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THEM)Presented by : Kenneth P. Paul Sulipa

MM 230 - Marketing ManagementUniversity of the Philippines

Prof. Mita Angela M. Dimalanta

Written by Courtney Seiter

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Best-Adjective-excelling all others  (

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Innovation-Noun-Act or process of introducing new ideas, devices, or methods (

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INNOVATIONMarketers and innovators are those who create new products, services, and ideas, get people excited about them, and thus help to fulfill customer needs.

successful campaigns(target messaging to consumers, business partners, advertisers and distributors)

= creative campaigns

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This ambition requires a deep understanding of individual markets and customers, calls on its stakeholders to be creative, to keep abreast of changes in popular culture, to grasp the latest technological developments and to be able to put them to profitable use.

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3. The trend caller

Marketer: Mary Meeker- American venture capitalist and

former Wall Street securities analyst.

- Partner at the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers.

- In 2014, listed as 77th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.

Innovation: No slide deck is more anticipated every year than Meeker’s giant analysis of digital trends from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers. In the 2016 Internet Trends Report, Meeker breaks down why Snapchat video marketing works, what motivates Millennials and so much more.


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8.The surprise mixtape

Marketer: Toki Wright- American rapper, organizer, and educator from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Innovation: While most brand’s April Fools Day jokes are forgotten within 24 hours, Hamburger Helper produced an April 1st “prank” that’s a cut above: a shockingly good mixtape called Watch the Stove. The project started as a Twitter joke, but after General Mills enlisted music veteran Toki Wright and the students at McNally Smith College of Music, the project took on new heft - and took the Internet by storm.


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25.Keeping it weird on Facebook

Marketer: Sarah Burton

Innovation: How do you get an increasingly overstimulated audience interested in reading the news? What if you read it to them in a sultry whisper? BuzzFeed’s Burton has been experimenting with “ASMR News” - that’s “autonomous sensory meridian response,” for those not in the know, a kind of “brain orgasm” triggered by sounds such as scratching and whispering. “Right now we’re keeping it weird, but simple,” Burton told NiemanLab. “We’re trying to see what people respond to.”


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21. A heatmap for your Google Analytics

Marketer: SEER Interactive

Seer Interactive is a digital marketing agency with offices in Philadelphia and San Diego. We believe in doing a few things, and doing them well. For us, that means outstanding service and innovation across SEO, PPC, and Analytics. When Seer was founded in 2002 by Wil Reynolds, it was a one-person search firm. Today, our talented team of over 100 people strives for leadership across the marketing industry.

Innovation: Google Analytics’ heatmap feature lets users visualize metrics, like users or revenue, over time. But you can’t have it in a report—until now. The analytics team at SEER built a custom Google sheet that allows you to create a heatmap metrics and identify growing or hot trends over time.


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Before outlaying too much cash, best approach is to develop your minimum viable product (MVP), take it to market, and build a ecosystem between the innovators, marketers and customers around further development and incremental innovation based on your prospects’ reactions.


Innovators and marketers must collaborate to bring this to market to test, tweak and refine the product based on feedback and response. The moment the product is identified as having a probably chance of success, a wider rollout is important.

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Definition of modern-day marketing involves any activity that gets and keeps customers.


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