  • 1. Best Self Tanner- How the Skin Tanning Works

2. Most women and men think they would be a lot more sexier if they get a sexy tan on their bodies. That is the reason why they can be found laying out on beach in the summer time. They have made up in their minds that getting a tan will make a big difference in their lives. 3. If you do not want to bake your own skin, you should talk to a dermatologist or an expert when it comes to tanning your body. You need to know the type of skin you have and make sure you choose the best self tanner product that will work best for you. 4. How the Skin Tanning Works The sun contains two types of ultraviolet radiation that can be absorbed by your skin while you are laying out in the sun. One is called UVA and the other one is called UVB. The reason why most people get sunburned is because the UVB radiation burns the outer layer of their skin or epidermis. But, of the two types of radiations which one causes you to have that beautiful tan you want so much? 5. It is the UVA rays. These rays penetrate into beginner layer of your skin and they trigger the melanocytes. These skin cells are responsible for producing your skin's melanin. The melanin is a colored pigment, usually brown, and it is what causes your skin to tan. 6. Skin Tan Warning To keep your skin from burning, melanin has been known to be a protective coating for protecting your skin. If you have darker skin it will be much more easier for you to get a tan then someone with lighter skin. The reason for this is the melanocytes in your skin are able to make a lot more melanin. 7. Just because it is easier for you to get a suntan do not think your body cannot get sunburned. You are not protected against the risk of getting skin cancer and some of the other problems that can result from tanning your skin. 8. With summer just around the corner people of all ages can't wait to hit the beaches so they can get that suntan that they have been wanting. There is nothing wrong with wanting to have nice-looking skin but, is getting skin cancer worth the risk. There are other ways you can have a beautiful tanned body without exposing yourself to harmful ultraviolet rays. 9. For a free trial of thebest self tannervisit Brought to you by: Amber Kingston
