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  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries



    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries





    RATHOD BHARAT, D. Dipesh bhai

    2ndYEAR MBA, manish bhai


    College guide By








    BATCH YEAR 2009-11

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    I undersigned Rathod Bharat D the student of the MBA

    3rdsemester thereby declare that the project wor presented in this report ismy own wor and has carried it under the guidance of professor !HARSHITASAMARANI ! of Indu management institute of Baroda senior lecturer" And

    also miss !PUJA BHATT# coordinator of MBA programmed as well as BBAdepartment"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    I am a student of Indu management institute Baroda MBAcourse$ the practical study is must according to uni%ersity rules" And also

    nowadays theoretical nowledge and class room discussion is not only

    efficient for student but practical nowledge also importance" I %isited

    shashi industries in Bha%nagar to undertae practical training" As per there&uirement of my course studies" 'he course re&uired to tae () days

    industries training at any company ha%ing finance department" *o I tae ()

    days industrial training at +,I'RA -"I"D"+" the training actually turned

    out to be ground for e.perience the real essence of management"

    'he objecti%e of practical training in the form of industrialtraining at MBA le%el is to prospecti%e about the organi/ation and

    functioning of finance and accounting department of management in

    industrial unit and also gi%e student in see real business world e.perience"

    ,ere student get a chance to obser%e the day to day

    woring of business" 'hus$ this is one of the most %aluable and importance

    e.perience for any student of MBA"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    'he main objecti%e of practical training is to encourage

    student attitude and ability" *tudent finished this report and the entire

    supported person to gi%e thans"

    I felt great in submitting my report of *,A*,I

    I0D*'RI* as a part of my practical study" 'his report is the out comesof hardworing lots of moti%ation$ proper guidance and high le%el of

    cooperation from all"

    I finished my practical training of () days in shashi

    industries" I am %ery thaning full Mr. Shashibhai vadher and Mr.Tusharbhai vadher. 'hey gi%en me permission for mae report on his

    industries and thereby I tae opportunity for taing good training from theshashi industries" And also the guide of shashi industries$ Mr" Dipeshbhai

    and Manishbhai"

    I would also lie to dedicate my sincerely than full to

    Indu management institute principal coordinator M*"PUJA BHATTand HARSHITA SAMRANIand also faculties they gi%e me any time toresponse for difficulties through telephone as well as mobile"

    4inally$ I want to than all the persons who gi%e me directlyor indirectly contribute in the preparation of this report"


    Date, Roll no; 46


    (Imi ankodiya)

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    A recei%able is the money owned to a company by aconsumer for products and ser%ices purchased on credit" 'his is usually

    treated as current assets of accounts recei%able after the customer is sent anin%oice" Account recei%ables are nown by %arious names$ such as accountrecei%able again day5s recei%able$ account recei%able turn o%er and in%oice


    Accounts recei%able are reported on the balance sheet of the

    seller at net reali/ation %alue which is the net amount the seller e.pects to


    According to the e.perts$ recei%able or in%oice factoring is

    one of a series of transaction" 'his accounting transaction deal with the

    billing of customers who owe money to a person$ company or organi/ationfor goods and ser%ices purchased"

    6ith business looing for impro%ed bottom lineperformance$ batter recei%able management$ collections is a ey focus area

    along with timely and accurate billing for organi/ation across industries"

    It can be argued that re%enue generation is the most critical

    function of a company" %ery company e.pands substantial resource to

    generate increasing le%els of re%enue" ,owe%er the re%enue must be

    con%erted in to cash" +ash is the lifeblood of any company" %ery rupee of

    company s re%enue becomes a recei%able that must be managed and collectedin time" 'herefore the staff and process that manage your recei%able is asset

    to a company.

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    PAGE No


    2. Industries profile.

    History &Development.

    Org, struture.

    ! Different dep"rtments


    #$R'ONN$( D$#%RT$NT

    %R)$TIN* D$#%RT$NT

    +IN%NC$ D$#%RT$NT

    T-eoreti"l fr"me or/.

    0 (iter"ture revie.

    Rese"r- met-odology.

    D"t" "n"lyses & interpret"tion

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    3 +INDIN*'

    4 R$CO$ND%TION

    15 CONC(U'ION

    11 6i6liogr"p-y

    'he efficiency of debt collection means to reco%ery

    period of credit sale for goods and ser%ices" Any of the companyfollow the debt collection period for collection of debtors credit sale"

    Any company are try to tae 199: reco%ered the payment from the

    buyers" And also following some most important fuction of topicrelated

    Additional funds are re&uired for the operation need of thebusiness which in%ol%e e.tra course in terms of interest" Moreo%er$

    increase in recei%able also increases chance of bad debts" 'hus creation

    of account recei%able is beneficial as well as dangerous" 'he finance

    manager has to follow a policy which uses a cash funds as aneconomically as possible" In e.tending recei%able without ad%ersely

    affecting the chance of increasing sales and maing more profits"

    Management of account recei%able may be defined as the process ofdecision relating to in%estment of fund in these assets which will result in

    ma.imi/ation the o%erall return on the in%estment of the firm"

    *o the efficiency of debt collection period is regular for the

    business and management should try to tae efficient reco%ery of credit

    sale of business from the buyers

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    According to syllabus for practical studies I %isited theshashi industries at %artej -"I"D"+" 4or () days" 'raditionally$ in ourIndian culture the Agni is worshipped" In our culture the Agni is said to be

    %ery holy" In e%ery religion ceremony the Agni is used" -od lies the

    fragment en%ironment in olden times for pleasing the god" 'hey were useflowers woods" But nowadays the place of flowers is taen by


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    Shashi industries





    In India shashi industries is play prominent role play in

    fragrance maret" 'here are three abo%e cities in%ol%e operate plants of shashi

    for manufacturing Agarbatties$ in se%eral brand and si/e as well as pacages colors and also shape and so on" *o the shashi industries co%ered large maret

    through its two main products such as MAZA & DENIM it is %ery demanded

    in the Indian people for pleasant of god"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    'he shashi manufacture good &uality &uantity of Agarbattisin the se%eral ind of %erity such ma/a$ denim$ chandan$ yes$ ros royal$jaipur magnet flora current C) in 1 *unday to *unday$ top si.$ super si.$ etc"

    in Indian maret competitor can not competed with shashi &uality because its


    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    * REGISTERED OFFICE ; O! Dar"ari #$thar! She%arshar$ad!

    &ha'na(ar Ph$ne n$) *+,-+/*0/1!

    *+,-++-+0! Fa2 n$) *+,-+/3,/!

    *Year of Establishment: 413*!

    * Chairman : Mr. Shashi&hai. R. 5adher.

    6Managing director : Mr. Tushar&hai .S.5adher

    6 Form of organization: Partnershi sin7e 411!

    6Corporate office : ( 1 ) Shashi industries!4*3! thM "%$78!

    -*9eetr$adRa:a:ina(ar &an(a%$re! 03**4*.

    ( 2 ) Tina E%e7tr$ni7s! P't!Ltd.

    4stF%$$r! #a;ashia%

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    *factories : ( 1 ) /3! Ma>a 9ra(ran7e

    P't!Ltd. G.I.D.C. 5arte: &ha'na(ar!

    ( 2 ) *,! Ne? Ahe;da"ad!

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *product : in7ense sti78s!

    *brands name : Ma>a! Deni;! Taa%! R$se!7handan! Rutura:! 8e?da!

    @han8aar! inea%e! Ma(n$%ia!Se'a$$:a! s?adesh! diner$! 7herr

    *E-MAIL : Shashih$

    *website : ???.in7ensesti78india.7$;

    *Accounting year : 4stAri% t$ /4stMar7h!

    * Workers : -* in &ha'na(ar

    *Production : Manua%

    *production Capacity : +*!*** d$>en a78et er

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *Age of retirement : N$t 9i2ed!

    *Office staff : /* in &ha'na(ar!

    Any of the company history is always in small si/e to

    e.pand in large si/e it means gradually de%elopment" ,ere shashi industriesare growing and progressi%e organi/ation" ,istory is same under this abo%e

    statement something" 'he shashi industry was %ery first started by

    SHASHIBHAI VADHER in 179 with great audaciously as well as

    enthusiastic effort" 'he name of industry was ept by the name of shashibhai"During earlier stage of establishment period$ +ompany was producing the

    %ery first time @0A--ARBA'I* in addition to the company produce I'RA +,A0DA0

    in 1;9 and R'RA= I0 1;"

    'his abo%e three Aggarbattis gets strong response from the

    maret and as a result of the profit of the company increase" 'he company

    profit grown up ) to 19 lacs which boosted to economics growth leadingto the strong financial of the company" Its current turn o%er is 7 crore"

    Almost in the year of 1;(F1;) the company is introducing

    its &uite famous Agarbatties ma/a" After getting the unbelie%able responsefrom the maret$ the company introduces one more brand denim in 1;"

    'hese 2 brands gi%e the golden success in the maret" 'he company is

    famous mostly of only Ma/a and denim Aggarbatties" *ome of their

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    products are region G%ise popular in -ujarat$ +amay in Bihar and =aypur in

    Rajasthan etc"

    'he production of this company is different fragrance

    agarbatties" *ome of the products of this company are listed below"

    Maja$ nature$ denim$ pa%itra chandan$ Ee%ada$ Ruturaj$

    +amay$ Mogra$ Hes$ Masala$ crorepati$ rose royal$ taal$ top si.$ super si.$swadesh$ dinero$ se%a pooja$ shashi jasmine$ pineapple$ magnolia$ ( in 1$

    ( you$ jhanar$ morning glory$ roja$ etc"

    All these pacs are a%ailable in different si/es$ colors$

    shapes as well as grams" In past this company also produced cosmetic andhandicraft products" But now they had stopped this production due to somereason"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    'here are se%eral measures to determine the si/e of the unit

    can be total in%estment while some si/e of the unit can be fi.ed by totalemployees or total turno%er"

    According to Indian go%ernment policy$ there are mainly 3types of industries" According to this policy$ SHASHI INDUSTIRES comes

    under the large scale of industries"

    Before si. year shashi industries was a sole proprietorship

    firm and Mr" *hashibhai was the proprietor of the firm" But now days it is a

    partnership firm$ the son of Mr"shashi bhai are the new partners of shashiindustries" 'he reason behind of these is only to tae benefits of


    Any of the company depends on his sound structure of the

    organi/ation" If the structure is complicated than create many

    misunderstanding or problem" 'herefore systematic management is must

    necessary for running smooth organi/ation"

    'he *hashi industry has a functional type of organi/ation structure$the flow of authority mo%e from top to bottom le%els and responsibilitymo%es from bottom to top" 'he responsibility depends on each person to

    his performance"

    Org. structure


    Shashi &hai 'adher

    Managing director

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Tushar &hai 5adher

    H, r, m finance marketing

    Manager manager manager

    Suer'is$r Treasurer Sa%es;an

    C%er8 A77$unt e;%$

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    Human Resource

    ?ow employee turno%er due to high loyalty and satisfaction among staff"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *elfFtrained$ e.perienced and competent staff"

    -ood relations between labor and management"


    fficient utili/ation of plant"

    ,ighly fle.ible manufacturing system

    4ull range of product width"

    ,ighly e&uipped testing laboratory"


    Mareting through e.ternal agency"

    Finance :

    ?arge portion of other income due to sale of wastage and in sourcing"


    4ast decisionFmaing"

    ,igh growth rate of industry"

    ?ean and flat organi/ation"


    ,uman Resource

    *taff with low profile education"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    ?ac of moti%ational factors"

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    Increasing health consciousness among public resulting towards the

    preferences of pacaged products and hence an opportunity for a

    pacaging industry"

    ?arger potential for geographical e.pansion"

    Increasing portioned of Indian fragrance maret"

    -rowing literacy rate by which people started understanding the

    importance of standard and paced products$ which are from


    *a%e the pollution$ through handicraft business"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    Manufacturing of products mi. of all raw material and maenew products or finished products" In short for the manufacturing of any

    product we need raw material$ and start with the buying of raw material"

    'he main objecti%e of manufacturing process is to mae good &uality withlow cost and also the main intension is to pro%ide great satisfaction to the

    customers through mareting as well as gi%e to batter ser%ices" 'herefore

    the any manufacturing process is start with raw material is to con%ert in to

    finished products for sell in the maret and get ma.imum demand to earnma.imum profit"

    'he manufacture of aggabatties is %ery easy because it is made

    without machines" Its manufacturing process is poorly manual" 'he raw

    material for the aggrbatties are perfumes the pacing bo.$ /iit$ cold dust$

    bamboo stic$ and charcoal$ and aerometric chemical$ etcetera" 'here are(9$999 barometric chemical are a%ailable for manufacturing different inds

    of perfumes$ they are buying the perfume form Amritser and ttar

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    'he production process means raw material is con%erting in to

    finished goods through manpower or human being because it is a handicraft

    business" In short$ raw aggarbatties without smell" 4or maing the rawAgarbatties$ they used all the material which is mentioned abo%e" Raw

    Aggarbatties are stics co%ered by paste and mi.ture of /ait and coal dust" It

    has no fragrance since /ait is i111 adhesi%e is paste with coal dust also

    become adhesi%e" 'here is reco%ered by dust$ oil$ wood and mae it dry" It isthen ept in sunlight for 3 hours" It is said raw Aggarbatties"

    There are five different process of manufacturing ofAggarbatties as under,

    'he assortment of raw material means collection of raw materials lies

    raw collection of aggarbtti$ different ind of perfumes$ pacing etc" 'hen aftercollected raw Aggarbaties raw material checed by a silled labor and result

    gi%en to super%isor" It is %ery initial step of is process"

    'he ne.t important step of this process depending process" In this

    process$ the bundles of raw Aggarbatties are deeper in to aluminum$ whichcontains chemicals perfumes colors and dFethical epithelium" D< is always

    higher than any other raw material used in li&uid"

    'his is the third important step of this process" After completing the 2nd

    stage$ the Aggarbatties are ept in to big aluminum plate" 'his process taes 12

    hours it is ready for used"

    'he forth step of manufacturing of aggarbatties is dried Aggarbatties istaen out from the plates and they are weighted on electronics weighed

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    machine" 'he minimum weight of Aggarbatties is 29grams and the ma.imum

    weight of Aggarbattries is )99grams"

    'he last process of pacing raping of aggarbatties Cfinished

    products" After preparing the Aggarbatties$ it is necessary to pac thatAggarbatties in attracti%e manner" 'hey are pacing the aggrbaties in deferent according to its grams and fla%ors" ?ast step is pacing the of finished

    product" And sell for do the mareting and ad%ertise in attracti%e in manner"

    As soon as the production is finished it must be passed from &uantitycontrol section" 'his is the last but not least step" ?ie super%isor of the firm

    checs the &uality of the product and if the &uantity is not satisfactory then it

    will go again for reprocessing the &uality product is main object of the shashiindustries" 'hey are committed to customer satisfaction through &uality goods

    prompt response and timely deli%ery" 'his is the main result of the shashi


    'hus the manufacturing process of shashi industries is too much easy theprocess of production of aggarbatties is 199: handmade" Any ind of

    machinery doesn5t re&uire in this industries"

    For exa!"e

    In shashi industries they applied manufacturing process of ?I==A'

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    prepares the raw Aggarbatties this paste is an adhesi%e this paste is co%ered

    upon a thicer stic this co%ered paste is reco%ered with the dust of wood"After co%ering of paste this raw stic are made dry in the sunlight for 3 to (

    hours$ and then these raw aggarbatties tae in to process of maing incens(estic"

    'he raw agarbatties are buying from Bangalore while the

    perfumes purchased from Ameritser$ anoj$ and also utter

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries



    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Camay hagzagone,


    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    This a"$'e a%% the r$du7ts ;anu9a7ture "< shashi industriesin vartej G.I.D.C.

    'he shashi industries in%ol%e employee are wor for rapping and

    pacaging of agarbatties in one department and mo%e the pacaging in cartoonsome other department" 'here are large employment create in the society

    because it is pour hand wor no any technical machinery is necessary" 'he

    following image of woring area of shashi industries"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *o the abo%e photo say it is pour mentally process ofmanufacturing of agarbatties" 'here for human cooperation is most important

    for the smooth running of the organi/ation"

    In shashi industries ha%e two stored department one is generaland second is special product stored department" It is %ery nice bounded for

    the product con%enience from the en%ironment" In %artej premises following

    are the area of stored department"

    Finished products

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    1. general storedIn a general store raw material are store and eeping

    systematically manner" ach and e%ery item is mared and carried a

    name plat of it" And send the all goods Ahmadabad for e.port as well as

    out side the region for selling of products"

    2. technical storedIn shashi industries all the acti%ity based on the hand wor

    but the essence on agarbatties is through the machinery techni&ues"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    ,uman resource management means to manage the people inproper way" ,uman being is most %aluable assets of the organi/ation"

    'herefore$ any of the company recruitment and selection of employee

    through eminent and e.pert people" Because$ if wrong selection may be

    create big problem for the organi/ation"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Definition:!,uman resource management in%ol%es the tas of handling the

    human problem of an organi/ation and it5s de%oted to ac&uiring$ de%eloping$utili/ation$ and maintaining an efficient wor force"#

    In short$ we can say that personnel management is based on this sentence$

    Mind your man and will mind all other things

    ach an e%ery company has maintain separate ,RM department"

    !"as"i industries also maintain separate personnel department for the

    management of human being.

    Organization structure ofHRM

    Managing director

    HRM manager

    Clerk process uncharged time keepingclerk,

    Computer productionOperator supervisor,

    Typist labors

    4rom abo%e chart$ it can be understood that the owners enjoy

    top authority and then authority flow to bottom" 'he managing director ofSHASHI INDUSTRIES is the head of the entire three departments" And theauthority flows from the managers" All the major decision is to be taen by

    the managing director while the routine decision is to be taen by the


    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *o$ the shashi industr#in%ol%es many functions regarding thehuman resource management" 'he following are as under"

    Recruitment$ selection$ and induction through eminent e.pert staff"

    'raining and de%elopment through e.pert and brilliant manager"

    =ob description"

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    *i/e of the unit means total in%estment of the firm" ,ow much

    amount in%ests in business depends upon decided si/e of businessorgani/ation$ here we are considering only in%estment to measure si/e of

    the organi/ation" *ome of the limit through according to go%ernment norms

    and policy pro%ide the criteria for organi/ations as under"

    *mall scale industries

    In this unit the total in%estment in fi.ed and current both up to less then 8)

    lacs it is called small organi/ation"

    Medium scale industries

    In this unit one whose in%estment in fi.ed and current asset is in rangebetween 8) to 199 lacs its called medium scale organi/ation"

    ?arge scale industries

    In this unit total in%estment is more than 199 lacs it is called large scale"

    *o abo%e all limit measure the si/e of the unit and we can easily

    say that shashi industries is total in%estment in unit is more than 1 crores soit is come under the large scale unit as per the abo%e limit of go%ernment

    for organi/ation" At present sale figure of company is ; crores per annum

    so according to sales figure we can predict it is large scale unit"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Any of the organi/ation time eeping is must for

    smoothly running" And also the firm is used for disciplinary action for thispurpose company eep attends for all company members" And with the

    help of timeeeping owner nows that how much product will be produced

    in a day" 'his function is also useful to determine the wage of their labors

    and also help in determine the cost of production"

    In shashi industrieshas only one shift in the day" 'heworing times of the company from 99 are to 799pm" In between this

    199 pm to 2 pm lea%es the employee and employer for the lunch brea$and e%ery day$ ; hours woring for the worers in a day" And here dailyattendance is taen" 'here is a signature system for employee and card

    system for officers" ,ere the most of the wor is based on contract$ so this

    is done by the contracted persons"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    0ormally the wage means to gi%e something return onwor for employee and employer" 'hey perform his %aluable time for the

    manufacturing goods and ser%ices for the society" In normal case wage is

    paid to the employee who prefers blue collar job" 6age usually refers tothe hourly rate or daily rate paid to such groups" @n the other hand$ salary

    normally refers to the weely or monthly rates paid to clerical$

    administrati%e and pro%isional employees" 'hey are permanent worers

    and old as white collar worers"

    'he wage and salary gi%e by company based on the

    &ualification of employer and employee" *uch as manager of the financedepartment salary is higher than the cler of the company because they

    under the manager so ultimately the salary will be less than his superior"

    'he basic purpose of wage and salary administration is to establish andmaintain an e&uitable wage and salary structure" 6age and salary

    department should be controlled by proper agency"

    In shashi industries the whole wor of production is done

    on contract based" 'hey get rupee (9 Gonwards according to their wor"

    In shashi industries administrati%e officers handled the wage and salary

    department" 'he following rate of wor pro%ided by the company"

    nsilled employeeF 1)99F2999

    *emisilled worersF 2999F)999

    *illed full worers F )999F;999

    'hus$ Abo%e se%eral remuneration gi%en to the employee

    employer" ,ere there is not dearness allowance and also '"A" M"A"they are gi%en the salary to their employee according to their e.perience

    and sill"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    0ow day5s large technology a%ailable lie big machine$

    chemicals$ en%ironment and so on" 'herefore company liabilities and also

    responsibility to pro%ide security as well as safety for employee" It is most

    important function for company gi%es employee ser%ices and benefits andthe main goal of the company tae this step for moti%ating and encourage

    employee for getting the benefits of their efficiency"

    0ormally any of the company profit depends upon its employees"

    If employees are satisfied with the facility$ than$ they automatically doing

    enthusiastically" *o it is %ery necessary to delight the employee because

    they are the precious assets for the company" Shashi industries alsopro%ide the following facility and benefits to the employees"

    'hey pro%ided edi$a" %a$i"it#"

    'hey gi%e the housin& %a$i"it#"

    'hey pro%ide trave"in& a""o'an$eto their employee"

    @n the time of woring any accident happen in thecompany they pro%ide full e.penses behind the


    @n time of festi%al they pro%ide the bonus as well asdistribute cloths$ gifts$ sweet$ and so on for their

    employee" +anteen facility

    ?oan facility

    ntertainment facility

    'hus$ the abo%e all the facility and benefits pro%ide by the

    company for tae care of its worers as well as their employer" And also

    abo%e facility mae good relation ships bet ween worers andmanagement" Mostly those facilities depend upon company internal policy"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    0ow days after the policy of 11 of liberali/ation$ pri%atali/ation$and globali/ation the industrial sector are play prominent role play in Indianas wall as international maret" 'he most of the industries gi%es the large

    contribution for growth and de%elopment of our nation"

    0ormally$ the company is one of the parts of society and e%erycompany has to contribute more or less its society" By doing some ind of

    wor$ they can get the fa%orable response from society" And also people will

    understand that that the company cares for the public" 6ithout contributioncompany can5t for a long period in the maret"

    +ontribution of the unit to the to the industry means o%erallproduction of the aggarbatties and what is the contribution of this products

    and how it play role in the de%elopment of country and industry" 'his

    company has made a great contribution in national maret as well as ininternational maret" 'his firm plays an important role in industries

    de%elopment and growth of nation"

    In our Indian maret the shashi industries play prominent role playin fragrance" It is a 3rdlargest ran in Indian fragrance maret" 'his success

    depends upon &uality of agarbatties as wall as sales ser%ices" 'he company

    product reaches in each corner of our country through channel oftransportation and ad%ertisement" And also they co%ered the confidence of

    customer through its &uality as well as &uantity and co%ered the whole

    maret of fragrance"

    'he contribution towards the industries of this firm must be taen in

    to account" Because the owner of this firm is a great entrepreneur and strong

    competitors the company got 3rdran in o%erall India and there are no anystrie and dispute in the organi/ation" And for this reason company

    production is gradually increases in day to day business"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Mr. Shashi bhai vadheris also social wor in his personal life so

    he must tae care about the society" ,e pro%ide many ser%ices to his societylie$

    'hey pro%ide best &uality Aggarbatties with different ind ofperfume"

    'hey also pro%ide good employment"

    'hey are doing free plantation in Bha%nagar"

    By e.porting Aggarbatties outside$ it earn foreign currency" 'hat

    will help in purchasing new foreign technology and increase

    national income"

    'he firm donates in blind school$ near %idhyanagar$ Bha%nagr"

    'hey also contribute in mantle school$ in short they totally

    1; organi/ation in gi%ing donate for social wor and as a

    responsibility of social man" ,ome production employeement for uneducated worers and

    specially women as a production of raw aggarbatties"

    'he shashi bhai got the national award in 2993"

    'hus the shashi industries are most important for society

    as well as national for de%elopment and growth of the country" *o the abo%econtribution is large for the generation of new employment"

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    Mareting is most important function and part of the

    management" It is a ey factor of sale of goods and ser%ices" 0othing can bepossible without mareting in any of the business field" ach an e%ery

    organi/ation maintain the mareting department for long sur%i%al durablein modern business time"

    Basically$ mareting management is a program for analy/ingplanning implement and controlling mutually desired e.change between

    specific persons" Mareting management concern with product planning$

    de%elopment$ pricing$ pacaging$ selling$ etc" it is a bac born of thecompany"

    In shashi industries$ there is a separate mareting department$which plays an important role in the Indian fragrance maret$ the shashiindustries currently 3rd ran in o%erall Indian maret for Aggarbatties and

    also famous in foreign maret" 'his success is based on good and speedy

    mareting of shashi industries for the product"

    Organization structure

    Of marketing,

    Managing director,

    Marketing management

    Assistant salesman salesman

    (Local area) (Outside market)

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    'he abo%e chart of mareting department of shashi industries shows

    the authority and responsibility of mareting for products" In organi/ationchart in%ol%e authority and responsibility is flow from top to bottom and

    bottom to top means top le%el in%ol%e gi%e the order and "$tt$; %e'e% isi;%e;ent $rder and (i'e ri(ht 9eed"a78 t$ the t$ %e'e% auth$rit 6hich factors are you consider while purchasing an


    Do your decision is affected by new introduction or schemeK


    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    ;> If yes$ what scheme attracts you mostK


    9> ,ow often you purchase aggarbatties in how much&uantityK PPP

    4> 6ho taes the decision for purchasing aggarbattiesK


    ?> 4rom where do you purchase itK

    6hich media you are most e.posed to$ for taing

    your purchase decisionK

    'ele%ision PPPPPPRadio PPPPPP

    0ewspaper PPPPPP Any other PPPPPP

    2> ,a%e you heard about shashi productsK PPPPPP

    3> If yes$ from where you come to now about the


    4riendsPPPPPP Relati%e PPPPPP 'ele%ision


    Radio PPPPPP 0ewspaper PPPPPP Any @ther PPPPPP

    0> ,ow do you find itK Hes PPPPPP 0o PPPPPP

    > If no$ would you lie to try itK Hes PPPPPP 0o


    /> ,ow much credit sale period you preferK

    1)days PPPPPPPP$ 39daysPPPPPPPPPP$

    9daysPPPPPPPPP$ 1;9days$PPPPPPPPP"

    A0H *--*'I@0*

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries




    Name o% =ustomer Occu+ation

    Address Mont"*'



    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

    1 6hich products of shashi do you carryK

    Maja PPPPP Denim PPPPPP Ruturaj PPPPPP

    *unday to *unday PPPPPP camay gold PPPPPP

    Rose royal PPPPPP jaipurPPPPPPPPP"

    2 6hich products more sale in shashi brands do you carryK

    Maja PPPPP Denim PPPPPP Ruturaj PPPPPP

    *uper si. PPPPPP Denim he.a gonal$ PPPPPP

    Rose royal PPPPPP$ yes$ PPPPPPPPP"

    'irth PPPPPPPPPPP$ -ulabPPPPP

    3 6hich factors are you consider important for shashi products sellK

  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries


    7 6hat is promotional scheme of each shashiK Maja PPPPP Denim PPPPPP Ruturaj PPPPPP


    8 ,ow much &uantity do you sell of shashi products CMonthly A%erageK


    ; ,ow much margin shashi pro%ides to youK Are you satisfiedK PPPPPP

    Are you finding any difficulty in dealing with shashsi industriesK

    19 If no$ would you lie to try itK Hes PPPPPP 0o PPPPPP

    11 Are you satisfied through company sale of credit period


    12 If you no$ than how much period you preferK

    1)days PPPPPPPP$ 39daysPPPPPPPPPP$

    9daysPPPPPPPPP$ 1;9days$PPPPPPPPP"

    A0H *--*'I@0*



    Name o% Retai*er

    Name o% O@ner

    Indu Management Institute, (G.T.U).


  • 8/21/2019 Bharat Report


    Shashi industries

