthashastra had enjoyed abroad.
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    Upon his return to Mysore, the prince arranged for a public felicitation for

    R.Shamasastry, and the great scholar was honored. The price rightly lived up to the


    "Royalty and learning can never be compared. The king is revered only in his country.

    The scholar is revered everywhere"

    R. ShamasastryFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Rudrapatnam Shamasastry (18681944) was a Sanskritscholar and librarian at

    the Oriental Research Institute Mysorewho is known for discovering and publishing

    the Arthashastra, an ancient Indiantreatiseon statecraft, economic policy

    and military strategy.



    1 Early life

    2 The discovery

    3 Awards

    4 Recognition in Germany

    5 Later life

    6 Notes

    7 External links

    [edit]Early life

    Shamasastry was born in 1868 in Rudrapatna, a village on the banks of the Kaveri

    riverin Karnataka, to a Sankethi Brahmin family. He "had mastered Vedas,

    Vedanga, classical Sanskrit, Prakrit, English, Kannada, German, French and other

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    [edit]The discovery

    The Oriental Research Institute was set up in 1891, as the Mysore Oriental Library. It

    housed thousands ofSanskritpalm-leaf manuscripts. Shamasastry, the librarian,

    examined these fragile manuscripts daily, to determine their contentsand cataloguethem.[1]

    In 1905 he discovered the Arthashastra among a heap of manuscripts. He

    transcribed, edited and published the Sanskrit edition in 1909. He proceeded to

    translate it into English, publishing it in 1915.[2]

    The manuscript was in the Grantha script. Other copies of the Arthashastra were

    discovered later in other parts of India.

    It was one of the manuscripts in the library that had been handed over by 'a pandit of

    the Tanjore district' to the Oriental Library.[3]

    Until this discovery, the Arthashastra was known only through references to it in

    works byDandin, Bana, Vishnusarma, Mallinathasuri,Megasthenes, etc. This

    discovery was "an epoch-making event in the history of the study of ancient

    Indian polity".[4]It altered the perception of ancient India and changed the course of

    history studies, notably the false belief of European scholars at the time that Indians

    learnt the art of administration from the Greeks.[1]

    The book was translated into French, German and many other languages.[1]


    The discovery was hailed over the world by IndologistsandOrientalists such

    as Julius Jolly, Moriz Winternitz, F. W. Thomas, Paul Pelliot,A. Berriedale Keith,

    Sten Konow and others.[1]J. F. Fleet wrote of Shamasastry: "We are, and shall

    always remain, under a great obligation to him for a most important addition to our

    means of studying the general history of ancient India."[2]

    In India, it was acclaimed by Ashutosh Mukherjee, Rabindranath Tagore, and others.

    Shamasastry also met Mahatma Gandhiin 1927 at Nandi Hills.[2]The discovery

    brought international fame tothe institute.[5]

    Shamasastry was awarded a doctorate in 1919 from the Oriental University

    in Washington D.C.and in 1921 from the Calcutta University. He was made a Fellow

    of the Royal Asiatic Societyand won the Campbell Memorial gold medal.
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    He was appointed as Professor of History at Mysore University.

    Several titles were also conferred on him, includingArthasastra Visharada by the

    Maharaja of Mysore, Mahamahopadhyaya by the Government of India,

    and Vidyalankara and Panditaraja by the Varanasi Sanskrit Mandali.

    [edit]Recognition in Germany

    An often-told anecdote involves the visit of the then-king of Mysore, Krishna Raja

    Wadiyar IV, to Germany. When introduced as the king of Mysore, he was asked by

    the vice-chancellor of a German university whether he was from the Mysore of

    Shamasastry. On his return, the king honoured Shamasastry and said "In Mysore we

    are the Maharaja and you are our subject, but in Germany, you are the master and

    people recognise us by your name and fame."[1][2]

    [edit]Later life

    Shamasastry continued his research work on Indological problems.[1] He later

    became the curator of the institute.[2]As Director of Archaeology of Mysore State, he

    discovered many inscriptions on stone and copper plates.[1]

    His house 'Asutosh', in the Chamundipuram locality of Mysore, was named after

    SirAshutosh Mukherjee. As of 2009, he is survived by his son, M.S. Srinivas, who is

    in his eighties.[2]


    1. ^ abcdefghProf. AV Narasimha Murthy (June 21, 2009),"R Shamasastry: Discoverer of

    Kautilya's Arthasastra",The Organiser

    2. ^ abcdefSugata Srinivasaraju (27 July 2009),"Year Of The Guru",Outlook India

    3. ^ Richard Mattessich (2000), The beginnings of accounting and accounting thought:

    accounting practice in the Middle East (8000 B.C. to 2000 B.C.) and accounting thought in India

    (300 B.C. and the Middle Ages), Taylor & Francis, p. 146,ISBN9780815334453

    4. ^ Ram Sharan Sharma (2009),Aspects of political ideas and institutions in ancient

    India (4 ed.), Motilal Banarsidass Publ., p. 4,ISBN9788120808270

    5. ^ abA monumental heritage, The Hindu, October 27, 2001.

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    S U N D A Y , A P R I L 3 , 2 0 1 1

    The Man Who Retrieved Kautilya

    The above article on Dr. Rudrapatnam Shamashastry has been written in connection with

    the Centenary Celebrations of the

    release of the book " Kautilya's Artthashastra" written and published by by Dr.

    R.SHAMASHASTRY in 1909 at Mysore

    It may be recalled that though the book was written by Kautilya [ also known as Chanakya]

    2,400 years back, the book was not known to the

    world till 1909 when it was first discovered on palmleaf manuscripts in 1904 in the Oriental

    Library, Mysore and subsequently published

    by Dr.R. Shamashastry in 1909. The year 2009 is the Centenary Year of its publication.

    B.M.N.Murthy, 4th July 2009

    Dr. R. Shamashastry of Mysore [1868-1944]

    --Discoverer of Kautilyas Arthashastra

    Till about the dawn of the 20 the Century there was a misconception in the Western world that

    in ancient India everything was moved by otherworldly considerations and that the society was

    ignorant of statecraft, social affairs and administration. If there was one turning point work

    which removed this misconception, it was the discovery of Kautilyas book Arthashastra in

    Sanskrit which, though written 2,400 years earlier, was discovered as late as the 20th century.

    The singular credit for discovering this rare and monumental manuscript goes to Dr.

    Rudrapatnam Shamashastry of Mysore who not only discovered the manuscript but heralded a

    new era in Indian Administration and Statecraft.

    Turning the pages of the History of Ancient India pertaining to the 4th Century B. C., we

    observe that it was Kautilya, also known as Vishnugupta or as Chanakya, who overthrew the

    ruling Nanda Dynasty and placed the great Chandragupta Maurya of the Maurya Dynasty on the

    throne of India. Kautilya was a student of the Taxila University [then called Takshashila and

    now in Pakistan] which was the very first University to be founded in the world as early as 700

    B.C. He later taught in the same University for about four years. It was this Kautilya who wrotethe Arthashastra which is a monumental Treatise on Administration and Civic Affairs. This

    work, according to research scholars, must have been written sometime between 321-296 B.C.

    It is a comprehensive treatise giving practical guide and advice not only on running

    governmental organizations but also a work that deals with subjects like duties of kings,

    ministers, local officials, methods of diplomacy etc including ways and means of defeating an

    enemy. Coverage of its subjects is encyclopedic and many scholars have wondered how it was

    possible for One small head to carry all he knew [to borrow and use Oliver Goldsmiths

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    expression in his poem The Village School Master] Normally such a treatise involves the united

    efforts of a syndicate of writers.

    Among the several Libraries and Research Institutions in the country which preserve rare palm

    leaf manuscripts, the Mysore Oriental Library [now called the Oriental Research Institute] is

    one of the most famous libraries in India .In 1891 the then Maharaja of Mysore State wanted to

    celebrate the golden jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen Victorias accession to the British throne

    in a grand style and for this purpose got up a beautiful Building built with a lovely blend of

    classical architectural styles and named it Victoria Jubilee Institute. This is the same building

    in which the Oriental Library has been functioning for more than a century .It was here that

    the manuscript of Kautilyas Arthashastra was first discovered. This library had a librarian by

    name Rudrapatnam Shamashastry during 1905. Shastry hailed from a place known as

    Rudrapatnam on the banks of river Kaveri and was born in a Sankethi Brahmin family and in a

    community l known for Vedic learning. This is the same place wherefrom several of present

    classical Carnatic music vidwans of Karnataka come from. Even at a young age Shastry showed

    a remarkable skill in learning the Vedas, the Upanishads and other sacred lore. Before he was

    forty, he had mastered most of the Vedas, the Vedangas, Classical Sanskrit, German, French

    and a few more foreign languages. In addition, he had learnt how to decipher several oriental


    Shastry was a devoted and sincere librarian in the Oriental Library who put his heart and soul

    to the job. Even though the job of dealing with ancient manuscripts, most of which were in

    torn conditions and quite dusty, was difficult, risky and monotonous, he was dedicated to his

    job and took pleasure in doing it.. One day, sometime in 1905, he picked up some palm leaf

    manuscripts and on detailed observation and examination, he was pleasantly surprised to

    discover that it was the work Arthashastra written by Kautilya. Shastry examined the

    manuscript very closely, examining it from several angles and was finally convinced that it was

    the genuine work of Kautilya. In an introduction to the book written by him in 1909, Shastry

    says that he was convinced beyond doubt that it was a genuine work of Kautilya, a literarywonder of the ancient world. It did not take much for the new discovery to get publicized.

    Rudrapatnam Shamashastry became a celebrity all over the world. Scholars and academicians

    all over the world started congratulating him for having ushered in a new era in Indian

    Administration and Statecraft by discovering Kautilyas Arthashastra. Eminent educations and

    historians of those days literally vied with each other in inviting Shamashastry to their

    Universities, honouring him and getting the benefit of the new discovery. Shastry also met

    Mahatma Gandhi in 1927 when he was camping at the Nandi Hills and presented him with a

    copy of Arthashastra. Gandhiji was immensely pleased with his rare contribution to Indian

    Polity and congratulated him.. Rabindranath Tagore was all praise for the new discovery. The

    Washington University awarded a Doctorate to Shastry and the Royal Asiatic Society awarded

    its Fellowship to Shastry. The Government of India gave him the title Mahamahopadhyaya, arare and coveted honour in those days for Oriental scholars.

    Dr. Asutosh Mukherji, the greatest educationist of India in the 20th century and five times Vice

    Chancellor of the Calcutta University, invited Shamashastry to Calcutta in 1919 under the

    auspices of the Calcutta University to deliver a series of ten lectures. Shastry delivered these

    lectures on subjects connected with Arthashastra under the title

    Evolution of Indian Polity. These lectures were subsequently published in Mysore under the

    title Kautilyas Arthashastra, with an introduction by the eminent British Historian J.F.Fleet.

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    In his concluding remarks, Fleet says We are, and shall always remain, under a great

    obligation to Shamashastry for the most important addition to our means of studying the

    general history of ancient India.

    His Highness the Maharaja of Mysore once visited Germany for delivering a talk at the invitation

    of a German institution. At the meeting he was introduced as His Highness the Maharaja of

    Mysore State. After the lecture was over, a German gentleman approached His Highness and

    asked him Your Majesty, are you the Maharaja of Mysore where lives Dr. Shamashastry, the

    discoverer of Arthashastra? The Maharaja was pleasantly pleased that one of his own subjects

    was well-known in far off Germany. On his return, he sent for Dr.Shamashastry and said In

    Mysore State we are the Maharaja and you are the subject. But in Germany, you are the Master

    and people recognize us by Your name and fame. The Maharaja awarded him with the title

    Arthashastra Visharada during the Dasara Celebrations of 1926.

    Shastry who passed away in 1944 was an extremely simple man with deep religious habits.

    Humility was his hallmark and he was always ready to help youngsters to come up in life.

    Western scholars had always argued that ancient India had learnt the art of administration

    from the Greeks ever since they came into contact with Greeks with the invasion of Alexander.

    But Shamashastry proved them wrong with his discovery of Arthashastra and showed how even

    the British had adopted some of the features contained in the Arthashastra for their


    On the occasion of the Centenary Year [2009] of the publication of Kautilyas Arthashastra, let

    us salute this great discoverer of the 20th century, Dr. Rudrapatnam Shamashastry!


    ARTICLE NO. 507 --- Dr. R. Shamashastry,Discoverer of Kautilya's 'ARTHASHSTRA"

    Created: Friday, July 3, 2009 7:08 PM

    R. Shamashastry the scholar who discovered


    -B.M.N. Murthy

    Till about the dawn of the 20th century

    there was a misconception in the Western

    world that everything in ancient India wasmoved by otherworldly considerations, the

    society ignorant of statecraft, social affairs

    and administration. The turning point which

    removed this misconception, was the

    discovery of Kautilyas Arthashastra in

    Sanskrit. Though written 2,400 years

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    earlier, the classic work was discovered as

    late as the 20



    The singular credit for this discovery goes

    to Dr Rudrapatnam Shamashastry of

    Mysore who not only discovered the

    manuscript but heralded a new era in Indian

    administration and statecraft.

    The history of ancient India pertaining to

    the 4


    century BC, shows that it was

    Kautilya, also known as Vishnugupta or

    Chanakya, who overthrew the ruling Nandadynasty and annointed Chandragupta Maurya as the King. Kautilya

    was a student of the

    Taxila University (then called Takshashila and now in Pakistan), the

    very first university

    to be founded in the world as early as in 700 B.C. He later taught in the

    same university

    for about four years.

    It was this Kautilya who wrote Arthashastra which is a monumental

    treatise onadministration and civic affairs. This comprehensive work, must have

    been written some

    time between 321296 BC.

    It is a practical guide not only on running governmental organisations

    but also a work

    that deals with duties of Kings, Ministers, local officials, methods of

    diplomacy etc

    including ways and means of defeating an enemy. Encyclopedic in its

    coverage many

    scholars have wondered how one head could carry such a vastknowledge.

    Among the libraries and research institutions in the country which

    preserve rare palm leaf

    manuscripts, the Mysore Oriental Library (now called the Oriental

    Research Institute) is

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    well-known.In 1891 the then Maharaja of Mysore State wanted to

    celebrate the golden jubilee of Her

    Majesty the Queen Victorias accession to the British throne in a grand

    style and got a

    beautiful building built with a blend of classical architectural styles and

    named it Victoria

    Jubilee Institute. This is the same building in which the Oriental

    Library has been

    functioning for more than a century. It was here that the manuscript of


    Arthashastra was first discovered.

    This library had a librarian named

    Rudrapatnam Shamashastry during 1905.

    Shastry hailed from a place known as

    Rudrapatnam on the banks of River Kaveriand was born in a Sankethi Brahmin family

    and in a community known for Vedic


    Even at a young age, Shastry showed a

    remarkable skill in learning the Vedas, the

    Upanishads and other sacred lore. Before he

    was forty, he had mastered most of the

    Vedas, the Vedangas, Classical Sanskrit,

    German, French and a few more foreignlanguages.

    In addition, he had learnt how to decipher

    several Oriental scripts. Shastry was a

    devoted and sincere librarian in the Oriental

    Library. Even though the job of dealing

    with ancient manuscripts, most of which in

    torn conditions and quite dusty, was difficult, risky and monotonous, he

    was dedicated to

    his job and took pleasure in his work. One day, sometime in 1905, he

    picked up somepalm leaf manuscripts and on keen examination,

    was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was Arthashastra of

    Kautilya. Examining it

    from several angles, Shastry was convinced that it was a genuine work

    of Kautilya.

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    In his introduction to the book written in 1909, Shastry says that he was


    beyond doubt that Kautilyas genuine work was a literary classic of the

    ancient world. It

    did not take long for the discovery to get publicity. Rudrapatnam

    Shamashastry became a

    celebrity. Scholars and academicians the world over started

    congratulating him for having

    ushered in a new era in Indian administration and statecraft by

    discovering Kautilyas

    masterpiece. Eminent educationists and historians of the day literally

    vied with each other

    in inviting Shamashastry to their universities, honouring him and

    getting the benefit of

    the new discovery.Shamashastry met Mahatma Gandhi in 1927 when he was camping at

    the Nandi Hills and

    presented him with a copy of Arthashastra. Gandhiji was immensely

    pleased with his

    rare contribution to Indian polity and congratulated him. Rabindranath

    Tagore was all praise for the new discovery. The Washington University

    awarded a Doctorate to Shastry

    and the Royal Asiatic Society its Fellowship. The Government of India

    gave him the titleMahamahopadhyaya , a rare and coveted honour to an Oriental


    Dr Asutosh Mukherji, the renowned educationist of the 20


    century and five times Vice

    Chancellor of the Calcutta University, invited Shamashastry to deliver a

    series of ten

    lectures in 1919 under the auspices of the Calcutta University. These

    lectures under the

    title Evolution of Indian Polity, were subsequently published inMysore

    under the title, Kautilyas Arthashastra, with an introduction by

    British Historian J.F.

    Fleet. Fleet says: We are, and shall always remain, under a great

    obligation to

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    Shamashastry for the most importantaddition to our means of studying

    the General

    History of ancient India.

    The Maharaja of Mysore once visited Germany for delivering a talk at

    the invitation of a

    German institution. After the lecture, a German gentleman approached

    His Highness and

    asked Your Majesty, are you the Maharaja of Mysore where lives Dr

    Shamashastry, the

    discoverer of Arthashastra? The Maharaja was pleasantly pleased that

    one of his own

    subjects was well-known in far off Germany.

    On his return, he sent for Dr Shamashastry and said: In Mysore State

    we are the

    Maharaja and you are the subject. But in Germany, you are the Masterand people

    recognise us by Your name and fame. The Maharaja awarded him

    with the title,

    Arthashastra Visharada during the Dasara celebrations of 1926.

    Shamashastry who passed away in 1944 was an extremely simple man

    with deep

    religious habits. Humility was his hallmark and he was always ready to

    help youngsters

    to come up in life. Western scholars had always argued that ancientIndia had learnt the

    art of administration from the Greeks ever since they came into contact

    with Greeks with

    the invasion of Alexander. But Shamashastry had proved them all

    wrong with his

    discovery of Arthashastra and showed how even the British had

    adopted some of the

    features contained in the treatise for their administration.

    The Centenary Year of the publication of Kautilyas Arthashastra was

    observed in 2009.Source: Bhavans Journal, December 31, 2009

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    Kautilyas Arthashastra: Centenary year of the publicationBy janamejayan

    Nilot Pal Baruah (July 27, 2009)


    Year Of The Guru

    http://cms.outlooki images/articles/ outlookindia/ 2009/7/27/ manuscript_ 20090727. jpg

    Its hundred years since the discovery of Chanakyas great work from a manuscript


    Against Amnesia

    This is the centenary year of the publication of Kautilyas Arthashastra

    The manuscript is in a cupboard in the directors office at the Oriental Research Institute,


    Its pathbreaking discovery, and publication, by Shamashastry altered our view of ancient

    Indian history

    The institute is still not clear how the centenary should be celebrated

    Shamashastrys family fears the event may go unnoticed

    The Oriental Research Institute (ORI), set up in 1891 by the then maharaja of Mysore, is a

    magnificent heritage building, blending architectural styles such as Gothic, Corinthian and

    Romanesque, and housing nearly 60,000 palm-leaf manuscripts from antiquity

    What brought fame to the institute, however, was the discovery among them of

    KautilyasArthashastra some 100 years ago. A manuscript of the treatise on politics and

    governance, believed to have been written circa 4th century BC, was found and identified by

    Rudrapatna Shamashastry, a refined scholar of Sanskrit who was the librarian and later the
  • 8/4/2019 BHU Lecture Nov


    curator of the institute. Until it was identified from a manuscript by Shamashastry,

    Chanakyas opus was know only from references.

    http://cms.outlooki Uploads/outlooki ndia/2009/ 200907/20090727/ shamashastry_

    20090727. jpgShamashastry came across the work in a heap of manuscripts he was goingthrough. This was in 1905. But it was 1909 by the time he transcribed, edited and published the

    Sanskrit edition, making the current year the centenary of his landmark publication. He then

    painstakingly rendered the work into English, publishing it to astounding ovation in 1915, by which

    time excerpts had already made appearances in journals like Indian Antiquityand Mysore

    Review, preparing Indologists across the world for the watershed appearance of the English


    All the fame of the work and its discovery, however, do not seem to have inspired enough

    enthusiasm for careful preservation. Instead of a safe or a weatherproof glass case, the

    manuscript is brought out for viewing, after much persuasion, from an unlocked steel cupboard in

    the directors office. A wrapping of red cloth, and a spray of preservative citronyl oil, is all the

    protection the manuscript gets. Prof Jaganath, an expert in manuscriptology at the ORI, puts it all

    in perspective. Dont expect an autograph of Chanakya on these palm leaves, he says. This is

    perhaps only a recopy of a recopy made some 500-600 years ago. It was with a pandit in

    Tanjore, who handed it over to the institute not knowing what was written on it. Other such

    recopies were found elsewhere in India, but that was later, after our discovery. He explains that

    manuscript is in Sanskrit, but written out in the Grantha script, not Devanagiri. Since the Tamil

    script couldnt accommodate certain sounds from Sanskrit, Grantha was created to allow for the

    representation of those sounds in a script accessible to those who know Tamil.

    At Asutosh, the house of Shamashastry in the Chamundipuram locality of Mysore, theres no

    electricity supply, but his portrait is illuminated by torchlight and brought down enthusiastically by

    his great grandson to be photographed. And the daughter-in- law explains that the house is

    named for the legendary Sir Asutosh Mookerjee of Calcutta University, who encouraged my

    father-in-law a great deal and also visited our house when it was built. Family members bring out

    reprints of Shamashastrys other books and ask, Do you think the university or the government

    will celebrate the centenary year?

    http://cms.outlooki Uploads/outlooki ndia/2009/ 200907/20090727/ oriental_ research_

    institute_ 20090727. jpg Nursery: The Oriental Research Institute, Mysore

    Their uncertainty is at odds with the magnitude of Shamashastrys discovery and the subsequent

    publication of Kautilyas work. Dr H.P. Devaki, director of the ORI, says, The publication

    ofArthashastra not only gave a huge fillip to Sanskrit studies, but significantly altered our
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    understanding of ancient India. A lot of course correction happened in history after this was

    published. And since it touched upon subjects like law, politics, economics, trade, governance,

    diplomacy, war, weaponry, natural calamities, the vices and virtues of rulers, it also naturally

    attracted a lot of general interest. Even the genius and skulduggery of its author Kautilyawho

    was also known as Vishnugupta or by the patronymic Chanakyawas in the realm of mythbefore the discovery of the manuscript. It was well-known that Chanakya overthrew the Nanda

    dynasty and installed Chandragupta Maurya on the throne circa 321 BC, but scholars knew of

    him and his magnum opus only from references in other classical texts by people like Dandi,

    Bana, Vishnusarma, Mallinathasuri, or the Greek Megasthenes. Not until Shamashastrys labours

    of transcription and translation did it come to light that the original work was in 15 adhikarnas (or

    books) and a total of 150 chapters.

    http://cms.outlooki Uploads/outlooki ndia/2009/ 200907/20090727/ manuscript_

    preservation_ 20090727. jpg The manuscript is presrved using citronyl oil

    F.W. Thomas, then the librarian of the India Office Library in London, had this to say about the

    work at the time of its English publication: I can testify to the great value of the work, which

    sheds more light upon the realities of ancient India, especially as concerns administration, law,

    trade, war and peace, than any text we possess. Vincent Smith, the author of the History of

    Ancient India, in the preface to the second edition of his book, makes this acknowledgement in

    1913: The description of the Maurya empire and administration. ..has been revised with special

    regard to the discovery and partial publication by Mr R. Shamashastry of the ancient treatise on

    the art of government, ascribed to Chanakya or Kautilya, the minister of Chandragupta Maurya.

    Several such revisions of history writing followed. Indologist J.F. Fleet, who wrote an introduction

    to the English edition, was generous in his praise of Shamashastry: We are, and shall always

    remain, under a great obligation to him for a most important addition to our means of studying the

    general history of ancient India.

    The fame ofArthashastra and Shamashastry was so widespread that Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV,

    the then maharaja of Mysore, had a strange encounter in Germany. At a party, he apparently ran

    into the vice-chancellor of a German university and introduced himself, whereupon he was asked

    if he was from the land of Shamashastry. M.S. Srinivas, Shamashastrys son, now in his eighties,

    says, The maharaja was so overwhelmed that on his return to Mysore, he invited my father and

    felicitated him. He also had the large-heartedness to say, In Mysore, Im the king and you are my

    subject, but in the rest of the world, Im known only through you. Accolades followed. In August

    1919, the Oriental University, Washington DC, conferred a honorary doctorate on Shamashastry.

    Calcutta University followed suit in 1921; the same year, he was admitted to the Royal Asiatic

    Society and won the Campbell Memorial gold medal.
  • 8/4/2019 BHU Lecture Nov


    http://cms.outlooki Uploads/outlooki ndia/2009/ 200907/20090727/ ms_srinivas_

    20090727. jpgLegend & legacy: Shamashastrys son M.S. Srinivas at the family home

    There is also a record of Rabindranath Tagore complimenting Shamashastry. In 1927, Mahatma

    Gandhi met him in Nandi Hills. Prof A.V. Narasimha Murthy, a retired professor of ancient history,paraphrases the conversation, as recorded by Mahadev Desai, the Mahatmas secretary:

    Shastry told Gandhiji, Sir, in the ancient days, there used to be guides like Patanjali,

    Hemachandra, Vidyaranya and others. Rulers today dont have such an advantage. You should

    lead the country towards morality. Gandhiji smiled and said, Who will bell the cat? My orientation

    is slightly different; the minds of our people have to be rectified first.

    Asked how the ORI proposes to celebrate the centenary year of the publication ofArthashastra,

    Devaki says, We should do something and we will certainly do something, but then I am stepping

    down as director soon. My successor will make all the plans. But Prof Jaganath says the best

    way to commemorate the event is to study properly the several commentaries that have been

    written on theArthashastra after the 12th century. The manuscript discovered by Shamashastry

    also carried a commentary on a small part by a writer named Bhattasvamin.

    The Mysore University, under whose jurisdiction the ORI comes, was given a Rs 100-crore grant

    in the 2008 Union budget. Perhaps it should set aside a small sum to commemorate the

    discovery of this great work. At present, it is only the Kautilya Circle, a roundabout on

    Radhakrishnan Avenue, that serves as a reminder of Mysores great tryst with classical


    Centenary ofArthasastras Publication

    Click here to go to the

    main page of Star OfMysore.

    Click here to go to themain page of Sri.

    K.B.Ganapathy.Please send your

    opinions, feedbacks,articles to shshenoy at

    The Maharaja of Mysore

    wanted to celebrate thegolden jubilee of Her

    Majesty the QueenVictoria in 1891 and built
  • 8/4/2019 BHU Lecture Nov


    a little beauty and named it Victoria Jubilee Institute.

    The building is a rare blend of classical European,Gothic, Corinthian and Romanesque architectural

    elements. Subsequently, the walls of this buildingwere adorned by Hoysala sculptures brought from a

    destroyed Hoysala temple. There are some beautifulinscriptions in front of the building which give a

    heritage ambience to the structure.

    Subsequently the building used to house thousands

    of rare palm leaf manuscripts and was called MysoreOriental Library and now it is called Oriental

    Research Institute (ORI) and is a part of MysoreUniversity. Queen Victoria is forgotten but this

    Research Institute is famous all over the worldbecause it was here the first manuscript of Kautilyas

    Arthasastra was discovered.

    Around 1905 there was a librarian by nameRudrapatnam Shamasastry (1868 - 1944) who

    hailed from the celebrated village Rudrapatna on the

    banks of Kaveri, famous for Karnatak music. Hebelonged to the Sanketi Brahmin community and by

    37 he had mastered Veda, vedanga, classicalSanskrit, Prakrit, English, Kannada, German, French

    and other languages. He had also learnt the variousancient scripts of India.

    As the librarian daily he was examining each

    manuscript to know its contents. It was not an easytask either. Most of the palm leaf manuscripts werefragile and to handle them was a big problem. This

    routine examination continued day by day, monthafter month and even after years, without great

    success. But Shamasastry was hopeful of finding outsome new spectacular manuscript which was not

    known to the world. His assistants always tauntedhim but unmindful of all these, Sastry continued his

    work with all devotion and sincerity.

    One fine morning in 1905, he picked up palm leaf

    manuscript from a heap. He examined this palm leaf

    and was pleasantly surprised to know that it was awork on Arthasastra or administration written by an

    author called Kautilya, Chanakya or Vishnugupta

    before the dawn of Christian era. Some peoplethought that it must have been a hoax: others

    looked at this with suspicion; but the introductionwritten by Shamasastry in 1909 giving the details of

    the author and its authenticity convinced that it was

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    a genuine literary wonder of the ancient world.

    Fleet (London), Jolly (Germany), Winternitz(Germany), Thomas (London), Pelliot (France),

    Keith, Sten Konow and a host of otherscongratulated Shamasastry for heralding a new era

    in Indian administration. R. K. Mukerji, AshutoshMukerji, B. C. Law, C. R. Reddy and other Indian

    scholars paid handsome tribute to Shamasastry.Rabindranath Tagore specially expressed his

    happiness on this occasion. Thus Shamasastryovernight became a celebrity not only in India but all

    over the world in academic circles. The book wastranslated to French, German and many other


    Awards and recognitions followed immediately after

    its publication in 1909. Washington University (USA)awarded a doctorate; Royal Asiatic Society awarded

    its Fellowship: He was awarded Campbell gold

    medal. Calcutta University also gave him a doctorate

    and invited him to deliver a series of lectures onArthasastra. Mysore University appointed him

    professor of History.

    Maharaja Krishnaraja Wadiyar IV gave the title

    Arthasastra Visharada; The Government of Indiamade him a Mahamahopadhyaya. Varanasi Sanskrit

    Mandali gave him the title Vidyalankara and

    Panditaraja. Most of the Oriental Institutes in andoutside the country invited him to visit theirinstitutions and accept their honour. Unmindful of all

    these encomiums, Sastry continued his researchwork on many knotty indological problems and as

    Director of Archaeology of Mysore State publishedmany annual Reports and discovered many

    inscriptions on stone and copper plates. He also didresearch on Tulu words in a Greek drama.

    When Mahatma Gandhi was camping at Nandi Hills in

    1927, Shamasastry met Gandhiji and presented a

    copy of his Arthasastra. Gandhiji was pleased by this

    scholarly work. An interesting conversation tookplace between the two. Sastry told Gandhiji, Sir, in

    the ancient days there used to be guides like

    Patanjali, Hemachandra, Vidyaranya and others; Buttodays rulers do not have such an advantage. You

    should lead the country to wards morality. Gandhijismiled and said who will bell the cat? My orientation

    is slightly different; minds of our people have to be

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    rectified first.

    A rare incident which throws light on his illustriouspersonality may be recounted here. Krishnaraja

    Wadiyar IV once visited Germany and was invited toaddress a meeting in a club. The Maharaja was

    introduced to the guests as His Highness theMaharaja of Mysore State. After the address by His

    Highness, a German gentleman came near theMaharaja and asked, Your Majesty. Are you the

    Maharaja of Mysore where lives Dr. Shamasastry thediscoverer of Arthasastra? The Maharaja was

    pleasantly surprised that Shamasastry of Mysore waswell - known in far off Germany. He felt proud of this

    great scholar and on return he called Sastry andsaid, In Mysore we are the Maharaja and you are

    our subject; but in Germany, you are the master and

    people recognise us by your name and fame.

    Highly religious and simple in habits, always ready to

    help the younger scholars, Shamasastry gave self -

    respect to Indians in the matter of Indianadministration. European scholars had always

    argued that ancient Indians learnt the art ofadministration from the Greeks with the contact

    from Alexander. But Shamasastry has falsified thisidea and showed to the world the contributions of

    Kautilya which even the Mughals and British adoptedin India. Today we salute Dr. Shamasastry on the

    centenary of the publication of KautilyasArthasastra.

    Prof. A. V. Narasimha Murthy,Former Head,

    Department of Ancient History & Archaeology,

    The librarian of Mysore06.10.2009 Posted in Aside

    Its been a hundred years since Rudrapatna Shamasastry published the English translation

    of Kautilyas Arthashastra

    The Star of Mysore has an article (linkthanks JK) by A V Narasimha Murthy marking thecentenary of the publication of the very first English translation of theArthasastra:

    Around 1905 there was a librarian by name Rudrapatnam Shamasastry (1868-1944) who hailed

    from the celebrated village Rudrapatna on the banks of Kaveri, famous for Karnatak music. He

    belonged to the Sanketi Brahmin community and by 37 he had mastered veda, vedanga,

    classical Sanskrit, Prakrit, English, Kannada, German, French and other languages. He had also

    learnt the various ancient scripts of India.
  • 8/4/2019 BHU Lecture Nov


    As the librarian daily he was examining each manuscript to know its contents. It was not an

    easy task either. Most of the palm leaf manuscripts were fragile and to handle them was a big

    problem. This routine examination continued day by day, month after month and even after

    years, without great success. But Shamasastry was hopeful of finding out some new spectacular

    manuscript which was not known to the world. His assistants always taunted him but unmindful

    of all these, Sastry continued his work with all devotion and sincerity.

    One fine morning in 1905, he picked up palm leaf manuscript from a heap. He examined this

    palm leaf and was pleasantly surprised to know that it was a work on Arthasastra or

    administration written by an author called Kauitlya, Chanakya or Vishnugupta before the dawn

    of Christian era. Some people thought that it must have been a hoax: others looked at this with

    suspicion; But the introduction written by Shamasastry in 1909 giving the details of the author

    and its authenticity convinced that it was a genuine literary wonder of the ancient world.