Page 1: Berman-TengchongJadeCarvingProductBrochure

Michael Berman

Tengchong Jade Carving

History: A precious stone carved with bone … Jade carving in China originated in Tengchong County during the middle of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Tengchong, known as the City of Jade, is located on the western edge of the Yunnan Province. The city is known for its peace and solitude as well as being the base of jade trading and processing operations. After seeing even more success during the middle and late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), the jade boom in Tengchong was interrupted by the “War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression” (1937-45). Production came to a halt when jade was condemned for representing feudal cultural values from the years of 1966-1976. The jade trade resumed only recently in the early 1990’s. Today, with even more emphasis on craftsmanship, the jade trade is expanding and bringing wealth to local people.

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Value: A glowing gem of life… Jade, sleek and luxurious, can be considered even more valuable than gold in China. Jade carvings, previously used as betrothal gifts and decorations, require a unique and religious form of processing. Jade is hand carved and polished with precision; when ground to its smooth surface, jade glows subtle shades of greens, greys, and browns. Jade is not only visually stunning, it is also distinguishable by its size and the skill of the hands that carve it. The finely detailed carvings of lotus leaves, dragons, and phoenixes require a careful and precise hand. Jade is a labor-intensive material favored as one of society’s most precious objects. Considering the many months it takes to produce one jade carving, it is a wonder how many carvings have been created.

Function: Subtle hues of freshness and vitality… Jade carvings often feature Buddhist figures closely linked with real life pursuits. Jade carvings, often favored by both kings as well as nobles, are items used for rituals of prosperity, good luck, and happiness. The beauty of jade is known to symbolize personality of mysterious and rare beauty as well as virtue. These carvings are made to give people vigor for life filled with freshness and vitality. The unique glow of the jade will lift your spirits and enhance your life with beauty.
