  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    The only restrictions are:

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  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    Who is this manual for?

    Hi! My name is Matt DAquino. I am a 3rd

    Degree black belt in Judo and a Purple belt in

    Brazilian Jujitsu. I have a passion for Judo,

    strength and conditioning as well as teaching

    people what helped me to get to the Olympic


    I have been writing articles about Judo as well

    as Fitness and Conditioning for as long as I can

    remember. I have over 200 videos on my

    YouTube channel and it can sometimes be

    hard to sift through all the content to find

    what you are looking for.

    In this manual I have placed links to each video under the

    appropriate headings to make it easier for you to access good quality

    videos and save you some time.

    I hope you enjoy the videos and if you have any questions please do

    not hesitate to email me at [email protected]

    Kind regards,

    Matt DAquino

    2008 Beijing Olympian

  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    Beginner basics:

    These video are what I like to call MUST WATCH. They will not only

    teach you how to tie your belt (so it never comes un-done) but also

    how you can train at home as well as the ultimate goal of Judo

    which is getting a reaction from your opponent and then throwing

    them for Ippon.

    The Goal of Judo (Getting a reaction Part 1)

    The Goal of Judo (Getting a reaction Part 2)

    Tying up your Belt

    Taping your fingers for Training

    How to fold your Judogi

    Judo Home Training Part 1

    Judo Home Training Part 2

    Uchikomi Rubbers

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    Gripping strategy and grip breaks

    This section contains some good grip break both pre and post 2013

    rule changes. Simply sift through the videos and find which works for

    your given style either Judo or Freestyle Judo.

    Basic Grip breaks

    Double Grip breaks

    Japanese Gripping Strategy

    Neil Adams and Gamba gripping for 2013

    IJF Database on 2013 rules

  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    Turnovers and sweeps

    Akimoto turnover Part 1

    Akimoto turnover Part 2

    Wrestler Turnover

    French Turnover

    Seoi nage turnover

    Basic turtle turnover

    Nasty Russian Turnover

    Osaekomi waza (Pins)

    Kesa Gatame basics

    Kata Gatame Basics

    Mune Gatame Basics

    Tate Shiho Gatame Basics

    Kesa Gatame escapes

    Mune Gatame Escapes

    Kuzure Kesa gatame escape

    Newaza top control training at home

    Basic Guard Pass

    Stack guard pass

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    Kensetsu waza (armbars)

    Juji Gatame from turtle

    Juji Gatame from Guard

    Juji Gatame from a turnover

    Juji Gatame into Ude garami (Oma Plata) from Guard

    Ude Garami from Guard

    Ude Garami countering a Guard pass

    Hiza Gatame

    Armwrap armbar from Guard

    Close side Juji Gatame from Mune Gatame

    Submissions from Kuzure Kesa Gatame

    Kesa Gatame submissions

    5 Juji gatame variations you should be drilling

    Standing armlock

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    Shime waza (strangles & chokes)

    Basic of strangles

    Quellmmalz choke

    Canto strangle

    Koshi jime variation

    Crocodile choke

    Hiza gatame and choke

    Far guard choke

    Sankaku jime

    Sankaku jime from Turnover

    Standing choke

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    Tachiwaza techniques

    Ippon Seoi Nage

    In depth look at Seoi nage

    10 setups to Seoi nage

    Sode tsuri komi goshi

    Jimmy Pedro style sode

    Eri seoi nage

    Sasae tsuri komi ashi

    French style Kouchi gari

    Morote Seoi Nage

    Drop seoi nage (morote)

    How to stop drop seoi part 1

    How to stop drop seoi part 2

    Osoto Gari


    Stopping the suplex

    Uchimata (Zataraya style)

    Harai Goshi

    Tai Otoshi

    Tai otoshi and strangle combination

    Ouchi gari

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    Seoi nage into Kouchi gari

    Kouchi into harai goshi

    Osoto gari into Ouchi gari

    Ouchi gari into harai tsuri komi ashi

    Kouchi gari into Ouchi gari

    Kouchi gari into Ouchi gari into Osoto gari

    Freestyle Judo (illegal techniques)

    Suplex using your opponents legs (Now illegal due to leg grabs)

    Tani Otoshi (now illegal due to leg grab)

    Kata guruma (now illegal due to leg grab)

    Morote Gari (now illegal due to leg grab)

    Sukui nage (now illegal due to leg grab)

  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    Random cool videos of mine

    74 throws in 2 minutes

    5 Juji gatame variations

    Newaza highlight

    Judo from a GoPro perspective

    Miami and US open 2010

    World Championships 2012

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    Judo Specific Strength & Conditioning

    Exercise compilations:

    Essential exercises for Judo

    Push up variations

    Medicine ball exercises

    Speed and agility

    Essential core exercises for Judo

    Grip strength for Judo

    Self myofascial release


    Great workout for Judo 1

    Great workout for judo 2

    Great workout for Judo 3

    Great workout for Judo 4

  • Beyond Grappling technique reference guide

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    Other Beyond Grappling Products

    University of Judo

    Workouts for Judo

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    Strength Training for Judo

    The Complete Guide to the Grappling Dummy

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    Make sure you join the Beyond Grappling

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