Page 1: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

Customer Zen

Beyond Customer Experience

Honesty & Integrity | Enriching Partnerships

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Page 2: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

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Gemini Consul�ng & Services is a NMSDC cer�fied global IT & ITeS services provider in consul�ng, technology, and outsourcing solu�ons. As a trusted and proven partner, focused on providing innova�ve solu�ons, Gemini enables our customers to perform be�er than the compe��on and stay ahead of the innova�on curve.

Products & Innova�on Staff Augmenta�on • Sustainable Transforma�on• Across Mul�ple Technologies• Build & Run• Delivery Excellence

• Product Development• Innova�on Lab• Mobile Apps• Chat Bots

• Right Price• Rapid Response• Rigorous Screening• Flexibility

Projects & Solu�ons

Exper�se in:ERP ServicesWorkforce Solu�onsDigital ManagementMobility

Advanced Analy�csBusiness IntelligenceBig DataUI/UX

Cloud Compu�ngEnterprise SecurityInfrastructureInternet of Things (IOT)

Agile Implementa�onRapid DeploymentTeam Box (Redbooth)

Our Values

Diversity & People First

Community Support

Utmost Integrity

Passion to Innovate

Technology for Greater Good

ESTin the


Honesty & Integrity | Enriching Partnerships

About Us

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Projects and Solu�onsGemini assists global corpora�ons to develop unique solu�ons to address their complex business challenges across mul�ple technologies. We benefit them through our sustainable transforma�on, build and run, and delivery excellence fostering long-term trusted partnerships.

ERP Solu�ons• Implementa�on• Upgrade Services• Support and Maintenance• Rollouts• Integra�on• CloudBusiness Analy�cs• Business Intelligence• Advanced Analy�cs• Corporate Performance • Management• Big DataLegacy Transforma�on• Solu�on Mapping – Mapping Legacy Applica�on Elements• Process Development – Process Design & Automa�on• Applica�on Development – Architecture, Applica�on Design & DevelopmentData Management Services• Data Quality• Data Governance• Func�onal & Technical HelpDesk Data Management Opera�ons & Support – Price Cleansing, Product & Inventory Updates, Market Regula�on, etc.Applica�on Development & Maintenance• Applica�on Development & Tes�ng• Applica�on Integra�on services• Applica�on Support/Maintenance• Managed ServicesOpen Source • Open Source Adop�on – Evaluate & Choose Technology – Architecture Support• Proofs of Concepts – Develop Applica�ons – Migrate & Port• Support Services & Product UpgradesInfrastructure • Data Center Infrastructure Management

• Applica�on Management Services• End-User Compu�ng, LAN-WAN, Misc. Services• Technical Support/Field Support• ITIL & ITSM enabled services viz. ServiceNow, Remedy, othersTes�ng • Mul�-unit & System Tes�ng• End-End Func�onality Tes�ng• Security Tes�ng• Configura�on Tes�ng• Installa�on Tes�ng• Regression & Integra�on Tes�ng • Performance (Stress Load, Stability, Memory Leak, Benchmark, etc.) Tes�ng• User Acceptance Tes�ng, etc.Training & Documenta�on• Learning Technology• Content Design• Technology AdvisoryProgram/Project Management Office (PMO)• Align – Por�olio Management, Strategic Program Services• Deliver – Program Management, PMO Implementa�on• Op�mize – PM Process Consul�ng, PM Center of Excellence • Review – Program Reviews, Program Rescue



On Schedule



Sustainable Transforma�onAcross Mul�ple TechnologiesBuild & RunDelivery Excellence

Page 4: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

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Staff Augmenta�on





Maximizing Profitability

Our Recrui�ng Process

• Managed Staffing Recruitment• Workforce & Technology Assessment Services• Temporary Staffing Recruitment• Contract & Contract-to-Hire Services • Permanent Staff Recruitment/Direct Hire

Gemini Consul�ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff quickly and efficiently to meet your immediate and long-term business objec�ves.

Gemini will go the extra mile to provide highly qualified consultants that merge into your specifica�ons and requirements. We provide compe��vely priced, task-oriented high quality resources to enable lower-cost con�ngent workforce and staff augmenta�on needs.

Our qualified recruiters will �mely find the right match of consultants through our effec�ve process of:

• Background Check – Evaluate creden�als and references• Four-�er Screening – Phone Evalua�on, Wri�en Test, Code Reviews, Technical Interviews• Drug Test for selected candidates

• Right Price• Rapid Response• Rigorous Screening• Flexibility

Page 5: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

[email protected]

ERP and CRM – SAP, Oracle, Microso�, PeopleSo�, JDE, Sugar CRM, Siebel,, others

EAI/SOA – webMethods, seebeyond, Tibco, Muleso�, others

Infrastructure – ServiceNow, Remedy, others

Business Intelligence – Hadoop, Cognos, Informa�ca, Microstrategy, Business Objects, others

Digital – UI, UX, others

Cloud – Azure, AWS, Puppet, others

Legacy – Cobol, JCL, DB2, others

Moderniza�on – Java, J2EE, .Net

Enterprise IT Automa�on – Puppet-Cloud, Security, DevOps

Technology Focus AreasOpen Source – LAMP-Linux, Apache, MySQL, JAVA, Magento, JBoss, TomCat, Perl, Python, Ruby, Rails, WINE, Jxplorer, Liferay Portal

Compliance and Regula�ons – SOX, PCI DSS, HIPPA, ISO 9001:2015, etc.

PMO & Business Analysis – Business Analyst, Project Manager, Program Manager

Staff Augmenta�on – Java 8, Flex, Spring MVC, Spring Res�ul, Spring Boot, Jboss, Tomcat, WebServices, Ajax, CSS, Apache Libraries, PCF, Microso� Azure Pla�orm, OpenShi�, PhoneGap, Silverlight, Appcelerator, SQLite, MySQL, Visual Studio, HTML, JavaScript, AngulerJS, NodeJS, JQuery, Visual Design, Photoshop, Android, IOS, Windows, Hybrid, UID

Func�onal Focus • .Net Developers• Apache• Applica�ons Engineers• Business Analyst• Business Intelligence• Call Center Technical Analyst• Compliance Analyst• Configura�on Analyst• Data Analyst• Data Center Expert• Data Engineer• Data Warehousing• Database Administrator • Database Analyst• Database Architect• Digital Marke�ng• Func�onal Expert • Help Desk Analyst• Help Desk/Desktop Co-ordinator/Administrator• Informa�on Systems Auditor• Infrastructure Administrators/ Support/System Engineers• IOS/Android/Hybrid Mobile APP Developers

• IS Auditor• IT Applica�on Services Manager• IT Business Analyst• Java Engineers• Magento Developers• Microso� Azure Developer• Network Administrator• Network Engineer• Network Opera�ons Managers• Network/Data Management Specialist• PHP• Portal Developer• Portals & Content Management• Product Manager• Program Manager• Project Manager• Quality Assurance Analyst/Tester • SAP/Microso�/Oracle Developers/Team Leads/Architects• Security Specialist • Service Co-ordinator• Service Informa�on Developer • So�ware Development & Engineer• Solu�on Architect

• SQL DB Developer• SQL Developers• Supply Chain Consultant• Systems Administrator• Systems Analyst• Systems Architect/Developer• Technical Architect• Technical Manager• Technical Writer• Test Engineer• Test Engineers/Leads/Analyst• Tes�ng Engineer• User Experience (UX/UI) Developer• Web Architect/Web Designer• Web Developer• Web Development Director• Webmaster

Staff Augmenta�on

Page 6: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

[email protected]

Products and Innova�on

There’s more to Life!Plan, invite, and manage events! It's never been so easy!

Have a big event coming up and don’t have your friend’s e-mail address? We have the Key!

With its sleek and intui�ve design, mVite helps you plan, design, schedule, and send your personal mee�ngs, formal events, academic, or commercial events of any size to your friends or customers; all of this without any need for the e-mails.

Hassle-free, Intui�ve features:• Send & receive invites using cellphone number• No e-mail required• Create contact groups for different event types• Share contact groups with friends• Personalize your invita�ons with quick templates and professional themes• Easily track RSVPs and set appropriate reminders• Share invita�ons on various social media and through SMS/text• Check-in and chat with your invitees

Page 7: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

ERP Solu�ons• Implementa�on• Upgrade Services• Support and Maintenance• Rollouts• Integra�on• CloudBusiness Analy�cs• Business Intelligence• Advanced Analy�cs• Corporate Performance • Management• Big DataLegacy Transforma�on• Solu�on Mapping – Mapping Legacy Applica�on Elements• Process Development – Process Design & Automa�on• Applica�on Development – Architecture, Applica�on Design & DevelopmentData Management Services• Data Quality• Data Governance• Func�onal & Technical HelpDesk Data Management Opera�ons & Support – Price Cleansing, Product & Inventory Updates, Market Regula�on, etc.Applica�on Development & Maintenance• Applica�on Development & Tes�ng• Applica�on Integra�on services• Applica�on Support/Maintenance• Managed ServicesOpen Source • Open Source Adop�on – Evaluate & Choose Technology – Architecture Support• Proofs of Concepts – Develop Applica�ons – Migrate & Port• Support Services & Product UpgradesInfrastructure • Data Center Infrastructure Management

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Products and Innova�on

FanKick is an intui�vely designed, easy-to-use app that lets you restore your inner fan. The app allows you to stay connected to your favorite celebrity, with all their latest updates, news, and gossips. Browse through various categories that interest you – from TV shows, music, movies, sports, and celebri�es striking a fun cord with your answers.

With the Fan Clubs, Fan Coins, Fan Magazines, Fan Events, and Leader Boards you are never going to sit dull.

Kicking Ques�ons & Celebrity BuzzKey features:• Browse FanKick lists based on categories and geo loca�ons• Share the FanKick lists with friends or family on various social networking sites• Earn easy rewards by sharing your FanKick content• Earn Fan Coins by subscribing to Fan Maga zines, joining Fan Clubs, and answering ques�ons• Redeem your Fan Coins for surprising goodies, viz. movie �ckets and gi� vouchers• Enjoy the element of Gamifica�on and share a moment with your favorite celebri�es

Benefits:• Earn points which can be redeemed for amazing gi�s and coupons• Get latest updates and gossips on your favorite celebri�es• A great way to stay in touch with your friends and family • Celebrity popularity analysis tools

Page 8: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

[email protected]

Products and Innova�on

Rank World is a highly intui�ve ranking applica�on that enables you to create, manage, and share rank lists.

Rank World lets you know your neighborhood in just few seconds. Discover the local shops, pubs, and parks and many more that you have missed. Rank World is the right pla�orm to share your experiences to the world through rankings. The app is used to view honest feedback about the nearby Banks, Restaurants, Hotels, Coffee bars, Health services, Poli�cs, Cultures, Tourism, Movies, Theaters, and many more.

Rank World is all about ranking. Unlike reviews, ranking is quick, easy, and simple. And most prominently, only authorized users are allowed to do the rankings.

World at Your Finger Tips

Key features:• View informa�on on anything and everything nearby or the world• Browse rank lists based on category and geo loca�on preferences• Create your own rank List to express your views to the world• View rankings by genuine, ac�ve, and local experts• Upload rank entries with video, audio, and photos • Share your rank lists with friends and family on social media pla�orms such as Facebook, Twi�er, and LinkedIn• Edit and modify rank lists created by other users• Like and comment rank lists created by other users

Page 9: Beyond Customer Experience -€¦ · Gemini Consul ng & Services, a trusted partner who delivers qualified Professional Contract, Contract-to-Hire, and Permanent Staff

[email protected]

Products and Innova�on

SafetyLeaf is a one-stop shop solu�on for Insurance Brokerage and Risk Management advisory firms along with their enterprise and individual clients. It is a collabora�on System with insurance companies and TPA companies to provide efficient service. SafetyLeaf is a simple mul�ple modules system rolled into one, and when required these modules can also be used independently. Enterprise Center module helps HR Managers in a company to track their employees’ health insurance applica�ons and status, as well aids employees with their insurance applica�on, renewals, and claims. Broking Center module will take care front office and back-office func�onali�es for Insurance Brokerage firms, Agency firms, and Risk Management advisory firms. Customer Center module helps insurance brokers/agents serve their clients effec�vely with policy informa�on, policy renewals, quotes, and no�fica�ons.

Valued Insurance Pla�orm

Key features:• SaaS model solu�on• Single & quick registra�on• Easy and any�me access• Keeps you no�fied on renewals & important informa�on• Highly customizable• Various flavors of SafetyLeaf like in-house setup and cloud• SafetyLeaf product website to register for any of the product and find informa�on about the products• Broking firm & Agency firm execu�ve dashboard• New policies management, renewal, and �mely no�fica�ons

Benefits:• Perfect back-office for organiza�ons• Secures all your insurance policies under one roof• Hassle free insurance claims• Employees of any organiza�on can apply for health insurance, get no�fica�ons, and store other policies for reference, get quotes for renewal �me, get claim info and also other dependents details when needed• HR of an organiza�on can track employees’ applica�on status, deny and accept employees’ applica�on, and generate reports• Brokers back-office for various IRDA reports, renewal reports, and commission are also taken care

There are 548 broking firms serving, 26 Insurance Companies in India which are offering various insurance policies with various benefits to capture market, which is worth 41 billion US Dollars in India alone. And the list is growing pretty fast.

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[email protected]

Products and Innova�on

For Easy & High Security Transac�ons

Digital Authen�ca�on Pla�orm with innova�ve security features, including making it easy for consumers to use the MiriCard app to make payments.

This premier payment, Digital Card & Authen�ca�on technology, designed to combat fraud is offered worldwide through a number of industry-specific solu�ons. MiriToken, MiriID, MiriCard and MiriPay products are based on one-�me use dynamic virtual numbers and are presented on a customizable, deploy-anywhere user interface.

Key features for products immediately available:• MiriToken is a so� token that authorizes secure access to computer systems• MiriID and Miri Systems login app generate a unique 16-digit code for each �me-bound login session• MiriCard is a quick, easy-to-use leading edge secure payment card emula�on solu�on that looks and func�ons like a credit/debit card number• MiriPay is a universal payment solu�on. It is comprehensive, easy-to-use and a convenient method for making and receiving payments

Benefits:• Works on Smart Phones, PCs, Mac, Tablets• Low overhead on backend systems with seamless integra�on with any system• Built-in mul� factor authen�ca�on• Flexible, easy-to-use and can be tailored by ins�tu�on• Audi�ng & Fraud Detec�on on user ac�vi�es• Simple with posi�ve end-user experience

There are some 90 million millennials today in the U.S. By 2025, millennials will be the highest earning generation in history.

Of those 90 million millennials, some 40 million of them would switch to digital card payments. These consumers have security and trust issues when it comes to mobile payments.

Consumers remain uneasy about the security of their mobile payment transactions, the Miri Systems Platform eases these concerns.

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[email protected]

Products and Innova�onMiri Systems Login AppMiri Systems Login App technology can be inserted into an ins�tu�ons’ exis�ng app. It is specifically designed as an easy and automa�c secure login to sensi�ve informa�on. The Miri Systems login app generates a unique 16 character alphanumeric code for each �me-bound login session, which can also be used to securely login through third party computers. This robust technology provides addi�onal layers of security. The app can also be used as ID creden�als for posi�vely iden�fying and authen�ca�ng users.

Miri Systems Login App

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