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ClairvoyantBy Viet Tran

“Wake up Akira, its time to go now!” my mom screams from the bottom of the stairs. As always I’m the last person to get ready for everything, but today is different. Today is the day we moved out of this house which I love dearly to my heart, it’s our first house that we ever live, but since my dad have a new job position at different location, we have to move. “Okay, I’m coming!”So we are moving to a middle of nowhere, where there like barely anyone here, population: 257…plus 4. My brother and I did not agree with this idea but since it for the sake of my dad career we have to do as to please him. And since my mom give me the idea of home schooling; it got me, because I would do anything to get out of school. Riding in the car for 18 hours was a boring thing that I ever done in my life, for a seventeen year old girl and twelve year old boy sitting behind the back of the truck with nothing to do, why don’t they just send me to hell already. Finally we have arrived. “What is this place?” I ask. “It’s our new home of course” my mom reply, “it look deserted,” my brother added. “I don’t believe we have to move out here, what the point, there like nobody here, what kind of business is out here.” I got upset.“Now honey, the company your dad work for have a big factory here, and they need your dad to be in charge.” My mom never cared about our social life or anything, “now be a good girl and get inside, you too Alan, Go!”We all ran inside, looking around…apparently there nothing to look at, my brother right, this place is totally deserted. “Wow, what a nice place we have here,” sarcastically, “Don’t you think this place is awesome Alan?” asking my little brother.“Can we move somewhere else, I don’t think I can live in this place, or even in this town?” begging my mother, but of course she would never listen to me. “Akira, I told you, we are going to live here and that is that, now go unpack you stuff, your dad and I going to get some stuff for the house so be still, don’t go anywhere okay.” I don’t know what’s up with parents, they always plant ideas in our head that we don’t even think about that, which make us want to do it more.


“Common Alan, let go explore the town” commanding my brother. “But they said we cannot go anywhere, it dangerous” my brother reply. “Tskk, don’t listen to them, now you want to stay in this boring house or come with me?” He reply “Fine, but if we got in trouble, it’s going to your fault.” So we finally get out this stinking place and look around, this town is so old, it feel like we in some old movie. A small cinema, a local food store, one Wal-Mart (which it also small) everything here is small. But there one building that is easy to spot; it’s the factory that my dad is going to work at. “So Alan, where do you want to go, any idea?” I ask. “Well I want some drink, can we get some soda?”“Sure, I have enough money”“Awesome”As we looking for a soda machine, we catch a sign of this small shed looking like, mysterious looking. “We are going in there” “What? Is it even legal to go in someone else place?”“Ahahaha we just going to check it out.”As we approaching closer, we notice there is someone in there, an old woman, about mid-fifty.“Umm sorry for barging in,” I apologizing.“Don’t be, it is destiny that brought you here,” she speaking in a mysterious voice.“Umm Akira, we should go,” my brother warn me.“No, please sit down, it so nice to see young people again.”Young people? What does she means? She then uncovers a crystal ball on the table.“What is that?” I wonder.“Well you see, I’m a fortune-teller, I can predict the future, just ask me anything”“Are we able to find soda in this town,” my brother burst out loud.“…yes, I can see it, you will find it over there,” pointing her figure over the street.“Nice going Alan, okay now my turn, will I ever get out of this horrible place?”“…hmm yes you will, but you will regret later on.”“Regret it, no wait, never, I wish that we have a reason to move out of this place.”


“Careful what you wish for.”

There a silent that I’m not familiar with, an unnatural feeling.

“Akira, wake up! It’s time to go”What happening, I’m back to my old house? I run down stairs, look around, I see my brother and my mom waiting. “Where are we going?” I ask my mom.“To school of course, are you feeling alright?”“School…don’t we have to move or something?”“Move? to where?”“I think she on drug or something mom,” my brother say. “Alan, don’t you remember, we move to new boring town, then we explored the town, and you want a soda, and we met a fortune-teller, you remember?” I try to remind my brother.“Like I said, she is on drug mom.”“I’m not on drug or anything, I’m being serious…”“Akira, hurry up and let go, we have no time for this nonsense.” My mom says.“Where dad, I need to talk to him,” I asking. Suddenly, it’s silent. For some reason, I have a feeling that something bad has happened. “Where is him?” I keep asking. “Akira, don’t you remember your dad and I,” she irritated “We split up about few months ago, don’t you remember?” her face seen to telling the truth. I don’t know what to do, I run outside, run as far as I can, regretting what I wished for. Thinking to myself, how selfish I am, always thinking of myself, if it not because of my wish, our family would be together. Suddenly I see image, an old looking woman, in the side walk. “Hey you!” I yell. “Hello there young lady, good to see you again”“You remember me, you remember me,” I’m so happy.“How are you doing today? Since you have your wish,” She asks.“Take it back, please take it back,” I beg her.“Aren’t you happy, you are back to you home now, you should be happy.”“No, no I’m not…I want my dad back, he should be with our family.” I start crying. “I’m sorry but I cannot do that, once you wish, you cannot take it back”


“But you said you are fortune-teller, they don’t granting wish or anything.” Suddenly I feel dizzy, and the old woman is disappearing out of my sight. I started panic, thinking to myself this must be a dream. I start to think anyway to wake up out of these hallucinations. Then I looking at the bridge which I didn’t noticed before, “That is my way out of this dream.” I ran to the bridge, I look down, and the water is so dark that it like there no bottom of it. “Akira!” I hear my name call out.Looking back, I see my mom, standing alone, waiting for me to go back to her.I walk closer to the edge of the bridge, thinking that all of this is just a dream. I leap off the edge. In my mind I start to have all of this image of my family, it feel so real like all of this is reality, but this cannot be, because I suppose to be in different town with my whole family. The water hit my face, and I pass out.

“Akira? Akira?”

“Akira, wake up!”“Huh?” It feel weird, my skin feel wet.“Akira, are you okay?” I see my brother above me.“What happen?” I asked.“Well you passed out after we get out of that woman place, you must had dehydrated or something” I get up and run to the woman shed, but all I find is an empty room. Then the thought of my dad come up to my mind. “We have to get home now Alan.”“But what about my soda” “Let go now”We run to our home, for some reason I feel good to see it again. We get inside and nobody there. I look at my brother “Tell me Alan, is dad still with us?”“What are you talking about, of course he still with us,” my brother answers.I’m so happy that was really a dream, I think I will be get use to this small town. Then my brother sniffs me, “Why do you smell like fish Akira?” We look at each other and start to laugh.


By Viet Tran

I learn to live, I learn smilePretend to live, in a tragic lifeHope for a quest, takes me awayFrom all this mess, before it too late.I see people, which just like meThey cry, they laugh, wish to be freeNo one can takes, this pain awaySo let me please, and set me free.

By Viet Tran

When sky turns darkAnd the sun disappearThe livings are ignoreAnd the end is near.Creature or no creatureHuman or no humanNo time for the futureNo time for the present.No more light in our eyesNo more blood in our bodyNo more dignifyThe end its will be.Unless we believeTomorrow is a new dayThe end is an illusionWe will be okay.

Through hoarous waters,Through armored gates,Through peasents and farmers,I shred through in hate.FOR NORDERON, I GO!To the asgardian king,To vanquish the foe,They haven’t a chance,To stop thy and thy spear,Tis quite a dance.Not a dance they will winBut a dance that’ll cost them their XinXin is a warrior, hard with mightGuardian of the king, a ravaging fightThough he hadn’t a chance, he rushed to thy deathI pondered, isn’t this as though its Macbeth?I slayed him anyway, and skinned for his peltFor shown to the king, in his kilt, he will meltAnd thus a victory, FOR NORDERON! I HAST BROUGHT!Oh, im so glad thy fought. “Because now i have a Xin pelt hat ”, I thought..


HopeBy Viet Tran

Days come and days goSometime it fast, other it slow

Some wish the time would stopSo let me go on and hope.

Waiting for yesterdayWish it come true one day

From dawn to dust, the time won’t stopBut I’ll go on and continue to hope.

Memories start to scatterThe hope become fader

The time would never stopBut I’ll keep on and hope.

A thousand years laterStand here waiting for herThe time still hasn’t stop

So I give up the hopeAnd I go on and sob.

Taking my evening strollAlong the lit up streets,I found a little girlHolding up kitty treats.

She held them highIn the palm of her hand,Repeatedly called a name“Zand, Zand, Zand!”

I asked her,“What’s the matter, sweet pea?”Her reply was“My cat ran up the tree!”

I looked aroundIn hopes of an idea,When I saw a ladderLeaning against our local pizzeria.

I went over to retrieve itAnd brought it back to the spot,Leaned it against the trunkAnd suddenly got very hot.

How could I have forgottenI have a horrible fear of heights???Falling off the roofWould give anyone these frights.

I looked at the little girlAnd took a deep breath,I kept telling myself“Saving this cat will not end in my death.”

I climbed upMy knees shaking.I look at the cat,It seems to be waking.

I held out a treatAnd caught its eye.The cat begins to moveFrom where it lies.

It stalks toward meLooking a bit wary,I reach out my hand:His tail is quite hairy.

I grab the little guyAnd descend down the ladder.I reach the groundAnd have never been gladder.

When I gave her the catShe looked at me with so much glee.I couldn’t help but smileWhen she thanked me.

Chivalry PoemBy Kylie C.

Being woken up by my chicks chirping gets old quickly. Just once I’d like to sleep in. Well, at least it won’t be long until their out of the nest.I slowly stand up, and stretch my enormous wings before taking flight from the nest. I start heading towards the forest, but decide to take a detour through the local park to see what the humans are up to. I fly closer so they can gawk at the sight of me.Not sure why they’re so fascinated by my kind. Perhaps it’s my large size, or my blackish-brown body in combination with my white head and tail, or maybe it’s just my intimidating yellow beak and claws. Then again, why shouldn’t they be amazed? I am a glorious sight to behold.The bay catches my keen eye and I am reminded of my three hungry hatchlings. I hover over it in search for the perfect opportunity to attack. A couple minutes pass by before I spot a fish swimming near the surface. I swoop down and glide over the surface of the water before snatching up my prey and lifting it into the air.

Bald Eagle By Kylie C.

Time to head home.It takes a while for the little guy to stop struggling, but his thrashing finally subsides as the nest comes into view. I’m greeted by their eager squawks and hurry over to feed them. I place the fish in the nest and as I land, I ball my talons into fists so I don’t accidently injure one of them. The squawking grows louder with anticipation as I tear the fish apart. I coax them to take the food from my beak one by one, until they are all satisfied.Finally, I get some peace and quiet. Suppose I’ll nap a bit before my mate comes home.ZzzzZzzzZzzz.

It hurts to love someone that doesn’t love you backSome you want to care for you and caress you and pick up all your slack.Like chasing a floating balloon that you know you can’t catch.You lie awake at night thinking of what you could have had, or could be,but pray one day would beYou can’t imagine yourself with any other so you grow old, lonely,

and loveless waiting for your true lover.Lonely and loveless you now become. Now your heart feens likea flower needing sun.Nothing can fill the place in your heart but that one. Like the plantyou once knew your heart will not grow.But if you wait too long it will soon be night and the sun will be gone.

Art by Kyle Rice

By StalineWhat’s happening to us?Day by day,the world becomes worst…the things I see in movies…I ask myself,how did this became reality?Blood, blood, bloodall over the world…and yet we fail to see,that we are notcats and dogs…orgold and silver…if one of us had a priceit would’ve [...]

Art by Viet Tran

Birds sing the coming

of dawn

Praise to a new day

Nature is blue

Nature is green

Nature is every color possibly seen

Nature must be love

for it is made by god above

Nature dances to a rhythm of her own.

She sits proud and confident upon her hefty thrown

Forever is the life of nature

but the trees and flowers must die within her.

By Bianca Sumter

Is it the color of my skin that scares you?I am a somebody how dare you

Do my strengths make your run?When I look at you with piercing eyes like the sun

You can feel my anger insideMy respect for you at last has died

Beautiful Black and BoldA dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold

I am special and I am bright and If you don’t see this lose your sight

You look down on me but how could this be?What do you see? I see a more confident side of me

My voice may not fear youBut I know my words do

My gender may not intimidate But, I know this world is waiting for me to strike like a powerful earthquake

Beautiful Black and BoldA dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold

I have integrity and you’re filled with stupidityBut I will once again hold my head high with dignity

I will make my stamp on this worldBecause I am a precious pearl

I will break your judgment link by link And I will do it all dressed in pink

Beautiful Black and BoldA dime a Jewel and a piece of Gold

By Sarah Giacomoni

“Yee Haw” said the fishermen, as the boat headed out into the majestic blue sea. Their all ready for a great adventure to occur. All the fishing poles are set, the boat is fueled and excitement is pouring out of the crew.

The men go fifty miles out hoping to catch a monster a monster fish. Billy has been fishing with these men for only a few days, but he feels right at home. “Whoa” one of the men blurts out as he gets the bait ready and is stopped by the smell.

The race begins! As the men drop their fishing lines into the water, only a few minutes pass when suddenly…… Billy is brought to his feet, when a powerful beast takes the bait. This epic battle last for three long grueling hours.

Then the amazing beast emerged out of the glowing blue water. A whopping 1,000 pound sword fish is the winning catch. As the sun sets the boat starts back to the shore. While Billy sits with a grin on his face and with his prize winning fish by his side.

Waiting and Watching

I sit in the stands waiting and watching I’ll get up once in a while to check the bracket sheet just make sure I know who I have. I’ll watch him during warm-ups just see if he has any tendencies or favorite moves. After that I stare at my opponent waiting to see his reaction. I use this technique to see what his confidence level is if looks at me and look’s away I’ll know he knows he’s in for a tough night if he keeps looking away and looking back at me I’ll know he’s scared and probably knows he can’t beat me if stares right back I’ll see that he’s confident and thinks he’s better than me, I love when they do that it makes it feel so much better when you put them in their place. So after that it’s back to waiting and watching after about an hour or two I hear my favorite sound of the day “Anthony Turner Booker” that means it’s time to go to head table to see where I’m wrestling. Once I get there I either wait for my opponent to show up or he’s already there waiting. They make sure were who we say we are and then they give us the bout sheet this is the most important part of the match if the person tries to grab the bout sheet first then there saying I’m going to win this match if they don’t grab it at all there saying I don’t think I can win I always grab it first. So after we take the bout sheet to the mat were wrestling on they tell us how much time before our match I like to have at least a couple of minutes to warm up and listen to a song that get’s me into my zone it varies from meet to meet. After I see i ref call me over to the mat I know what time it is I take my sweats off put on head gear and head out to the match shake hands with my opponent then I get down to business
